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February 03, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-02-03

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

Ak it3au


Winter storm watch today
and tonight. Cloudy with
freezing rain, mixed with
sleet and light snow. High
near 30.

Vol. XCII, No. 102 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 3, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages


hij ,acks
MIAMI (AP) - A "homesick Cuban"
carrying a bottle of gasoline hijacked a
jetliner with 77 people aboard to
Havana'yesterday authorities said. It
was the first successful U.S. hijacking
in more than six months.
No injuries were reported to anyone
on the Air Florida Boeing 737, which
had left Miami about 2:40 p.m. EST.
bound for Key West.
THE PLANE, carrying 72 passengers
including the hijacker and a crew of
five, landed at Havana's Jose Marti
Airport at 3:28 p.m.,;and Jack Barker of
the Federal Aviation Administration ir
Atlanta said he believed Cuban
authorities took the hijacker mto
About 2 hours later, the jet, minus
the hijacker left Havana for the 40-
minute flight to Key West International
Airport, its original destination, of-
ficials said. The plane landed at 6:32
p.m. in Key West and passengers wF et
being interviewed by the FBI, accor-
ding td Fred Farrar of the FAA. The
crew was returning the plane to Miami.
FBI spokesman Wayne Bonner said.
in Washington that the hijacker was a
single unidentified Latin male. He said
negotiations had started with the,
Castro government on returning the'
man to the United States.
Dave Mulligan, Air Florida vice
president for operations, said the pilot,
Capt. Gerry Cook, remained calm
during- radio transmissions abut' the
It was an Air Florida Boeing 737 that
crashed into a bridge on takeoff from
Washington's National Airport Jan. 13
in the first commercial airline disaster
in the United States in more than two
years. Seventy-eight people on the
plane and bridge were killed.

Ed School
plans major

Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Tradition marches on
Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity members, stopped here in front of the president's house, draw much attention from
curious students who encountered the group dressed in black, hooded robes. DKE marched and sang following the
tradition of their Monthly March.

Reagan proposes to cut
GSLs' for grad students

Threatened by budget cutbacks and de-
clining enrollment, the- University's
School of Education is developing a
plan of drastic reorganization to aid the
school in handling its own dwindling
resources and financial realities.
The school's Executive Committee
and Dean Joan Stark are formulating
plans to consolidate academic
programs, reduce the number of
teaching facilty, and make educational
research the primary focus of the
"THE EXECUTIVE Committee is
working on downsizing the school.
We're trying to re-cast the School-if it
can be done - into some sort of fun-
ctional structure that will concentrate
our strengths," said Loren Barritt,
Eduction School professor and member
of the committee.
The plani for the school's
reorganization, drawn up during the
past year, will be presented to the
school's faculty in February. One facet
of the plan calls for condensing the 12
existing programs and one department
into six separate divisons, according to
Dean Stark. Art additional ad-
ministrative unit would also be created
to handle all undergraduate programs.
Some programs would be forced to
merge with others within the school as
a result of the reorganization, Stark
said. An area weakened by a reduced -
number of faculty, such as special
education, might merge with a
program such as educational
psychology, she explained.
SOME PROGRAM consolidation has
already occured between the Education
and Community Development and
Social Foundations programs. The

Graduate students will no longer be
eligible : to receive government-finan-
ced Guaranteed Student Loans if
Congress approves a Reagan ad-
ministration proposal next week.
The proposal, which would force
about half of the nation's 130,000
graduate and professional students to
seek commercial loans or to pay the full
cost of their educations is part of
President Reagan's proposed budget
for the coming fiscal year, and will be
considered by Congress Monday.
If Congress approves the plan, the

impact on graduate and professional
students will likely be substantial and a
number of students will probably not be
able to afford to return to school, ac-
cording to the'dean of the University's
Rackham graduate school, Alfred
The University's director of financial
aid, Harvey GrQtrian, said his office is
already investigating possible new
sources of aid to make up for the loss of
GSLs for graduate students, which
would take effect April1 if approved.
He said that the Reagan ad-
ministration had, made the proposal to

cut GSLs for graduate students partly
to force them to seek other sources of
aid, such as Auxilliary Loans to Assist
Students. This type of loan is borrowed
at a higher rate of interest and paymen-
ts are not deferred until graduation by
the government, as is the case with
GROTRIAN SAID his office had
made calls last week to 17 key commer-
cial lenders, requesting that they par-
ticipate as a source in the ALAS loan
program. "Only two agreed to par-
ticipate," however, Grotrian said. The
See REAGAN, Page 2

... says progratns will merge
Foreign Language and English
Teacher preparation programs also
have undergone moderate con-
solidation, Stark said. d
But associate Dean Carl Berger said
the school must make sure the unique
academic areas that certain education
school programs cover, remain
If this consolidation does not achieve
the desired budget reductions, Stark
and some administrators claim, the
size of the faculty may have to be
ONE WAY OF reducing the number
of professors will be through "natural
attrition" not replacing faculty mem-
bers who have retired or moved, said
rTed...Wilmn, editor- of the... school's._
magazine, "The Innovator."
See BUDGET, Page 7

Guerrillas attack San Salvador outskirts

From AP and UPI
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Lef-
tist guerrillas battling El Salvador's
U.S.-backed junta launched a rare
early morning attack on the eastern
city of Usulutan yesterday and claimed
control of the northeastern town of
National guard- sources said
guerrillas launched the predawn attack
to take advantage of a blackout they
caused by bombing two high-voltage
power lines early Monday.'
A MILITARY source reached by
telephone in Usulutan, 70 miles east of
San Salvador; said fighting was heavy
in at least four sections of the city
yesterday morning.
He said guerrillas attacked about 6
a.m., killing at least one natinal
policeman and wounding three soldiers..
There was no word on guerrilla

At midday the army said it had
restored order in Usulutan but admited
there was still sporadic shooting.
SAN SALVADOR morgue authorities
said the bodies of 17 persons presumed
to have been killed in the political
- violence, have been found in the past 24
Residents of the city described the
fighting as "intense" and said it was
the strongest of the three rebel attacks
on Usulutan in the past month.
The guerrillas have been treatening a
major offensive for more than a month
but it was too early to tell if the attacks
mark the start of the offensive or just a
flareup in the civil war that has taken
more than 30,000 lives since the junta
came to power in El Salvador in Oc-
tober 1979.
SECRETARY OF State Alexander
Haig told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee in Washington that in-

filtration of arms to El Salvador's
guerrillas "is again approaching the
high levels recorded, just before last
year's so-called 'final offensive." He
said the U.S. government will do
"whatever is necessary" to contain the
"I am not about to lay out a litany of
actions that may or may not take
place," Haig said. "We are considering
a whole range of options - political,
economic, and security-in response to
Cuban intervention in this
The additional $55 million in military
supplies raises U.S. military aid to El
Salvador for 1982 from $26 million to $81
million. The total economic and
military aid package is $225 billion, in-
cluding food and agricultural credits.
Guierrillas contend it would take in-
tervention of American troops to stop
the eventual fall of the junta.-.


San Salvador
0 Usuluta .

New penalty fee for
late add/drops debated

New storm expected to bury

From AP and UPI
The National Weather Service issued a warning
yesterday telling Michigan residents a new storm
was on its way and was expected to dump at least
another half foot of snow on the already stunned
southern part of the state.
Snow, sleet, or freezing rain was forecast for nor-
thern and central Illinois and Indiana, and southern
Wisconsin, to reach Michigan today.
THE, STORM comes on top of Sunday's bliz-
zard-the worst since 1978-which left 16 dead, high-
ways impassable and hundreds of schools and fac-
tories closed.
In one incident, 4 32-year-old man shot and
critically wounded his father after they argued over,

who would shovel the driveway, Detroit police said.
"It's just one of those weird weather things, I
guess," said Sgt. David Grode of the 13th Precinct.
IN EAST Lansing, snow blocked an intake vent for
the furnace system Monday at the Financial Service
Center, sending five persons who were overcome
with carbon monoxide fumes to the hospital.
A Clawson man also froze to death on Saginaw Bay
Monday after he and his cousin became lost in the
storm Sunday while ice fishing.
At least 150 school districts in a dozen counties in
the southern half of the state remained closed yester-
day and many were expected to stay closed for at
least a third day this week.
POLICE SAID at least 1,000 cars were abandoned

on Detroit expressways and surface streets.
Road crews continued to work shifts ranging from
16-to-30 hours in efforts to clear major roads. But
secondary streets-especially in the Detroit area-
remained clogged with foot-high snow.
"Our big problem is that our men are becoming
exhausted," said Ken Cook, secretary of the Ingham
9ounty Road Commission.'
Detroit has already paid out more than $1 million
for 'know clearing since Christmas-and officials
were worried about the prospects of another storm.
"Meteorologists have been wrong before," said
Lou Sugo, a spokesman for the Wayne County road
commission in Detroit. "Let's hope they are this

Members of the LSA Curriculum
Committee yesterday questioned a new
University policy to charge students a.
$10 fee for each course they drop or add
after the three-week deadline.
The University had announced
earlier that it would begin assessing the
fee in September in an effort to per-
suade students to make all changes in
their registration before the drop/add
deadline. But yesterday several faculty
and student members of the curriculum
committee criticized the new fee as un-
DOUGLAS Wooley, the University's
assistant registrar, however, defended
the need for the fee as a deterrent to
students who needlessly delay their
trips to registration until after the
deadline has passed.
"I didn't recommend this fee.for
revenue," Wooley said. "My sole
reason was to reduce the traffic
through registration (CRISP) after the
third week."
Wooley said that CRISP accom-
modated more than 6,000 visits from
students after the drop/add deadline
had expired last fall term, and more
than 5,500 late student visits so far this
ASSISTANT LSA Dean for Curricular
Affairs Jens Zorn said the admim-

nistrative burden of processing late
drops is becoming so great that the
University must begin moving toward a
policy that will result in a reduction.
Several curriculum committee
members, however, in a meeting
yesterday, insisted that students are
adequately deterred from dropping
classes late by the fact that students
who withdraw from classes after the
deadline are given a permanent "W" on
their t'anscripts and the fact that
students who withdraw late are also
charged for a portion of the tuition for
dropped classes.
'According to Helen Crafton,, LSA
academic actions director and a mem-
ber of the curriculum committee, the
new fee policy is designed to discourage
students from dropping courses late for
academic reasons, which she said
causes inconvenience and waste.
"I HAVE SEEN the transcripts of
people who have five course elections of
Math 115," Crafton said, adding that
students have come to her office after
the drop deadline for "no other reason
'than they are failing the course."
LSA Student Government member
Richard Layman replied, "That not
only says so~nething about the student
who is taking the course, but about the

Which way is home?

Men's Glee Club.I
sound, some 110 miles
southwest of Ann Arbor.
The Glee Club members
were snowed in after a con-
cert last Saturday evening,
in Columbia City, Indiana.
The National Guard wasj

members of the
Found, all 58,

safe and

Mod mentors
Isn't it bewildering that some University professors can
manage to look like they walked off the pages of a Saks Fif-
th Avenue catalogue on their meager salaries& help us
determine which of these mod mentors deserve recognition
for acquiring this stylish skill. Send your nomination, in-
cluding the name of your favorite fashionable professor, his
or her department, and an explanation of why he or she
merits a place on the list of the Ten Best-Dressed
Professors; to the Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, attention:
Supplement-News. The results will appear in the Daily's

clear skies. "The prediction is bad news for an AmeriQa
already reeling under the staggering blows of one of the
worst winters on record," said Charles Erhard, president of
the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, who interpreted Phil's
prognostication. Fun.u
Great day for a drive
Mark Moffler took a state car for a quick trip to the air-
port. Three months later his boss got the parking bill-for,
$202.50. Moffler, an employee of the Department of Natural
jResources from St. Petersburg, Fla., had been in the

$202.50 parking bill and askedliow much longer the depar-
tment planned to leave it there. Auditor General Ernest
Ellsion cited the incident in a performance audit on the
DNR Central Motor Pool, and Comptroller Gerald Lewis
sent an angry letter to DNR Director Elton Gissendanner
asking him to present a "full report" to Gov. Bob Graham
and the state cabinet. John Dull, chief of the DNR finance
and Accounting Bureau, wrote- that the DNR has now
changed its motor pool procedures so that a permaneit-
record is kept of each vehicle's status. He added that the
department is also considering possible disciplinary action
against the employees involved.


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