See Editorial Page
Cloudy and warm with
thunderstorms likely
Vol. LXXX, No. 8-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 15, 1970 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
move fails im
18-19 decision
LANSING (P) - The s t a t e
Senate has, by one vote, killed
an abortion reform measure.
The 19-18 vote late yesterdayF
afternoon rejected a move by
supporters of abortion reform!
to reconsider an earlier defeat
of the bill.
Only 'a majority of those sen-
ators voting was required for re-!
consideration. The measure failed
to pass last week by a 19-17 vote.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), sponsor of the bill, said
he was disappointed but refused to
call the state Senate action a de-
feat. He noted that it had taken
the California legislature six years
to reform abortion law. This is
Michigan's third year.
Yesterday's vote was the third
in two years on abortion reform
in the state.
Sen. Lorraine Beebe (R-Dear-
born), who is the state's only
woman senator, charged the men
who voted againstvthe reconsider-
ation had been voting on their
personal moral convictions rather
than the wishes of their consti-
Bursley pledged to continue the
fight for abortion reform next:
year and predicted victory at that
ne ar EMU;
area quiets.
Police called the situation at the Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity campus last night "relatively quiet," reporting only
a few scattered incidents of bottle throwing.
Eleven arrests were made, 10 for violating the curfew
imposed by Gov. William Milliken, raising the number of
arrests to over 150.
EMU spokesman Curtis Stadtfeld said in a radio broad-
cast last night that students arrested for charges larger than
violation of the curfew will be suspended, and those charged
with violation of curfew will be put on probation. Dean of
Students Thomas Aceto said later the decisionf was "not
firm" but that "action will be taken against the students, of
--Associated Press
OHIO UNIVERSITY President Claude Sowle pleads for quiet while trying to talk to students on the
steps of the administration building early yesterday morning. The demonstrators, protesting Sowle's
suspension of seven students Wednesday, finally shouted him down and then moved into the down-
town Athens area breaking windows and setting small fires. Police broke up the crowd with tear
gas. Later yesterday, Ohio Gov. James Rhodes ordered more than 1,000 National Guardsmen into
Athens but said they would not be used unless called in by the university administration.
that you can be assured."
EMU and city police patrolled
the city last night without the aid I
of county police.
President Harold Sponberg re-
affirmed his commitment to keep
the university open in a statement
released late yesterday afternoon.
"The University cannot be sac-
rificed to the passion of the mo-
ment," said Sponberg. "Itmust
stand firm in times of stress as
well as in times of peace."
The student and faculty senates
met with the Board of Regents
last night to discuss the situation,
but no statement of the results of
the meeting was released by 12:30
a.m. today.
Circuit Judge John Conlin will
hold a hearing today on a petition
Reuther daughters in Detroit
Lisa Reuther, left, Oakland University student, and her sister,
Linda 27, a San Francisco school teacher are escorted to the
Detroit Veterans Memorial Bldg. yesterday by former Reuther
bodyguard John Bommarito. Their parents bodies lie in state in
that hall.
routs students
Economic report on
facultyCasks changes
A report on the economic status of the faculty, including
for the first time specific recommendations on faculty com-
pensation, has been approved by Senate Assembly.
In the past such reports have been statistical surveys
comparing compensation at the University with that at other
According to law Prof. Stanley Siegel, chairman of As-
sembly's Committee on Economic Status of the Faculty, the
change was made because of "a catastrophic falling off of the
economic status of the profession."
Siegel said the committee believed the specific recom-
mendations could be helpful by serving "a valuable function
in communicating faculty de-
sires to the administration."
Conference But Siegel stressed that the
report was not a move toward
n e u ecollective bargaining.
terruptedI don't think the solution is
unionization. The solution is the
1finding of funds," he said.
yV G ay The report includes proposals
for increasing faculty disability
and health insurance benefits.
SAN FRANCISCO (')-Twenty more favorable terms for obtain-
members of the Gay Liberation ing mortgages from the Univer-
Front and Women's Liberation sity, increased life insurance cov-
Movement yesterday attempted to erage and a reassessment of the
take over an American Psychiatric faculty's pay position in relation
Association session on sex prob- to society at large.
lems, The last recommendation was
The groups eventually took over the only one relating directly to
the podium, but Dr. John P. Brady salary. however, Siegel said it was
of the. University of Pennsylvania an important one. In the past,
School of Medicine had adjourned faculty pay h a s been compared
the session-leaving two scientific with that at other Universities.
papers unread. However, the report notes that
Most of the 540 psychiatrists graduates of some professional
attending the session on "Issues of schools who go directly into busi-
Sexuality" left the auditorium. ness can immediately command
Sexalty" left thsalaries as high as those of asso-
many angry. ciate professors in those schools.
The Gay Liberation Front pro- Siegel pointed out that there
tested a paper by Australian psy- are arguments against making
chiatrist Nathaniel McConaghy faculty salaries entirely equitable
about electric shock treatment of with other professions. "You can I
homosexuals. See REPORT, Page 2
OVER 9,000 U
Jobs, scarce
By NADINE COHODAS pounded. Mrs., Marr
"It's tight this year," says the Univer- dition to those laid
sity Summer Placement Coordinator Ann and auto jobs, studer
Cooper, speaking about the Ann Arbor job school are also lookii
market. "Last year and the year before I Major employers
had over 150 jobs. full time for three or newv people," Mrs. R
four months, eight hours a day. she explains that acc
contracts they must
"This year there are less than 50 and workers before they
that's from the same mailing list, maybe tional people
even a little larger one," Mrs. Cooper adds. "There is new hirin
The bill would have allowed a
woman resident to obtain an abor-M
tion for any reason during the iMl
first 90 days of pregnancy. Evenj
if approved by both the House and1
Senate, the measure would not BULLETIN teargas in an effort to clew
have taken effect until after the JACKSON, Miss. ()-High- 5,000 students from the hi
Supreme Court issued an ad- way patrolmen and city police The Guardsmen carrie
visory opinion on its constitution- early today opened fire on a without bayonets. There5
ality. women't dormitory at all-black immediate physical e n c o
Some senators who are attor- Jackson State College, where with students, who were t
neys had attacked the attempt to disturbances were under way. rocks and bottles. One{
reform the 124-year-old law ques- Fifteen students were carried man was taken to a hospit
tioning the enforceability of sev- out of the dormitory after the groin injury after being h
eral sections, including the resi- shooting. It was not determined missile.
dency and 90-day pregnancy re- immediately whether they had The disturbance began
quirements. been w nded rcut b fl in was learned that the facu
ar about spokesman said no units would be
ghway. deployed immediately.
d rifles The decision came after stu-
were no dents broke windows and set small
u n t e r fires on the campus and in Athens
hrowing earlier in the day. The action was
Guards- one of several isolated incidents
tal for a but student protests against the
hit by a Indochina war and phe deaths of
four students at Ohio's Kent State
after it University remained mostly peace-
ulty had Jul.
After the vote, Mrs. Joh
O'Brien, of the Great Lakes Re
gion of Planned Parenthood, call
ed the men's votes against recon
sideration a "declaration of wa
on the rights of women. Notin
the coming Aug. 4 primary, sh
said that "anybody who runs it
that election will run on the abor
tion issue."
Representatives of the Nationa
Council of Jewish Women prom
ised that "some Senators will fac
stiff opposition from women."
Grad stud
i i
on Rack118
Student representation on th
powerful R a c k h a m Executiv
Board may not be as far off a
Graduate Assembly (GA) mem
bers have thought.
If the board adopts a resolutio
-passed last January by GA- de
manding equal student represen
tation on the board, 12 student
with full voting priviledges woul
be seated alongside the 12 faculty
on the board.
GA President Robert Morrony
says he is optimistic that th
board will accept the idea o
equal student representation and
adds that even if parity is no
granted "there will definitely b
student representatives on th
board" next fall.
j The executive board handles al
uteri wTV u l*Xtf or cup.a &y ta v y. .j g .z. -
il glass. voted against letting students de- A nationwide survey yesterday
- Many of the windows of the cide if they wanted grades based showed that 13 schools remained
- four-story dormitory were shot on their work prior to May 1, officially closed because of anti-
- out. when a class strike began in pro- war activities.
r Officers said they returned test to President Nixon's decision But academic routine at many
g fire after someone shot at them. to send American troops into others continued to be interrupted
e Cambodia. as schools scheduled special anti-
1n By The Associated Press Meanwhile yesterday Ohio Na- war programs. Some schools left
- As students around the country tional Guardsmen were put on the decision whether to take final
staged more anti-war protests yes- alert because of disturbances at exams up to students and faculty.
il terday, 500 State Police and Na- Ohio University in Athens. Student strikes also hindered
- tional Guardsmen marched elbow Gov. James A. Rhodes ordered normal functions at a number of
e to elbow up U.S. 1 outside the 1,000 Guardsmen to duty to insure schools. A strike information cen-
University of Maryland firing order in Athens, but a Guard ter at Brandeis University in Wal-
tham, Mass., counted 278 schools
on strike yesterday. The center re-
-y sported 267 schools with strikes
ellts gain 111seats Wednesday and 286 Tuesday.
Chanting anti-war slogans, a
crowd of some 6.000 marched to
11H xec tive Boadthe steps of the state Capitol in
1 1 X eyfp~ u*j1V A JD OcLansing yesterday and stagged a
peaceful hour-long demonstration
matters relating to the allocation early in the discussion stages and in the rain.
e of money within the school, I adds that he does not wish to Police were generally inconspi-
e changes in master's and doctoral "cloud the issue" in future discus- cuous, as opposed to some previous
s j degree requirements and the. sions. Capitol demonstrations when they
- granting of PhD's. he lined up to barricade the building
- gi'ating o PhD's resolution asking for par- against far smaller groups.
Unlike most administrative com- ity was passed with the expecta-
n mittees in the University which tion that some sort of confronta- Representatives of striking stu-
- serve in advisory capacities to a tion with the Board would follow, dents from 236 colleges assembled
- school's deans, Associate Dean of Morrony says. When the sense of at Yale University in New Haven
s the Graduate School George Hay the resolution was communicated to decide what direction student
d says the Rackham board is "given to Vice President and Dean of strikes should take.
y full authority over graduate af- Graduate Studies Stephen Spurr, The representatives heard Yale
fairs by the Regents." however, it was surprisingly well Prof. Kenneth Mill urge that cam-
y Any change in the composition I received. Morrony says. puses be kept open throughout the
e of the board, he says, would have He explains that so far the mat- summer for "political education."
f to be approved by the Regents and ter has been discussed only in- "Our theme must change from
d "would not happen overnight" if formally with members of the 'Close it down' to 'Open it up,'"
t changes occur at all. board and that no official action See GUARD, Page 2
e Hay will not comment on the has been taken by them.
,e likelihood of board members (tknb hm
e lielihod o boad mebers The next step in the discussions 11<
granting representation to stu- will be to obtain a commitment in
' dents. He says the matter is toot me
making various charges against
County Prosecutor William Del-
hey, Sheriff Douglas Harvey, and
District Judge Henry Arkinson for
their conduct in handling the
EMU student arrests.
The petition charges Arkinson
with not allowing the arrested
students their right to post 10 per
cent of the bond and with setting
unreasonable bond. Instead Ark-
inson would allow posting the 10
per cent only if Delhey approved
Delhey is charged with impeding
the setting of reasonable bond and
Harvey with interfering with the
right of those arrested to have
phone calls "and otherwise exer-
cise their constitutional rights."
Arkinson has set $1,000 bail for
those charged with the misde-
meanor of violating the curfew.
Students charged with felonies
have received up to $2,000 bail. A
spokesman for the Ypsilanti Legal
Services said that the usual bail
for curfew violations is $50 or 30
days in jail. She added that maxi-
mum is $500 or 90 days in jail.
Most of the 48 arrested Wednes-
day evening, primarily for violat-
ing curfew, were arraigned in court
yesterday. Charged with violating
the curfew, they pleaded guilty
to the charge, and received a sen-
tence fining them $50 or 30 days
in jail.
Many of the students complain-
ed that they had not had time to
reach an attorney before the ar-
raignment, and pleaded guilty on-
ly because it was cheaper than
raising the necessary bail of pre-
ferable to waiting out the time
for a trial in jail.
"Most of the students were con-
fused, and had not seen counsel
before they appeared before the
judge," said Defense attorney
Peter Steinberger. "Either the
sheriff didn't allow them phone
calls or they didn't have someone
to call."
The trouble on EMU's campus
began Monday when students, who
were protesting the suspension of
See 11 ARRESTED, Page 2
wo rkers
to organize
Members of the University Em-
ployes Union began taking pre-
liminary steps this week to or-
ganize University stenographers,
secretaries a n d clerical workers
into a union.
A spokesman for Local 1583,
which currently represents only
maintenance workers, said the un-
ion would like to encourage at
least 50 per cent of the estimated
3,000 office workers to authorize
the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME) to represent them.
Given this authorization, AFS-
CME would petition the State La-
bor Mediation Board to conduct a
referendum among University of-
fice employes. If two - thirds of
those voting cast ballots in favor
of union representation, a bar-
gaining unit would be established.
T h e members themselves would
then negotiate their own contract
and dues structure.
"Office workers need bargain-
ing power a n d grievance proce-
dures," said Mrs. Neva Middleton,
chairman of the organizing com-
mittee. "These are skilled and ed-
ucated people and yet their min-
imum wage is $1.93 - 27 cents
less than that of maintenance
workers," she asserted.
Mrs. Middleton, a University
housekeeping employe, anticipates
two problems in organizing office
personnel into a union - fear of
being f i r e d and opposition by
short time office employes such as
students and wives of students.
"Workers have got to get over
fear of losing their jobs," Mrs.
Middleton said. "Under Michigan
law employes are assured their
right to collective bargaining,"
If the office workers opt for
AFSCME representation, the un-
ion would be their exclusive rep-
resentative in negotiations with
the University on all matters per-
taining to wages, work hours,
terms and conditions of employ-
ment, and grievances arising un-
der these terms and conditions.
Efforts to inform the Univer-
sity office employes of the oppor-
tunity to organize thus far in-
volve only leafletting and distri-
bution of AFSCME authorization
adds, because in ad-
off from construction
nts just getting out of
rng for employment.
are not hiring any
Marr says. Moreover,
ording to their union
reinstate the laid off
can hire any addi-
1g in some areas, how-
The outlook for University jobs is equal-
ly as dismal. "University jobs are almost
non-existent," says P. R. Zobian, an em-
ployment representative in the part-time
personnel office. He says one of the ma-
jor problems is a lack of money.
"It's not a general lack of dollars," Zo-
bian explains, "but because June 30 is the
end of the fiscal for the University, var-
ious departments do not know what their
budget requirements will be for the new
writing from members of theI
board that they are seriously in-
terested in discussing the idea.
"I'm convinced they will" return
a firm commitment to discuss the
matter, Morrony says.
While a detailed proposal has
yet to be drawn up and approved
by the GA, Morrony says that a
formalized proposal will be sent to
members of the board by June.
Although the board does not
meet formally during the summer
fmonths, board member Prof. Hen-
ry Pollock says the issue of stu-
dent representation will "probably
be the first thing we take up in
I the fall."
The faculty of the four divisions
of the graduate school - human-
ities, biological sciences, social sci-
ences and physical sciences - se-
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