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November 11, 1981 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-11

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Page 4 Wednesday, November 11, 1981 The Michigan Daily
Is smaller better? Is less more?
things hire other people to remove hucksters' days called "the management team"-get We have to return toour purpose as a Univer-
Bert Hornback crowded classrooms and fewer classes.advertisements from doors and Wi back to work professing something: teaching, sity where, living ,by what we know, we can
If we didn't know how much the president dows and walls, We - as a com- in the classroom. strive-as a community-to learn more.
gets paid and how much his assorted vice munity-should stop cluttering up the doors Knowing that junior clerical personnel in the Things would be easier for those who are
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." presidents get paid-and how much their raises and windows and walls with such junk. University earn as little as $8,300 a year, and running things-for our "managers"-if we
There are some people around, even a place were in this year of serious economic Then those people who we pay to perform the that four 'of our executive officers are paid didn't know as much as we already do.,
like this one, who will tell you that. And there crisis-we wouldn't be upset at them, and want demeaning job of cleaning up after us could go more than $70,000 a year-a good nine times THEY WOULD PREFER our ignorance, and
are some who will tell you, too, that "ignorance to use nasty words,like "greedy" when we talk to work in the library, or do something else of what those junior clerical employees our docile acceptance of whatever they do or
is bliss." And if you will believe that nonsense, about them. real value and serious use to the community. make!-we should protest strongly against don't do. But since we know what's going on,
they will tell you that "Smaller is better," and If we didn't know that, etymologically, (KNOWING THAT we deaden our sen- those grossly overpaid managers receiving and know what it means, we must choose bet-
"Less means more." "economics" has to do with how things work sibilities by learning not to pay attention to further raises this year of some $4,000 each. ' ween being the administration's accom-
In a sense thse people are right, of course. If here at home, we wouldn't be so upset at how what we see, we should quit putting up ten KNOWING AS WE do that these are hard plices-their suicidal accomplices, I would
we didn't know that there are more than thirty things aren't working well for us at all. If we posters saying the same thing, instead of one, times here at home-economically-we should argue-and their adversaries.
deans and'associate deans in the University, didn't know what "economics" is about, we so that we can protect and hone our sen- learn how to live here together: as a com- I would urge that we oppose them, and use
and that selective cutbacks haven't shrunk could blame out troubles on somebody else sibilities by paying attention to the one. 'But munity. In a community we must share the what we know to save the University, both as a
that number by a single deanly desk's worth, besides our well-paid leaders and ourselves. that's another argument-about human wealth, not starve the poor. commodity and as a University. It is impor-
we would be better off. We would be happier BUT THE PROBLEMS are all our own, civilization-and it will have to wait.) Given what we know, we have to insist again- tant-for the idea of community and for the
with our lot. really, at every level and in every sense. To Knowing that classes are too large-that they st the absurd and self-serving Newspeak of idea of a university-that we insist that what
AND IF WE didn't know that the faculty is solve the problems we will have to change the are crowded, and more than crowded-because "Smaller but better" and "Less means more." we know won't hurt us, and that we act, then,
shrinking while the student body renains the way things work around here-and to do that there aren't enough faculty teaching them, and We have to look seriously at the problems we upon our knowledge.
same size-and if we could forget that the we will have to make serious use of what we recognizing that this place we call a University face as a University, and try to deal with them Someday, if we all learn to act upon what we
faculty who remain are urged by all the Various know, is an educational institution, we should insist intelligently. We have to identify waste as know, we might even save the Universe!
deans toward research and not toward the Let's start with something small, but serious, that the non-teaching faculty-administrators waste, and cut it out. We have to call greed by
classroom-then we could blindly accept more Knowing that the people who pretend to run of various kinds, members of what is these its dirty, shameful name, and refuse its claims. Horn back is a professor of English.
r r1


Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan




420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Vol. XCII, No. 54


Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board
'Adenial of freedoms




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T HE ISRAELIS- the supposed
defenders of democracy in the
Middle East-have shown, once again,
how undemocratic they really can be.
Yesterday, in the occupied West Bank,
military officials jailed three influen-
tial Palestinians and confined several
others to their towns in order to abate a
planned strike by the town's merchan-
During the past week, several
demonstrations have occurred in the
area protesting Israel's occupation of
the West Bank and Defense Minister
Ariel Sharon's policy of replacing
military authorities with civilian ad-
And Israel's very democratic
response to these activities? Jail the
most vocal protesters.t
Israel, once again, has refused to
allow the Palestinian people a very
basic civil liberty-that of free speech.
Of course, it's not surprising. Israel's

continuous refusal to allow Palestinian
self-rule has demonstrated the coun-
try's lack of concern for the rights of
the Palestinian people.
This is not unlike the late Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat's and current
President Hosni Mubarak's purges of
fundamentalist Moslems and political
dissidents. In both instances, in-
dividuals have been oppressed because
of their beliefs and backgrounds. And
in both instances, the regimes respon-
sible for blatant oppression have
received vigorous-'almost
unequivocal-support from the United
As the United States' strongest ally
in the Middle East, one would assume
Israel could display some rudimentary
traits of democracy. By refusing to
allow the Palestinian people basic civil
liberties, however, Israel has
destroyed any chance of setting such
an example and has implicated the
United States in its oppression.

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Daily unfair to Unification Church

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To the Daily:
I am angry. On Thursday, Oc-
tober 29, the Daily published two
articles about the "Moonies."
Together, they presented a
distorted view that will only ser-
ve to strengthen an already
stereotyped, negative image
presented thus far by the news
Why do you participate in the
continuing character
assassination of Rev. Moon and
the members of the Unification
Church Movement?
Many Americans have com-.
pletely misjudged Rev. Moon. I
have worked with him for six
years and have seen his tremen-,
dous effort on behalf of this
nation. Relentlessly, he has
spoken the truth about the twin
threats of moral decay and
atheistic communism. He has
been a champion of religious and
racial minorities.
Left-leaning news media,
threatened by Rev. Moon's anti-
communist stand, are spreading
false rumors and innuendo trying
to undermine his efforts.
At the same time, disenchanted
former members have added to
the controversy with strange
stories and emotional appeals to
avoid the "Moonies." A great
deal of media attention has been
focused on so-called
"deprogrammers" who kidnap
adult members of new religious
groups and often violently
pressure them to denounce their
What has not been brought out
in the media, however, is that this
network has become a multi-
million dollar business, preying
on fear and- instilling hatred
toward the churches and their
members. Organizations such as
the Citizens Freedom Foundation
and American Family Foun-
dation were established to spread
hatred and to destroy new
These well-funded
organizations have adopted
many tactics to achieve their
publicly stated goals of
destroying church members'
faiths and the religious groups as

perman's pitiful story is
definitely not typical of a person
who lives his life for God accor-
ding to the Divine Principle. It is
clearly a combination of the
deprogrammer propaganda and
Kemperman's own self-centered
reaction to the God-centered and
other-centered philosophy and
life style of the Unification
The Daily has known of my
membership in the Unification
Movement since January 1980.
I've been interviewed on a num-
ber of occasions. Why not publish
an accurate, "authoritative" ar-
ticle about my life as a
It is particularly painful to me
that the Daily would print such a
hostile piece of propaganda as
the Andrew Ross column entitled,
"The Moonies' illegal aliens."
The emphasis of the writer is to
show that the Immigration. and
Naturalization Service are the
good guys and the "Moonies" are
the badies, they're breaking the
law. What about the other side of
the story?
In recent years many of the
church's foreign members have
been subject to discriminatory
treatment by the INS. There has
been cooperation between
deprogrammers and government
officials and law enforcement of-
ficers to take members from the
movement by force. And the
press has been foremost in the
crusade to create a hostile reac-
tion toward the "Moonies."
My wife is a citizen of West
Germany. We have experienced
first hand the prejudice and
abuse of power being practiced
by agents of the INS.
The moment we met the im-
migration officer she accused me
of marrying my wife just so she
could stay in the United, States to
work for the Unification Church.
The burden of proof was on me to
show that our marriage was a
"normal marriage" ar.d
therefore acceptable to the INS.
Only after a lengthy cross
examination of both my wife and
me, concerning the most per-
sonal details of our marital

To the Daily:
The B-1 bomber, the MX
missile, the C-17 transport
plane-numbers and letters that
alienate, bewilder, and frighten
almost every human being who
grasps their meaning. We are
assaulted daily by new proposals
for national defense-the RDF
(rapid deployment force) and
ELF (extreme low frequency an-
tenae network).
Business and industry are
cajoled and enticed into stock-
piling "strategic metals
(cobalt, manganese, titanium,
etc.) and researching ways to do
without such commodities. We
are daily confronted with
paradoxical reports of military
might and economic collapse-in
the U.S.S.R.
Yet at the same time, we are
confronted by a nuclear arms
race presenting the U.S.S.R. as
the aggressor in this no win
situation, going so far as to
present scenarios for limited
engagement of nuclear
The time has come to realize*
the lessons learned since the
beginning of this century. If we,
-as a -people, are going to survive,
we must tone down harshly, if not
stop, the-military monster that
in 1914 destroyed the beliefs and,
ideals of a world, in 1939
dismayed and horrified mankind,
and since thattime has done little
except cause pain, suffering,
and manipulation of people who
would be justas happy to be sit-
ting at home watching football.
That i not to say,. however,
that the military should be apan-
doned. The military provides a
focus for our perceived defense,
whatever that defense may be at
a given time. It must be realized
that the Russians are as afraid of
1110,0 %t'a sn of[IT-. . «.-._

admitted, had come primarily
from the medlia.
The Daily may think that it is
doing a "good" job by exsposing
the "Moonies" but it may very

well be maligning innocent
people. I believe this is an uncon
scionable way to sell newspapers,
-Bill Hilbert
November 4

Protest the arms race

alternatives must be sought'out.
Alternatives to what and from
where should be the next.-
questions. Alternatives to con-
frontation over the limitedW
resources, available pn Earth
when, if industry and gover-
nment were to cooperate, the un-
tapped resources of space are
available., This may sound
ludicrous, but nonetheless, it is a
viable alternative in the near
Alternatives to confrontation'*
over ideological problems are not
as easily found. Palestinian
autonomy, ,a free and secure
Israel, the apartheid policies of
the South African government,
and worldwide human rights are
all major concerns that require
workable solutions soon.
So what can be done in this
world of increasing militarism
and despair? Speak out! Present
your ideas, no matter how sim-
ple, for complex things are built
from simple foundations. Join an
organization that you feel will
represent your viewpoint and
that you can work with to convey
that point to others.
This campus, with minor ex-
ceptions, has shown little coo-
dinated conceptual effort toO
organize and speak out against
such things as budget cuts,
program cuts, military issues, or
social concerns.
This lack of outward concern is
certainly understandble given
the need to excel here and the
burdensome financial cost, but, it
is, nonetheless,s appalling that a
university of 30,000 students can-
not organize effectively to come
up with viable alternatives to


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