Panel to consider
cuts in,
The University has taken the first steps
toward possible elimination of entire schools
and colleges in light of financial troubles that
may lie ahead.
To accomplish this, a University budget ad-
visory panel has established a subcommittee to
consider guidelines and procedures for the
discontinuation of any of the 17 schools and
colleges at the University.
THE SUBCOMMITTEE, which will be part
of the University Budget Priorities Committee,.
has not been given formal orders to consider
the. discontinuance issue, but a number of
committee members have volunteered for the
subcommittee assignment, said Mary Ann
Swain, nursing professor and chairwoman of
the BPC.
The Budget Priorities Committee is an ad-
visory board of faculty, students and ad-
"Forethought is better than a crisis reac-
tion," Swain said of the subcommittee's study..
A set of guidelines for 'discontinuing
academic programs was adopted two years
ago. Those guidelines were used to eliminate
the University's geography department last
THE NEWLY established group will attem-
pt to develop a useful set of guidelines to
evaluate all -University academic programs,
said Frizell Vaughan, public:health professor
and member of the Budget Priorities Commit-
Vaughan said the BPC will study possible
criteria to be used for discontinuance of
schools and colleges in the event of an ex-
tremely serious financial situation.
"We're considering the worst, though we
hope it doesn't happen," Vaughan said.
HE ADDED THAT the University can no
longer operate at the level which it has for the
past 30 years and said that the chances of
financial improvement in the future were slim.
Jamie Moeller, a student BPC represen-
tative and a member of LSA Student Gover-
nment, said Frye believed that creating a
committee to study discontinuance of schools
and colleges was a good idea, and addled that
Frye wanted Aa study to begin as soon as
"There is a feeling of urgency," Moeller
A PROBLEM FACED by committees such
as the BPC is the long amount of time it takes
to organize a subcommittee and then have that
subcommittee study its assigned problems,
said Bob Sauve, budget assistant to / Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye.
"Frye can't wait two years for their advice,"
Sauve added.
If the University's money crunch continues,
it may be necessary to eliminate entire
schools, Sauve said.
HE EXPLAINED that only so many ad-
ministrative departments can be cut without a
breakdown in the day-to-day functioning of the
Frye would "love" to have the BPC con-
sider guidelines and procedures for discon-
tinuance of schools and colleges, Sauve said.
"As a University we haven't worked out a
good system for which schools to look at or how/
to look at them," Sauve said.
The administration wants faculty in-
volvement if there is "the need, or poassible
need, to do major reductions in major units at
the University," he added.
Committee Chairwoman Swain said the BPC
is attempting to play an active, as opposed to
reactive, role in dealing with the University's
budget problems.
J. ::.
Ninety-Two Years
Mostly clear today with a
of, Dc"lfhigh in the mid-40s and a,
Editorial Freedom w low of 30.
Vol. XCI , No. Copyright 1981 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November] 1, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages
GEO wins bargainnrights
"'U' is undecided
on possible appeal
Graduate Employees Organization.
*members ;scored a victory in their
five-year legal battle with the Univer-
sity last week when the Michigan"Em-
ployment Relations Commission upheld'
an earlier decision that most graduate
student assistants are employeds of the
University. '
Only research assistants are ex-
cluded from the ruling, which gives
GSAs the right to organize and bargain
collectively. The University previously
had refused to cooperate with,
negotiating efforts on the grounds that
the GSA positions were a 'form of finan-
I cial aid.
THE UNIVERSITY has until Nov.
24, to file with the State Court of Ap-
peals before they legally will be bound
to cooperate with the ME1AC decision.
Final action is up to the Regents, who
will hold their monthly meeting Nov.
19 and 20.
The decision originally made by ad-
ministrative law judge Shlomo Sperka
and upheld by the three-member
MERC board, orders the University to
abide by a contract drawn up in 1976
following negotiations with GEO. The
decision states the contract should be
observed "until the parties reach
agreement on a new contract or have
bargained in good faith to impasse."
Sperka, University officials and GEO
leaders, said they could not recall any
details of the original contract.
"IT'S TRUE the contract was impor-
tant, but it wasn't the main issue,"
SSperka said. "The University said, 'No
more. We don't have to bargain with
you. You're not employees.'
Technically, that is what is at issue."
Morris Milmet, chairman of the
MERC board, filed a dissenting opinion
with the decision, saying collective
bargaining "could have a potentially
long-term destructive effect far out- A MEMBER OF T
weighing any immediate beneficial by- placard during a ra
products. ruling by Judge Sb
William Lemmer, lawyer for the bargaiinng status o
University on the case, declined to Michigan Employm
comment on what decision the Regents
might make in the case, saying onlyTU
that since the contract was so old, it s w
would have to be studied.
Vice President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy said that while a.*
possible appeal of the MERC ruling was i
not yet on the agenda for the Regents a
meeting this month, "it will obviously Last week's Michig
be brought to their attention." Relations Commissi
"WE HAVEN'T made any decision at mark the end of a fight
this point," he said. "We've come to no years ago when an in
conclusions. teaching assistants de
B ut Regent Gerald Dunn supported sity was not treatir
the MERC decision. students fairly.
Daily tile photos
HE Graduate Employees Organization (right) holds a
ally against the University administration last spring. A
lomo Sperka (above) granting teaching assistants the
f other University employees was upheld last week by the
nent Relations Commission.
en a long
f orthGE
gan Employment
on ruling may
t that began eight
nformal group of
cided the Univer-
ng its graduate
sity did not raise
laries, although
tuition was increased 25 percent and
salaries of other staff members were
raised 12 percent that year. A group of
TAs, distressed by what they con-
sidered to be unfair treatment of
graduate student assistants, tried to
negotiate with University ad-
ministrators for an equitable pay raise.
See IT'S BEEN, Page 7
See GEO, Page 3
In 1973, the Univers
graduate student sa
Gamota a lo.
research ..
U.S. unable to nab,
draft registration
dodgers, lawyer says
Institute of Science and Technology
Director George Gamota defended the
University's current research policies
before the Michigan Student Assembly
last night, saying that if a 'school ex-
pects to be No. 1" it must stress
teaching and research.
Gamota explained that professors
need to do research to boost and retain
their teaching abilities-a faculty
member who does not conduct research,
may "run out of steam," as. his or her
knowledge becomes outdated.
SEVERAL MSA members later said
they were dissatisfied with Gamota's
handling of their questions concerning
the relationship between teaching and
If you are among the 1 million young .
men who recently have refused to
register for the draft, chances are very
good that the government doesn't know
it, said Jim Lafferty, coordinator of the
Detroit chapter of the Committee
Against Registration and the Draft.
"The bottom line at the moment is
that, as a practical matter, the gover-
nment has no way of knowing that you
failed to register unless you tell them,"
Lafferty said last night during a forum
on the legal ramifications of non-
registration sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Committee Against
Registration and the Draft.
military law for 13 years, explained to
the group of about 40 people assembled
at the Ann Arbor Public Library that, if
convicted, the penalty for failing to
register for the draft, is five years im-
prisonment and a $10,000 fine. Lafferty
said, however, that "mass prosecution
is not likely."
Noting that only 69 percent of those
required to register have done so, Laf-
ferty explained that "the government
has undertaken a campaign of in-
timidation in an effort to beef up the
According to Lafferty, 1.2 million
postcards have been mailed to
households where male, high school
seniors -are presumed to be residing,
See LAWYER, Page 7
GEORGE GAMOTA, director of the University's Institute of Science and Technology, explains the role of the Institute
and answered questions about the University's military research at a meeting of the Michigan Student Assembly last
LAFFERTY, A lawyer who
specialized in selective service
Seniors, get busy
TSA SENIORS WHO plan to graduate next May
must fill out a diploma application and concen-
r _ __- - "II lP.....f1. .-.,n .,- .«..-
Heart is giving a special citation to the University's
Clements Library today, Veteran's Day. Ann Arbor
resident and former University student Hugh Gaston will
assist in presenting the award to library officials. Gaston,
who has earned two purple hearts himself, suggested the
special award to the library for its preservation of
American historical papers. "Our library is a great library
for Revolutionary War materials," said Clements Library
Director John Dann. He added, however, that he still was
mystified as to why the library would receive the award,
generally granted to those who were wounded in combat. Ql
when the Urban Development and Health Department
complained of code violations. Councilman Bill Danley told
the council that in 1977, 13,000 people died from household
falls, probably on linoleum. "How many people died from
unsanitary feet?" he asked. Further, the danger caused by
dropping an electrical device was the same on wet carpet or
on wet linoleum, he said. O
Governor dropped from jury
he said. Asked if.he had ever been sued, Lamm replied, "I
get sued probably about 10 times a day." As governor, he is
often named a defendant in lawsuits-against the state. El
On the inside
Professor of English Bert Hornback asks "Is Smaller
Better? Is Less More?" on the Opinion Page . ..Arts