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September 14, 1980 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-14

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, ptm r ,190
. . . . . .,.*.*.4**.***.**........................... . . . . . ..T eMcia a y-lSundayY September 14,b1980
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Page 3
I i

don't react
to Bullard
GEO letter

Despite the efforts of State Rep.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), the
University Regents do not appear to
have changed their position on the
rights of the Graduate Employees
Union to bargain collectively for a con-
ON Aug. 8, Bullard wrote a letter to
the Regents, asking them to reconsider
their appeal of a recent court ruling
declaring that graduate teaching
assistants are employees as opposed to
students and are therefore covered by
the Public Employment Relations Act,
which entitles them to collective
THE DECISION was the second such

ruling by Michigan Employment,
Relations Commission Administrative
Law Judge Shlomo Sperka. The first set
of pro-GEO findings was appealed by
the Regents in late 1977.
Bullard's letter said, "One is forced
to conclude that the University is sim-
ply delaying, in an attempt to break the
resolve of the GEO, and to avoid
dealing with its Graduate Students
Assistants in a collective bargaining
Because the Regents were in recess
last month there is no evidence that
Bullard's letter has had any effect on
the University's stance in the case.
Shapiro said yesterday, "The Univer-
sity's official position on the matter has

not changed."
"I don't know of any effect on the
University's position that Mr. Bullard's
letter has produced," said GEO
president Dave Kadlecek. He added
that due to a bureaucratic mixup, his
office did not receive a copy of Mr.
Bullard's letter.
According to Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor), the case is still on ap-
peal by the University. But he added
that "the position is still somewhat un-
clear because of the (Regents') August
"Thebasic issue here is whether
GEO members are students or em-
ployees," Baker explained. "The
University maintains they are em-
ployees because of the type of relation-

ship that exists between the professor
and the teaching fellow."
Baker added that cases similar to
GEO's are appearing at other univer-
sities as well and are being tried in both
federal and state courts.
"This issue should be 'field tested'
and that's what it's going through
here," he said.
Although Shapiro emphasized that
"everyone's allowed to communicate
with the Regents," he did not comment
on what effect Bullard's letter might
have on any future action.
According to Kadlecek, GEOplans to
discuss the contract issue at its up-
coming Tuesday meeting. As of last
year, the organization had nearly 200
dues-paying members, he said.

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... supports GE

Teachers nix board offer

Negotiators for the Ann Arbor Education Association
yesterday rejected the most recent school board contract of-
fer, as the city's twelve-day old school strike continued.
The school board offer-made at approximately 1 a.m.
Friday-marked the culmination of a marathon negotiation
session, which began Wednesday morning and continued, ex-
cept for meal breaks, for nearly 40 hours, ending at ap-
proximately 1:30 a.m. Friday.
ACCORDING TO Board of Education President Wendy
Barhydt, the school board's offer is for a one-year contract,
and makes several concessions to the teachers' association.
The board has dropped two issues-assessment of teacher
qualifications in determining layoff procedures and assign-
ment of homerooms to intermediate school teachers-that
have prolonged the strike, Barhydt said. The school board
has also agreed to the salary distribution sought by the
teachers' association, provided that it is limited to the $3.1
million level the board has indicated as the maximum it will
budget for salary increases, Barhydt added.

Under the offer, teachers would be able to make up with
pay all but two of the missed school days, and students would
receive the required 180 days of classes, she said. The board
insisted, however, that school must start tomorrow.
Although the teachers' association agrees with certain
aspects of the new proposal, there are still reasons for its
rejection, according to a statement released yesterday mor-
*the school board wants the teachers' association to accept
the entire responsibility for the dispute and is punishing
teachers financiallywith the fine on two make-up days.
*one teacher day is to be made up by some sort of unspecified
workshop or in-service day.
*the proposed school calendar is "educationally unsound,"
because it requires student attendance on the Friday after
Thanksgiving and for two days during the traditional
Christmas vacation. The teachers' association prefers to ex-
tend the student school calendar to June 19, 1981.
Negotiations are scheduled to continue at 3 p.m. today,
association spokesman Dan Burroughs said.

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HOURS: 6:30 to 9:30
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Billy used White House car-

ah, R ! Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
Enthusiastic Liz Graham, a Dexter High 11th-grader, cheers the Wolverines
to a 17-10 win against Northwestern. Her spirits weren't dampened by yester-
day's wet skies.
_ r
Students, of ficals report
,1o passingu at ame
(con nued from Pagel )
ha~sn h nrl d~ avn "h rnincT

WASHINGTON (AP)-Billy Carter was
driven to the Libyan Embassy in a
White House car nine days before he
received his first payment from the
Libyan government, White House
records show.
The president's brother was accom-
panied by a business associate, Henry
"Randy" Coleman of Plains, Ga. Ac-
cording to Ray Jenkins of the White
House press office, the reservation for
use of the car was made by the White
House usher's office.'
Jenkins said the records show a
White House car was used on Dec. 18,
1979, to take Carter and Coleman to the

embassy. On Dec. 27, Coleman has
testified, he went to the embassy at
Carter's request to pick up a $20,000
check made out to the president's
mentioned the Dec. 18 visit to the em-
bassy in their testimony before a
special Senate subcommittee looking
into relationships between the
president's brother and the government
of Libya.
Coleman did testify, however, that
when he and Billy Carter stayed at the
White House they were offered the use
of White House cars, accepted the of-

fers and were driven to places in
Washington including the Libyan em-
Carter and Coleman could not be
reached for comment. Carter's lawyer,
Henry Ruth, referred an inquiring
reporter to Carter's testimony, which
does not mention the incident.
Jenkins said records of the White
House military office did not indicate
that Carter and Coleman used a White
House car during April, 1980, when
Coleman picked up a second check, for
$200,000, made out,to Carter, from the


prganization was not the only
"I don't consider it conclusive," he
* aid. "It was a close game, and it was
ad weather."
The law student explained that
because of the rain fewer people than
usual attended the game. "You need a
big crowd to pass up," he said. Calhoun
Also pointed out that people pay more
attention to the football field than the
stands when the game is as close as
yesterday's was.
Lund agreed that the weather might

nave neipea prevent the practice. -It
was not a very conducive day for
passing up," he said.
Lund and Calhoun both said that
students .this year seem to have a new
attitude about passing up.
"People perceive now that it really
isn't nice. Women don't like it, and
people can get hurt," Calhoun said.
Calhoun added that SPUN will con-
tinue to patrol the football games in
case the problem recurs. About the
Northwestern game Calhoun said,
"We're just ecstatic that there wasn't
any passing up."

Cinema Guild-Iphegenia et Aulus, 7,9:30 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Cinema Guild-King of Hearts, 1,7, 9 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Cinema II-Kind Hearts and Coronets, 7, 9 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Alternative Action-The Turning Point, 7, 9:15 p.m., MLB 4.
Ann Arbor Jaycees-Air Show, 2-5 p.m., Ann Arbor Municipal Airport.
Organ Recital-Elizabeth Gearhart Farr, 3 p.m., First Baptist Church.
Fall Organ Recital Series-Students of Marilyn Mason, 7 p.m., St. Peter's
Episcopal Church, Tecumseh.
School of Music-Melanie Kiball, MM Soprano, voice recital, 8 p.m., Rec.
Delta Tau Delta-Blue Grass Picnic, 1-5 p.m., 1928 Geddes.
Arts and Crafts Shop-4-11 p.m., 537 SAB.
Cinema Guild-Miss Julie, 7, 9 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Old. Arch. Aud.
Chemistry-Professor R. L. Kuczkowski, "High Temperature MW Spec-
troscopy From Nozzle Beams to H2SO4," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
The Committee Concerned With World Hunger-Bishop Thomas Gum-
bleton, "Public Policy and Third World Poverty, 7:30 p.m., Kuenzel Rm.,
Soundstage Coffeehouse-mass meeting, 6:30 p.m., 2105 Union.

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