Saturday, May 28, 1977
Page Five
Saturday, May 28, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five
PSC grants Edison
electric rate boost
(Continued from Page 1)
"never-never land figures."
The 2-1 PSC decision drew a noncommittal response from
Edison officials who said they needed more time to study the
But, a high-ranking Edison official said two weeks 'ago the
firm would file a new rate request if the PSC decision was in the
$6s to $65 million range. Edison got a $62.4 million rate hike in
March, 1976 and a $22.8 million temporary increase in January.
YESTERDAY'S $65.3 million hike includes the temporary in-
crease, and is not in addition toit.
In his dissenting opinion, Ralls attacked the PSC decision to
increase the authorized rate of return to Edison shareholders to
13.5 per cent-an increase he said will cost Edison customers
$16.4 million.. He also criticized the policy of making monthly bill
adjustments to reimburse Edison for the cost of power it purchases
from other firms for resale to its own customers.
'U' specialist testifies- as
VAprosecution continues
PBB tests cove
production manager of Farm
Bureau Service's Battle Creek
plant, where Michigan's PBB
outbreak originated in 1974,
testified yesterday he was not
told by his superiors of numer-
ous tests results showing PBB
contamination in the company's
Paul Mullineaux, production
manager since 1969, said Farm
Bureau officials at the firm's
headquarters in Lansing "knew
more about the test results than
I did."
Roy Tacoma has filed a $1 mil-
lion damage suit against Farm
Bureau Services and the Michi-
gan Chemical Co., maker of the
fire retardant chemical poly-
brominated biphenyl (PBB). lie
contends the two companies
were responsible for illness that
forced him to destroy his battle
Mullineaux also testified that
red up?
tie did not know if he had been
advised of a series of test re-
sults in 1976 indicating PBB
levels of up to 6.6 parts per
million in feed residues and
plant dusts.
lIe said he agreed with Gary
Shenk, T'acotma's attorney, that
Farm Bureau claimed its feeds
were 100 per cent clean from
May 19, 1974 to the start of the
PBB trial in February but
added, "What's 100 per cent
clean, Mr. Shenk,"
'U' scientists hard at work
on puzzle of DNA molecule
(Continued from Page 3)
"They're just absolute," Weg
said. "Clear cut."
Defense Attorney Edward Stein
presented a roll call of his own,
listing all that was unexplained
in the field of medicine.
"Much of medicine is neith-
er black nor white, but gray,"
Stein said. He then spoke of the
Legionnaire's Disease (a still.
unknown illness which killed
more than 30 persons in Phila-
delphia last summer),and those
who believed it had been plot-
ted by some person or group.
"We have an example in
Karen Quinlan (a New Jersey
wonan who continues to sur-
vive although life - support
equipment was turned off a
year ago) of not unexpected
death but unexpected life,"
Stein said.
"WE STILL don't know,"
Stein concluded, "who, if any-
one, is responsible for that mus-
cle relaxant."
The prosecution has indicat-
ed its arguments will be finish-
ed sometime next week. Delon-
is said the government will pre-
sent other summaries similar to
Weg's but from "various per-
FBI special agent Roger
Aaron also testified yesterday.
AARON, AN FBI toxicologist,
had found Pavulon in the bodies
of deceased VA patients Her-
man and Brown a year after
they were buried.
On cross - examination of
Aaron, Attorney Stein said,
"with all your five months'
work, your training and your
equipment there is no way to
tell us when that (Pavulton)
got into the tissue."
When Aaron agreed, Stein
"There is no way to tell us
how it got there . . . and,"
Stein added, "there is no way to
tell who is resionsible."
(Continued from Pagel oratory conditions before a pro-
safety standards. These labs will ject begins. The committee also
be located in the N a t u r a 1 monitors research procedures
Science Building and Medical and sets other criteria for safe
Science II and are scheduled for DNA experimentation.
completion this summer. Assistant professor of micro-
University researchers have - biology Dr. David Jackson is
no future plans to experiment at a 1 s o performing recombinant
the P-4 level of risk. This type DNA research. His project is a
of research demands elaborate study of the genes in a virus
safety precautions similar to called SV40, known to cause can-
those taken when dealing with cer in mice.
moon rocks and chemicals for JACKSON'S work centers on
possible use in germ warfare- trying to discover how the virus
all' materials must be isolated induces cancer. "We're trying to
and researchers are carefully learn, specifically, in molecular
monitored for ill-effects, terms, what it is that the virus
HELLING'S research is pres- does to the cell to transform
ently at the P-2 level of risk but a physiologically normal cell in-
he plans to do P-3 level work to a cancerous one," says Jack-
once his laboratory is renovated. son.
Researchers planning recom- Hopefully, these researchers
binant DNA studies must be will be able to understand this
certified by the University's process more fully by isolating
Biological Research R e v i e w cells which have been infected
Committee (C o m m itt e e C). by the virus but remain non-
Committee C must approve any cancerous.
proposed experiments and lab- Such cells, presumably con-
taining altered virus of cellular
genes normally involved in the
establishment of the cancerous
state, will help Jackson and his
associate to understand how cel-
lular and viral genes interact
to cause cancer.
"If we can understand the in-
duction of the cancerous state
of the cell, I think we'll have a
much better idea of what can
ultimately be done to prevent or
reverse this state," commented
When asked whether his re-
combination DNA research on
viruses which can cause cancer
in mice may some day help in
human cancer treatment and
p r e v e n t i o n, Jackson said,
"There is a great deal of evi-
dence to support this view, and
we have every reason to believe
that a better understanding of
how cells work will ultimately
lead to better prevention, treat-
ment and cures of many di-
seases, not just cancer."
7f T. diAgloNAt
4-* OMM- ' ..&M "am f -
Dino Delaurentis can take his million dollar machine and forget
it. The 1977 Kong just can't compete with Willis H. O'Brien's
miniatures and special effects. The original and uncut version
stands the test of time and surpasses its imitator. With Fay Wray,
Bruce Cabot, and Robert Armstrong.
SUN.: Renoir's GRANDE ILLUSION (at 8)
7:30 & 9:30 Admission $1.25
"The Middle of the World" chronicles 112 days in the love affair
between an upperclass Swiss engineer (Phillipe Leotard), and an
Italian immigrant waitress (Olimpia Carlise). "This is one of the
very best films about eroticism-not voyerurism. Tanner is set-
ting out on a new road. It is an excitingly thoughtful course."-
Penelope Gilliat. French with subtitles.
7:30 & 9:30 Adm. $1.25