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November 11, 1981 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-11

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Reagan delays tax hike

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1981-Page 3
Settlement reached
in Mr. Bill case

Reagan said yesterday he is postponintg
until January his plans for new tax in-
creases and further cuts in benefit
programs, and is determined to reject
any spending bill that "abuses the
limited resources of the taxpayers."
Reagan, at a nationally broadcast
news conference, declined to endorse a
Senate Republican plan calling for
higher taxes over the next three years
to ensure a balanced budget by 1984.
Instead, the president conceded that his -
goal of eliminating red ink by that date
appears out of reach$
THE PRESIDENT said he will defer
until January two 1982 budget proposals
he initially sent to Congress in Septem-
ber - $3 billion in tax increases and $2.6
billion in benefit program cuts.
With the Christmas holidays ap-
proaching, "we just can't produce or

get anything done by Congress in this
interim period," he said, adding that he
will reconsider proposals to increase
taxes or make new program cuts early
next year, when the administration
must propose its budget plan for 1983.
But the president said he was holding
firm for an additional $8.4 billion worth
of budget cuts he sought from Congress
in September.
REAGAN SAID most of the 1982 ap--
propriations bills working their way
through Congress are running above
the stringent spending ceiling he
proposed in September. The
president's budget office said two
nearly completed spending bills are
running more than $3 billion over
Reagan's target..
"I will not stand still for budget-
busting bills,'' Reagan said.:
The president complained that none

of the regular appropriations bills for
fiscal 1982 has reached his desk.
Wright (D-Tex.) quickly retorted that
the Democratic-controlled House had
passed 11 of the 13 regular ap-
propriations bills - and the two not yet
passed were being held up for White
House comments. Those 11 bills
currently are awaiting action in the
Senate, which is controlled by Reagan's
Wright also said those bills, taken as
a whole, did not exceed Reagan's
budget figures but in fact were $3.5
billion below the president's budget
"The figures on balance reflect that
the Congress has been responsive to the
requests for trimming expenditures
wherever possible, that we have acted
expeditiously..." he said.

NEW ORLEANS (AP)- Mock cries
of "Oooh nooo!" rang out in a federal
courtroom here yesterday as a judge
took the scissors to Mr. Bill to sym-
bolize a three-way out-of-court set-
tlement over who owns rights to the
comic clay character.
Walter Williams, Vance deGeneres,
and David Derickson each got a piece of
a sliced-up Mr. Bill doll from a smiling
U.S. District Judge Adrian Duplantier.
DUPLANTIER presided for two days
in the non-jury trial to decide who
deserves the profits from Mr. Bill-the
clay figure victimized by "Mr. Hands"
and "Sluggo" in film shorts featured on
television's "Saturday Night Live."-
Duplantier was handed a Mr. Bill doll
and cut it up. He had presided with a
hand-scrawled sign identifying him as

"Judge; Sluggo" taped casually to the
front of his august mahogany bench,
with a doll propped perilously close to
his gavel.
THE JUDGE had watched several
videotapes of Mr. Bill being torn up,
dropped, mashed, and drowned while
crying helplessly, "Oooh nooo!" The
film drew no outright laughter from the
judge, but giggles could be heard from
court clerks and the courtroom gallery.
Williams, of New York, had testified
he alone created Mr. Bill while a bud-
ding filmmaker and comic writer living
in New Orleans.
But DeGeneres claimed he and
Williams dreamed it up together and
split the costs-including the film and x
clay-while making the first Mr. Bill',
film in the New Orleans apartment they
shared in 1974.

... postpones tax plans

HAPPENINGS-1 GEO wins decision

Scientists at the University will join colleagues at some 140 other cam-
puses in conducting a Convocation on the Threat of Nuclear War today.
Topics and speakers for the event are a panel on "Nuclear Weapons and In-
ternational Policy" chaired by Political ScienceProf:. Harold Jacobson and
including Miroslav Nincic, J. David Singer and William Zimmerman, 4
p.m.; "The Medical Consequences of nuclear War," Richard Gardiner, 7
p.m.; and Nuclear War Strategies," Paul Walker, 8 p.m. Films will be
shown beginning at noon today.-
Classic Film Theater-Mississippi Mermaid, 3:15 & 7 p.m., Belle De jour,
5:15 & 9 p.m., Michigan Theater.e
Union of Concerned Scientists-The War Game, 1035 Angell Hall, noon;
Hiroshima/Nagasaki: August, 1945, 12:50 p.m.; War Without Winners, 1:10
p.m.; Armaments: The War Game, 1:45 p.m.; Decision to Drdp the Bomb,
2:10 p.m.; Hiroshima/Nagasaki: August 1945, 2:50 p.m.; Plutonium Connec-
tion, 3:10 -p.m.; The Day After Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the
Atomic Bomb, 2225 Angell Hall, 4 p.m.; War Without Winners, 5:35 p.m.;
War Game, 6:10 p.m.; Eight Minutes to Midnight: A Portrait of Dr. Helen
Caldicott, Rackham Ampitheater, 9:15 p.m.
Commission for Women-Mtg., 2549 LSA, noon.
Science' Fiction Club-Mtg., "Stilyagi Air Corps," Ground Floor Conf.
Rm., Mich. Union, 8:15 p.m.
Eastern Orthodox Christian Fellowship-Mtg., Conf. 5, Union, 7:30 p.m.
Student government-LSA Student Government meeting, 3rd floor Union,
MSA Chambers, 6:15 p.m._
Classical Studies-Bernard Knox, "Early Greek Literacy," 2009 Angell
Hall, 4:10p.m.
ECKANKAR-Intro. talk, "The Benefits of Out-of-Body Experience," 302
E. Liberty, 7:30 p.m.
Indus. & Opers. Eng,-Peter Politser, "Enhancement, Inhibition, and
Structure in Diagnostic Test Evidence,"243W. Eng., 45 p.m.
'Earthwatch-Sanford Lewis, "How Much is a Life WorthThe Hazards of
Cost-Benefig Analysis," Rm. 443, Mason Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Communications-Brown Bag Sem., Janelle Shubert, "Conflict
Resolution: New Directions," 2050 Frieze, noon; Morgan O'Leary Sym-
posium, Trueblood Theater, Frieze, 3-5 p.m.
South & Southeast Asian Studies-Peter Bertocci, "Discussion of Satyajit
Ray's Film, 'Panther Panchali'," Rm. 48, noon, Lane Hall.
Russian and East European Studies-Yvonne Lockwood, "Folklore,
Fakelore, & Identity of the Burgerland Croats," Commons Rm., Lane Hall,
Chem.-Thomas Blackburn, "Ion Chromatography," Rm. 1200, Chem., 4
p.m.; Sem., Thomas Guenther (title to be announced), Rm. 1300, 4 p.m.
ISR-Lec., Computer Support Group, "OSIRIS IV-Structured Files in
OSIRIS (session 1)," 6050 ISR, 1:30-3 p.m. '
Computing Center-Steve Burling, "Integrated Graphics '(session 1),"
Sem. Rm., CC, 1:30-3 p.m; Lec., Dave Sun, "Debugging in PL/1 & PL/C,"
B120 MLB, 3:30 -5 p.m.
Aerospace Eng,-R. Alan Dunlap, "New Developments at LMSC," 107
Aerospace Bldg., 3:30-5 p.m.
CRLT/Library-Workshop, "Computerized Bibliographic Data Bases," 3-
5 & 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Women of the 'U' Faculty-Frances Larkin, Assoc. Prof., Human
Nutrition, SPH, "Food and Health: A Look at Suggested Relationships,"
Mich. League Conf. Rms., 4 & 5, 5:30 p.m.
ELI-Charlotte Linde, co-director, Structural Sematics, "Aviation Ac-
cidents: A Case Study in Applied Linguistics and Sociallinguistics," Mich.
League, Henderson Room, 4:30 p.m.
UAC-Laugh track, featuring Gary Kern, Univ. Club, Union, 9 p.m.
School of Music-Faculty Guest Lecture/Recital-Louis Nagal, pianos;
all-Schumann program, Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
Tau Beta Phi-Free tutoring, Walk-in, 307 UGLI & 2332 Bursley, 7-11 p.m.
Ark-Hoot night, open mike;1421 hill, 9p.m.
WCBN-"Radio Free Lawyer: Discussion of Legal Issues," 88.3 FM, 6
Extension Service-Mich. Scholars Conf., Rackham Bldg., Registration, 9
Society of Women Engineers-Pre-interview program, GTE Auto Elec-
tron, 144 W. Eng., 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Applied Physics Lab-John Hopkins,
1-4 p.m.
Natural Resources-Career afternoon, Dana Bldg., 3-4 p.m.
Transcendental Meditation Program-An introduction, Rm. 4313, Union, 8
MEEKRAH-Felafel Study Break, Markley Concourse Lounge, 10 p.m.
To submit itms for the Happenings Column, send them in care of:
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI., 48109.

on right to bargain

(Continued from Page 1)

"As far as I'm concerned the issue is
over and the University should
recognizethem," he said. "That is my
opinion and it has always been my
opinion. It was my understanding that
when a decision jas reached, no matter
which way it went,-we would abide by
Regent Nellie Varner also agreed
with the decision.
" I HAVE ALWAYS been of the belief
they are employees," she said. "Unless
there is something in the opinion that
would change my mind, I wouldn't vote
tp appeal it."
Research assistants who comprise 17
percent of the University's GSAs are
denied employee status in the decision
because "they work in areas directly
related and relevane to their
educational goals and in every instance
are employed through funds received
from sources outside the University,"
the MERC decision said.
GEO representatives said they were
pleased with the decision, but they filed
a counter-exception with MERC to
protest theA exclusions of research
assistants. Their appeal was denied.
"WE'RE' NOT HAPPY about that,
certainly," GEO executive committee
member Paul Harris said. "But I
couldn't tell you at this point what we
could do about it."
Unlike that of traditionaj labor
unions, GEO's membership changes
constantly with the waves of giadute
students entering and leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Although GEO currently has only
55 members, the union was once
represented by more than 700 graduate
student assistants.

"Most students are interested in
going to school now," Lemmer said in
an interview this summer. "There is a
lot of turnover. A group that was in-
terested in this years ago may have
been supplanted by a group who
GEO members, however, attribute
their small enrollment to the lengthy
court process and the fact that
graduate students haven't been able to
see any immediate return for their ef-
forts in recent years.
"We are lodging a major
organizational drive around our suc-
cess in court," said Harris, "It ap-
pears promising.."
Under the new ruling, GEO would
become an agency shop and the official
bargaining representative for all GSAs.
Should the Regents decide not to alt-
peal the MERC decision or are unsuc-
cessful in their attempts, all GSAs
would have a financial obligation to
GEO beginning next term. Harris said
a mandatory representation fee-or op-
tional dues based on the number of
hours worked per week- probably
would be assessed each term via some
form of check-off system through the
Harris said one of the major issues
GEO hopes to address in the future is
the declining rate of pay for GSAs. He
said while GSA pay raises have been
roughly equivalent to those granted the
rest of the faculty, tuition costs going up
at a much faster rate are further un-
-dermining their pay scale.
"We've been steadily depressed
relative to the faculty in real wages,"
Harris said. "That will be one of the
things we will be working to solve. We
haven't really planned beyond the
Regents meeting."
In 1922, a conference between the
United States and Canada perpetuated
the Rush-Bagot Treaty concerning ar-
mament on the Great Lakes. The
original agreement, signed in 1817,
limited the number and size of warships
on the lakes. It has since been modified
to permit the construction of larger
vessels on the lakes.

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Tape recorder stolen
A tape recorder and a total of $12
were stolen from two separate rooms in
Markley Dormitory yesterday, the
University Safety Department repor-
ted. The two apparently unlocked
rooms on the first floor of Little-Hall
were entered at about 3:30 a.m.


of Rights

Article Ih T
The Right to Throttle a Bottle.



Lonignecks Cheap! (
Every Monday Night.
Article II.'
You are Required to Register for the Draft
Good Time Charley Wants You!
aD Board
Refills 50O
Every Tuesday Night






Article II.'
r rit ~ y r . r



Tbe Wild L te Preservation Act of 1981
'Save the Gators'
Your Gator Drinks for Free!
Gator Night.
When Wearing an Aligator on a Piece of Clothing
You Get Two Drinks For the Price of One!
Every Wednesday Night
Article IV.'
An Act Soon to be World Famous!
Pitcher Night
rT --_. r I_ I t



of9S The University of Michigan
A A A I "Y"\ ~I DT""C


See your Jostens' Representative.
Date: Mon.-Fri.


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