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May 27, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-27

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SGC asks compromise plan for control

In an attempt to break the impasse over
control of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA),
members of Student Government Council and
key faculty members will ask the Regents to
accept a plan which leaves thestudent role in
running OSA up to the vice president in charge
of the office.
The Regents have already rejected a student-
faculty proposal which would create a student-
dominated policy board whose decisions would
be binding on the vice president. sn
Under the compromise plan, the relation-
ship between the policy board and the vice
president would not be defined, and control of
OSA would remain a matter to be worked out
between the two.,
However, SGC is expected to demand that
President Robben Fleming replace Acting Vice
President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell
with a permanent vice president who would
accept policy board decisions as binding.
The compromise plan emerged last month
from a series of meetings between representa-
tives of SGC and the Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs (SACUA), the top
faculty body.
SGC Exgcutive Vice President Jerry De
Grieck said last night he expects the plan to

be presented to the Regents at an open hearing
in June.
. The controversy over control of OSA orig-
inated last January, when the Regents suggested
a number of changes in a draft of proposed
Regents bylaws, which had been approved by
SGC and Senate Assembly, the faculty repre-
sentative body.
Under the proposed bylaws, the name of the
office would be changed to the Office of Stu-
dent Services (OSS), administered by a vice
president for student services.
The changes proposed by the Regents in-
-Revision of a section of the student-faculty
draft which would give the OSS policy board
the authority to make policy binding on the vice
president for student services. The regental draft
providesfor the vice president and the board to
"Jointly" set policy;
-Revision of a section which would require
the vice president to obtain the approval of his
policy board when appointing directors of the
various units within OSS. Under the regental
draft, the vice president would be obligated to
seek the policy board's advice only.
SGC contends that the vice president should
essentially be an administrator of OSS who
See SGC, Page 3

Influence of VP N
Daily News Analysis
While student leaders continue to press toward
the long-coveted goal of control over the Office
of Student Services, the office is suffering a
continual erosion of authority in University de-
And if the trend goes on much longer, it could
render student control of the office--and of
the vice president in charge of the office-
virtually meaningless.
Two years ago, as Vice President Richard
Cutler finished up his controversial term in
office, the vice presidency was seen by Student
Government Council as both a threat and an
important object of conquest.
But now, after 23 months of the acting vicea
presidency of Barbara Newell, the office has lost
much of its former impact on University affairs.
The change has come both on structural and
personal levels. A month before Mrs. Newell took
what was to become somewhat more than the
interim appointment originally announced, thet
Regents removed disciplinary authority from the
Office of Student Affairs.
While the action was originally seen as a vic-1
tory for SGC, Council members have found thef
successor procedures for student discipline even c
more distasteful.

Sewell dimiishing
Last November, the office also lost its control
over financial aids. With the appointment of a
new vice president for student services then
seemingly imminent, the Regents took the Office
of Financial Aids out of Mrs. Newell's office and
placed it under Stephen Spurr, the newly-pro-
moted vice president and dean of the graduate
And while these losses in structural power
have weakened the Office of Student Affairs,
the decline in the personal influence of the vice
president with the other executive officers and
the Regents is even more striking.
The growing antagonism between Mrs. Newell
and the Regents has been an ill-guarded secret
in recent months. It was capped at the April
Regents' meeting with an open split over the
discipline question.
As the Regents were about to pass new in-
terim procedures which have since provoked
anger aiong student leaders, Mrs. Newell took
the opportunity to suggest that the new disci-
pline rules were "regressive."
Two Regents immediately turned on her and
insisted they were proud of the new measure,
and would not apologize for it. The new pro-
cedures were approved by a unanimous vote.

Vice President Barbara Newell

See NEWELL'S, Page 3

See Editorial Page



Cloudy and colder
and windy and dismal

Vol. LXXX, No. 16-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 27, 1970 Ten Cents

Four Pages

to appeal
Attempt to define
legal position of
The University is appealing a
Circuit Court decision to the Mich-
igan Court of Appeals in an at-
tempt to clarify the legal posi.
tion of student counselors who re-
ceive information in confidence.
The appeal stems from a case
involving former Assistant Hous-
ing Director Shawn Tarrant whc
refused to name one of four stu-
dents involved in an alleged as-
sault in West Quad in April.
Called to testify during a hear-
ing in District Court, Tarrant cited
a state law protecting information
given to student counselors. Dis-
trict Judge S. J. Elden then found
Tarrant guilty of contempt-of-
,This ruling was appealed to Cir-
cuit Court Judge Ross Campbell
who issued'; an opinion last week
saying the student-counselor re-
lationship had to give way to "the
correct disposal of litigation."
The decision by the University
executive officers to appeal the
case to the Court of Appeals was
made after 'consultation with
various University officials and
the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA).
Commenting on the 'University's
decision to appeal the case, Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith said, "the restrictive
interpretation given to the statute
by Judge Campbell is potentially
very damaging to the University's
counseling system."
Assistant Washtenaw County
Prosecutor Thomas Shea attacked
Tarrant's position as a counselor
throughout the four days of the
hearing and charged that he is not
included in any of the four cate-
gories of the law.
During the Circuit Court trial
it was learned that Tarrant made
several false statements under
Tarrant was subsequently tried
and found guilty of perjury in
Circuit Court. He was suspended
with pay from his University job
on April 20, and fired on April 28.
Delay vote on
U autonomy
The state Senate yesterday
postponed a vote on a proposed
amendment to the Michigan Con-
stitution which would place the
state's public colleges and uni-
versities under the control of the
state government.
The vote was postponed at the
request of Sen. Stanley Rozyck
(D-De t r o i t), sponsor of the
am nmenf nrnnsnv'l. 1 'nhnl'

I _ _ -

-Associated Press
Romney defends Cambodian invasion
George Romney, speaking to yesterday's general assembly of the United Presbyterian Church
describes the entry of U.S. forces into Cambodia as a necessary move. However, the secretary of
housing and urban development and former governor of Michigan deplored initial U.S. involvement
in Vietnam a a "tragic mistake."
Students to seek representation
on citys planning cormission

Child care
Renovation of
'U School bars
plans for center
The Child Care A c t i o n
Group's proposal for a sum-
mer day care center in Uni-
versity School was turned
down yesterday by Wilbur
Cohen, dean of the education
Cohen, who was appointed by
President Robben Fleming to head
a child care study committee, said
the University School could not be
used due to renovation of its of-
fices and classrooms.
The child care group submitted
its proposal to Cohen earlier this
month outlining a plan for the
In March, Barbara Newell, act-
ing vice president for student af-
fairs, put in a bid for space at
University School responding to
the Child Care group's requests.
The group then met in April with
Fleming to discuss the proposal
and a joint administration-child
care group committee was formed.
"All along the administration
implied to us we could plan on
having. room at University School,
and we built our program around
that implication," Marty Lowry, a
member of thechild care group
said yesterday.
"We've been buffered about and
shifted around by people who say
they are interested and sympa-
thetic-but their hands are tied,"
Miss Lowry a d d e d. "Everyone
agrees there is a need for a center,
but no one is willing to find us
a place."
Although the education school
has no other facilities available,
E "we are studying the situation,"
ICohen said.
However the child care group
"is tired of University adminis-
trators running us around," Miss
Lowry said. "We're holding a mass
meeting next week for anyone in-
terested and we'll plan our course
of action there."

-Associated Press

President Suharto visits with Nixon

President Nixon and President Suharto of Indonesia met yesterday in the chief executive's White
House office shortly after the Asian visitor's arrival on a state visit. In remarks at a ceremonial wel-
come, Suharto said his visit had come at a time when the need for realistic peace efforts in South-
east Asia have become'even more pressing.
Senate votes for rewording
of Cooper-Church a-mendment

The possibility of placing stu-
dents with full voting privileges
on the city's planning commission
will be discussed with Mayor Rob-
ert Harris "in the near future," ac-
cording to Student Government
Council President Marty Scott and
Member-at-Large Bruce Wilson.
The nine-member p 1 a n n i n g
commission, which includes one
Councilman, is an advisory body
which makes recommendations to
City Council on all zoning matters!
and major highway programs in
the city. It can also request to
review proposals to widen or ex-
tend roads, such as the controver-
sial extension of Observatory St.
which was approved by the Coun-
cil Monday,
Wilson and Scott met briefly
with Harris after the Council!
meeting. They said Harris ex-
pressed interest in the idea of stu-
dent representation on the com-
mission, but that he made "no
firm commitment" as to what type
of representation he t h o u g h t
mioht be feasible.
Wilson said he hopes that stu-.
dent representation on the com-'
mission could help prevent a repe-!
tition of the Council's decision re-
garding Observatory St. which he
said was "an atrocity in city plan-
ning." Wilson and other oppon-
Pntc f f1hP P ~n nlA4'rn that

Three of the commission's nine tion on the commission as well as
seats will be vacated July 1, and student participation in research-
Wilson said he believed there was ing and preparing. opinion reports
a "slight chance" for students to on various projects being .studied
gain some representation on the by the department.
board. "We didn't get involved in the
He said he was optimistic that - Observatory St. project," Wilson
City Council, which makes ap- said, "until the city had made a
pointments to the commission, substantial commitment to the
would eventually appoint some program." Speaking to Council
student respresentatives. perhaps after the resolution had passed
when three additional vacancies Monday, Wilson said that any
occur next July. blame for poor planning in the
Michael Prochaska, director of campus area "lies more in our
the city's planning department hands than yours" because of the
and a critic of the Observatory lack of well expressed student in-
St. extension project, said that put into advisory and decision-
he supports student representa- making processes at City Hall.

WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate vises the wording of its preamble
voted 82 to 11 yesterday to put to insert a July 1 effective date
into conciliatory langauge the plus language saying the fund cut-
Cooper-Church amendment to cut off was being enacted "in concert
off funds for future U.S. military with the declared objectives of the
operations in Cambodia. Action on President of the United States to
the basic issue, however, seems far avoid the involvement of the
off. United States in Cambodia after
Meanwhile, administration sup- July 1, 1970."
porters anhedmtefrtin ap-Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
porters launched the first in a said "This new language should
serisofe met ofthe pnd remove any shadow of doubt that
amendment. the amendment is designed as a
Yesterday's vote, the first since rebuke to the President." Sen. Ed-
debate began May 13, leaves in- jward J. Gurney (R-Fla.) counter-
tact the basic amendment but re- ed this view saying "it advertises


to the enemy in cold, clear terms
that after July 1 we won't be
making any excursions anywhere
except in the country of South
Vietnam itself."
The White House says the re-
vised amendment still is unaccept-
able, and the vote was considered
meaningless by both sides.
Church and Sen. John Cooper
(R-Ky.) claim they already have
a majority of votes, but in order
to put their amendment into pend-
ing military sales legislation they
will have to beat off a variety of
watering d o w n proposals - and
then force a vote which some ad-
ministration backers have threat-
ened to delay until June 30-the
date President Nixon pledged U.S.
troops would leave Cambodia.
Sen. Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.)
introduced a rider to make the
proposed amendment inoperative
while U.S. citizens or nationals are
held as prisoners of war in Cam-
bodia by the North Vietnamese or
Viet Cong.
Asked if opponents of the Coop-
er-Church amendment are stall-
ing on bringing the proposal up
for a vote he replied "We are not
trying to rush it."
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana said he doesnt
know when the basic amendment
will be voted on. According to Re-
niihlioan Lear ? Huh Scott. of


may force
University undergraduates may in-state
be faced with a considerable tui- State U
tion hike in the 1971-72 academic Universit
year as a result of efforts by the irrationa
state Senate to regulate and equal- Reacti
ize the tuitions of the state's high- sion, Vic
er education institutions. lations a
The proposal for tuition leveling ' said last
is included in a higher education the legi



erence of tuition paid by
students at Michigan
niversity, Wayne State
ty and this University as
i and unfair to students.
ng to the pending provi-
e President for State Re-
nd Planning Arthur Ross
night, "Rather than have
slature mandate tuition
T 'nurv.,1Anraf'r o wnrk

tuition proposal, both sources
would, in effect, be controlled by
the legislature.
"Tuition has always been under
the decision-making of the Uni-
versity," said Ross. "The Regents
control over tuition contributes to
their input to the overall Univer-
sity program."
Ross said that University of-

h'. 'ate. J . " _ .

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