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May 15, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-15

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page three


Sii !3a


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Friday, May 15, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three




WASHINGTON U) - Two springs
before the 1972 presidential primary
season, Democratic Sens. Edmund S.
Muskie of Maine and George S. Mc-
Govern of South Dakota are taking
the first, important steps likely to lead
to races for the presidency.
In a sense, the two Democratic sen-
ators have been campaigning ever
since 1968, crisscrossing the country,
making speeches designed to keep
them in the public eye and helping
fellow Democrats in the manner used
by John Kennedy and Richard Nixon
to lay the base for their presidential
Now, they are beginning to take
more definite steps-though any deci-
sion is still at least 18 months away.
Muskie has set up a separate re-

campaign likely to result in a land-
slide victory this fall. He is beginning
to gather tapes and films of his activi-
ties, and has started to break in "ad-
vance men" for his out-of-town ap-
McGovern, like Muskie a frequent
speaker for his two dozen colleagues
seeking re-election this fall, has raised
$300,000 for their campaigns. He is
realigning his staff and plans to hire
key political and media operatives.
And he is laying the first, tentative
outlines of a national political organi-
zation for his presidential bid.
Muskie, the 1968 vice presidential
nominee, is widely regarded by politi-
cians as the early front-runner despite
recent attacks \ by Ralph Nader on
search office, ostensibly for his Senate

Muskie's anti-pollution stand. As for
McGovern, who made a brief unsuc-
cessful presidential bid in 1968 follow-
ing Robert F. Kennedy's assassination,
even some of his own backers have
doubts about how far he can go.
Muskie and McGovern, while the
furthest advanced towards a presi-
dential race, are not alone as Demo-
cratic hopefuls. Former Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey, the 1968 nomi-
nee, is expected to try again if he is
successful in regaining a Minnesota
Senate seat this November.
Other hopefuls in the Senate include
Sen. Birch E. Bayh of Indiana, who
has stepped up his national speaking
activities after leading the successful
fights against President 'Nixon's two
Supreme Court nominees; Sen. Fred

R. Harris of Oklahoma, who resigned
as the party's national chairman to
speak out more on national issues;
and Sen. Harold E. Hughes of Iowa,
mentioned as a dark horse possibility.
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Minne-
sota, who is retiring from the Senate
this year, has dropped hints in recent
months he may undertake a second
try for the presidency in 1972.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massa-
chusetts insists he will serve out the
six-year Senate term to which he
seeks election this fall, although Na-
tional Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien
says he must be considered among
potential 1972 nominees.
Neither Muskie, 56, nor McGovern,
47, denies he is considering a 1972
"It's the kind of challenge that ob-



viously I'm thinking about," Muskie
said in a recent interview. "The im-
pulses that took me into public life
in the first place are moving me in the
direction of making that challenge,
given the proper circumstances."
"My own view," McGovern said in
a separate interview, "remains that
my role can best be served by address-
ing myself bluntly to the issues." Ask-
ed recently in Salt Lake City about
1972, he replied "I'm interested in
national politics and have been for
years. But I'm going to reserve any
judgment about a candidacy for 1972."
Neither senator puts much stock in
public opinion polls which currently
show that Humphrey, Muskie and
Kennedy each command about 25 per
cent with McCarthy, McGovern and
the others far behind.

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by The Associated Press and College Press Service




A CALIFORNIA JURY has ruled that the death of Kevin
Moran resulting from a gunshot wound in the April 18 demon-
stration at Isla Vista was accidental.
The jury issued the ruling after hearing police officer David
Gosselin testify that his gun fired unintentionally and after testimony
from a state ballistics expert that the safety on Gosselin's gun was
Polics Chief Alfred Trembly, who suspended Gosselin several days
after the shooting, said the officer was being reinstated.
THE VIETNAM PEACE TALKS began their year yesterday
with an exchange of threats.
As has become customary, the only thing the delegates could
agree on was a meeting next Thursday.
The North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong warned that further
U.S .air raids on the North would provoke more walkouts. Such raids
early this month brought cancellation of last week's session.
Philip C. Habit, the U.S. envoy told the 66th plenary session that
President Nixon "will be patient in working peace. We will be con-
ciliatory at the conference table," he added.
SOME 100 WELFARE ACTIVISTS staged a second day of
demonstrations yesterday at the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare.
The National Welfare Rights Organization convened what it
termed a hearing on the Southeast Asia war and welfare inequities
in the HEW auditorium.
On Wednesday 21 welfare rights demonstrators were arrested after
an eight-hour sit-in the office of HEW secretary Robert H. Finch.
APPROXIMATELY 1,000 SYRIAN troops yesterday crossed the
frontier into Lebanon and took up positions in the area from
which an Israeli raiding force withdrew Wednesday.
Lebanese border officials said the force from Syria was armed
with mortars, anti-aircraft guns and other equipment.
After crossing the border, the troops were reported to have pushed
on to the Arkoub area on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon.
The Syrians gave Lebanese authorities no advance notification
of the move, highly placed sources said.
* * *
INDIAN AUTHORITIES stepped up their efforts yesterday
to prevent widespread rioting in Maharastra State between Hindus
and Moslems from spreading to the teeming city of Bombay.
The week-old violence has already claimed 126 lives, according
to police. Hundreds of persons have been injured and thousands
Yesterday, Bombay police took in custody 650 possible trouble-
makers. They also posted armed guards at all suburban railway
stations in the Greater Bombay area
The latest deaths occurred Wednesday night when police opened
fire on a mob at a village near Thana, north of Bombay, killing two.
The mob was reported about to attack a minority community in an-
other village.

start new' attack
into Cambodia
SAIGON (M - South Vietnamese forces, with American
advisers and air support, launched a new offensive into Cam-
bodia from the central highlands of South Vietnam, the De-
fense Ministry announced yesterday.
There were no immediate reports of contact with the
North Vietnamese.
The attack came a day after Secretary of State William
Rodgers reiterated the Nixon Administration's assurances
that U.S. military forces will not become involved in Cam-
bodia on any long term basis.
The operation, called Binh Tay-Pacify West-II, was kick-
ed off at the border about 22 miles south of a combined U.S.-
South Vietnamese foray launched last week into the Se San

nam chats yesterday with Sen. George Ai
at the Capitol for a closed door session
Relations Committee.
IFord rejects
truck plantj
DETROIT i - Henry Ford II yest
Ford stockholders that he has notifie
ment it "is not feasible for us to giv
to a Soviet proposal" that Ford builda
Ford, recently returned from a n
where he discussed the Russian leade
said the U.S. government "was advised
and did not discourage us."
The chairman of the Ford Moto
last week to what he considered cri
Russian - Ford truck venture
by Defense Secretary Melvin
Laird. Lq
Laird said in an interview,
"Some people believe the best way
to succeed with the Soviet Union, ruin
for example, is to go to Russia and
build trucks for them."

base area 50 miles we s t of
-Associated Press Pleiku.
bassador to South Viet- The Defense Ministry said the
ken (R-Vt) as he arrives latest drive involves troops of the
n of the Senate Foreign South Vietnamese 22nd Division
with tanks and armored person-
-------- nel carriers. American helicopters
and warplanes w e r e sent in to
support the government units,
the U.S. Command said.
e 1The combined operation to the
S / t north has encountered little re-
OIei/] ksistance since the opening' days
of the offensive when U.S. 4th In-
fantry Division troops were tem-
porarily knocked off balance by
heavy fire f r o m North Vietna-
mese troops when they made their
erday told a meeting of initial combat assaults.
ed the Russian govern- About a third of the Americans
'e furtherconsideration in that operation were withdrawn
utherk pfrom Cambodia Wednesday.
a nruc-dla intRussia. There had been reports that the
mne-day visit to Russia, troops in the Se San base area
rs' proposal with them, moved north into Laos and south
in advance of our visit when the allies pushed into the
former sanctuary. There was no
)r Co. reacted strongly immediate word on what the gov-
ticism of the proposed ernment force expected to find in
the new foray.
Earlier yesterday, the U.S. Com-
S1 mand reported that 168 Ameri-
risiators cans were killed in action 1 as t
week, the highest U.S. battlefield
r death toll in m o r e than eight
again months. A total of 1,001 U.S.
troops were listed as wounded. .
The Command also reported
Senator Gilbert Bursley that through Wednesday 110 U.S.
1 Arbor) and State Repre- troops have been killed since the
e Raymond Smit (R-Ann start of the operation into Cam-
announced late Wednesday bodia April 29. The wounded to-
ey will each seek re-elec- talled 446.
s decision to run for a third South Vietnamese forces suf-
tive term as a represent- fered heavier casualties last week,
om the 53rd disrict was a Government military headquar-
versal of his position three ters said 863 of its troops were
ago. At that time it ap- killed, 2,259 wounded and 44 list-
that personal consider- ed as missing.
might prevent him from The government death toll was
relection. the highest since the north
launched its Tet offensive in Feb-
ruary 1968, and the second high-
est of the war.
A total of 5,898 North Vietna-
r Q mese and Viet Cong troops were
reported killed by the allies.
. No major fighting involving
American forces was reported yes-
terday but South Vietnamese
headquarters claimed its troops
killed 199 North Vietnamese and
seized 168 weapons in two battles'
Wednesday in Cambodia. Eigh-
"Ifteen government troops were re-I
ported killed and 63 wounded in
the two actions south of the pro-,
vincial capital of Svay Rieng, 50
miles west of the border on High-f
+ ~way 1 leading to the Cambodian
capital of Phnom Penh.

asked on
ministration leaders yesterday re-
portedly told Republican senators
that moves to restrict President
Nixon's troop-committing powers
must be overcome if a crisis of
confidence in the presidency is to
be avoided.
But senators reporting on the
private session were divided as to
whether the tone was one of ac-
commodation or a hint the White
House is ready to face a historic
and divisive constitutional show-
down with the Senate.
The meeting came as the Senate
opened debate on the Church-
Cooper amendment which would
bar the spending of federal funds
to maintain U.S. troops in Cam-
bodia past the June 30 deadline
set by Nixon. The measure is
named for its chief cosponsors,
Sess. John Sherman Cooper (R-
Ky), and Frank Church (D-
In another secret meeting, Ells-
worth Bunker, ambassador to
Vietnam, reported the United
States is sending U.S. rifles to
Cambodia and stoutly defended
the course of the war and the con-
duct of the Saigon regime.
The Republican caucus was ad-
dressed by Secretary of Defense
Melvin R. Laird; Henry A. Kis-
singer, Nixon's chief foreign policy
adviser; and Elliott L. Richardson,
undersecretary of state. All refused
to comment to newsmen.
Sen. Charles E. Goodell (R-NY).
a chief sponsor of the "End the
War Amendment" which would
bar the use of all funds for further
fighting by U.S. troops in South-
east Asia, said the administration
trio attacked the motives of the
sponsors and the endpresult of
measures limiting presidential
war power.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
,gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail.

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Ford said Laird had questioned
his patriotism b u t the Defense
Secretary on a Detroit visit this
week said he had not mentioned
any individual firm by name.
"Evidently, Mr. Ford decided the
shoe fit," said Laird.
The Russian suggestion had
been that Ford help it build a
truck plant capable of turning out
150,000 vehicles a year.

that th
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May 15, 16-Fri., St.

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