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March 24, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-24

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sit it3au


a repeat of yesterday's
spring weather with a high
in the 50's.

/l. XCI, No. 140

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 24, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

LSA Executive

Committee blazes trail

Six faculty members are charged with
.'eighing the financial needs of many Univer-
'"ity departments and deciding who anong
their 800 colleagues should be promoted.
The work of the LSA Executive Committee is
exhausting, its members admit, but usually
THIS YEAR, THE JOB of committee mem-
bers has been more difficult than in most years
- maybe more difficult than ever.
A University-wide lack of funds prompted the
faculty committee to recommend in January
that discontinuance proceedings be brought
against the college's geography department. In
*lmost any other year, the decision might have
been whether to give more money to the geogr-
aihy department or to the chemistry depar-

In addition, a $2 million shortage of money
for the current academic year has postponed
indefinitely the filling of 40 LSA faculty
positions that had already been approved by
the Executive Committee.
"THE COLLEGE AS a whole has never had to
ask the Executive Committee to make the kind
of decisions we've been faced with," said
Geology Prof. Henry Pollack, who has served
on the committee for two years.
The chief responsibility of the six-member
committee is to act on behalf of the college's
800 faculty members in matters of budget,
promotions, and appointments.
Decisions involving their peers create a lot
of anxiety for committee members. At stake in
any given decision is a colleague's career, and

the University's quality..
"WHEN I FIRST started to serve on the
committee," said Biology Prof. Sally Allen, "I
asked myself, 'How is someone in biology going
to be able to evaluate someone whose field of
expertise is something like inscriptions on
See Profiles of Executive Committee, Page 10.
papyrus?' Not only it is possible, but if I may
say so, I think it is very objective."
Allocating positions within the college is the
most important budgetary control the commit-
tee has, according to acting LSA Dean John
Knott. Once a faculty member leaves the
University the committee can either replace
him or: her or grant another department's
request for that position.

Therefore, the committee has the power to
decide where to boost or trim departments-
within the college.
WHILE MOST FACULTY members agree
that cuts should be made swiftly to avoid a
gradual, overall erosion of educational quality,
they would rather see these cuts made in
departments other than their own. .
The soul-searching by LSA's Executive
Committee is not unlike that taking place in
schools and colleges all across campus.
Late last year, the University administration
asked each academic unit to cut 2 percent from
its current year budget and an additional 6 per-'
cent from next year's budget.
AT THE SAME TIME, the committee has
been faced with dual questions of how to avoid

the erosion of existing strengths and expand
areas of the University that have been targeted
for growth. To accomplish these goals the LSA
Executive Committee has argued the need to
make selective budget cuts, such as those that
would occur if the geography department is
Faculty members have at recent LSA faculty
meetings openly questioned the ability of a
peer committee to make these kinds of
budgetary decisions.
Communications Prof. William Porter said
he believes the sense of indignation created by
that particular decision is due in part to the
University's tradition of program expansion.
"The idea of reversing that tradition has
See LSA, Page 10

OLYMPIA, Wash. (UP) '- A tunnel,
a bright light, a feeling of separation
from the body and, finally, an encoun-
ter with other beings.
These are the distinct stages in the
eerie twilight zone between life and
death often experienced by people who
have been considered clinically dead
and then recovered, three student
researchers said yesterday.
students -, Jim Lindley, 32, Bob
Conley, 43, and Sethyn Bryan, 19 -
found a pattern in "afterlife" experien-
ces by interviewing 30 Puget Sound
residents who answered a newspaper
ad seeking those "who have been
clinically dead or feel they have died
and returned to life."
One man told them he remembered
ceyiting rapidly through a darkend tun-
"In the distance, I could see a bright
spot," he said. "I was stopped for a
consultation about going on to the
brightest spot . .. I felt I was in a room
with another presence in there - didn't
see anybody, but I could feel it."
before a group of people.
"They asked me to review my life, I
was kind of judging myself," she said.
I had a choice whether to return, but
they were adamant that I return. . . I
decided to come back after I was told
hat my mission was.
I returned to my body, and it was a
terrible thing. I was jerking and
twisting.. Ihated the feeling lihad.
ANOTHER FOUND himself floating
See STUDEN TS, Page 7



budget cuts

M oonlightflight AP hoto
Naturalists say that between 60,000 and 100,000 Lesser Sandhill cranes, migrating from Texas to Alaska, will stop at the
same 20-mile stretch of Nebraska's North Platte River this year as their ancestors have for the past 10 million years.
Statutor rapeabortio
laws upheld by high cour

State University President Cecile
Mackey, in his final budget cutting
recommendation, cited enrollment
curbs and tuition hikes yesterday as an
alternative to closing MSU's nursing
Mackey continued to press his
recommendation to shut the 684-student
school despite widespread criticism,
but said he would propose limiting
enrollment and raising tuition if the
Board of Trustees decides that "con-
tinuation of the nursing program is
dations -which at $16 million cut about,
$3 million less than his preliminary
plan - grant a reprieve of sorts to the
James Madison residential college and
the school of Urban Planning and Lan-
dscape Architecture.
The trustees will weigh the plan at a
series of public hearings, with a final
decision scheduled for April 4.
The cuts, in addition to $3.2 million in
reductions already approved in non-
academic programs, are needed to
wipe out a threatened $29 million deficit
in the fiscal year which begins this
summer. Still pending is a decision on
tuition increases.
recommendation on the nursing
college, based on proposals from
faculty and student advisory groups,

drew fire from a number of sources, in-
cluding the Michigan Hospital
Association, the Michigan Nursing
Association and others.
His package of cuts triggered angry
protests and a tumultuous public
hearing March 13.
In his latest pronouncement, Mackey
said the original recommendation for
elimination of the nursing, college
"remains the recommendation of the
president and the provost."
BUT, HE SAID, if the trustees want
to keep the program he would recom-
mend a plan, based on proposals by the
college dean, to limit enrollment to 100
,new undergraduates and 15 graduates
per year.
In addition, a new flat fee would be
charged in lieu of regular tuitio,
amounting to $2,025 for undergraduates
in the 1981-82 academic year, a 60 per-
cent increase for freshmen and
The proposal for eliminating the
college, which has an annual budget of
$1.2 million, has been criticized as
poorly thought out in view of the
current shortage of trained nurses in
Mackey's revised recommendation
'"still leaves us in a tenuous position,"
said nursing Dean Isabelle Payne, ad-
ding she was "very confused as to the
reason this was presented the way it

FromAP and UPI
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme
Court ruled yesterday that states can
require, with some exceptions, that
parents be told when their teenage
daughters seek abortions.
In another case, the court ruled that
statutory rape laws are valid even if
they only punish males - not females
- for having sex with a consenting
THE TWO rulings involving
teenagers reflected deep disagreement
among the nine justices. They upheld a

Utah abortion-notification law by a 6-3
vote and upheld California's statutory
rape laws by a 5-4 count.
The Utah law requires doctors to tell
parents, if possible, about their minor
daughter's request for an abortion
before performing the operation. A doc-
tor's failure to obey the law could mean
a $1,800 fine or even a year in jail.
Writing for the majority, Chief
Justice Warren Burger made clear that
Utah and other states are free to im-
pose such a requirement when three.
situations exist;

* The girl is living with and depen-
dent on her parents;
* She is not married or otherwise
"emancipated" - out on her own; and
" She has made no claim or showing
that she is mature enough to make the
abortion decision for herself, or that her
relationship with her parents might be
seriously affected by notification.
ALTHOUGH THEY joined Burger's
opinion, Justices Lewis Powell Jr. and
Potter Stewart emphasized in a
separate opinion authored by Powell
See STATE, Page 2

AZ Dems

Local Democrats, including mayoral candidate Robert
Faber and all fives ouncil candidates, met today at the Am-
trak train station to denounce "reaganomics" and the burden
it has placed on local government.
The candidates, joined by state Sen. Edward Pierce and
state Rep. Perry Bullard, both of Ann Arbor, at the morning
press conference, criticized the city's Republican ad-
ministration for its lack of planning in response to federal
budget cuts.
BECAUSE OF MICHIGAN'S financial troubles, Bullard
said, not much can be done to take up the slack in federal
programs. According to Bullard, the state legislature's tax
reform proposal will cost Michigan $260 million in revenue.
Student assistance, support to colleges and universities,, and
public transportation will all suffer, he said.
Bullard called "Reaganomics" a "shameful attack on this
and every other community in the state." He said that Ann
Arbor should speak out against Reagan's "backward-looking
administration" by electing Faber.
Faber announced plans for the creation of "emergency

"THE STORM IS here, but the wind hasn't begun to pick
up," Faber said, chastizing the present Republican-
controlled city government for not acting sooner. "Funds will
be cut dramatically and we have no contingency plans for our
residents who depend on these programs," he said.
As the candidates discussed the effects of the president's
budget cuts on the city, the Chicago-bound Wolverine, which
is slated for eliiination under rail subsidy cuts, pulled into
the station.
Lowell Peterson, First Ward candidate for City Council,
said the Reagan administration is "robbing from the poor to
give to the rich. The tax cut windfalls the wealthy will get will
not help Chrysler."
INCUMBENT LESLIE Morris, from the student-
dominated Second Ward, was concerned with increased rents
due to soaring energy costs partially induced by federal
energy policies. She said these rising costs will be passed on
from landlords to tenants, displacing some tenants from the
ward and from Ann Arbor.
Cheryl Brown Griffin, Third Ward candidate, said Ann Ar-
bor must look for alternative funding for federal highway and
karl nn er nin w i rl ,Fo n o lo{nin )1. -




cuts, local
It rn -

; V committees" to cope with the loss of aid From Washington ~par construcnion, wic wi suler under the federai budget STATE SEN. EDWARD Pierce (D.Ann Arbor) responds to a reporter's
and Lansing. Faber said he would appoint committees for ax. question during a Democratic press conference. To his left are State Rep.
each of the jeopardized areas of human services, like student Fourth Ward candidate Mary Smith Berger criticized the Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), City Council candidates Sheila Cumberworth
assistance, health care, legal aid, housing subsidies, and city's Community Development Block Grant citizen par- (Fifth Ward), Cheryl Brown Griffen (Third Ward), and mayoral candidate
ticipation committee, of which she is a member, for only last Robert Faber. They discussed the effects of federal budget cuts on humnan
mass transportation. week beginning to consider the impact of federal budget cuts, services in An Arbor.
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Around the world
T OLD BY her friends, "You've got to get it," Mary Lou
Masko applied for a $5000 trip around the world, spon-
sored by the Circumnavigators Club Foundation. And
yesterday, sitting with four other finalists, Masko was
chosen to receive the stipend. She will span the globe and
will visit countries such as England, Germany, Japan, and

Postage due
Forget to mail a letter yesterday? Don't drop it into a
mailbox without paying a visit to your neighborhood post
office. Sunday at 12:01 a.m. postal fares for a first class let-
ter jumped from 15 cents to 18 cents. The new . tamps -
similar to the ones first used when the 15-cent stamp came
out in 1978 - show a profile of an eagle on a background. ri

removed a necklace - used to distinguish the two - from
the neck of one of the babies. It's important to figure out
which child is which, according to their rattled mother,
because "when they know I'm confused they either won't
answer to either name or they'll answer to both."
On the inside


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