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September 14, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-14

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Page 2-Sunday, September 14, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Order by state Supreme Court
forces Tisch proposalrewording


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Striking Polish steelworkers
win approval to form unions

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LANSING (UPI)-State elections
officials were scheduled to meet this
week to draft the official wording of the
Tisch tax cut proposal, ordered onto the
ballot by the Michigan Supreme Court
in an unusual weekend hearing.
. Elections Director George Herstek
said yesterday a meeting of the board
of state canvassers would be held "for-
thwhith,",Tuesday at the' earliest, to
approve wording of the measure and
beging the process of printing ballots.
Since officials were working under a
court order, Herstek said he was not
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concerned about state law requiring
notification of local clerks of the ballot
wording by Tuesday.
Acting only about two hours after an
extraorindary Friday night hearing,
state Supreme Court justices agreed
petitions for the 50 percent property tax
cut plan met legal requirements and
directed state election officials to act to
place it before the voters.
THE TISCH PLAN-denounced by
top state officials as a potentially
devastating blow to state gover-
nment-will appear along with two
rival tax reform plans, one drafted by
the Milliken administration.
The court overruled Ingham County
Circuit Judge James Giddings who had
found the Tisch petitions legally defec-
tive because they failed to disclose all
provisions of the state Constitution
which the amendment would alter or
void. The petitions had more than

enough signatures.
The author of the proposal,
Shiawassee County drain com-
missioner Robert Tisch, said he was
"terribly delighted for the people who
worked so hard to support me now for
as much as a year and one fialf."
He had bitter words for activist at-
torney Zolton Ferency, whose lawsuit
led to Giddings' ruling.
"PEOPLE WILL see him now for
what he is-a damned troublemaker
who would like to deny the freedom of
every citizen of the state of Michigan,"
Tisch said.
State Attorney General Frank Kelley
said "the decision reinforces the
people's right of petition for changes in
the constitutional framework of the
"Allowing public acceptance or

rejection of ballot issues strengthens
our democracy," said Kelley, who also
challenged Giddings' ruling.
blasting the Tisch proposal, said voters
should get a chance to vote on the
"I believe the Tisch proposal is bad
for Michigan and bad for its citizens but
I would rather have the final judgment
on Tisch made by the citizens than by
the courts," Milliken said. "In the end,
I believe the proposal will fail on its own
The high court heard about an hour of
arguments in an unusual Friday night
session called because of the Jewish
Justice John Fitzgerald declined to
comment on the reasons for the high
court ruling, saying they would be ex-
plained in an opinion to be issued soon.

Hostage negotiations may occur
as Khomeini changes demands,

WARSAW, Poland-Thousands of striking Polish steelworkers in
Katowice have won government approval to form independent trade unions,'
the official news agency PAP said yesterday, and the usually quiet
Peasant's Party demanded a greater role in government.
An independent union spokesman in the Baltic port of Gdansk, mean-
while, denied that shipyard workers would strike tomorrow over a benefits
dispute. Reports that workers joining his movement may lose health and
welfare benefits have been circulating in the area.
Meeting another demand of its workers, Poland said yesterday the state
radio will begin broadcasting Roman Catholic mass nationwide on Sundays.
Hoffa's wife dies
of heart illness
DETROIT-For more than five years, Josephine Hoffa waited anxiously
for word on the fate of her husband, missing ex-Teamsters president James
R. Hoffa.
Her health gradually declined during her long and lonely vigil and she
finally succumbed to recurring heart problems Friday night at age 62.
"I think that my father's disappearance was a big factor in the begin-
ning of the decline of her health because the light of her life went out," said
son James P. Hoffa who was at his mother's bedside when she died. "She put
up a very valiant struggle and a very gallant fight."
Children of illegal aliens begin
school tomorrow in Texas
DALLAS-Thousands of children of illegal aliens, most of them from.
Mexico, begin their first full week in Texas' public schools tomorrow, taking
advantage of bitterly disputed court rulings granting them free education.
State officials are worried about who will pick up the tab, school ad=
ministrators say they were overburdened anyway, and some citizens say the
cause of the "problem"-an almost-open border-is not being addressed and
may get worse.
But others say schools can successfully absorb the students, many of.,
whom will need bilingual teachers. Gov. Bill Clements, who originally sided,
with those opposing admission of the children, reversed his position on
Friday and said the pupils pose no hardship on local school systems.
Fraser calls
Reagan apprentice
DES MOINES, Iowa=United Auto Workers President Douglas Fraser-
saying voters have the clearest choices since 1964-yesterday labeled
Jimmy Carter as a journeyhan President and Ronald Reagan an appren-'
Fraser, comparing the presidency to training workers, likened Carter to
a journeyman with three and one-half years of experience.
Fraser derided independent John Anderson as a conservative and urged
members to work for the re-election of Carter.


Continued from Page 1)
The U.S. government does not object to
Iran making claims on these assets but
officials say the government would
have no role in a final decision.
Billions of additional dollars are in-
volved in Khomeini's demand for can-
cellation of U.S. claims against Iran
and for the release of Iranian assets
which President Carter froze shortly
after the hostage crisis began.
The one demand which apparently
poses no difficulty for the ad-
ministration calls for U.S. guarantees
of non-intervention in Iran's internal af-
fairs. Since the start of the crisis, the
administration has repeatedly volun-
teered such assurances.
ONE OFFICIAL shook his head when
he recalled the difficulty the United
States has had in resolving finan-
cialclaims disputes with other coun-
tries. In some cases, decades passed
before they were settled.
Meanwhile, in Paris, a spokesman for
former Iranian premier Shahpour

Bakhtiar quickly denied a U.S.
newspaper report that the exiled
politician was joining forces with the
late shah's son to stage a monarchist
coup in Iran.
Bakhtiar, a prominent opposition
figure who served as the shah's last
premier, has already said his goal is the
overthrow of Khomeini's turbaned dic-
tatorship. But he has also opposed a
restoration of the monarchy.
The Atlanta Constitution had repor-
ted key anti-Khomeini exiles in the
United States and Europe were forming
a "common front" to restore a limited
monarchy in 'Iran under Crown Prince
Reza, whom the shah on his deathbed
designated as the heir to his toppled
In another development, the Iranian
news agency Pars said Iranian forces,
reinforced by volunteers including ar-
med theology students, yesterday
recaptured three border outposts held by
troops of the rival Islamic regime in
Pars said one Iranian soldier was

killed and eight wounded in two days of
fighting to "recover" the outposts
along the disputed 75-square-mile bor-
der area. It claimed "about 100 Iraqis
were killed," and heavy damage was
inflicted on Iraqi installations, am-
munition depots and strongholds.
Iraq, in a military communique
broadcast by Baghdad radio, said Iran
continued its "hostile activities" on
Iraq's eastern border Friday and
yesterday. It made no mention of a loss
of territory.
Iran and Iraq have been fighting a
sporadic border war since the Iranian
revolutionin 1979. The dispute centers
on conflicting territorial claims and
sectarian hostility between Iraq's
ruling Islamic Baath Party and Iran's
Shiite Moslem leaders.
Pars also announced yesterday that
Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-
Sadr will send a special envoy to Lon-
don to protest the deportation of Iranian
demonstrators arrested in the British
capital early last month.

Hostages'families skeptical
of Khomeini'sproposal

DC-3 crashes in storTmn;



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WESLEY FOUNDATION (corner State & Huron)
Guatemala El Salvador:
Churchpeople in the Struggle
Will the U.S. Intervene Militarily?
Phillip Berryman has been with the American Friends Service Committee for
the past four years in Guatemala. His most recent publication is "What
Happened at Puebla?" in Churches and Politics in Latin America, Daniel
Levine, ed.
WESLEY FOUNDATION (corner State & Huron)
Assassination on Embassy Row:
Chile's Terrorism in Wash., D.C.
John Dinges, Washington Post correspondent and co-author with Saul Landau
of the Institute for Policy Studies, of the book Assassination on Embassy Row.
This is the highly acclaimed report on the official-and the unofficial-
investigation of the bombing which killed Orlando Letlier, former Chilean
Ambassador, and Ronnie Moffitt, a colleague with IPS, in Washington, D.C.

,onlinued from Page I'1
"I'M HOPING IT is a breakthrough. I
don't know if it is. I hope they can come
to an understanding."
Dorothea Morefield, wife of U.S.
Counsel Richard Morefield, said
Khomeini's remarks were the most
"sensible" she had heard yet but ad-
is preserved on
The Michigan Daily
420 Maynard Street
Graduate Library

"It was good news today but I'm slow
to get excited. You hold back because:
we've been disappointed twice before.",
Dorothy Hall, mother of hostage Joe
Hall, said simply: "We'll have to wait
and see what transpires.
"We never had any claim on the
money . . . I have always felt if the
money legally belongs to the people of
Iran, then it should be returned to
them," she said. "I don't know whether
the people would get it or not, but it
really isn't our money anyway and I
would far rather have the hostages
returned than the money."
Perhaps the most pessimistic reac-
tion to the Khomeini proposal came
from Alberta Gillette, mother of Navy
communications specialist Duane
Gillette, 23.
"Nothing gets my hopes up anymore
you hear this news and it's just a
statement, that's all," she said. "You
don't take nothing seriously. Tomorrow
it may change again."
The first horse ever to win both the
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officials fear nQ survivors
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.-A chartered DC-3 carrying 34 people from,
Florida to a Bahamas casino resort crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in a fier-
ce storm, and officials searching for bodies in rough seas yesterday feared
there were no survivors.
* The Florida Commuter Airlines plane, which had 30 passengers and a
crew of four, went down a few miles short of its destination in Freeport,
Bahamas, late Friday during a siege of high winds, funnel clouds, rain,,,
thunder, and lightning.
Fifteen bodies had been recovered by yesterday afternoon as Coast
Guard helicopters and rescue boats searched shark-infested waters churned.
by 6-foot seas and continuing squalls.
Gov't may provide fund
for toxic waste cleanup
WASHINGTON-Representatives of state and local governments urged
the Senate Finance Committee yesterday to approve legislation that would
establish a $4 billion "superfund" to begin the cleanup of toxic chemical -
The legislation would help finance the removal of hazardous wastes
seeping into the environment and allow some compensation for victims of
the toxic wastes.
The chemical industry, by and large, has strongly opposed the bill
because it stresses fees to the industry to pay for waste cleanup and includes
legal provisions that would make companies liable for injuries resulting
from their wastes.


Volume XCI, No.10
Sunday, September 14.1980

The Michigan Daily is edited and managea by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
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Editor-in-Chief...................MARK PARRET-
Managing Editor .................. MITCH CANTOR
City Editor ...................... PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor ................... TOMAS MIRGA
Opinion Page Editors ................ JOSHUA PECK
Magazine Editors .......,.....ELISA ISAACSON

Elaine Rideout, Beth Rosenberg, Julie Selbst, Kevin
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John Hagen, Lisa Klausner, Jim Kruz, Maureen
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Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
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