Wednesday, June 9, 197&,
Pocge Three-
Recruiters Open season on jocks
On a clear, crisp day in November,
when over 169,000 fans huddle in the
stadium to watch the University of
Michigan Wolverines play football, few
realize just how much time and
took to get those 11 behemoths out on
the field.
Before all the hours of training and
weeks of practice ever take place, the
players,, in whatever sport, must first
be persuaded to enroll in the University.
This is the job of the coaches - to
bring the players to the campus, to ca-
jole them, flatter them, convince them
in some way that Ann Arbor is the place
for them.
THE NAME OF THIS game is recruit-
ing, and it is a year-round phenomenon.
"You can't believe how much time
you spend," says assistant football coach
Gary Moeller. "Sometimes it's a real
pain because it's so time-consuming."
From the moment the coaches first
hear about a prospective student-ath-
lete, (usually through the student's high
school coach during the junior year),
they pursue. Using correspondence, the
telephone, and personal contacts, they
virtually dog the student's trail for most
of two years until he graduates from
high school and is ready to enter col-
For all coaches, in all sports, there
are certain aspects of recruiting that
are the same. The time involved is
great, the competition is tough, and the
results range from stupendous to disas-
trous. Each must follow NCAA recruit-
ing rules as well.
BUT WHEN IT comes to the personal
style of each coach, there are some ob-
vious differences.
To carry out their tasks, some coaches
focus on their particular sport, others
on the athletic program in general. One
may stress academic performance more
than another, and some simply try ta-
sell their own personalities.
Assistant basketball coach Bill Frieder
tries to sell every aspect of Michigan.
"I SELL THE program, the athletic
program in general, and the basketball
program," he says. "I tell them about
the football program. the crowds we get,
Lebanese claim gains
BEIRUT, Lebanon (A') - Left-
ist Moslems and their Palestin-
ian allies claimed yesterday they
had driven back Syrian armored
columns in the mountains east
of Beirut and at the southern
port city of Sidon.
Moslem-controlled Beirut radio
said the Syrians could not move
forward "one inch" in the east
and "battles are still continuing
on the hills overlooking Sidon
where Syrian armored units
could not advance following their
forced withdrawal under fire
from allied forces."
WITNESSES reported that a
Syrian column with an estimated
200 tanks advanced to the edge
of Bhamdoun, 16 miles east of
Beirut Monday night, but were
driven back four miles to the re-
sort town of Saufar during heavy
fighting Tuesday morning. Later
reports that could not be con-
firmed said the Syrians, moving
behind barrages of tank and
artillery fire, were nearing
Bhamdoun again.
Western diplomats in Berint
said it appeared the Syrians
wre trying to use a pincer
moxctment on Beirut to force the
ftst Moslems and Palestinians
ti accept a truce. The prongs
the pincer, they said, are the
>rces on the Dateascus-Beirut
av east of the capital and
she tums that could come north
on the coastal highway from
The coastal road is still con-
trolled, however, by troops of
the Lebanese Arab Army formed
bh renegade Moslems from Leb-
a.!oin's shattered regular army.
WHILE THE Syrians battled
to advance Palestinian Libera-
tion Organization (PLO) Yasir
Arafat's guerrillas and Moslen'
battled in the streets of Beirut
against commandos of the
Syrian-based Saiqa Palestinians.
Beirut was a city under siege.
Electricity was off half the
time, telephones worked only
sporadically, bread was scarce
and the streets deserted except
for gangs of armed youths pa-
trolling their zones.
The Moslem leftists and Pales-
tinians had been gaining in their
battle to wrest more power from
the dominant Christian minority
until the Syrians moved in. The
new struggle has exploded old
alliances and forged strange
new partnerships.
PALESTINIAN guerrilla lead-
er Arafat, in Cairo to enlist
Arab aid against the Syrians,
said Syrian tanks, jets and
rockets were pounding refugee
camps in Lebanon "in the blood-
iest butchery ever."
In Washington, the State De-
partment said about 3,000 fresh
Syrian troops have crossed into
Lebanon in the past few (Jays.
The Syrian units began nioving
into Lebanon a week ago and
the force is estimated by Wash-
ington to total about 9,111 sol-
diers now.
A State Department spokes-
man in Washington said tliue
is a contingency plan for the
evacuation of U.S. Embassy per-
sonnel and U.S. citizens but he
called this routine in a war
situation. There are some 50
Americans with the embassy and
about 1,000 private U.S. citizens
in Lebanon.
ARAB foreign ministers met
in an emergency session to dis-
cuss Syria's invasion of Leb-
anon and savage fighting there
between Syrian units and Pales-
tinian guerillas.
Panel OK's record
U.S. defense, budget
WASIIINGTON P-)-Citing concern over the Soviets' nuclear
missile strength, the Iouse Appropriations Committee approved
a record $10 billion defense bill yesterday.
The committee rejected Senate efforts to trim expenditures
for Trident submarine long-range missiles by $600 million to $2.26
billion anid ito block a $350 mililon advance payment for a
nuclear aircraft carrier.
THE COMMITTEE also approved ltresident Ford's $1.5 billion
request for the B1 bomber.
The $106 bililon bill for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1 is only
$814 million below Ford's request, the smallest cut in a decade.
Cuts had ranged near $5 billion in recent years.
The full House is to act on the bill next week.
THE COMMITTEE chapped $101.4 million off Ford's request
for intelligence funds but, as always, refused to say how much
money for intelligence agencies is hidden among the defense items
in the bill.
The committee said that until present reorganization deter-
mines the future of U.S. intelligence, Congress should fund only
"vital intelligence activities which will not result in major new
On the Bl bomber, the committee rejected 26 to 15 an amend-
ment by Rep. Joseph Addabbo (D-N.Y.) to prohibit any production
See PANEL, Page 10
Dalv Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Feet of fury
Putting his best foot forward, Frank Lobbestach of the
Academy Tae Kwon Do Karate studio demonstrated yester-
day why thugs and hooligans do not hang around his front
porch. Lobbestach, owner of a green belt, strikes this grim
pose regularly at the Ann Arbor studio.
# f
m ouse smsss-saic,,cai
Quite a stink
A Jacksonville, Fla, company which
produces such smells as lemon and lime
for shampoo, candy and furniture polish
gave up a fight Monday against charges
that it made the city stink. One resident
said the odor coming from the Union
Camp Corp. twice in January smelled
like rotten cabbage. The company did
not explain how such a foul odor could
have come from a plant known for
sweet smells as it changed its plea
from innocent to no contest on two
charges of disseminating a pollutant.
Mary Hartman
Actress Louise Lasser, star of "Mary
Hartman, Mary Hartman," was placed
in a six-month drug diversion program
yesterday after appearing in Municipal
Court on a cocaine possession charge.
Diversion is a drug education program
under which all criminal proceedings
are dropped if first offenders success-
fully complete the program. What new
adventures face our troubled heroine?
. at noon Congressional candidate
Ed Pierce will be on the Diag ... at
7 and 9 p.m. the People Bicentennial
Commission presents "The Seduction of
Mimi" at the MLB ... and at 8 p.m.
in the East Quad auditorium the play
"The North Beach gang versus The
Panama-Pacific International Exposition,
San Francisco 1914-15."
Weather or not
If you thought it was hot yesterday
it will top that today as highs reach
the mid 80's and into the 90's, To-
night it will drop into the 60's, but will
reach the 90's again on Thursday. Good
day for a swiml!