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June 11, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-11

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 28-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 11, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Ca ter may authorize

WA S H I N G T 0 N (') -
Two congressional critics of the
costly B1 bomber project said
President Carter gave them the
impression yesterday that he
will recommend at least limited
production of the dart-shaped
craft. .
However, other senators and
House members who met with
Carter to voice their opposi-
tion to the B1 said the Presi-
dent gave no hint of his ulti-
mate decision.
Mass.) and Ronald Dellums (D-
Calif.) told reporters they
sensed Carter was leaning in
favor of the B1. Drinan also
said the President talked about
having secret information that
presumably would influence his
decision but Dellums said he
heard no reference to secret
Rep. Bob Carr (D-Mich.)
also said he, heard nothing to
By A? and UPI
ASSEN, The Netherlands
-Dutch troops b e g a n an
attack early this morning to
rescue 51 hostages aboard a
commuter train hijacked by
South Moluccan gunmen.
Reports from the scene at
a railway crossing a b o u t
one mile from the train said
the sound of heavy auto-
matic gunfire was heard.

suggest Carter has a "secret mation is and make a decision. CIA information" that he lack-
reason" to support the $25 bil- My inclination is to announce ed as a candidate who once
lion project. my decision before the end of flatly opposed the BI. He said
Carter, who itet Tuesday the month." perhaps those who know Carter
with congressional supporters Drinan emerged from the better "can tell by his blink
of the B1, told the delegation he Cabinet Room session to re- rate or the way he twitches or
met with yesterday that he had port- i think the President is scratches his ear lobe what's
been studying the controversial eaning definitely to authorite going on" but confessed he
bomber and wanted to hear it. He spoke very cryptically of could not do so.
conflicting views about it. secret information that is now The White House press office
"F O L L O W I N G THIS available to them." later issued a statement sup-
meeting," he said, "I will prob- Carr, however, said, Carter porting Carr's view. It said:
ably pretty much go into seclu- simply stated that as presi- "The President's remark is
sion and study what the infor- dent "he now has access to simply in reference to the fact

that since becoming President
he has access to fuller and
classified information on the a
military capability of the Unit-
ed States and other countries,
His remarks were not intended
School Board
Ann Arbor voters go to the
polls Monday to elect three
school board trustees. For
candidate profiles and en-
dorsements, see Page 4.

Prosecutor hints at VA motive
By KEITH B. RICHBURG intensive 'care unit (ICU) that day. innocence while the prosecutor, sometimes
special To The Daily "Isn't this the perfect example of un- almost shouting, tried unsuccessfully to get
DETROIT - Assistant U.S. Attorney derstaffing?" Yanko said. The prosecutor her to admit wrongdoing.
Richard Yanko unveiled a possible motive then asked Narciso, "If there were codes
for the Veteran's Administration (VA Hoas- (breathing failures) that night, would you WHEN YANKO QUESTIONED Narciso
pital poisonings yesterday during a gruel- hope the hospital administration would rea- - about the breathing failure of patient Mark
ing two-and-one-half hour cross-examina- lize that there were too few nurses?" Hogan, the witness insisted that she never
tion of defendant Filipina Narciso. Narciso, a native of the Philippines who had a syringe while in Hogan's room.
Yanko tried to establish that Narciso was had trouble understanding many of Yan- "You wore a nurse's garment didn't
disgusted with understaffing at the VA ko's questions, answered, "I don't know you?" Yanko asked. "Would your pocket
Hospital and believed that a series of about the administration." be big enough to carry a syringe?"
breathing failures would force the hospital "I'M NOT ASKING you about the ad- Narciso replied, "I think so, but I don't
administration to hire more nurses. ministration," Yanko responded, his voice carry syringes in my pocket.'
rising, "I'm asking you what you thought."
YANKO DESCRIBED August 15, 1975- Narciso admitted that the ICU was poor- YANKO PERSISTED: "If you did have
the day five VA patients mysteriously ly staffed but said, "I work as a nurse and a syringe in your pocket, would anybody
stopped breathing - as "a busy dany." He I just did the best I can." be able to see it and know it's there?"
said Narciso and co-defendant Leonora Throughout the cross-examination, Nar- Narcise replied, "The one who put it in
Perez were the only nurses assigned to the ciso held her ground and declared her See UNDERSTAFFING, Page 2

Campus monuments hold key
o 'U' legends and mysteries
By DENISE FOX croft explained. "I didn't know to Vulcan-the Roman Igp d who
-about it until I was tapped." created fire.
he red - harked Tappan oak Membership, limited to those *
-tree near the Fishbowl draws who have done something "very NOT ALt of the monuments
-y- nary a second look from hurried special" in their field of engi- around the University have sec-
passersby. An a n v i 1, .labeled ne ring, now totals 30, Ashcroft ret legends attached to them,
"Vulcan-1904," stands virtually said. The number of engineering though. Some, although unusual
unnoticed in front of the Engi- majors at. the University is in appearance actually have
neerig Arch. nearly 9,000. rather mundane histories.
But these and many other Their monument is dedicated See HIS'T'ORY, Page 10
seemingly innocuous o b j e c tI
which masquerade as campus
' scenery actually contain the
- -; mysteries and legends of life at
the University.
UNTIL 1970, Michigaria - a
secret campus society which has
since come under fire for its all-
male membership-held its in-
itiation rites under the Tappan
oak. A tomahawk, embedded on
k a metal circle near the tree, be-
came the symbol for their an-
nual ritual.
- But this practice came to a
halt in 1970, when Native Ameri-
cans complained the rites were
a parody of Indian customs, ac-
cording to H o u s i n g Director
John Feldkamp. Now, he says,
Michigamua inititations are head
- in private.
to The anvil in front of the Engi-
neering Arch honors the Vul-
~- cans, another secret society,
composed of engineering stn-./
Doily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY dents
THF TAPPA N(AK k ,,. nearthe ch'am n .. .nn.a vit. .a *

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