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March 22, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-22

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Page 2-Sunday, March 22, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Construction for
o begin Oct. 1
(conttinuedframPage l) di~n thin h sif to hild dn n hat

Financing for the project will come
primarily from the state. The hospital
will be self-sufficient once it opens,
running on patient fees.
RISING RATES OF inflation and the
state's fiscal position forced the Regen-
ts fast month to approve a substantial
reduction in the scope of the project.
Po$tions of the project dropped because
of those reductions may be built later, if
fi ncing can be found.
efore any active work on the project
coald begin, hospital planners had to
Read and Use
- *

UecU e wIcn c Ite LU ULo u on ana wnaL
kind of building to construct. They
determined the most economical
method was to construct a single
building providing for numerous areas
of care.
Among the deferments formalized
last month were the separate construc-
tion of an ambulatory care facility,
psychiatric facility, and renovation of
the women's hospital.
One major aspect of the project has
not yet come before the Regents for
their consideration. The University and
state still have to iron out financing
details acceptable to both the Regents_
and the state legislature. Such a plan is
expected to come to the Regents next
Sarbach described the old facility as
"simply obsolete." The replacement
has been designed to keep up with "the
state of the art," he said.
"Patients come (to the University
Hospital) because of the care they get,
not the facilities, but were beginning to
stretch that point," Sarbach said.


AP Photo
Bon V'oyage
VICE PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH speaks at a ceremony commemorating
the launch of a spanking new nuclear attack submarines The new sub-
marine, the USS Houston, was eased into the water off the naval yards at
Newport News, Va. yesterday after a traditional champagne bottle


Its More For Your Mornin!

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
S. Korean students protest
SEOUL, South Korea-After a long, cold winter, the first spring-like
weather arrived in South Korea last week and with it came an anti-gover-
nment demonstration by university students-the first known outburst since
President Chun Doo-hwan lifted martial law Jan. 24.
Spring traditionally has been a time for student unrest in the country, and
government and university officials have been taking steps since January in
an effort to head off demonstrations this year.
Police said the demonstration Thursday at Seoul National University in-
volved only about 300 of the institution's 20,000 students. Seventy were repor-
ted to have been taken in custody for questioning by the police. Five, accused
of playing leading roles, were expelled from the prestigious, state-run
Pentagon says El Salvador
timetable not withdrawal intent
WASHINGTON-Pentagon officials said yesterday that the planned
return of military advisers sent to El Salvador does not meanr a complete
U.S. "withdrawal" from the strife-torn Central American country.
Instead, they said, setting a timetable for return of the 54 advisers was a
routine matter and should not be misread as a sign of flgging U.S. resolve to
aid the Salvadoran civilian-military junta in its fight against leftist
Meanwhile, Gen. David Jones, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said,
he is "quite optimistic" about the outlook in El Salvador and contended that
the situation there is "completely different" from the Vietnam War.
Miners prepare for strike
With a nationwide coal strike looming this week, miners were gearing up
yesterday for a walkout possibly longer than the 111-day stoppage of 1977-78,
and many said they were better prepared this time.
In West Virginia, Gov. Jay Rockefeller predicted a prolonged strike could
cost the coal-rich state 10 million dollars a month.
Jack Perry, president of UMW District 17 and union negotiating team
member, was optimistic about preparations. "The international and distric-
ts are in much better shape financially, and we're much improved as an
organization due to unity between international and districts.".
Meanwhile, it was reported that coal mines in the Western states could
meet only a small fraction of the nation's needs if a threatened strike in
Eastern coal fields outlasts the stockpiles users have set aside in expectation
of a walkout.
Milwaukee's 40-hour
firefighter strike ends
MILWAUKEE-A 40-hour strike by Milwaukee firefighters ended yester-
day in a pre-dawn meeting of the city's Common Council, which voted to ap-
prove a new contract with the strikers.
Firefighters quickly replaced the National Guard which had manned their
Thewalkout was the second by Milwaukee firefighters this month. The fir-
st-a one-day walkout-ended when the city and the firefighters reached a
court-mediated contract agreement. The latest walkout occurred when the
Common Council balked at approving that agreement.
Buckingham Palace guards
Charles', Diana's guest list
LONDON-Invitations to the July 29 wedding of Prince Charles and Lady
Diana Spencer are the most coveted in the country and Buckingham Palace
is guarding its guest list as closely as the crown jewels. But the brash British
tabloid newspaper The Sun said Nancy Reagan was "so sure that she and
her husband will get an invitation that she has already ordered a gift"--a
piece of porcelain.
As secret as the guest list are the choices of attendants to Prince and Lady
Prince Andrew, Charles' dashing 21-year-old Royal Navy officer brother,
is hotly wagered as best man.
Also expected in the wedding party are some of Lady Diana's young
charges at the young England Kindergarten in London, where the blue-
blooded daughter of the 8th Earl Spencer worked until shortly before her
engagement was announced Feb. 24. So are three girlfriends who shared her

London apartment and household chores for two years until she moved to
Clarence House, London home of Queen Mother Elizabeth, after the
Vol. XCI, No. 139
Sunday, March 22, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday. through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor: $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Doily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International
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