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May 18, 1978 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-18

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday May 18, 1978-Page 7
Bayh seeks extension for ERA ratification
ensy u ai t tthF ERA cnmcbOycott of conventiOni tieS in


WASHINGTON (AP) - The chief
Senate sponsor of the Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) introduced a
resolution yesterday which would ex-
tend by seven years the time for
ratifying the amendment.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), chairman
of the judiciary subcommittee on the
Constitution, said at least 22 of his
colleagues were joining him in spon-
soring the joint resolution.
ERA WOULD BAR discrimination
because of a person's sex. The amen-
dment was approved by Congress in
1972 and a seven-year period was
specified for its consideration by the
It has been ratified by 35 states.
Unless it is approved by three more
states by March 22, 1979, the amen-
dment will expire. Three states have
voted to rescind their ratification votes,
but the Justice Department has ruled
that the recissions were improper.
"This arbitrary time period was

adopted by the Congress in the assum-
ption that it would be a reasonable time
period to assure full and open debate on
such an important question as the
equality of women," Bayh said.
"NO ONE IN Congress at that time
could foresee that parliamentary tac-
tics by a recalcitrant few would prevent
the ERA from even reaching the floor
for a vote in some state legislatures."
"A seven-year extensin would, in my
opinion, seriously impede the orderly
processes of state government in
Illinois," state Rep. Robert Egan, a
supporter of the amendment, told a
House judiciary subcommittee yester-
day. "We face a shortage of time to
consider major issues and problems
confronting our state."
Arizona state Rep. Donna Carlson,
who is first vice chairperson of the
American Legislative Exchange Coun-
cil, also opposed the extension.
"WHETHER or not it is illegal to ex-
tend the time period to 14 years, it seems

grievously unair to put te z
monkey on the backs of state legislators
for 14 years," she said to the subcom-
mittee on civil and constitutional
"What would you think of a football
coach who demanded a fifth quarter
because his team was behind?"
Opponents of the extension have
argued that it would set a bad con-
stitutional precedent, lead to legislative
and court challenges of past
ratifications and recissions and simply
be unfair - an effort to change the
rules in the middle of the game.
LIZ CARPENTER, co-chairwoman
of ERAmerica, told the House sub-
committee the fight for ERA won't stop
next March even if three more states
don't ratify it. Neither will the

unratified states, she added.
Other Senate sponsors of the exten-
sion are Sens. Muriel Humphrey, (D-
Minn.); Edward Brooke (R-Mass.);
Don Riegle (D-Mich.); James
Abourezk, (D-S.D.); Clifford Case (R-
N.J.); Dick Clark (D-Iowa); Alan
Crangton, (D-Calif.); John Durkin, (D-
N.H.); John Glenn, (D-Ohio); Mike
Gravel, (D-Alaska); Paul Hatfield, (D-
Mont.); John Heinz, (R-Pa.); Jacob
Javits, (R-N.Y.).
Also sponsoring it are Sens. Edward
Kennedy, (D-Mass.); Patrick Leahy,
(D-Vt.); Charles Mathias, (R-Md.);
George McGovern, (D-S.D.); Howard
Metzenbaum, (D-Ohio); Bob Pack-
wood, (R-Ore.); Abraham Ribicoff, (D-
Conn.); Paul Sarbanes, (D-Md.); and
Harrison Williams, (D-N.J.).

House approves budget
with compromise tax cut


(Continued from Page 1)
have rolled back part of the Social
Security tax increase scheduled for
next year.
EFFORTS TO revive a Social
Security tax rollback, however, are ex-
pected both in the House and the
Rep. Robert Giaimo (D-Conn.),
chairman of the House Budget Commit-
tee, said his panel sitll favors some
Social Security tax relief.
The razor-thin margin by which the
House approved the budget resulted
from an unlikely coalition of
Republicans, conservative and defense-
minded Democrats, and liberals who
favor less spending for the military and
more for social programs.
THE HOUSE passed its original ver-
sion of the tentative budget by a four-
vote margin.
The budget allows Congress to
provide up to about $1 billion in tuition
relief. However, Congress must still
decide whether the relief should be in
the form of expanded grants and loans,
as Carter proposes, or tuition tax
credits, favored by many lawmakers.
The resolution also provides for $115.7
billion in defense spending, or $2.1
billion less than Carter proposed.
However, that is still more than some
House liberals favored.
The defense figure was said to be suf-
ficient to honor the president's com-
mitment to European allies to increase
spending by 3 percent.
THE DEFICIT figure is about $10
billion less than Carter's original
Republicans argued that the reduc-
tion of the deficit was accomplished
largely by providing less tax relief than
the president recommended and by un-
derestimating expenditures. The GOP
has called for even greater tax cuts,
matched with spending restraints.
The deficit reduction, said Rep.
Samuel Devine (R-Ohio) was achieved
by "clever manipulation and legislative
BUT GIAIMO called the budget
sound and strong. He said it achieved
two key economic goals: "First, to
maintain a healty rate of economic
growth in order to move closer"to fuller

utilization of manpower and capital
resources; and second, to do so in a
manner that helps restrain inflationary
House Republican Leader John
Rhodes of Arizona, urging defeat of the
budget resolution, contended that in-
flation, a reduced tax cut and higher
Social Security taxes will mean a net
tax increase of about $8 billion.
"If you vote for this ... you are voting
for a tax increase for the American
people," Rhodes said. "I can't believe
the people back home will be pleased
with the results."
But the Democratic leader, Rep. Jim
Wright of Texas, said the resolution,
like all legislation, contains com-
promises that had to be made.
If the House rejected it, he said, "we
would be demonstrating our inability to
legislate, showing only our ability to
quarrel. . . . We would let the House
disintegrate in a show of partisanship
and petty self-aggrandizement."
AATA looks
at downtown
bus shelters
Chesbrough said, "I see the primary
function (of the structure) is for people
to have a shelter in inclement weather,
but it should be right by the buses."
If the shelter is built at Fourth and
William, an enclosed structure, resem-
bling a carport, is expected to be
available this winter. Additional
features such as telephones and toilets
would be installed at a later date.
The board will seek a federal capital
and operating grant available for urban
mass transit systems.
The odds, according to Golf Digest,
against making a hole-in-one on a par
three hole are 10,738-to-1 for an average
golfer, 927-to-1 for a touring male pro
pla;' r, and 1,162-to-1 for a female pro

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