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May 27, 1970 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-27

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Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Peace Picnic at Self ridge
Support the GI's at home
THE AMERICAN Servicemen's Union BUT THE REPRESSION continues.
(ASU) at Selfridge Air Force Base has
invited the peace movement to join them A short time ago, a GI named Bruce
for a picnic at the base on Memorial Day, Reeves was given a general discharge.
this Saturday. When the military said they had no use
This is an important opportunity for for him. In reality, they just didn't want
the civilian members of the peace move- Reeves around. Reeves was a troublemak-
ment to demonstrate their solidarity er - he belonged to the ASU. The brass
with their counterparts in the military. are trying to force other anti-war ac-
The GIs are in more danger and are tivists to leave. Sometimes they are suc-
subjected to more intensive and exten- cessful; but sometimes publicity forces
ive repression than 'any group in this the brass to play by the rules.
sountyeeptthss BlakPantheParpnthy. Even the infamous c a s e of Seaman
country except the Black Panther Party. Roger Priest w a s influenced by public
Anti-war activists in the military, namely opinion. He was sentenced to 39 years in
members of the ASU, are constantly ha- thinoka smetn gthertein
rassed. The Universal Code of Military the stockade for something he wrote in
Justice endows the military with the "le- one of the ASU newsletters. Since then,
gal" right to deprive soldiers of their the sentence from the court-martial
constitutional guarantees. board has been reduced to a dishonorable
They are forced to fight in illegal im- discharge. And he is appealing that.
perialistic war; officers are not selected EVERY YEAR, Selfridge AFB holds
by the men; soldiers are forced to salute "Open House and Air Show" on Me-
and "sir" the officers; racist whites go - morial Day. Always in the past, the base
ern the lives of the black and brown as has been open all day. That is what is
well as the white; troops are forced to in- su happen this year. However,
terferein black and Spanish speaking t a
commnites; roos ar foced o fghtthat the gates are going to be closed at
against anti-war protesters as well as 12:30 this Saturday. Now, that doesn't
workers on strike; high ranking mem- seem too terribly important until one fact
bers of the military control all court- is nyted
martials; GIs do not have the right of iso td
fre poitial ssoiaton;G~sarepai .About a dozen groups in Ann Arbor and
free political association; GIs are paid in Detroit are planning the Peace Picnic.
far, far less than the federal minimum Everyone has planned to attend the ral-
wage; GIs do not have the right of col- ly which will be held in Detroit first. Al-
lective bargaining. so,' there is talk of a march before the
Es mg h Detroit rally. That means that by the
THE ASU is demanding and fighting antime the expected 20,000-30,000 anti-war
for an end to all of these injustices, protesters arrive at Selfridge from De-
However, many GIs, although sympathet- troit the gates will be closed1 and the only
ic to what the ASU is doing, fear repres- civilians Inside will be those who come
sion from the brass if they acknowledgectiase inshen illabe thowoerom-
thi.etmnsadoel upr h to see the annual air show. Clever plan-
tAeir sentiments and openly support the ning isn't it? That is one way they work
ASU. This is where Saturday's Peace Pic- in the military. However, it is hoped that
nic comes in. If there are enough civil- people, especially those in Ann Arbor,
sarns, the Gils will see that ASU has firm will skip the rally in Detroit and go di-
support and they might lose some of their rectly to Selfridge.
fear to join the anti-war group. The protest at Selfridge will be com-
The task of the ASU is very difficult pletely peaceful. The ASU has been work-
but there is hope. A new group of 60 ma- ing with both the radical and liberal po-
rines were trained for riot control at Sel- litical groups to keep it that way.
fridge recently. But when an order came For the liberals, this will be a peaceful
down for each to sign a statement taking protest. Bring your lunch, guitar, blankets
complete responsibility for anything that and bodies but don't put on your black
happened in the course of their duty arm-bands or peace buttons until you get
that is anyone that they wounded or kill- inside the gate to avoid hassles. But wear
ed - 15 of the 60 refused to sign. They them so that your politics will be very
did not want to have to take the respon- clear to see. This will be a golden oppor-
sibility for another. Jackson or K e n t. tunity for radicals to rap with those in-
However, the 15 were called into the con- side the belly of the monster. Radical
manding officers office and "talked to." people should take advantage of t h i s
Nevertheless, all of them were excused chance to educate b o t h the GIs and
from the riot control group and reassign- themselves.
ed without any type of punishment.
NO DEMONSTRATION of any kind -
tr. tt. .;even a rally or a march - is possible
without the very definite probability that
there will be a violent confrontation with
Summer Editorial Staff the riot control groups on base as well as
ALEXA CANADY ... ........Co-Editor the other soldiers and right-wings who
MARTIN HRSCHMAN......... . Co-Editor
SHARON WEINER. .. .. Summer Supplement Editrcome for the air show. Don't forget that
NIGHT EDITORS: Rob Bier, Nadine Cohodas, Robert the soldiers carry guns loaded with live
Kraitowitz, Anita Wetterstroem bullets. And don't make t h e m scared
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Lindsay Caney He- enough to use them because the Selfridge
ter Pulling. 'Cara Rapoport Debra Tba, Harvard
Valance ASU will be blamed for anything that
IAN a. WRJIHT takes place and "ripped off" accordingly.
Business Manager As one ASU member said, "The impact
PHYLLIS HURWITZ ....Administrative Advertising
CRAIG WOLSON ..... .... Retail Advertising of having large numbers of people on
DAVID BELL.......... .............Circulation base flying colors of peace instead of pat-
MARK WALF18H ...:..................Personnel
VIJA GOLDSTEIN................Staff oordinator ronizing war will be felt from the com-
Amy cOHEN........................inance mand headquarters here at-Selfridge all
Summer Sports Staff the way up to the Pentagon."
People's Summer Sports Editors -DEBRA THAL
Pat Atkins Lee Kirk

Lansing is a long way rom Ann Arbor
By CARLA RAPOPORT intent on the destruction of the estabilish-
9 a.m. - With more self-discipline than ment. We hope this proposal will remove
IkeIhaIofu.those kinds of students.".*. 4.,.
I knew I had. I got up. He smiled again and continued. "This
A wistful glance at my jeans and I put prvsild benhelpultoTuis
on a brightly flowered dress. provision should be helpful to unversity
In a few hours, I was mounting the stone Somehow the whole situation, the officeZ
steps of the state capital. The last time I the cigar, the plaques above his desk over-
was here I was wearing a green uniform whelmed me. I was unable to answer.
and a beenie. The heavy door opens reluc-mu
tan stares I receive while walking the NOW, REMOVED BY sixty miles and a
few days thought, I can only think of my
hot corridors I begin to feel like a sun- twenty or so friends who participated in
flower in a desert. My dress grows shorter, the LSA bldg. sit-in last fall - two ofrtc
my legs feel naked almost obscene. whom have already spent a week in jail.
Michigan's state capital w a s built in Under this provision they would have all
1853. I'll bet some of the original secre- been expelled.
taries are still there - glued to their Hey Zollar, why do you feel that 107
chairs, they respond mechanically. l i k e students sitting-in for a bookstore are a
protective mothers. threat to you or state establishments?
"Oh, the senator's not in Lansing to- I left Zollar's office with only a thank
day," says one perfunctorially. You wonder you
whose brief case is sitting on the desk in- Senator Garland Lane, also on the Sen-
side. Oh well. ate Appropriations Committee, who wor-
riedly eyes me as he, talks. Perhaps he dis-
THE FIRST TIMID KNOCKS grow likes the orange ribbons in my hair? What
louder as I discover that senator after sort of a threat could I be to him?
senator has gone for the weekend. It's Fri- My thoughts ramble on as they have a
day morning. tendency to do until I suddenly see a fin-
By some unexpected chance, I found ger being, waved and notice a strong voice
myself sitting in the air conditioned office saying, "If you don't behave, you can't
of Sen. Charles Zollar, head of the Senate stay there. Being a youngster doesn't give
Appropriations committee. you the right to break up a building."
The bulbous man relaxed in his chair, I don't even know him. How can he hate
senatorially chomping on his cigar. I me?
questioned him on the expulsion provision I timidly suggested the merits of a sit-
included in the higher education appro- in. "No sit-ins. No strikes. The law's on
priation bill which had just passed the the books and no kids going to stay in
senate. school who breaks the law."
"We rejected every proposal for puni- It was frightening to be reminded that
tive action against students. The fact re- a senator could be so bitterly antagonistic.
mains that University administrations And it occurs to me that Lainsing is a lot
have been doing very little to remove those farther than 60 miles from Ann Arbor.


Although restricted, abortions are


To the Editor:
I'M WRITING to congratulate
Alexa Canady on her fine editorial
(Daily, May 19). Miss Canady ex-
pressed the frustration that all of
us felt at the latest spasm of so-
cial myopia experienced by the
Michigan Legislature.
However, I should like to point

out one misstatement in the head-
line "How Many Will Be Hurt Be-
fore Abortion Legalized." There is
contained in that headline an all
too common misconception, one
which escapes the'notice of most
people especially the moralists and
other friends of the fetus who are
opposed to any change in the cur-


rent law. Abortion is legal in Mich-
igan and in every other state of
the union. It is legal but it is sub-
ject to various restrictions. If the
friends of the fetus are truly sin-
cere in their regard for human
life, then how can they continue
to support the present laws which
permit abortion? How can they
continue to support the present
laws which leave the decisions up
to a physician or a committee of
physicians? If these friends of the
fetus had any intellectual integrity
they would demand that abortion
.never be permitted under any cir-
cumstance; otherwise they stand
for the proposition that the
"rights to life" of all fetuses are
equal, but some fetuses are more
equal than others; that some
fetuses have a "right to life" but
others don't: that some fetuses
have a "right to life" depending to
which board of physicians its
mother happens to present her-
The friends of the fetus, if they
are to have any credibility, must
speak out against abortion under
any circumstance; or they must
allow the decision to be one of
conscience by the mother and her
physician. There can be. no middle
-Ron Paul
Citizens for Abortion
May 25
Concerned citizen
To the Editor:
The following is a copy of a
letter sent to Senators Fulbright
and Mansfield:

SOMETIME BACK, as evidenc-
ed by the enclosed article, the
- Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee passed a resolution (16-0)
calling upon the President not to
commit American forces to hos-
tile t i e s in the future without
prior affirmative action by Con-
gress. Unfortunately, you did not
follow through with full Senate
action at that time. I believe it is
imperative that full Senate action
be taken immediately to reaffirm
Congress's constitutional role for
War or Peace and prevent any
more Presidential Wars t h a t
threaten major upheavals intern-
ally as well as World Peace.
I am gravely concerned that if
you do not act, and act expedit-
iously, increasing segments of our
society m a y lose confidence in
Congress just as they are losing
confidence in the office of the
Presidency. Should this occur, we
may as well find ourselves in the
throes of another revolution. A
revolution brought on because the
will of the people (as evidenced
by the elections of 1964 and 1968)
has been thwarted and democracy
I believe, as you, that the con-
stitutional responsibility for war
and peace rests with Congress as
expressed in Section 8 of our Con-
stitution which gives to you mem-
bers of Congress the power: "To
declare war, grant letters of mar-
que and reprisal, and make rules
concerning captures on land and
water," and "To make rules for
the government and regulations
of the land and naval forces." I
believe, as you, that President
Johnson previously and now Pres-

ident Nixon h a v e violated this
congressional responsibility. T h e
majority of reasonable people are
now awaiting y o u members of
Congress to pass beyond the stage
of rhetoric and resolution and ex-
ercise your constitutional respon-
sibility. If you do not, then reas-
onable people may also lose hope
and confidence, not in our form
of government, but in those elect-
ed who are not respecting their
constitutional responsibility while
calling on others to respect the
What is needed most to restore
hope and confidence is positive
action on your part to correct the
present dangerous trends by tak-
ing positive congressional action
and thereby reassuring the people
of this nation, not only that de-
mocracy can work, but that we
have the elected Representatives
and Senators who will make it
In closing, I howe and pray that
"God will give us all the wisdom to
know what is right and the cour-
age to do it."
--James F. O'Neil, Treas.
State Board of Education
May 11
Letters to the Editor should
be mailed to the Editorial [)I-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lieations business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and,normally should not
exceed 250 words. The Editorial
Directors reserve the right to
edit all letters submitted.


"John, is there any way we could
dissolve the U.S. Senate?"

What do you know. Laws work two ways

A GROUP of us were discussing
ROTC, requirements a n d
other campus disorders the other
day and, as usual, we were having
difficulty finding methods of
coping with the situation.
It was after a long series of
complaints from the most respect-
ed and prestigious among us that
David spoke. He clasped his hands
together and said softly that he

had thought of a new way of deal-
ing with the problem.
"I propose," he said, in a search-
ing tone," that any administrator,
state senator or other un, non or,
anti-student be expelled from his
position if he interferes with the
normal operation of a campus pro-
test." The most respected and
prestigious among us paused and
eyed one another; we had been
taken aback. David continued.

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"The plan would operate quite
simply," he said. "If any of the
aforementioned persons interferes
with a demonstration, with all the
risks therein, and is convicted,
then none of the SGC Legal De-
fense or bail money will be used
to obtain the release from jail if
their protesting children. The en-
suing embarrassment will force
them to resign or, in effect, expel
them from their positions."
Eyes. searched the room; the
idea had never occurred to us.
Steve was the first to speak up.
"Frankly, I view such measures
with disfavor," he said. The rest
of us nodded; David's idea seemd
a bit out of place.
But David would not be shaken.
"YOU LOOK at, the situation on
our campuses and in our country
and say such laws are not needed?
Look at our opponents. They burn
in Vietnam, pillage in Cambodia
and destroy in Kest, Ohio. Al-
though they are few in number-
they include only the richest and
most politic-they have had a
shattering impact .
"It is my honest opinion that
this hard core of politicians, busi-
nessmen, state senators and ad-
ministrators should be identified
and expelled in the manner I have
indicated. Peaceful dissent, .fes,
violence-Chicago, Berkeley and

them throwing it into chaos. You
go out to lead a peaceful march
- against the Vietnam War and they
disrupt it by throwing all these
other issues into it: Cambodia,
Kent State, Panther Trials. Can't
even protest with order."
"THEY HAVE to learn to work
within the Anti-System." Jerry
added. "President Scott met w ith
some of those dissident adminis-
trators during one of their protest
marches, and he even discussed
their problems with them. And.
you know, most of them are wili-
ing to work through the Anti-
System to change it. It's just that
hard core who insist on bombing
villages and shooting blanks that
lead on the others."
We leaned back on our chairs
and passed around the ripe. We
asked David to detail his grogram.
"Gladly. The leader of the pro-
test could expel any of the afore-
mentioned persons who intention-,
ally constitutes a clear and sub-
stantial risk of physical harm or
injury to other persons."
Rhetoric, rhetoric," sho:uted Pe-
ter. "We demand an example."
"Very well," David replied.
"Robben Fleming, when Ile called
in the police at the LSA Bldg.:
Sheriff Harvey for injuing pro-
testers at that building: the Ann
Arbor police for similar behavior


protest, by occupying space nec-
essary or by use of force or threat
of force.
"Two examples will suffice. The
ROTC officers were clearly in our
way during the North Hall occu-
pation, preventing the functioning
of the day care center. And the
threat of force has been mention-
ed by President Fleming on many
occasions threatening to disrupt
the protest by the National Guard,
of all people.

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