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May 15, 1970 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-15

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Page Two


Friday, May 15, 1970


State publisher blasts college
presidents for disorder handling

New York workers
angry at protesters

DIAL 5-6290
This picture is antiestoblish-
mentaran, antibcllum, anti-
septic, antibiotic, antisocial,


LANSING (P) - Many Uni-
versity presidents - including
those of the states big three -
are "weak sisters," says a mem-
ber of the Northern Michigan
University Board of Control.
John P. McGoff, who a 1 s o
heads Panax Corp.,bcalledesome
presidents weak because, he
said, "they blame all of their
internal ills on the government
or on American foreign policy
rather than taking a hard look
at themselves."
McGoff's comments were in-
cluded in a speech prepared for
some 300 businessmen in Lans-
ing yesterday.
The presidents, McGoff said,
"permit a minority of students
to consume their time and en-
ergy at the expense of the ma-
jority of students who want an
"They have permitted their
leadership capabilities to be
eroded by the unreasonable de-
mands of faculties and students.
And they cry 'if only America
would get out of Southeast As-
is, everything would be all right
"That assumption," he said,
"is a tragic; indication of their
serious weakness. And what we
must all understand is that ed-
ucation is a basic of a demo-
cratic society."
McGoff told the businessmen
that in recent days his life and
the lives of his family had been
threatened "if I did not cease
attacks on the efforts of (Mich-
igan State University) students
to bring about 'justice and free-
dom of the world.'"
"This idotic rhetoric is the
same kind of rhetoric and in-
timidation that occured in Ger-
many during the early thirties,"
McGoff maintained.
"Needless to say," he added,
"I scoffed at these little Nazis
of the seventies who think they
can coerce their fellow m a n,
for t h e y will perish in their
valhalla as the Nazis of the 30's
and 40's perished.
Panax Corp. owns and oper-
ates six daily a n d 19 weekly
newspapers in the state, includ-
ing the Ypsilanti Press.

NEW YORK (P)-The men who
help build New York-the hard
hat construction workers - are
angry at the college students they
think are tearing down their world.
"I am not going to stand and do
nothing when those scum bags
chew on the American flag and
spit on it," said Dave Migliaccio,
31-year-old engineer at the con-
struction site of a 44-story office
Others in the knot of workers
-most of them wearing hard-hats
with emblems of the American
flag-vowed yesterday they would
not tolerate it, either.
To them, many of the protest-
ers are not for peace "but only a
bunch of cowards who are dodg-
ing the draft."
During the last week these same
men had joined hundreds of
others in attacks against students
and other war protesters near
Pace College, not far from the
Wall Street district.
"My father and grandfather
built this city," said one. "I work
to build this city. But those kids-
they want to burn it and bomb it.
I am not going to let them tear
down what my people built."
"What are they trying to tell
me?" demanded the ramp boss.
"They never got off their be-
hinds to do one day of work," he
claimed. "They don't know, what
it is to do without. They haven't
lived long enough to do anything.
Let them finish school, let them
do some work, and let them get
old enough to vote and then they
can go change things with the

Some of these men had awak-
ened at 4 or 5 a.m., in order to
travel the long distance from their
homes in modest suburbs to the
Wall Street construction site.
Said the ramp boss: "This ain't
a question of jobs or money. That
has nothing to do with it
"What we are against is people
who spit on our flag, who throw
bottles and rocks at National
Guard guys in Kent, who want
to bomb and burn everything.
"I believe in my country. And
if they don't like it, they should
use the ballot."
Others, such as a construction
engineer, could not abide the
"four-letter words that those kids
use." He was reminded that dur-
ing the sidewalk session the con-E
struction workers had used the
same words.
"Yes," he said, "but that's xiot
the same as some girl calling a
cop those names, and it ain't the
same as women and men saying
those things."

i ?

e G~a g c C*is



-Daily-Richard Lee
Anti-Zionist Arie Bober

Israeli socialist hits
Zionist aggression
"We Jewish radicals agree to the saying that Israel is
a peace loving country," said Arie Bober, a member of Matz-
pex--an Israeli socialist organization. "A piece of Jordan and
a piece of Egypt."
Sponsored by the International S t u d e n t Association,j
Bober--an ardent anti-Zionist-gave a talk last night on
Zionism and Revolution in the Middle East and then opened
the floor up to discussion.
In his talk, Bober analyzed three aspects of Zionism. He
said one basic ideology is "the persecution of a minority."
_-- ------ Reading from several columns

-Associated Press
HUD Secretary George Romney
Model Cities funds
assured by Romney

9:00 P.M.

WASHINGTON UP) - Secretary'
of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment George Romney met with
President Nixon yesterday and
announced there will be no cut in
the $1.5 billion to be allocated for
Model Cities projects through
He gave the word that "no cit-
ies need to be concerned about
our following through on project-
ed allocations and commitments
they expected."
Romney thus set to rest reports
that Nixon might be contemplat-
ing a slash in these programs.

Romney said the question of
where the nioney will be coming
from is something to be decided
by the Budget Bureau and other
fiscal advisers.
A total of $575 million was
sought for the fiscal year begin-
ning July 1 in addition to prev-
iously available funds totaling $1.-
6 billion which have not yet been
A total of some $1.5 billion will
be allocated through 1971, Rom-
ney said.
He said the President made the
decision yesterday morning that
there would be no change in
amount of funds.


Report asks
new changes
(Continued from Page 1)
depend on idealism to attract pro-
fessors," he said.'
But when idealism means a dis-
parity in salary as high as $10,000
a year, Siegel admitted "it's hard
to remain idealistic."
The report points out that the
University has slipped from the
highest paying public university
in the country to 24th overall with
six divisions of the City University
of New York paying higher salar-
es at every level. City University,
it notes, is unionized, although the
report emphasizes the resources
apparently available and not nec-
essarily the unionization.
On the subject of faculty mort-
gages, the committee points :out
that the terms set up by the Uni-
versity - 20-year mortgages with
a nine-month waiting period and
interest at the market rate - are
no better than those offered on
the open market.
"These restrictive terms, more-
over, have been adopted in re-
sponse to pressure from the Ann
Arbor banking community, rather
than out of legitimate concerns
of the University," the report
Themreport recommends longer
term mortgages with easier avail-
ability an d lower interest rates
and points to other universities
where such arrangements are in
Health insurance, the report
says, should be paid entirely by
the University and should be in-
creased from the present $25,000
to $50,000 maximum. It recom-
mends increasing Ii f e insurance
from double the nine-month sal-
ary, presently established, to a
minimum of $50,000 ranging up-
wards to f o u r times a faculty
member's salary.

in Israeli newspapers which
claimed that anti-Semitism was
good for the state for it drew the
country together, Bober said the
government doesn't want Arab-
Israeli assimilation and the Israeli
government doesn't want peace."
Another idealogy that Bober
claimed Zionism rested upon was
that "only by a creation of a
Jewish nation statecan Jews es-
cape their persecution.
"This nation-state consists of a
closed Jewish sector which delib-
erately and intentionally displaces
the Palestinian class," Bober said.
"Israel is the persecuter."
Bober's last assumption was that
"if you ally yourself with Zionism
then you must also ally yourself
with imperialism."
"How can any radical American
Jew try to force Nixon out of
Vietnam and at the same time
want to push him into the Mid.-
dIe East?" Bober asked. "Israel is
an oppresive state both against
Arabs and Jews.'
"We have to abolish colonialistic
traits-such as laws discriminating
against Arabs," Bober said. "We
have to integrate in the Middle
East on the basis of a social rev-
"But you're ignoring the rest of
the world," one audience mempber
said. "You can't assume everyone
will have a revolution if Israel
Bober was accused by some
members of the audience of having
double moral standards.
"How can you say its all right
for the Fateh (an Arab guerrilla
force) to terrorize and kill, but at
the same time condemn Israel for
much less offensive acts?" another
member of the audience asked.
"Zionism is oppressing a peo-
ple," Bober responded, "and those
people have the right to correct
that oppression."
"However, I am not for the
Fateh for they too are national-
istic," Bober added. "My loyalty is
to a class and to a revolution and
I am an internationalist."

11 I arPan- EMItlT

J[_.L ....L Il _l._ "X1-IL .. LU1 L JTIY.Reports that cutting Model Cit-
ies appropriations had been under
r Idiscussion with a thought to shift-
as curfew cont'ainues ing some of the money to school
X1,1 ldesegregation projects had be-
(Continued from Page 1) is presently in effect and will re- come a matter of real concern,
six EMU students last week, gath- main in effect until the governor Romney said, and he had received
ered in Forest Ave. and blocked declares otherwise. The sale of inquiries from governors and
off traffic. liquor and gasoline is also being mayors as a result.
Police were called in to clear restricted during curfew hours.
up the streets and when students On Wednesday night another NGC THEATRE CORPORATION
refused to leave violence ensued. j clash between students and police [ TNAL GENERAL COMPANY
Over 70 students went to jail on occurred with 49 students being 1
the first night. A few minor in- arrested for violation of curfew. I EU M LLflE

If You Don't Know How
G r e a t a Country and
Western Si n g e r Ray
Bieri Is, Ask Anyone
Who Saw. Him in Oc-
k141 Hill $TT


juries were reported.
Bail for the students arrested onj
Monday was set at $1000 and allI
of those arrested were released by
Tuesday night a similar con-
frontation took place with police
and sheriff's deputies using tear
gas to disperse a group of 5001
studentsdwho had gathered on
Washtenaw and N. Summit. Eigh-
teen arrests were made on that
night and bail ranged from $5001
to $1000.
On Wednesday afternoon, at the
request.of Ypsilanti city officials,
Governor Milliken imposed a 8
p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. The curfew
Dr. William L. Cash, Jr. has
been appointed a member of the
Federal Relations Committee of
the American Personnel and
Guidance Association.
Cash, assistant to the president
for human relations affairs and
professor of education at the Uni-
versity, is president-elect of the
Association for Counselor Educa-
tion and Supervision.
The committee, to which he was
appointed, informs the various
divisions of the federal govern-
ment regarding the personnel and
guidance needs of the nation.

Throughout all the chaos, school
has remained open and classes
have been attended regularly by
the students.
Guard clears
U.S. highway
Continued from Page 1)
he said at the first session Wed-
An explosion ripped away part
of Columbia University's Alma
Mater, a 10-foot-high metal statue
in the center of the school's cam-
pus early yesterday. The 19th cen-
tury statue is the symbol of the!
16,000-student university.
At Illinois State University in
Normal, assistant dean George
Turner was hospitalized with a
head injury after a melee between
40 to 50 students and an equal
number of police early yesterday.
The students were challenging a
midnight to 6 a.m. curfew imposed
by Mayor Charles Baugh at the
request of the university.
Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale was officially dJosed,
with dormitories to be shut Clown
Friday. But the trustees, consul-
ting with Gov. Richard Ogilvie,
were to decide today wether it
can be reopened for the remaining
three weeks of the spring term
or for the summer term.
At the University of Connec-
ticut, about 100 students occupied
the administration building to pro-
test the president's refusal to
graut amnesty to other demonstra-
tors. They left after causing con-
siderable damage, officials said.

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N:: ..... ..,. ,.:...a . fn' ':::, . a..': .""c":
The Daily Official Bulletin is an of- Local Org., community leader pro-
fidial publication of the University of ,gram contact person in Mich. to do
Miebigan. Notices should be sent in P.R. w o r k, arrange panels, speakers,
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3328 meetings and identify leaders. Familiar
L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day and enthusiastic with the U of M, and
preceeding publication and by 2 p.m. issues of the campus.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items Medical Data Systems, Detroit, medi-
appear once only. Student organiza- cal syst. programmers, BA Math, CCS
tion notices are not accepted for pub- or rel. areas, must have DEC computer
lication. For more information, phone exper., not just Fortran.
764-9279. American Express, Detroit area, cor-
porate sales rep. of travel credit cards
Friday, May 15 for use by corps. in centralizing travel
costs, BA any area, sales exposure help-
Day Calendar _ __
Inst. for the Study of Mental Re-
tardation Conf.: "The Challenge of I BEE 4 EFIT
Mental Retardation in the Commun-
ity": Registration, Lobby RackhamEfor
Bldg., 8:30 a.m., General Session, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 9:30 a.m. OZONE HOUSE
General Notices ,,r t. ,!

Prentis Cadillac, Wyndott, retail Cad-
illac sales, alert person to build clien-
Free University Craft Fair Saturday,
May 16 on the Diag and last day of
registration. 11-4 p.m. with "The Leaves
of Grass."

- IJ


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