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March 22, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-03-22

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N'inety-Oine -Years
Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy, a little
highs in the law 40s.


Vol. XCI, No. 139 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 22, 1961 Ten Cents Ten Pages

ease 1
From UPI and AP
Solidarity union, faced with a direct at-
tack from Moscow, sagid yesterday it
will hold crisis talks with the gover-
nment today to defuse the tense labor
situation in Poland.
Following a day of warning strikes to
protest police beatings of union ac-
tivists in this northern industrial cen-
ter, Solidarity leader Lech Walesa told
workers, "We want to reach an
agreement over the weekend to avoid
strikes and cancel the strike alert if
possible Monday."
"But we will n9t let ourselves be out-
witted by the authorities and if they try
to outwit us once again there will not be
enough lampposts to hang the per-
petrators," he declared from a balcony
at union headquarters here.
His warning ;that all social and labor
gains would be lost if laber peace was
not restored came as Warsaw Pact
allies were conducting full-scale
military maneuvers inside Poland and
in the Soviet Union, East Germany and
The official Soviet news agency Tass
criticized plans to stage the exercises,
calling them a breach of the spirit of the




1971 pact between the four powers.
Such joint maneuvers occur routinely
three times a year, and the ones star-
ting next Tuesday, which are sponsored
by the French, will take place in all
three sectors of West Berlin, the
spokesman said.
About 2,500 soldiers, including 2,000
Americans, 220 vehicles and 80 tanks
will be.involved.
The troops plan maneuvers in wooded
areas and on city roads, and will cross
West Berlin's Havel River.
In comments Friday, Walesa said the
current crisis was "the most dangerous
since last August," when labor unrest
resulted in unprecedented concessions
by the Communist government.
Tass yesterday accused Walesa of an
"instigatory assertion" and supported
Polish police force in breaking up a
union sit-in.
The Tarsdispatch from Warsaw said
Solidarity had illegally occupied a
provincial government building here
and authorities evicted them in keeping
with the law.
Quoting a Polish government
spokesman, Tass said the illegal oc-
cupation was a political act.
"Thereby the leaders of the trade
union association have violated the

laws existing in the Polish People's
The government "will take all
measures to ensure order in the coun-
try, order which is being unceasingly
violated by Solidarity figures," Tass
quoted the government spokesman as
Solidarity leaders said Walesa and
other national and local union leaders
would meet this afternoon with Deputy
Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski
who heads a government labor
relations committee.
Solidarity Friday night presented
seven major negotiating points for the
talks, including the removal Of several
local officials and the publication of
photographs of unionists allegedly
beaten by police.
Meanwhile, Soviet MarshalWViktor
Kulikov, commander of the Warsaw
Pact forces, arrived in East Germany
to view East bloc maneuvers, the East
German news service ADN reported.
jAccompanied by East German
Defense Minister Gen. Heinz Hoffmann
and Soviet Gen. Anatoly Gribkov,
Kulikov visited East German and
Soviet units, ADN said.

AP Photo
CONNFCTICUT POLICE OFFICERS, equipped with riot gear, protect Ku Klux Klan marchers from bottles and stones
thrown by anti-Klan demonstrators.
Ku Klux Klan rally turns
into violent conrontation

From UPI and AP
MERIDEN, Conn-About 200 anti-
racist demonstrators hurled rocks and
bricks at a rally of two dozen Ku Klux
Klansmen yesterday in a bloody con-
frontation that left at least 22 people in-
jured, most of them police.
A Meriden-Wallingford Hospital
spokesman said 17 policemen were
treated for injuries in the violence out-
side the Meriden City Hall where the
Klan had rallied in support of the police
Most of their injuries were minor and
all injured police were released. One of-
ficer suffered an apparent broken arm.
Four injured civilians also were
treated and released, but one uniden-

tified young woman who suffered a
serious head wound was transferred to
Yale-New Haven Hospital, the
spokesman said.
One Klansman was stunned by a
tossed missile and was seen bleeding
profusely. Another woman Klansman
stumbled to the ground as she ran.
News media members were also struck
by flying objects. One cameraman was
knocked to the ground with his gear.
Sporadic fighting also broke out
among individuals firom opposing
A NUMBER OF persons were taken
to hospitals for treatment of injuries,
including several policemen who may

have suffered broken arms. One
unidentified mran was reported to have
sustained a serious head injury.
At the start 4f their rally, the Klan
marchers, led by Bill Wilkinson, Im-
perial Wizard of the Invisible Empire of
the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,
walked from the World War I Veterans
monument to City Hall cheered on by
an estimated 200 supporters.
TRlE KLAN organized the rally to
show support for a white off-duty
policeman who shot and killed a black
shoplifting suspect on Feb. 24.
But at City Hall, they were pelted and
jeered by the protesters, mostly mem-
bers of the International Committee
See KKKPage7I

Apathy: Fact or fiction?

AN ARCHITECT'S VISION of the University's Replacement Hospital. Construction is slated to begin in October.
Hospital construction date nears

lim itstudent
Students today are members of the
"Me Generation," according to current
historians, and "student apathy" has
become the catch-phrase of the decade
on college campuses. Declining studen-
t membership in many campus
organizations would seem to support
the idea that disinterest is a serious
problem, but actually, there is a better
word to describe the cause of low par-
ticipation: fear.
Students fear the increasing com-
petition for acceptance by graduate
schools and for job placement in the
real world, according to many student
"LET'S FACE IT, the economy is
getting tough out there, and a lot of
them are sticking with class . . . they
seem to be more academic-oriented,"
said Kevin Taylor, a consultant for the
Student, Organizations, Activities and
Programs office.
Rick Sline, another SOAP consultant,
agreed that "the striving for that all-
holy grade is so intense, students don't
find the time to work on extra
curricular activities."
"The irony of it is that I know what
the business world looks for is more
than the grade," he said, explaining
that employers and graduate schools,
"especially medical schools, are
looking for people who can interact
well. This, from what I understand,
isn't learned in the classroom."
STUDENT LEADERS say they don't
deny that grade point average is an im-
portant factor in getting a job or being
accepted to graduate school. But
because of the phenomenon of
"gradeflation," (the mean LSA
gradepoint is 2.9), they say students

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Preliminary designs are set, models have been con-
structed, and University and hospital administrators are
confident work on the $210 million Replacement Hospital
Project will begin Oct. 1.
After five years of planning and more than a decade of
consideration, the Old Main Hospital, built in 1923 and now
considered "obsolete," will almost assuredly be replaced
by the middle of this decade.
"ONLY A LACK OF money" can hold up the project any
further, according to Douglas Sarbach, director of
hospital planning, research, and development.
Under one possible construction pattern, the new
hospital - which will be situated on the medical campus
northeast of the old hospital - will completed in 1985.
But the Regents must decide exactly what kind of con-
struction strategy to employ.
DAVID THOMAS, A consultant from Barton-
Malow/Construction Management, asked the Regents on
Thursday to consider three contracting methods, one
which would add 20 months to the construction period and
$40 million to the cost.
Such a plan would help alleviate the University's finan-
cial risk. Under this option a single general contractor
would be responsible for the entire project.g

But the consultants have recommended to the Univer-
sity that it use a phased construction pattern involving
numerous construction companies to complete various
parts of the project.
THIS STRATEGY WOULD speed the construction
process, increase opportunities for small, local, and
minority businesses to become involved in the project,
and provide for more flexibility if the hospital's planners
decide to change portions of the facility.
Flexibility is build into the new hospital's design, Sar-
bach said. "The old building is very inflexible, but there
will be minimum destruction and' minimum cost for
changing anything in the new building," Sarbach said.
Early site work on the newhospital - such as relocating
utility lines, implementing an earth retention system, and
constructing a temporary road around the area - will
begin in the next few months.
IN ADDITION, A NEW parking structure, which has a
separate $7.5 million budget, will be completed by the
end of 1982. Early completion of the structure "is essential
to relieve congestion on the (medical) campus during
construction," according to Thomas.
In October, the North Outpatient Building will be
leveled to make room for the replacement hospital.

need to realize the importance of
having "more than just good grades to
"If you can get someone used to
balancing their time while they're still
freshpersons, then you won't have such
a problem with low participation," said
Lisa Mandel, Michigan Student Assem-
bly vice president for student
"I don't care. You don't have to spend
24 hours a day studying at this place,
but if you get into the habit of just
studying all week and then going out on
the weekend while you're a freshper-
son, it's hard to change later on," she
BUT STUDYING IS not the only
reason students are hesitant to join out-.
side organizations. They also fear the
effects of Reagan's budget cuts on their
education. Already, members of
various organizations say, it's difficult
for people who have to work to finance
their own eduation to take on the ad-

ditional burden of extra projects.
"Our staff (working members) was
dropping for a while," said Dale Cohen,
a worker at the Ann Arbor Tenants'
Union. "But then we started getting
students through the work-study
program, and we also have onepstudent
who is earning independent study credit
through participating."
The number of students with work-
study jobs is higher than it has ever
been, according to Nancy Longmate,
coordinator of the student em-
ployement office in the Office of Finan-
cial Aid.
"THE INCREASE started last sum-
mer, and it's been rising ever since,"
Longmate said. "Now, it is about 33 to
35 percent higher than it was last
Mandel said there are several studen-
ts working for MSA through the
program. "It's geared toward getting
students to be involved more (in
See APATH Y, Page 10


Political insights

Rackaham elecuons
Fed up with the way things are going in your graduate
program? Then get out and vote tomorrow in the Rackham
Student Government elections. Polls will be open from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Fishbowl, and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in
Rackham lobby.
Garbage fuel
Question: What does the University milk for everything
it's worth and then throw away at the end of the day?

No modesty
She admits it's very immodest of her to say so, but Joan
Kennedy is telling the world that she is "one of the most
fascinating women in this country." Kennedy tells a
Ladies' Home Journal interviewer "I have talent; I know
I'm smart. I got straight A's in graduate school. I've still
got my looks." Furthermore, she says. "I can get a job
anywhere." Kennedy says she's never loved anyone other
than Sen. Ted Kennedy. And her sister. Candace Mc-
Murrey, tells the Journal Joan is still in love with Ted,
despite their announced divorce. "It's just that Joan

D ID YOU KNOW that Presidents Johnson, Nixon,
and Carter all suffered from a deprivation of
mother's love? Could these childhood experie ces

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