1 . .. r
Page 2-Wednesday, Novernber 11, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Institute director defends research policies
(Continued from Page 1)
research, saying they felt research
could be harmful to a student's
education at the University.
"Research is taking resources away
from graduate and undergraduate
education," MSA member Valerie
Mims said.
Gamota also told the Assembly that it
was "too early" to consider student in-
put into the proposed Michigan Resear-
ch Corporation.
"WE CAN'T get groups (to discuss
the MRC) together yet; we're still
assembling data," Gamota said.
Gamota described the flow of resear-
ch funds from the federal government
through agencies such as the National
Science Foundation and the Depar-
tment of Defense, saying even these
departments will be subject to budget
"Things are not going to be as rosy,"
Gamota said. "On the other hand, it
won't be a disaster because there's a lot
of support."
GAMOTA ALSO said many resear-
chers prefer Department of Defense
funds to other federal sources.
"A lot of people like funds from DOD
rather than NSF because DOD doesn't
micromanage programs like NSF,"
Gamota said..
MSA president Jon Feiger said after
Gamota left that the director "has got a
different outlook on the world and the
University" than the non-scientist.
Gamota said he is trying to ensure
that the MRC "gets a fair shake" in an
attempt to get top faculty members to
stay on campus.
In other MSA matters, the student
government passed a resolution in sup-
port of. the Graduate Employees
Organization reaffirming its support
for GEO and asking the regents to ac-
cept a recent ruling by the Michigan
Employment Relations Commission
that says graduate students in teaching
assistant positions can bargain with the
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The Michigan Daily
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BY 6:0O p.m. NOVEMBER 12
Condidates Meeting, Nov. 12, 6 pm.
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More typhoid cases
reported in Jackson
JACKSON (UPI )- State health of-
ficials yesterday confirmed three more
cases of typhoid iever, boosting to at
least eight the number of people
stricken with the rate disease.
Investigators said the eight were
receiving treatment in several Jackson
hospitals, and two other people were
being monitored as probable typhoid
STATE AND county health officials
were concentrating on former workers
at a fraternal hall where tainted food
apparently was served to about 300
ppeople attending an Oct. 8 luncheon at
a local Moose hall.
State Health Director Bailus Walker
said investigators were attempting to
contact all of the luncheon guests.
WALKER SAID typhoid fever is not
totally unknown in recent Michigan
history "but the small number of cases
which do appear are not commonly
found in clusters as in the Jackson
About 200 people atended a Monday
night meeting in Jackson where county
health' workers handed out
questionaires about the rareddisease
which can be fatal if left untreated.
Delores Ray, director of nursing for
the county health department, said
questionnaires were distributed con-
taming information about typhoid fever
a list of symptoms and a sample of the
menu at the United Way luncheon.
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NOV. 12-7:30 p.m.
Michigan Union, Conference Room 5
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Sponsored by: U of M A.D.A.
For info. call: '763-3605, 763-2971
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Church activities not immune
from anti-trust laws
WASHINGTON- A federeal appeals court ruled yesterday that church
organizations are not immune from antitrust laws, even if their actions are
motivated by religious concerns.
The ruling rejected claims of the Catholic Church which argued that ap-
plication of antitrust laws to its actions would violate its First Amendment
right to freely exercise religion.
The case before the appeals court involved an attempt by U.S. Catholic.
bishops to discourage purchase of an English-language liturgy not approved
for use in this country. The U.S. bishops favored a different English
language version.
Politics delay deregulation
of natural gas prices
CHICAGO- The chairman of the American Petroleum Institute said
yesterday politics had forced President Reagan to postpone his pledge to ac-
celerate decontrol of natural gas prices.
Last week the Reagan administration indicated it would not submit
proposals for 'deregulating natural gas this year and had been unable to
come up with a deregulation timetable for 1982-a congressional election
Sen. James McClure (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Energy and
Natural Resources Committee, told the API's annual meeting he did not
know what would happen to Reagan's campaign pledge to remove gas con-
trols "because of complexities with the regulatory apparatus."
Judge dismisses attempts
to bar nude pictures
NEW YORK- A judge yesterday dismissed Brooke Shields' attempt to
bar further use of nude pictures taken when she was 0years old, but told the
photographer he could not publish them in pornographic magazines.
State Justice, Edward Greenfield rejected the 16-year-old actress'
argument that further commercial use of the photographs would cause her
irreparable harm.
The judge said Shields' "personal embarrassment and the anticipation of
the reaction of her friends is not tantamount to irreparable harm. This is
especially so in view of the nature of the films in which she has appeared,
which are suggestive if notexplicit in what they reveal."
However, while Greenfield said photographer Garry Gross is free to use
the photographs "for legitimate purposes," he barred him from licensing
the shots "to pornographic magazines."
Gross said he was "very pleased" with Greenfield's ruling.
The judge stayed his decision for 14 days to give Shields' lawyers time to
Senate requests tapes
from new commissioner'
LANSING- The Senate, in questions released yesterday, has asked new
state Public Service Commissioner and ex-TV newsman Matt McLogan to
turn over tapes and transcripts of his reports dealing with utility and con-
sumer issues.
Senate Democratic Leader Williamn Faust of Westland, chairman of the
powerful committee which holds life and death power over the jobs of Gov.
William Milliken appointees, already has predicted a tough and through
questioning session for McLogan later this month.
Faust, a former newspaperman, said if McLogan's news stories showed an
opinion which could be translated into a PSC policydecision, "I would ask
him how he came to that decision" in his reporting.
Milliken late last month shocked Capitol observers when he appointed the
33-year-old Grand Rapids television reporter and frequent statehouse
correspondent as a Republican on the three-member utility regulating
hbe £tdpbian U t1i
Vol. XCII, No. 54
Wednesday, November 11, 1981,
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed tty students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during
the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 Septemnber through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer' session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
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Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
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