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Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 28, 1977
Orgarnized crime moves into child porn
,LOS ANG ELES ( - The ex-
plicit depiction in movies, books
and magazines of children en-
gaged in sex acts is a big busi-
ness venture involving organized
crime and as many as 30,000
children in this city alone, wit-
nesses told a congressional com-
mittee yesterday.
Darvl Gates, deputy chief of
the Los Angeles Police Depart-
ment, told the House Select
ComnIit'ee on Education and La-
bor that "intelligence has shown
that organized crime has rapidly
moved into the area of child
pornography" in California.
THIS STATE has emerged as
the world's film capital of "Kid-
die Porn," as it has come to be
Rep. James Jeffords (R-Vt.)
asked Gates about the validity
of reports that 30,000 children
were involved in Los Angeles
"That prahably is a very con-
servative figure," Gates said.
THE HOUSE is considering
testimony concerning HR 4572,
a bill prohiibting the transporta-
tion of pornographic material in-
volving children across state
Gates said the bill would help
local authorities but said Kiddie
Porn was so pervasive that "the
laws will not solve the problem."
Los Angeles police investiga-
tor Lloyd Martin, asking the
committee members to "close
your eyes if you are offended,"
displayed magazines showing
boys and girls, mostly young
teen-agers but some as young
aa 6 years old, posing in various
sexual positions.
MARTIN SAID that children
involved in pornography are re-
cruited from a vast army of run-
aways 'Who quickly learn: "You
survive by polling up your dress
or pulling down your pants."
Robin Lloyd, a local newsman
who wrote a book. on boy pros-
titution, told the committee of
several recruitment ploys used
by pornographers "including the
founding of a Boy Scout troop
for the purpose of making sex
Lloyd told of a recent case in
Texas in which a "recruiting of-
ficer" allegedly abducted an 11-
year-old boy and took him to
Mexico to star in a pornographic
film. The alleged recruiter had
been heard boasting that a Mex-
ican porno producer paid $25,000
for each fair-skinned Anglo child
ONE MAN who was not allow-
ed to speak before the comnait.
tee was Tim O'Hara of the Coy
on Society, agroup whose motto
is "Sex Before 8 Or Then acs
Too Late."
"This is body guilt legisla.
tion," O'Hara told a reporter.
lie said there is no such thing
as pornography, that he pre-
fers to refer to such films as
"child sex films."
Most child pornography is cur-
rently prosecuted under obscen-
ity statutes, but police say Inc.
cessful prosecution is difficult.
"You have to show that the
film is obscene by taking it to a
magistrate, who views the film
and gives you a yes or nay," Lt,
Don La Guardia of the Los An-
geles Police Department's child
sexual exploitation unit said An
an interview.
Saturday, May 28
(Mel Brooks 1974) 7, 8:45, 10:30-MLB 3
Mel Brooks' couvulingl hilarious burlesque of the Old West is
perhaps the last word in Western parodies. The lewd, vulgar, and
wacky plot revolves around a black sheriff in an asi-white town.
Marvelously comic performances by Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder,
Alex Karras. and Madeline Kahn.
(Roger Cormon, 1966) 7:00 only-MLB 4
Corman's examination of society's ultimate drop-outs was chosen
to open the venice Film Festival and hailed by one critic as "The
most important American film of the last ten years." An outlaw
ceub sets out to reclaim a bike stolen by another gang only to run
afoul of the law. When one of the group is shot and later dies for
lack of medical care, the subsequent funeral service turns into a
"brawl unprecedented in human misconduct." Corman's tough,
elaborate visual style is seen to good effect, as is the second unit
work shot by Peter Bogdanovich. Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra, Bruce
Deen, Disa Ldd, Miha el J. ollard, and members of the Hell's
Angels, Vnice, Califoria.
(Roer Cormon, 1970) 8:45 only-MLB 4
This film was premiered at the Edingburgh Film Festival and
inspired a wild standiqjg ovation. A mad cross between WILD
ANGELS and THE TRIP. A defense plant leak unleashes a gas un-
dergoing study by the military. The gas speeds up the aging process
-in everybody over 25. pushing them past the brink of death. The
young survivors are fared with building a world, and frustrations
take every turn-from vicious gangs who wreak havoc to bizarre
rituals in the street. . fascinating as an indication of how
politically and socially conscious the B-movie has become over the
past few years . .defty satiric scenes."-Judith Crist. Bud Cor,
Cindy Williams, Robert Corff, CountryJ.oe and the Fish.
(Rooer Cormon, 1971) 10:30 only-MLB 4
The last film Corman directed before going an to create the New
World Pictures Studio. A World War I film that flies rings around
end of the chivalry than the mechanics of war. Corman sees von
Rlchthofen as the last knight, gnned down by a machine-like
"team-man" product of the U.S. war machine. Great aerial photog-
raphy highlights this sadly underseen and underrated film. Ann
ArborPremiere. John Phillip Law Don stroud,lBarry Primus.
Sunday, May 29
(Alfred Hitchcock, 1949) 7:00 only-MLB 3
One of Hitchock's rare costume epics, the film nevertheless con-
tains many of the director's classic themes, including' the person
wrongfully accused. Much admired by Claude Chabrol and Eric
Rohmer, WNDER CAPRICORN concerns analcoholic woman,' her
convict husband, and an evil housekeeper. Ingrid Bergman, Joseph
Cotton, Michael Wilding, Margaret Leighton, and Cecil Parker.
Music by Richard ("Warsaw Concerto) Addinsell.
(Alfred Hitchcock, 1945) 9:00 only-MLB 3
In this Hitchcock mystery, an analyst (Ingrid Bergman) attempts
to cure an amnesiac (Gregory Peck) and clear him of murder.
Salvador Dali designed the fantastic dream sequence and Miklos
Roe's innovative use of electronic music won an Oscar.
Monday, May 30
Some of the best films of recent years have been made under the
banner of "B films." Tonight we are showing three seldom seen
genre classics-unpretentious, fast-moving and fun. Don't blow it'
(Joseph Lewis, 1955) 7:00 only-MLB 3
The massive talents of scenarist Philip Yordan (JOHNNY GUITAR).
cinematographer John Alton, and director Joseph Lewis (GUN
CRAZY) are sensationally combined here to produce the grittiest,
kinkiest movie in all film noir. An obsessive cop. motivated by
revenge, relentlessly hunts down the syndicate men responsible for
his girlfriend's brutal, senseless murder. This film's unflinching mix-
ture of sexual tension, violent confrontation, and perverted American
ideals prompted Time to label it "cooly calculated rough stuff for
those who can take it." Cornell Wilde, Richard ContE; susan Lowell.
(Roger Cormon, 1970) 8:45 onl-MLB 3
This brutal, bloody, and horrifying tale about the exploits of one
o America's most vicious criminal families, Kate Barker and he
brood 'of wild, sadistic sons, is riddled with action, penetrating
charactermations and a story that wit ite long in the annals of
America's most desperate, unsettling decae, the 1930's, Robert
DeNiro (TAXI DRIVER) plays one of her sons. Pat Hurgle, Diane
Varsi, Bruce Dern
(Arthur Ripley, 1958) 10:30 only-MLB 3
Robert Mitchum Is a Korean War veteran who runs superstocks
filled with corn whiskey down the mountains and into the city.
He's got big trouble, though: the syndicate wants a piece of the
action and the revenuers want to shut him down completely. But
they have to catch him first, and what develops is probably one of
the most hauntingly genuine evorations of that mysterious experi-
enee known as Amercan night-driving ever seen on film .
Police focus on teachers,
train after kids released
(Cntinued from Page 1)
his town.
"Look at what the Moluccans
have done to this village. I
don't think you outsiders un-
derstand why we fear them."
"This can't go on, but we
don't know how to stop it,"Jan-
sen said with tears in his eyes.
"We could ask the government
to move the Moluccans away
from here, but that would only
dump the problem on somebody
else, solving nothing."
ABOUT HALF of Bovensmil-
des 3,000 inhabitants are South
Moluccans, part, of the 40,000
strong Moluccan community in
Holland. Many are descend-
ants-of soldiers who fought on
the Dutch side in the Indones-
ian fight for independence in
the late 1940s. They hold onto
their dream of a separate
231-.south Stafe 2nd H tT W EEK
AT 1-3-5-7-9
The atre 'Pho'ni 662-6264 OPEN 12:45
--Ee MA.X.A COLUMBIA/EMI Festuro r."
c edr itl u es s Nrpstes IcW 7
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in the
Doctors continued to hold 26
children in a hospital but un-
confirmed reports said they
were "reasonably well." They
had suffered from vomiting and
diarrhea before their release.
A Justice Ministry official de-
nied food sent into the school
had been deliberately poisoned
to force the release.
Parents shed more tears than
children at their reunions in a
Red Cross shelter in the village.
Many of the youngsters reacted
shyly to public tears, hugs and
kisses.tOne girl said, "Mummy,
I left my coat in the school."
But during their captivity
there had been many tears. "A
lot of children cried during the
day, much more at night," said
one girl interviewed by Dutch
radio. She told of playing games
sent in from outside, listening
to books read by one of the two
women teachers still in captiv-
Another girl said she and her
schoolmates were never threat-
ened by the extremists but were
restricted in their movements
and had trouble sleeping at
night on the cold floors. She
said the children also spent
their time watching television.
DALLAS (AP) - Years from
now, when no' survivors of
Pearl Harbor are left, scholars
will be able to hear the voices
of more than 100 Texans who
were eyewitnesses to what hap-
pened December 7, 1941.
Dr. Ron Marcello of North
Texas State University, coor-
dinator of the university's oral
history collection and executive
secretary of the National Oral
History Association, based at
NTSU, recently interviewed yet
another Pearl Harbor survivor
Merle Newbauer, subject of
the interview, was on the bat-
tIleship Maryland on the historic
day. A seaman 1.C. then, he
finished as a chief petty officer,
and helped organize the Associa-
tion of Pearl Harbor Survivors
in Texas.
"I've visited all five Texas
chapters of the association, and
found nearly all my inter-
viewees there," said Dr. Mar-
In 1975-76, student financial
aid included $10,284,867 in sch-
olarships, fellowships, and other
grants from general funds; $13,'
618,323 from other University
funds; and $8,291,575 in student