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July 01, 1970 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-01
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Page Two


Wednesday, July 1, 1970

Wednesday, July 1, 1970



Army assesses
results of move
into Cambodia'
SAIGON (-The U.S. Command announced yesterday
that the "average daily results" of the Cambodian campaign
were 10 times greater than the daily average for the previous
12 months in Vietnam.
Shortly after the appraisal, the command announced that the
last U.S. advisers with South Vietnamese forces had left Cambodia
ahead of President Nixon's midnight deadline.
A spokesman for the command explained that the effectiveness
of the operation was computed by adding enemy casualties, captured
weapons, ammunition and food and dividing the total by the number
of days in which the figures were accumulated.
"They're adding apples and oranges," observed one American of-
ficer. "How do you equate finding one machine gun cartridge with
killing the machine gunner?"
Nearly 15 million rifle cartridges were reported captured by U.S.
and South Vietnamese troops in the first seven weeks of the Cam-
bodian foray, four million more than in the entire previous year in
Vietnam. The daily average in Cambodia was 10 times that of the#
daily average in Vietnam during the preceeding 12 months.
But the number of enemy claimed killed each dayin4Cambodia
averaged 232, far short of the previous year's rate of 374 a day in
As the last U.S. advisers to South Vietnamese forces left Cambodia
yesterday, American aircraft and artillery pounded suspected cache
sites and base camps in the border areas vacated by U.S. combat
troops the day before.
The planesandrguns were seeking out caches that the American
soldiers did not have time to find and destroy before quitting Cam-
South Vietnamese military spokesmen announced the withdrawal
of some 5,000 troops dispatched to Cambodia in early May, leaving
34,000 South Vietnamese soldiers still inside Cambodia. They are not
affected by Nixon's deadline for American forces.
cavalry unit, launched their first drive north out of Phnom Penh, the
About 3,000 of these troops, including marines and an armored
Cambodian capital, lifting a siege of an arms depot and driving
enemy forces from a sacred temple area, their commander said.
The commander, Col. Nguyen Van Luyen. reported his forces
lifted the siege at Long Vek, an arms depot 23 miles north of Phnom
Penh late Monday. Cambodian troops had been penned up there for
several days.
The South Vietnamese encountered little resistance except at
the pagoda of Svay Mesas. about 10 miles northeast of Phnom Penh.
where they killed six enemy troops in a fire fight, Lyuen said.
The South Vietnamese stormed the sacred grounds under orders
to drive out a company of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops
without damaging the temples. Luyen said there was no damage to
the temple grounds.
In their deepest penetration of Cambodia to date, other South
Vietnamese forces moved into Krank Lovea, a railway center about
45 miles northwest of Phnom Penh.
Luyen said he did not consider the threat to Phnom Penh serious
now and that his troops are merely relieving Cambodia units, leaving
them free to attack the enemy elsewhere.
About 30 miles southeast of Phnom Penh, however, enemy forces
cut Highway 1 linking the Cambodian capital with Saigon, and
forcing a 40-truck convoy to halt at the Neak Luong ferry crossing
of the Mekong River farther south.

-Associated Press
Desegregation decisioni pending
U.S. Asst. Atty. Gen Jerris Leonard, left, and HEW Civil Rights Director Stanley Pottinger tell news-
men in Jackson, Mississippi yesterday the federal government will decide this weekend whether to
file a statewide suit to force desegregation of 20Mississippi school districts.

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Rain slows






Volunteers Needed to do re-
search and secretarial work for
"GM Improvement Project" in

KEN ROSEWALL of Australia

whips a backhanded return to
fellow countryman Tony Roche
in his four set victory yesterday
at Wimbledon. Rosewall ad-
vanced to the semi-finals with
te win before rain came.

debates crackdown


BELFAST, Northern Ireland
OP)-Northern Ireland's Parlia-
ment hastily debated an emer-
gency measure l a s t night to
crack down on rioters and ter-
The bill provided a minimum
Jail sentence of six months for
convicted trouble makers with
no alternative of a fine. The
minimum penalty for carrying
explosives would be five years
in prison.
The bill stopped short of mar-
tial law, or provisions of Brit-

ain's special powers act, which
allows subversives to be detain-
ed without trial.
British Home Secretary Reg-
.inald Maulding, the man re-
sponsible for maintaining law
a nd order in Britain, denied
that the provincial government
had his authority to u s e the
special powers act.
The act was used during last
year's Catholic-Protestant riot-
ing here when leaders of the
I r i s h Republican Movement
were arrested, then quickly re-

NYabortion law effective today

NEW YORK (AP)-The most permissive
abortion law in the United States goes
into effect in New York today.
A New York City hospital official esti-
mates that in the city's municipal hos-
pitals alone, 60,000 to 70,000 abortions
would be sought each year, with another
50,000 women seeking abortions in private
Doctors, hospital officials, health ex-
ecutives and population control activists
all sat back yesterday and declined to
Rules laid down in recent days by the
New York City Board of Health, the
municipal hospitals, and Blue Cross left
the way open for legal abortions to thou-
sands more women-married and unmar-
ried, adult and minor, with or without
parents' consent.
The number of abortions will not be
limited by hospital space, but may be
performed in clinics, whether affiliated
with hospitals or not, so long as facilities
and equipment meet the city's rigid
The Roman Catholic Church, through
the voice of Terence Cardinal Cooke,
Archbishop of New York, reiterated over
the weekend the Church ban on partici-
pating in abortions by Catholic patients,
doctors and nurses. Another Church
spokesman said ignoring the ban could
lead to excommunication.

The Arschbishop said the implementa-
tion of the new law "begins a tragic
chapter in the history of New York
State ...
"The law of God and the law of our
Church remain unchanged," he added.
"To take human life is gravely wrong."
A similar reminder was issued to Ortho-
dox Jews by Rabbi Meyer Cohan, execu-
tive director of Orthodox Rabbis of the
United States and Canada. He said that
"Torah law prohibits abortion."
Two state legislators in heavily Cath-
olic districts who voted for the liberal-
ization of abortion lost in last Tuesday's
The new law makes no restrictions on
abortions except that they must be per-
formed within the first 24 weeks of preg-
nancy, unless the mother's life is at stake,
and that the patient and doctor must
agree to the abortion.
Since there is no residency requirement,
there have been predictions that many
women will descend on the city from
other states to get abortions. City hos-
pitals were expected to give first prefer-
ence to city residents if the demand wer
Other states which have liberalized
abortion laws have not become "meccas"
for out-of-state women wanting abor-
Colorado, first to reform its abor-

tion law - in April 1967 - had 990
legal abortions last year, only 171 of them
on women from outside Colorado. The
rate has stepped up this year, but the
number of out-of-state patients remains
relatively low.
Colorado's illegitimacy rate, about at
the national average before abortion re-
form, has now dropped below that aver-
New York's abortion reform came on a
nationwide wave of efforts to change or
repeal abortion laws, which generally re-
stricted legal abortions to cases where the
mother's life was endangered.
In more than half the states, however,
this is still the only reason allowed for
Most liberalized laws have restrictions
not included in the New York law, in-
cluding 90-day residency requirements,
and parents' consent for abortions on
Last week the board of directors of the
New York City Health and Hospital Corp.
voted to permit abortions in municipal
hospitals on some unmarried minors
without parental consent.
A girl may obtain an abortion without
her parents' consent if she is 17 or older,
or at any age if she is married or "eman-
cipated"--living away from home and
supporting herself or making most of her
own decisions.

leased at the insistence of
James Callaghan, Maulding's
Maulding, now in Belfast, was
seeking backing f r a m church
leaders for a campaign to re-
store peace to the troubled pro-
Religious friction is at t h e
heart of the difficulties in this
province of 1.5 million people -
one million Protestants, most of
w h o m strongly support alleg-
iance to the British crown, and
a half million Roman Catholics,
most of whom favor joining the
Irish Republic to the south.
The latest emergency, three
days of street riots in Belfast
and Londonderry that left six
dead and 200 wounded, w a s
touched off by the jailing Fri-
day of the Catholic civil rights
leader, Bernadette Devlin.
Miss Devlin, at 23 the young-
est member of the British Par-
liament, got permission yester-
day to receive visitors at Ar-
magh jail to arrange her per-
sonal- finances. But authorities
refused, to let her conduct par-
liamentary business from h e r
Her conviction on a charge
of helping incite riots in Lon-
donderry last year, did not cost
Miss Devlin her parliamentary
A group of Miss Devlin's sup-
porters is collecting names on a,
petition to Maulding requesting
her release.
Maulding spent the morning
conferring with James Chiches-
ter-Clark, t h e provincial, pre-
mier and other government of-
After lunch he made calls on
church leaders, including Card-
inal William Conway, Roman
Catholic leader in the province,
and Archbishop George Sims of
the Protestant Church of Ire-
Police reported further trou-
ble in Stranorlar, across t h e
borderinnthe I ish Republic
Monday night when three young
men were injured in an explos-
ion. Two men lost both hands
in the blast. A third suffered
eye and facial injuries.

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