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July 01, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-01
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Page Ten


Wednesday, July 1, 1970

- Wednesday, July 1, 1970


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The University of Michigan




Final action is expected today in the
Legislature on the higher education ap-
propriations bill with the possibility of
an additional tuition increase for the
University hanging in the balance.
Last Thursday the House approved a
version which included $6 million more
for state universities, with a $1.25 million
increase for the University, over the ear-
lier Senate version. The House also added
a number of amendments aimed at curb-
ing c a m p us disruptions and approved
other measures of the same sort already
passed by the Senate.
"The outlook doesn't look very good as
of this point in time," President Robben
Fleming said yesterday, commenting on
the outlook for the University's appro-
priation. "We have already indicated that
we will work very hard to avoid a tuition
increase, but right now it's hard to say,"
he added.
Sen. Charles Zollar (R-Benton Har-
bor), chairman of the Senate Appropria-
tions committee and a member of, the
Joint Senate-House committee which has
been meeting to work out a compromise



between the two versions, was equally
pessimistic yesterday.
"We have to have a balanced budget
and if we give $6 million (the total in-
crease in the bill approved by the House)
to the universities we'll have to take it
out of mental health or somewhere else,"
Zollar said. "The money just isn't there."
Fleming agreed that Zollar might be
right. "Apparently revenues are turning
out to be less than was expected and the
final figure may end up close to the one
originally passed by the Senate," he said.
At the time the Senate approved $73.3
million for the University, administra-
tion officials said it might necessitate
another tuition increase above the 15 per
cent one approved by the ,Regents in
But money is not the only issue which
has been keeping administrators on the
phones to Lansing. The House, also added
a number of amendments to the bill, in-
-A measure requiring state universi-
ties to expel any student "who causes
willful damage to public property on a

on 'U'
campus or, other facility of a college or
-An amendment, apparently aimed at
the University's 10 per cent black ad-
missions goal, which would prohibit state
universities from establishing admissions
criteria based on race, national origin or
religion, and;
-A vote to cut $93,000 from the ap-
propriation for Wayne State University
because of the administration's failure to
curb publication of the university's stu-
dent newspaper, the South End, which
legislators have criticized for publishing
articles allegedly emphasizing profanity-
and sexual perversion.
Those amendments join a provision
which remained from the Senate version
specifying a -minimum number of hours
a faculty member must spend each week
in classroom instruction and another re-
quiring state universities to submit a
written report to Lansing of any damage
which occurs during a campus disruption.
"I don't really know what the provision
on admissions criteria will mean for our
black admissions goal," Vice President
for Academic Affairs Allan Smith said

deleted by to
we're workin
He also s
hours provi
dropped. "W
one. Otherw
written in fo
Smith said.
be 'changing
structional h
Fleming sa
might have
two measure
know. One
us, but how
fluence his
Both the $
House for t
million votec
of Gov. Wil
ernor had
either the
or its additic



Statement by the Board of Regents
April 17, 1970

On March 31 we issued a statement containing
the following passage :
"Faculty and student groups have worked for
some months on revision of rules and enforce-
ment procedures. This the Regents welcome
because they understand that a key element
in rule enactment and enforcement is par-
ticipation by those who will be governed there-
by. Nevertheless, and until such procedures
can be perfected, it is essential that there be
more effective internal sanctions."
To provide a temporary mechanism, we do now
issue these Interim Rules and Disciplinary Proce-
dures, to be applied to offenses occurring here-
after. They may be superseded or supplemented
by our adoption of rules drafted by the Univer-
sity Council and our establishment of a more
permanent judiciary.
A, The following forms of conduct, being in-
compatible with the purposes of an aca-
demic community; are prohibited:
1. Use of force or violence against any
member or guest of the University com-
2. Interference by force, threat or duress,
with the freedom of movement of any
member or guest of. the University;
3. Disruption or unauthorized interruption
of a class;
4. Disruption or interruption of a duly
authorized University activity, including
(but not limited to) convocations, as-
semblies, lectures, and recruiting inter-
5. Continued occupation of a University
facility after being ordered to leave by
the President or his agent;
6. Defacement, damage to or theft of Uni-
versity property.
B. Engaging in any of the forms of conduct
set forth in preceding Paragraph A shall
subject the violator to sanctions provided
in Section II of this document.
A. The following sanctions may be imposed
on violators:
1. Warning: Notice, orally or in writing,
that continuation or repetition of con-
duct found wrongful may be cause for
more severe disciplinary action.
2. Censure: A written reprimand, including
the possibility of more severe disciplin-
ary sanctions in the event of the finding
of a subsequent violation of a University
regulation within a stated period of
3. Probation: Exclusion from participation
in .privileged or extra-curricular Univer-
sity activities for a period not exceeding
one year.
4. Restitution: Reimbursement for deface-
ment, damage to or misappropriation
of property.
5. Suspension: Exclusion from classes and
other privileges or activities as set forth
in the notice for a definite period of
6. Expulsion: Termination of student
status. Readmission may not be sought

before the expiration of one year from
the date of expulsion.
B. Sanction number four (restitution) may be
imposed either alone or in addition to any
other sanction.
C. These sanctions for violation of the rules
set forth in Section I may be imposed by
the employment of the procedures set forth
in Section III of this document.
A. Charges of violatons of these Interim Rules
may be made by any member or guest of the
University community or by any represen-
tative of any department or agency of the
B. Charges shall be in writing and shall be
filed with the dean of the school or college
in which the student charged is enrolled.
C. Upon filing of the charges, the dean imme-
diately shall forward them to the Office of
the University Attorney.
D. If the evidence is determined by the Uni-
versity Attorney sufficient to warrant pro-
ceeding further, the Office of the Univer-
sity Attorney shall prepare and serve on
the person charged a complaint setting
forth the nature, time, and place of the
violation charged. The complaint shall be
served on the person charged promptly and
within thirty days of the filing of charges.
Service of the complaint shall be personal
or by registered mail addressed to the per-
son charged at his last University-recorded
local address. The complaint shall be ac-
companied with notification of the date,
time, and place of the hearing, which date
shall be not less than five nor more than
fifteen days from the date of service. A
copy of the complaint and certification of
service shall be filed in the Office of the
President and in the office of-the dean.
E. The hearing shall be held before a hearing
officer, not otherwise employed by the Uni-
versity, appointed by the President.
F. On written motion of the person charged,
filed in the Office of the University At-
torney any time before thehearing begins,
the hearing shall be postponed until dis-
position at the trial court level of any
pending criminal proceedings arising out
of the same conduct, provided, however.
that a student who is convicted of a crim-
inal offense arising out of the same con-
duct and is charged with violation of a
University rule shall be ineligible to register
at the University in the semester following

his conviction and thereafter unless and
until the University charges against him
have' been heard and decided.
G. The hearing shall be governed by the fol
lowing rules of procedure :
1. At the request of the person charged,
the hearing shall be conducted in
2. The person charged shall have the right
to have his defense conducted by an
adviser of his choice, the right to hear
and examine adverse witnesses, and the
right to testify and present evidence and
witnesses in his own behalf.
3. If the person charged shall, after due
notice, fail to appear or if, having ap-
peared, he shall make no response to the
complaint, the hearing officer shall pro-
ceed with the hearing.
H. The hearing officer is authorized:
1. To limit the number in attendance at
the hearing to assure decorum;
2. To limit the number of witnesses in order
to avoid dilatory tactics;
3. If a party to the hearing or his adviser
shall deliberately conduct himself in a
manner disruptive of the hearing, to
exclude him and proceed with the hear-
ing as if he had not appeared.
I. Within fifteen days of the conclusion of the
hearing, the hearing officer shall file a re-
port containing findings of fact, conclu-
sions as to the validity of the charges. If
the person charged is found guilty, the
hearing officer shall impose any sanction or
sanctions. The report shall be filed with
the dean and served on the person charged
in person or by registered mail: If the
hearing was conducted in the absence of
the individual charged, the report shall so
J. Sanctions may be appealed to the Regents
on the record by filing a notice of appeal
in the Office of the President within five
days of service of the hearing officer's re-
port. The Regents' decision on the appeal
shall be served on the appellant in person
or by registered mail, and shall be final.
K. Pending completion of the hearing and
imposition of sanctions, the status within
the University of the person charged shall
not be altered unless his continued presence
on campus shall be found by the President
or his delegated representative to constitute
a serious threat to the University com-
munity or.to the property of the University.
Such findings shall be preceded by an ap-
propriate hearing unless extraoardinary cir-
cumstances preclude a hearing. In any
such case, the President or his delegated
representative is authorized to suspend the
person charged, the suspension to remain
in effect pending completion of the hearing
and final determination of the case.
These rules and procedures, are applicable
to all students in the University for offenses
occurring hereafter, and supersede any provi-
sions of the by-laws, rules, and regulations in-
consistent therewith. They shall remain in ef-
fect until superseded by other rules and proce-
dures established by the Board of Regents.
April 17, 1970

Senate approves
19-year-olds face
draft lottery today



two million men born in 1951
share an hour and a half of su-
spense today as a national lot-
tery assigns the mplaces in line
for the 1971 military draft.
Most of them probably will
end up either deferred or ex-
empt from the draft, or ready
to enlist voluntarily; but for the
others, available but not eager,
the lottery drawing is crucial.
By the drawing of red and
green capsules from two rotat-
ing drums, each man's birth-
d a y is matched to a number
from one to 365.
Available men will be called
for military service next year
beginning with the lowest num-
bers and progressing to higher
ones. How high the number calls
next year will go is anybody's
guess, depending as it does on
how m a n y men are actually
available and how many t h e
Pentagon decides to draft.
Even for those deferred or ex-
empt, the numbers in today's
lottery are significant; for such
men would have to f a c e the

draft with those same numbers
at any time in the future if they
should lose their deferments or
exemptions and become 1-A.
A similar lottery last Decem-
ber assigned place-in-line num-
bers to all men then between
the ages of 19 and 26. T h e y
keep the numbers they got then'
and are not affected by today's
The n e w drawing, however,
was prepared in a more complex
and cautious way to avoid the
charges of inadequate mixing
which followed the December
This time, birthdays and num-
bers were scrambled separately
according to computer-generat-
ed random tables, then placed
in separate plastic drums and
locked away in a room at the
Commerce Department on Mon-
With both dates a n d num-
bers scrambled, high, low and
in-between numbers are likely
to pop up unpredictably
throughout the drawing, main-
taining an element of suspense.

C ~ en+
-Associatcd Prs Se
ice irec tor Curtis W. Tarr wt

Selective Serv

Sussman to serve
as lit school dean
Informed administration and faculty sources reported yes-
terday that Allan Sussman, associate literary college dean, will
be named to take over as interim dean of the college until an
acting dean can be found o replace Dean William Hays who is
leaving today for a year at the University of California in Santa
It was also reported that Dean Fedele Fauri of the social
work school was being considered for the position of vice presi-
dent for state relations, the post left vacant by the suicide of
Arthur Ross June 5.
Contacted yesterday afternoon, President Robben Fleming
responded to the possibility of Fauri's appointment with a
sharp, "No comment." However, he did say that an announce-
ment would be made "quite soon" on a temporary replacement
for Hays, who will become associate vice president for academic
development upon his return to the University.
Earlier reports said that Sussman had turned down the
post of acting dean in order to continue teaching and research.
However, Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith has
reportedly encountered difficulty in finding someone to serve
as acting dean and has now asked Sussman to take over the
dean's duties until an acting dean can be found.
It had been reported elsewhere that Fauri was "offered" the
vice presidency. However, last night there was no confirmation
of that rumor, only that his name was being discussed, along
with others.

ove Pixi
WASHINGTON UP) - The Senate rejected a
presidential scolding about fiscal responsibility
yesterday, and voted to override President Nixon's
veto of a politically popular hospital construction
The vote to override was 76 to 19, or 12 more
than the necessary two-thirds majority.
The action, following by five days a similar
move in the House, thus completed the first con-
gressional override of a veto in 10 years and in-
jected yet another issue into the raging election-
year debate over the economy.
The House voted 279 to 98 last Thursday to
re-pass the $1.26 billion measure. The House vote,
in which 67 Republicans joined 212 Democrats to
override was 27 more than the required two-thirds
In the Senate, not one Democrat voted to
support Nixon and eight of the nine Republicans
seeking re-election this year went against the
The only exception was Sen. Roman Hrus-
ka, (R-Neb.). Republican leader Hugh Scott of
Pennsylvania also voted to override the veto.
Nixon's only other veto since taking office in-
volved a health-education appropriations bill last



,on s
December. He rejecte
of fiscal irresponsibil
The bill that.Con
Nixon's opposition is
Burton Act, a progr
that has been popula
servatives for a quar
It has provided i
lion for 9,780 hospits
Nixon wanted to 1
struction of new hosp
guarantees to moder
would require smalle
put the money into
need is greatest,
Congress refused
provision for $1.5 bil
which the governme
the interest as a subs
But it authorized
grants for hospital.
three years-$350 mi
and wrote in a reqv
spend the money.

The University of Michigan Board of Regents

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