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January 15, 1980 - Image 1

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NinetyI Years of Editorial F'reedomi


See Today for details

I .,~

Vol. A, No. 85

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 15, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


Nader: Scholastic admission t

tional Testing Service's multiple-choice
admission tests are "a consumer
ud" that do a poor job in predicting
lege performance and )qre biased
agaisnt minorities, a Ralph Nader-
sponsoredstudy charges.
I"ETS' claims to measure aptitude
end predict success are false and un-
substantiated," Nader charged at a
news conference yesterday, releasing a
550-page report entitled, "The Reign of
ETS: The Corporation that Makes Up
Nader compared ETS' Scholastic Ap-
gude Test (SAT), Law School Ad-

mission Test (LSAT), Graduate Record
Examinations (GRE), and Graduate
Management Admission Test (GMAT),
which more than 2 million Americin
students take each year, to "a roulette
"PEOPLE ARE struck out of oppor-
tunities in educational career areas on-
the basais of a three-hour test," he said.
Standardized tests "don't measure
judgment, wisdom, experience,
creativity, stamina, deter-
mination-the actual characteristics
that make for progress in human
Nader called the report "a consumer

SAT not sole factor-'U' official

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is
used as a secondary measurement in
admitting students to the University, an
Admissions Office official said last

Associate Admissions Director Lance
Erickson said SAT scores "are not 100
per cent accurate, but not 50 per cent
either." They give a general indication
of how students may fare during their
See SAT, Page 9

ests a fraud'
prepared in school than majority and conduct researct
students. The tests do not create the dif- more than 7 million1
ference; they revealit." at every level from p
He acknowledged a student's past college to occupationa
grades are a better predictor of future NAIRN CLAIMED
grades, but he said the test scores own validity studies
enhance that prediction. "ETS aptitude tests pi
Turnbull called the report "an anti- 8 per cent to 15 per
climax after a five-year buildup. It random prediction wit
seems to be mainly a collection of well- Nairn said previo
publicized material about testing, twice as accurate
much of it published by ETS." predicting future gra

. Today, it tests
persons annually,
preschool through
al tests.
that using ETS'
s, he found that
redict grades only
cent better than
th a pair'of dice."
aus grades were
as ETS tests in
des, and that even
ith high school
oves the accuracy
3 per cent to 5 per
age 2

analysis." It was written by Allan
Nairn, a 24-year-old student who began
investigating ETS at Nader's behest in
William Turnbull, president of the
Princeton, N.J., testing giant, said

many of Nairn's criticisms were out-
dated and some of his statistics were
'inaccurate and misleading."
TURNBULL SAID "Nader and Nairn
wrongly blame the tests for showing
that minority students are less well-

Most of Nairn's study is a revisionist
history of ETS, a non-profit
organization founded by higher
education groups in 1947 to make tests

when combined wi
grades, the SAT impro
of predictions by only

'U' likely to

hike dorm

Some University students will have
to pay nearly $300 more to live in
residence halls next year if a
staggering 13.2 per cent recommended
room and board rate hike is approved
by the Regents next month.
If, as in past years, the Regents go
along with the Housing Office's Student
Rate Study Committee proposal, the
jump will mark the University's
AP Photo biggest dormitory rate increase ever.
THE HIKE-almost double the one
esident recommended and approved last
iversity year--would mean an average annual
f neuro- increase in housing costs of $262.45 per
Harold student.
Contained in the committee's report


is a recommendation for the
elimination of the University's con-
troversial weekend food service con-
solidation program, even though the
plan was instituted last fall by the
Housing Office as a cost-cutting
mea'sure. Committee members said in-
convenience caused by the weekend
food service merger is not worth the
annual $12 saved by each student.
Although Housing Director Robert
Hughes may offer proposals which dif-
fer from those made by the rate com-
mittee, Associate Housing Director
Norm Snustad, who chaired the com-
mittee, said, "Typically, the director of
housing has been consistent with the
rate study committee." .




U'profs honored
University Professor Emeritus Elizabeth Crosby is applauded by Pr
Carter as she receives a National Medal of Science. Crosby andiUni
Professor Emmett Leith were honored for their work in the fields of
anatomy and holography, respectively. University President
Shapiro also attended the award ceremony and dinner.

Iran exp es American journalists

Single Double
1978-1979 $2047.50 $1759.50
1979-1980 $2215.52 $1868.21
1980-1981 $2508.35 $2115.64
HUGHES SAID yesterday he has yet and pleased that, unlike last year, no
to decide if he agrees with the commit- service cuts were proposed.
tee's proposals. "If you're going to pay a lot of
money," said Hadiaris, "you might as
Last year, the rate study committee well get a quality product."
recommended, and the Regents ASIDE FROM the elimination of
ultimately approved, a 6.9 per cent weekend food service consolidation, the
housing rate increase. . rcommittee recommended installation
of cable television hookups in residence
The increase could mean a hike in the hall TV lounges, and energy-saving
annual cost of a single room of $292.83; showerheads. This last proposal is con-
$247.43 for doubles; and $217.92 for - tingent upon the Regents' approval of
triples. discontinuing weekend food service
The rate study committee is com- operations.
prised of five students and two residen- The ba~lk of the rate increase, 11.8 per
ce hall staff members. Its purpose is to cent, is necessary to keep up with rising
evaluate and review costs of-services inflation%,Resumption of weekend food
offered to dorm. residents 'by the service operations, which would cost
Housing Office. the student $18, would add another one
THE COMMITTEE also recommen- per cent to this figure. Cable television
ded an increase in room and board hookups and showerheads would add .1
rates of three non-traditional halls _ per cent and .4 per cent, respectively.
Fletcher, Baits, and Oxford - of 10 per Another recommendation made by
cent. the Rate Study Committee concerned
Peter Hadiaris, a South Quad the extent to which residents in rooms
resident and committee member, said taking on an extra roommate may get
he and others on the committee were rid of their leases.
satisfied with their recommendations See '80-'81, Page 2
Assembly 'deplores
Soviet intervention

TEHRAN,' Iran (AP) - Iran's -Revolutionary
Council ordered the expulsion of all American repor-
ters yesterday because of what it called "biased
porting," and demanded that U.S. news
Wganiiations "immediately" close operations.
In addition, Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghothzadeh
warned that some 50 American hostages might be
held "more or less forever" if the United States
refused to extradite the deposed shah. He also war-
ned that other governments would "blur" their
relations with oil-rich Iran if they went along with the
United States in imposing sanctions.
MEANWHILE, ISLAMIC militants who have held
e Americans hostage at the U.S. Embassy since
v. 4 were quoted as saying spy trials will begin for

own people from knowing the disastrous impact upon
Iran of the taking and continued holding of the
American citizens.
THE 15-MEMBER Revolutionary Council debated
and then approved the decision to expel the
Americans during a three-hour meeting last night,
after which Monifar read the statement.
Moinfar, deputy spokesman of the council, said
that for the time being, French, British, and West
German reporters were being allowed to remain in
Iran. "But we give them a strong warning that if they
send anything but the truth about the news they will
be expelled as well," he said.
He said the Ministry of National Guidance would
handle the explusions. There were reports here that
the journalists would be given a few days to pack up
and leave. But that was not confirmed by
Abolghassem Sadegh, director of foreign press at the

the hostages as soon as revolutionary leader
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gave the word. They
also said the hostages would be allowed to hear a
recorded broadcast of the American Superbowl foot-
ball game this Sunday.
"The foreign (American) journalists have been
misusing our kind cooperation and freedom we have
given them," said a statement from the council read
by council spokesman Ali Akbar Moinfar, who is also
Iran's oil minister. "They have used this against our
revolution ;and we are going to expel all American
correspondents effective immediately."
In Washington, White House press secretary Jody
Powell said of the explusion, "It would seem to be a
comment upon the desire of the authorities in Iran to
prevent not only the rest of the world but indeed their

See IRANIAN, Page 5


pot use
study says

Although one in ten high school
seniors admits to smoking marijuana
nearly every day, a University study
indicates that pot smoking may be
cooling off for the first time in more
than a decade.
Research conducted at the Institute
for Social Research also found,
however, that cocaine use among the
students is increasing at a high rate.
ples of 17,000 seniors enrolled in 130

public and private high schools across
the country each year, researchers
have found that daily or near-daily use
of marijuana has almost doubled from
six per cent in 1975 to11per cent in 1978.
But 1979 figures, gathered for the
National Institute on Drug Abuse, show
the increase in usage halted abruptly.
Reasons for the static status are two-
fold, according to social psychologist
Lloyd Johnston, who conducted the
study with Jerald Bachman and
See POT, Page 2

Mlost o(f those 1whIo tE'Ufifto
try it hate l'# ready( 1'alone so.'
-tSR stu(Iy

Unisex pension plan may aid wom

Women professors might soon be
titled to the same monthly pension in
'tirement as their male colleagues. '
Until now, University contributions
for men and women have been equal,
but women have received smaller mon-
thly benefits. The reasoning was that
since women tend to live longer, they
receive payments for a longer period of
time after retiring-eventually getting.
the same benefits as male retirees.
THE SHIFT to a unisex mortality
tahl will reit in smalIer navments to

retired men who choose certain options
in their annuity contract, and larger
payments to many women. According
to Thomas Edwards, chairman of the
national Teacher Insurance and An-
nuity Association and College
Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-
CREF), which handles the University's
faculty pension contracts, the reduc-
tions for men and increases for women
will vary from one to eight per cent.
Although the insurance association
has applied for approval of the unisex
table to the New York state insurance

department, Edwards said, "We don't
know whether it will be passed or when.
I'm always optimistic."
The association decided to change its
policy after years of struggling with
federal regulations and charges of sex
discrimination. Several court cases are
still pending. "You have to ask yourself
if this (unisex pension plans) is the
social wave of the future," Edwards
said. "Colleges clearly believe it is."
faculty members of many of the 3,000
institutions that offer the pension plan

en pro fs
have complained about the sex-
differentiated system, some ad-
ministrators at the University believe
the switch to unisex plans will be un-
popular among many faculty members.
Don Theil, manager of the Univer-
sity's Office of Staff Benefits, admitted
that the University may consider aban-
doning the TIAA plan in favor of
another organization's if the unisex
table is approved. "As an alternative,
there's the idea of maybe offering no
pension'at all," he added.
See PROPOSED, Page 5

By the Associated Press
The U.N. General Assembly express-
ed overwhelming disapproval last night
of the Soviet military intervention in
Afghanistan. The vote on the resolution
was 104-18 with 18 abstentions.
It was a stunning rebuke to the Soviet
Union, which one week ago vetoed a
similar resolution in the Security Coun-
THE GENERAL Assembly vote
came after four days of debate at an
emergency session called after the
Soviets killed the Security Council ac-
Lining up against the Soviets were
the vast majority of Moslem and Third
World nations along with the Western
The assembly vote meant 12 of the 152
members either were not present or did
not participate. The resolution needed a
two-thirds majority of those voting for
SPEAKER AFTER speaker during
the final session referred to the Soviet
intervention as "naked aggression."
Moscow's allies repeated the
Kremlin's claim that thousands of
Soviet troops swept south into
Afghanistan last month because that

country's Marxist government was
threatened by "imperialism."
The resolution "strongly deplores
the intervention, but does not
specifically mention the Soviet Union,
and urges the immediate withdrawl of
all foreign troops.
A SIMILAR resolution before the 15-
member Security Council was vetoed
by the Soviet Union Jan. 7, then was
submitted to the assembly, which heard
57 speakers in three days of debate
Thursday through Saturday.
Meanwhile, Soviet troops captured
control of one of Afghanistan's two
major highways :,and. fighting
throughout the Central Asian nation has
slowed dramatically in the past few
days, according to Western diplomatic
sources in the capital of Kabul.
One Western informant in Kabul said
fighting had stopped "almost
everywhere." Others said it was con-
tinuing in the rugged Soviet border, and
in Paktia, southeast of Kabul and near
Pakistan, where Soviet troops repor-
tedly were backed by missile-firing
MiG warplanes and helicopter gun-
AT LEAST one Soviet motorized in-
See 100,000, Page 5


Four Pennsylvania entrepreneurs have devised an
easy method for frustrated Americans to express their
anger against Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini: .... on him. The
group is marketing an "Ayatoilet Target" sticker -
featuring a likeness of the Iranian leader - designed to be
applied to an appropriate area of a toilet or urinal. "We in
Erie, Pa. now find the continuous news reports more

tolerable since we have a chance to demonstrate our own
opinions several times a day," Tony Lariccia, spokesman
for the Creative Research Laboratories, said in a letter.
Reached by telephone yesterday, Lariccia said "patriotic"
feelings inspired the creation of the sticker, but admitted
good old American business enterprise may also have had
something to do with the promotion of the target. It retails
for $1. Q
A I. . l

said. Does this mean we will have to start calling our sister
institution "Oink U" rather than the traditional "Moo
On the inside...
For a review of a decade of Michigan football under Bo
Schembechler, see the sports page . . . A defense of Al
Kaline's Hall of Fame selection is on the editorial page




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