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September 14, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-09-14

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

: 'l e



Skies will be partly cloudy
today with a high in the
80's and a low tonight in the
mid 50's.

Vol. XCI, No. 10 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 14, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement

Blue cages feisty



rain deter
There was virtually no "passing up",
at yesterday's Michigan-Northwestern
football game, and both students and
administrators attribute this to the
rain, a suspenseful game, and changes
in spectator attitudes.
Neither the University athletic
department nor the Ann Arbor police
received reports of fans being passed
up in the stands, said Associate Athletic
Director Don Lund.
LAW STUDENT Terry Calhoun, a
member of Stop Passing Up Now, a
group that in recent weeks has worked
to rid football games of that activity,
said SPUN members patrolled the
stadium with binoculars but witnessed
no passing up.
"This is the first game I haven't seen
passing up in," Calhoun said.
Passsing up-the act of bodily
passing a spectator through the crowd
until he or she reaches the top of the
stadium-has caused several injuries
in the past few years. The victims are
usually women.
distributed leaflets Friday night en-
couraging people not to take part in
passing up, Calhoun said he believes his
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Cannavino's snag halt

A win is a win. Even if you barely
beat a team like Northwestern 17-10 in
your home opener, it still goes down as
a big 'W' in the standings. No league
rule says you have to beat the Wildcats
by at least .20 or it doesn't count,
although the moral victory may belong
to the Evanston team.
Michigan beat Northwestern in
Michigan Stadium yesterday by seven
points, but that is not indicative of how
close the game really-was, because it
was REALLY close.
navino's interception of a Mike
Kerrigan fourth down desperation pass
into( the endzone with 2:25 left to
preserve the delicate victory. The in-
terception halted a 21-play drive by the
Wildcats as they marched for the tying
touchdown after they dominated the en-
tire second half.
A touchdown by Northwestern, who
has not won a Big Ten game in 18 at-
tempts dating back to 1977, would have
made the score 17-16 in favor of the
Wolverines. The Wildcat coaches said
after the game that if they had
scored, they were planning on calling
for a two-point conversion attempt to go
for the win.
Northwestern, a decided 20 to 30 point
underdog, gave Michigan all they could
handle yesterday before 100,824 per-
sons. Statistically, the game was a toss-
up as each team had 16 first downs and
close to 250 yards total offense. It was
the closest season opener for the
Wolverines since 1972 when they han-
ded the same school a 7-0 setback.
bechleradid not show greathdisappoin-
tment after the game in the way his
team played.
"I'm glad we won," said the 12-year
head coach. "We won't make too much
out of this game. It was a difficult game
to play."
Schembechler listed about five
reasons he felt the game was more dif-
ficult than expected, the major one
being the rain early in the game and the
wet playing field which existed
throughout the contest.
"The rain negated us," said Schem-
bechler. "You can't run laterally and
when you take a back like (Butch)
Woolfolk it negates him." Woolfolk, an
all big Ten running back and the con-
ference's leading scorer last year, was
limited to 32 yards in 12 carries for a 2.7
yard average.

THE WEATHER and an aggressive
Northwestern defense was able to stall
the powerful Wolverine offensive
machine for most of the game.
Michigan's only long scoring drive was
a 70-yard, nine-play affair, led by quar-
terback Rich Hewlett late in the second
quarter. But even that series would
have fallen short had it not been for a
careless penalty by the Wildcats for
having 12 men on the field while
Michigan was forced to punt on fourth
and four.
"I'm a little disappointed we didn't
play a little better offensive football,"
said Schembechler. "The best team
won but the best team didn't look like
anything too great."

s upset bid
What did keep the offense going and
Michigan out of the loss column was the
play of sophomores Anthony Carter,
Hewlett, and Lawrence Ricks. Both
touchdowns were scored on Hewlett to
Carter endzone passes, with the help of
running back Ricks (subbing for
Woolfolk) who averaged 8.4 yards per
IN ADDITION to his four receptions
for 84 yards and two touchdowns, Car-
ter also returned two punts and two
kickoffs for a total of 92 yards to give
Michigan valuable field position.
Equally important to the Michigan
offense was a pair of Wildcat turnovers
which set up two of the three Michigan



Marching Band
to play at OSU

Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
MICHIGAN WIDE RECEIVER Anthony Carter pulls in a touchdown pass in
yesterday's Wolverine home opener. Carter caught two Rich Hewlett passes
for touchdowns and had a total of four receptions for 84 yards. Michigan.
pulled out a shaky 17-10 victory over the Wildcats from Northwestern,
thanks to an interception by Wolverine Andy Cannavino which halted a key
Northwestern drive.

Iran turnabout seen

Immediately before yesterday's
football game Music School Dean Paul
Boylan told the Marching Band it will
travel to the Ohio State game on
November 22.
Since the $15,000 Ohio State travel
budget alloted the musicians has been,
described by Associate Dean Paul
Lehman as insufficient to take the band
to the game, the rationale behind
Boylan's announcement seems a
mystery to some University officials.
Boylan could not be reached-for com-
ment last night.
H. ROBERT REYNOLDS, director of
the University bands, said the money
did not come from the athletic depar-
tment. There's been great support
from the administration," he said.
Reynolds speculated the money came
from the University's undesignated gif-
ts fund.
One reason for the shortage of band,
funding this year is a reduction in
private donations.
University Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff said he has heard no
word on the band's fiscal situation since
a Tuesday meeting with Vice President
for Academic Affairs Billy Frye and a
Music School representative.

When informed of Boylan's announ-
cement Brinkerhoff said, "From my
standpoint, the future tense is more ap-
propriate-we are considering the
possibilities." He said the discussion
last Tuesday . concerned "putting
together our options (for funding the
band) from a budgetary point of view."
"There's been great sup'-
port from the administra-
-H. Robert Reynolds,
Director of
University Bands
Brinkerhoff added that Boylan might
have heard of some funding sources he
himself is not yet aware of.
Marching Band Director Eric Becher
also said he does not know the origin of
the Ohio State game funds, but he was
glad money has become available.
"We're glad to help the team by going
to Ohio State," he said.

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-After months of frustration and dis-
appointment, Carter administration officials believe a tur-
ning point may finally have been reached toward resolution
of the Iran hostage crisis.
Though these officials, who asked not to be identified, are
skeptical that an end to the crisis is at hand, the feeling here
is that the list of four demands issued Friday by Iran's
revolutionary leader, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,
could lay the basis for the beginning of a negotiated set-
WHAT ENCOURAGES these officials are several
significant omissions from Khomeini's list as well as the
overall tone of his statement.
Most significant, the officials said, was the exclusion of
any demand for an American apology. This contradicted
Iran's new prime minister, Mohammed Ali Rajai, who only a
few days earlier had specifically demanded American
"repentence" as the price for release of the 52 Americans.
Subsequent to Rajai's statement, the State Department
specifically ruled out an American apology. Two days later,
Khomeini dropped the demand.
THE OFFICIALS warned that although the signs are en-
couraging, any exultation by the Carter administration

would be premature because Iran has contradicted itself
before about conditions the United States must meet.
In Iran yesterday, that country's former foreign minister,
Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, said he believed the hostage situation
had been "unlocked" by Khomeini's list of conditions.
In a telephone interview Ghotbzadeh told the Paris-based
radio station RTL he hoped "the Americans understood the
situation and don't do anything stupid."
HE SAID A letter sent to Rajai from Secretary of State
Edmund S. Muskie had been "positively received" in
The officials here, however, note that even Khomeini's
pared-down list of demands would pose extraordinary dif-
ficulties in any negotiating process.
One such difficulty centers on Khomeini's insistence on the
return of the late Shah of Iran's wealth. Iranian authorities
regard the Pahlavi Foundation, with hundreds of millions of
dollars in assets in the United States, as part of the late
monarch's fortune.
BUT THE DISPOSITION of these assets, held mostly by
the shah's family, would be in the hands of American courts.
See HOSTAGES, Page 2

Ayatollah's plan to free hostages
meets skepticism from families
By United Press International

I 1 P n It . .. , t t

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Knomeini's demand for return of the shah's untold business-could retrain from in
proposal to free the American hostages millions may be much more than some volvement in Iranian affairs.
is getting mixed reviews from elements are willing to pay for the BUT JESSE LOPEZ of Globe, Ariz.
hostages' families, left somewhat skep- hostages. father of hostage Marine Jimmy Lopez
tical by a string of now-you-see-them, "I THINK TOO many rich people in was more hopeful.
now-you-don't breakthroughs in the 315- this country have their hands on that "I think this has all the overtones of a
day crisis. money to let it go back," Sickmann breakthrough," he said. "All I want is
Iran radio reported Khomeini had said. "There are too many people in- my son back. I don't want a red cent.
said he would free the 52 American volved with this money and they don't All this money in the world can't bring
hostages if the United States returns care about the 52 lives. my son back."
the shah's wealth, frees Iran's frozen "They don't care about the lives of His wife, Mary, expressed the sort of
Wassets and promises not to intervene in our loved ones, and I'm sorry to have to cautious optimism shared by most
Iranian affairs. say that," she said. families contacted by UPI after
Toni Sickmann, mother of Marine Sickmann also expressed doubts the Friday's announcement by Iran radio.
Sgt. "Rocky" Sickmann, said the United States-especially American See HOSTAGES, Page 2


Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
SEVENTY-SIX TROMBONES slide through the puddles in the big parade. One-hundred-and-ten cornets slosh right
behind as the Michigan Marching Band plays during halftime.

Football fans faint
T RUE-BLUE WOLVERINE fans love to boast
aof their unmatched devotion to the University's foot-
ball squad. But an incident at a Baton Rouge, La.
prep football game Friday night may temper
their claims in the future. Fifty of the spectators, all female
and all members of the pep squad at Southwood High School
in Shreveport, became ill while in the stands at the game,
and nearly half of them fainted, authorities said. "The of-
ficials diagnosis is that they suffered from a combination of
anxiety and hyperventilation aggravated by the heat," a

night-shift workers during the annual fall migration of the
animals. Hundreds of the bears migrate through Churchill
on their way toward the soon-to-be frozen expanse of Hud-
son Bay and across into the Artic. No one has been killed or
seriously injured in the last five years by a polar bear. But
Parks Canada official Paul Ratson with 217 bears
sighted last year, the hospital workers decided to guard
against a surprise encounter by obtaining employer-finan-
ced transportation home after their night-shifts. Q

T l"he perfect gift for
Some of our readers are probably aware there are only
102 more shopping days until Christmas. Others are
possibly spending many long nights wide-awake,
deliberating over what gift to buy that special person who
has everything. If that person happens to be a fancier of
trains and railroad equipment, we might have the answer.
Amtrak is offering for sale, on a competitive basis, three
Turbo trainsets and assorted parts. No, not down-sized
miniatures that run along a circular track beneath the
Christmas tree, but fully-onerational trains The trainsets.

A bite of The Big Apple
The next time you're bitten by an .Ann Arbor mosquito,
count your blessings. Life's a little rougher in New York
City, where the city health department reports 713 human
bites this year. The incidence of human bites seems to have
increased along with the recession-while 873 bites were
reported in 1978, the figure increased to 973 last year. Dr.
Peter Schantz of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta
reports a correlation between the weather and the frequen-
cy of human bites. While the fewest bites were reported
during the months of January and February, he said the
number of bite episodes increased dramatically through
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