Tuesday, July 19, 1977
Page- Five
Tusdy Jl 1,197TH MCIGNDAL Pgt~v
AATA bus service
resumes operation
(Continued from Page 3) "])uring the last negotiations
CAROL ERNST, TEU spokes- they (TEU) took two strike
person, stated last ,night, "We votes," Guenther complained.
feel our proposals are fair and Ilowever, Ernst stated yester
reasonable. Hopefully, .,we will day, "If a contract is not re-
reach a resolution." solved by August 15, we'll ge
back to step one;land of course
AATA executive director Karl a strike would be a possibility'"
Guenther was reluctant to ex- Before Badoud made his rec-
tend TEU's contract because he ommendation, AATA spokesper
is fearful TEU may strike again son Colleen McGee had said
in the fall when AATA ridership AATA would present a new con-
is at a higher level. tract package, including revised
Also, in an earlier interview economic proposals, M o n d a y.
Guenther explained his refusal However, AATA officials say
to extend the contract was "the they may now withhold the new
result of past experience with contract proposal until the fact
the union." finder has released his report.
Belcher suit names city
clerk, county canvassers
(Continued from Page 3)
be the defendant in. the suit be-
cause all he did was assume
the mayor's post after being
declared the winner. Since the
suit alleges the city clerk and
the board of canvas.sers erred
in the course of the elections
and the suit seeks action from
the three bodies, they should be
named parties in the s uit, Benz
"MR. WHEELER'S point is a
that all he is being accused of
doing is running for and being
elected the mayor of Ann Ar-
bor," Benz said.
Henry countered saying no
additional parties should be,'ss
added because of the nature of
the "quo warranto" civil suit.
Under the suit Belcher is seek-
ing "action against the holder
of the office" and not the oth-
er parties, Henry said.07 he e
"We are asking Wheeler to
vacate the office because he is
holding it illegally," Henry
HENRY SAID the complaint
asks for one of three solutions:
* declare Belcher the win-
ner and mayor of Ann Arbor.
! declare Wheeler the win-
ner and mayor.
* declare the mayoral elec-
tion results void.
"It will be one, the Qther or
there will be no one (as may-
or)," Henry said.
Should Judge Kelly declare
the election void the mayor's
post will become vacant.
Under the city charter the
city council must decide who
will occupy the post within 3.
days of vacancy.
Currently, Council member-
ship is composed of six Repub- Be c
licans and five Democrats.
Triumphant tub
Allison Farqaar of Vancouver, British Columbia, gleefully runs her bathtub to shore after a
grueling 36 mile race from Nanaimo to Vapcouv er. Farquar was representing the Royal Order of
Mary's Misfits from Victoria in this bathtubs-onl y race.
Council discusses trash
City Administrator Sylvester
Murray released an assessment
of the feasibility of the city
awarding a private contract for
the collection of refuse within
Ann Arbor at last night's City
Council meeting,
The study concluded that it
was "unlikely that the city
could s a v e any significant
amount of money by converting
to contract refuse collection.
GARBAGE IS currently pick'
ed up by city trucks belonging
to the public works department.
The city also approved fund-
ing for the fourth phase of the
construction of the new fire
house at Huron and Fifth
Avenue. The fourth phase of
construction includes concrete
walks and curbs, landscaping,
roofing and painting. It also in-
cludes construction offices in
the fire house for Ann Arbor
Cable Casting Commission.
Councilman Roger Bertoia (R-
Third W a r d) observed that
" - - , .... : .. -. U . - .
Smith asks for new
Rhodesian election
(Continued from Page 1)
Smith said, when he met Bri-
tish Foreign Secretary David
Owen in Cape Town, South Af-
rica, earlier this year.
But he added that last week
"we were informed that there
was no hope of anything other
than one-man one-vote, no spe-
cial representation for whites
and no adequate protection in'
the constitution of entrenched
Rhodesia has 272,000 whites
and 6.4 million blacks.
At a short-lived conference-
in Geneva last December be-
tween Smith and the four ma-
jor black nationalist leaders,
Smith argued that it would take
at least 23 months for a tran-
sition to black majority rule,
and he wanted to maintain con-
trol during that period of the
key security ministries.
THE BLACK leaders at the
British - sponsored conference
demanded complete control
within 12 months and the talks
broke down.
Rhodesia's two-tier electoral
system allows some blacks to
vote - if they have jobs, an.
education and land.
.Because of the strict qualifi-.
cations, it is estimated only
about, 10,000 blacks could vote
iMi the coming elections oin -
pared to 90;000 whites.
Smith now is expected to try more local tirms are being in
and reach some kind of settle- volved in this construction than
ment with two of the more in any other since I've been on
moderate black leaders, United Council. The money is really
Methodist Bishop Abel Muzo- doing what the government in-
rewa and Methodist Rev. Nda- tended it to do-encourage local
baningi Sithole. Both returned employment."
to Rhodesia from aboard with- Administrator Murray said the
in the past two weeks. station should be completed in
February of 1978.
BUT BISHOP Muzorewa, who Council will hold a working
was greeted by a crowd esti- session next Monday at 7:30
mated at 100,000 Sunday, called p.m.
again for immediate black
rule and dismissed any possible
alliance with the Rev. Mr. Sit-
hole. IAJ
Neither man has any signifi-
cant military support. l
Smith is adamantly opposed
to participation of the militant C rer s sta d.onhuman rights
Patriotic Front,- ledby Joshua
Nkomo and Robert Mugabe.
Nkomo and Mugabe control (Continued from Page 1) the Soviet government from may cause more dogged intran-
guerrillas based primarily in Russian dissidents are willing recklessly persecuting dissi- sigence by the Soviet leaders in
Mozambique and Zambia. to pay-and for them there is a dents. the short run. He said that ip-
lot to pay." adequacies in the Soviet econo-
IN HIS broadcast, Smith said, Benryka Yaknshev, a profess Lev Lifshitz is a journalist and my will ultimately force The
"I envision the creation of a or Slavic languages at the Uni- writer who left Russia with his Russians to relax repressive
broad - based government, in- versity left Russia ten years wife and two children in 1975. laws in order to improve rela-
corporating those black Rhode- years Stifled by repressive publishing lions with the West.
sins who are prepared to work ago Although she supports Car- standards and cut off from his
peacefully and constitutionally ter s human rights stand, she best friends (who were either M or e importantly, Lifshitz
peaefllyan costtuinaorde does rot expect any dramatic
with the government in order es imprisoned or exiled) he saw stressed, a new generation of
to establish a base from which s to follow. emigration as his only choice. leaders and party officials will
we will be able to draw up our "The West," she said, "can- Of President Carter's human eventually control the Soviet
future constitution. .,-not change Russia. Russians rights stance, Lifshitz said, "In Union,
have to do this themselves." the long run it can only do
The state flower of Montana YaUshe ,said a heightened good," -but conceded Western A nightingale is a type of
is the bitterroot. worlaAreness and concern pressure on human rights issues thrush.