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July 19, 1977 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-19

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Page Six


Tuesday, July 19, 17

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July19, 19fl

VA nurse
(tfICHIGAN Page 3)
ties. I feel this is nothing unless
the verdict is overturned."
"The mood was to get a con-
viction. The FBI was trying to
UNIVERSIv Of MICHIGAN regain its credibility after the
4t The Patty Hearst case," Rev. Craig
Wilder said.
fes I'r Ue-,-,,' e "PLEASE DON'T forget the
J9patients, have faith and con-
.JUiLY 26. 29 & AUGUST 4 7 tinue praying. Don't neglect the
-tpatients," Mrs. Ursla Somera,
%_V~a r'a member of -the Philippine
Nurses of Michigan, said to the
JULY 27 30 & AUGUST 2,5
The feeling that the patients
_w_ were of the utmost concern
5e also was evident in a state-
meot read by Melody Behrman
prepared by a fellow nurse.
[ =. JULY 28, 31& AUGUST 3,6 "The nurses have stayed on
in the POWER CENTER for the performing arts The llama is a South Ameri-
Michigan Rep TickelOfc . can beast of burden related to
the camel. It is sure-footed and
Mon- Fri 1-5 can carry more than 100
iK t ,Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby pounds. But when it is angry
For Ticket information Cat) (313) 764 0450 or tired, it spits at the person
who is annoying it.
- - - - ------ ---

:s ai rally
for the patients and not the
administrators," B e h r m a n
Throughout the afternoon pe-
titions for a new trial circulat-
ed through the crowd. More
than one supporter of Narciso
and Perez said the petition
should be a letter to Judge
Pratt to throw the case out of
"He hps that option, you
know," one woman remarked.
Sacco and
Vanzetti get
BOSTON (A) - Massachusetts
will commemorate the 50th an-
niversary 'of the long-disputed
Sacco-Vanzetti execution by pro-
claiming that the two men were
denied a fair trial, officials re-
vealed yesterday.
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo
Vanzetti, electrocuted. Aug. 23,
1927 at Charlestown State Prison
for murder during a $15,000 pay-
roll robbery in South Braintree,
Mass., will be cited in a procla-
mation by the state that says
"prejudice against foreigners
and dissidents at the time" mer-
its a special memorial day in
GOV. MICHAEL Dukakis' of-
fice said he would issue the
proclamation at a ceremony in
the Massachusetts Senate cham-
ber today.
The executed men, both la-
beled anarchists, were tried and
convicted in an atmosphere of
political hysteria, Taylor's re-
port says.
The case has been debated for
50 years. For five years after
the men were convicted appeals
were made for new trials based
on newly discovered evidence
and alleged improprieties by the
prosecution, but trial Judgo
Webster Thayer denied all the
I 231sotsat
STTTheatre'' Phone 642-6264
TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:35
OPEN 6:45

TONIGHT AT 7:15 & 9:00
TONIGHT AT 8:00 Only
* .1

If you can spend some time, even a few hours; with someone who needs
a hand, not a handout, call your local Voluntary Action Center.
Or write to: "Volunteer," Washington, D.C. 20013 Weneedyou.
0advertisingcontributed for the public good The National Center for Voluntary Action.

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