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June 09, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-09

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The Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Wednesday, June 9, 1976
News Phone: 764-0552
CDU: Clericals' best bet
THE LINES ARE clearly drawn as the University cleri-
cals' U.A.W. local 2001 holds its elections June 8, 9
and 10. With no small amount of mud-slinging and
name-calling, the two major factions, Unity Caucus and
Clericals for a Democratic Union (CDU) hope finally to
resolve the struggle for power which has been raging
since the contested January elections. We urge all elig-
ible clericals to vote for CDU as it seems to be the only
viable leadershin at this time.
CDU emerged triumphant from the January elec-
tions only to have Unity members file an appeal with the
U.A.W. international on the grounds that "procedural
problems" and "improprieties" had tainted the results.
Unity members charge that the CDU leadership did not
follow proper election certification prcedures and mis-
informed union members about voter eligibility.
These accusations have been steadfastly denied by
CDU, but nevertheless the U.A.W. international upheld
the anneal and scheduled the June elections.
CDU members view the international's decision as
a confirmation of their charge that Unity is nothing but
a "puppet" for the international U.A.W. For further proof
of Unity's "pupnet" status, CDU points to last summer's
contract negotiations with the University, conducted
when Unity members headed 2001. According to CDU,
Unity accepted the University's miserable contract offer
under orders from the U.A.W. international, who in turn
were in cahoots with the University administratior.
However true CDU's allegations, the most tangible re-
sult of Unity's political machinations and maneuvering
has been the total disillusionment of the union rank and
file. Disgusted by the contract worked out by a primarily
Unity bargaining committee last summer and appalled
by the group's attempt to crowbar its way back into pow-
er on the strength of dubious election technicalities, the
sentiment of the union membership seems obvious.
Either CDU retains contro of the union or there
should be no union at all. University clericals have no
confidence in the slate Unity has proferred. Without the
whole-hearted support of its members, the union has no
power and more importantly, no real reason for exist-
ence. Many clericals believe Unity Caucus sold them out
in the last contract negotiations and they have no reason
to expect otherwise in the upcoming contract sessions
with the University.
Finally, these individual accusations and issues cloud
what seems to be the core of the matter. Beneath all the
rhetoric and fingerpointing, one fact stands clear: Uni-
versity clericals do not trust Unity Caucus, and that
reason alone is enough to support CDU.
Health: Flossing
The tsuoer di/orial page u-ill ocasionally re-run
sone of the nore frequentl-ased questions of the Heal/h
Sernit, iandbook series. This is the second insnallment.
Question: Even though I brush my teeth after every
meal, I still get cavities. My dentist says I should use
dental floss. nlow much better is that than brushing?
Answer: There is a disagreeable substance known as
dental plaque which is a tightly adhering film consisting of
bacteria along with their secretions of protein and sugar,
and which collects on the teeth daily. It is thought that
plaque, unless gotten rid of thoroughly, may cause tooth
decay and gum disease (pyorrhea). Even the most effic-
ient toothbrushing technique fails to remove all plaque from
the surfaces of the teeth adjacent to each other since it is
physically impossible for the bristles to reach deep into the
in-between spaces. Waxed or ntwaxed dental floss is supple-

mentally used for oral hygiene to aid in removing dental
plaque from approximating sides of the teeth beneath the
contacting area. The floss is passed gently between the
teeth and underneatl the edge of the gum tissue. While be-
ing held tightly against the side surface, it is pulled slowly
toward the chewing surface of the tooth. Both sides of every
tooth should be cleaned in this manner with dental floss.

The plight
of Mario
This was written by Jane
Margolis as a leter to the editor,
for the Partisan Defense Com-
mi/tee. (co-sponsor of the Com-
mi/tee to Sate Mario Munoz).
T E ARGENTINE military
junta, led by General Jorge
Videa, took power on March
23 declaring respect for inter-
national conventions regarding
asylum and human rights. But
only 48 hours later, at 3 am.,
a military patrol of 30 men in
battle gear raided the home of
Chilean miners' union leader
Mario Munoz Salas, who along
with thousands of other Chi-
leans, had sought asylum in
Argentina after the Pinochet
coup. The military patrol
smashed the interior of Munoz'
house, dragged out his "com-
panera, five children and two
relatives and savagely beat
them in order to find out Mu-
noz's whereabouts. The troops
even tried to snatch the small-
est child, a two-month-old baby,
from the arms of its mother to
use as a hostage.
Faced with the mother's cour-
age and the anger of many
neighbors the patrol was forced
to retreat, but not without
warning Munoz' family that he
would be shot on sight. San
Jsan province has been sealed
off since the incident and all
inter-provincial transport is
searched as the manhunt for
Munoz continues.
The persecution of Munoz
and his family is not an isolated
atrocity. The UN High Commis-
sion for Refugees states that
there are 18,000 Latin American
refugees in Argentina and esti-
mates that 80 per cent are Chil-
ean. The number is probably
much higher as many refugees
are unable to register with the
UN. Now, the Argentine junta
has, by decree, authorized the
expulsion of Latin American
refugees in Argentina.
ONE OF THE first victims
of the junta's policy of expell-
ing political refugees was Chil-
ean MIR leader, Edgardo Enri-
quez. He was arrested by the
Argentine junta on April 10, de-
ported to Chile on April 27 and
placed in the hands of Chile's
notorious political police, DINA.
Persecuted leftists cannot
find safety by crossing the bor-
der because of the domination
of right-wing dictatorships in
South America. Embassies have
been sealed off and refugee
camps are not safe. Argentina
does not recognize extra-terri-
torial status for UN refugee
camps and the junta systemat-
ically raids the camps and ar-
rests suspected leftists. All
embassies in Buenos Aires are
surrounded by troops and only
embassy employes are permit-
ted to enter. The plight of re-
fugees in Argentina is indeed
Mario Munoz, 36, joined his
father in the mines at the age
of fourteen. He was among the
first to organize the "pirqui-
neros" or contract miners, 90
per cent of whom were illiter-
ate, many afflicted with sili-
cosis and dying in the most ab-
ject poverty. In Argentina Mu-
not has continued to defend
Chilean workers and peasants
during their difficult years of

See THE, Page 10

To The Daily:
This Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 8,
9, and 10 UAW Local 2001 will again hold election
for officers; much to the dismay of those having
contact with the current officers and those trying
to assume these same offices.
It is very unfortunate for membership of 2001
that the international saw fit to call another elec-
tion on request of the parties defeated in the last
election. Those contesting the results of the last elec-
tion and thus challenging the current officers had
more than ample time prior to the last election to
demonstrate their competence in fulfilling officer re-
sponsibilities and they failed miserably. Even though
these challengers were among those who negotiated
the last contract their blatant ignorance of the pro-
visions of that contract and their flagrant inability
to support clericals' more than demonstrates their
lack of intelligence and integrity which is needed by
membership interests in placing persons into the of-
fices of the union and placing upon them the respon-
sibilities and authority.
It is not in the best interests of clerical workers
to have their union officiated by persons or a per-
son who has family ties in university personnel. Neith-
er is it in the best interest of these same clericals
to have these offices filled by people who can be
so obviously manipulated by university administra-
tion, as both Moorehead and Jones have thus dem-
onstrated. It is not in the best interests of these
same clericals to have a president who advises a
grievant to terminate employment and accept a de-
motion rather than fight the administration to secure
her/his rights under the current contract.
Moorehead has undercut the rights of the clericals
throughout her stewardship and repeatedly demon-
strated the blatant ignorance of the contract she help-
ed to negotiate last year. She has repeatedly given
into managerial demands in undercuting the clerical
rights within the negotiated contract, and has upon
many occasions given misinformation about grievance
proceedings to both grievant and supervision.
Jones has nothing short of the same charges laid
at her doorstep. She has blatantly demonstrated her
lack of knowledge about the current contract, and has
repeatedly demonstrated her inability to secure fair
and adequate representation on grievances against the
university, additionally, she is more than acquiesant
in her acceptance of administration's decisions against
clerical grievants.
Janice L. BaniSafar,
Barbara Kerr
June 6
To The Daily:
Having been involved in the clerical union for
two-and-one-half years I had reached the point where
I was tired of writing letters to the Daily about union
issues and would have passed up this election without
comment except for the slick slander which has ap-
peared all over campus, courtesy of Unity Caucus"
and the UAW International. It is beyond me how
anyone in Unity Caucus can honestly run Susan Sus-
selman for Treasurer when her past actions prove
beyond a doubt that she is incompetent, lazy, and
unable to keep the local records accurately. Sue
Hansen, our present Treasurer, has spent the last
few months just straightening up the mess she was
left by Susselman.
The list of candidates for Unity Caucus is a roster
of people who, in general, may have good intentions
for UAW Local 2001. Their actions, however, over the
past year would lead one to the conslusion that they
are completely incompetent. When they turned over
the Union office to the present officers they left a
legacy of incomplete, inaccurate and faulty records.
The Unity Caucus' dependence on the region
and the International for its ideas, leadership, and
strength show it to be a follower, not thinker. We
need officers who can act when action is needed, who
will stand up to the Region and the International when
they are wrong.
I urge all clericals to vote for the best qualified
candidates as shown by their performance and not
their promises. Vote for women who have enough
backbone to say what they believe and fight for
their ideals, not women who go crying to Mama

Forrest every time they get beaten by clericals who
understand their self-promoting schemes. Above all
I urge everyone to vote so that the International
Union will stop hoping that if it has enough elec-
tions, its Unity pets will finally win.
Dan Byrne
June 7

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