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June 19, 1970 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-19

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4Ii £ir4gyn Da1
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michican Doily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints.

Friday, June 19, 1970


A U' VP who cares? Unlikely

Friday, June 19, 1970THE MICHIGAN DAILY

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FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1970

News Phone: 764-0552

Invasion of Cambodia
only prolonged the war
IN LIGHT OF the impending fall of Phnom Penh to
communist troops who have fled the border sanctuaries,
President Nixon's regular pronouncements proclaiming
the unqualified success of the Cambodian operations
sound a bit unjustified.
Far from serving as a temporary measure to shorten
the Vietnam War, the U.S. invasion of Cambodia has
virtually guaranteed the long range use of that country
as a major battleground, a development which will surely
outweigh any short term military advantage gained in
seizing food and arms caches.
To provide territory for their expanding supply routes
and to stretch allied resources more thinly, the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong have already overrun nearly
half of the country and are currently engaging several
battalions of South Vietnamese in an attempt to capture
the capital.
[N ADDITION to serving as an extension of the Vietnam
War, Cambodia may also soon be the scene of a civil
war. The North Vietnamese are reportedly training 6,000
pro-Sihanouk guerrillas in preparation for an attack on
Phnom Penh, which may be followed by active attempts
to reinstate the former premier who still has considerable
support among Cambodians.
The United States would presumably be loath to turn
Cambodia over to the communists or to a new Sihanouk
regime beholden to their support. The prospect of losing
Cambodia to the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong after
nearly a decade of fighting them in Vietnam would un-
doubtedly make some people very sad indeed.
Cambodia may well be saved of course, by destroying
it with B-52s and by deploying a 100,000 or so South
Vietnamese and Thai troops in its defense.
Things could hardly be worse for the Vietnamization
plan, it would seem, than to have to commit South Viet-
namese-who can hardly afford to spread themselves
more thinly-to the defense of the Lon Nol government.
HAD THE U.S. BEEN content to allow the communist
launch their attacks from sanctuaries, the commun-
ists might well have been content to let the Lon Nol
regime survive or collapse of its own accord; thus limiting
the Vietnam War to Vietnam.
That possibility was ruled out when they were pushed
from their sanctuaries, however, and Cambodia is ap-
parently destined for a significant role in a much wider

YOU CAN TELL where the power is at this Uni
versity by the air-conditioning system," re-
marked Carole Leland in the hot, stuffy office .of
Marty Scott, president of Student Government
A person who can make that sort of statement
will find it difficult to blend into an executive
officer's suite.
Carole Leland, proposed candidate for vice pres-
ident of student affairs, gave this impression as
she candidly spoke of her impressions of the Uni-
versity at a meeting with SGC members last
The University executive officers, President
Fleming and his seven vice presidents, have been
notoriously distant to students with their few deal-
ings with students involving, a select group of SGC
members and friends or vocal black students.
Carole Leland could not fit into this pattern of
aloofness. "Students don't seem to have a central
place here," she said. "It seems to me that admin-
istrators care for students from only an intellectual
level, not a gut level."
"An administrator's faith in students should be
his base for communications between himself and
them," added Carole.
It's hard to imagine Vice President Allan Smith
agreeing with that philosophy. Two weeks ago
Smith said to the student-administrative Martin
Luther King Scholarship Fund committee "I actu-
ally control this committee .. . I sign the checks."
MISS LELAND SEEMED to have immediately
perceived the weak position which Barbara New-
ell as acting vice president for student affairs
holds in relation to the other vice presidents.
"The vice president for student affairs should
become tremendously important among the exec-
utive officers, as she knows the most about stu-
dents, and should have the best information on
their feelings."
She continued, "Rather than being just a spokes-
man for students, the vice president should 'in-
stead be a strong influence within the administra-
tion for student concerns."
The SGC members were smiling broadly at these
statements. yet they became convinced Miss Leland
could not be molded into an administrative hack

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Servic e

live and well c

when she said, "And I seriously disagree with the
secretive meetings and plans among the execu-
tive officers. Hopefully, the students will know
what their vice president is thinking."
IT SEEMS CLEAR that Miss Leland would
make a unique addition to the University's admin-
istration. However, with a sigh, it also seems clear
why Miss Leland says, "I don't know what kind of
miracle would make me take this job."
She explains, "In my research and teaching
(As an official of the College Examination En-
trance Board) I am an advocate of the student,
and in my peripheral way, I believe I have a
stronger impact towards change than I would have
as an administrator at the University."
The fact that a person so interested in'stu-
dents should be so unattracted to a university vice
presidency, speaks poorly for the institution. It
again shows that the University, rather than an
innovative educational center, has become an in-
structional type of corporation, one that repulses
creative, dedicated people such as Carole Leland.

FEDERAL JUDGES were advised yesterday to cut down on
junkets and to shun ties with business.
The advise came from a seven-judge panel appointed by Chief
Justice Warren Burger.
The panel also offered a simple test to help judges to decide when
to step out of cases. The series of 11 opinions were released without
comment through the administrative office of the U.S. Courts.
* * *
THE SENATE Armed Services Committee-has voted to limit
the expansion of the Safeguard missile system. The move was
made to outflank critics who want to cut the program morej
The committee's action was the first successful move to curtail
the program.
John Stennis, chairman of the committee said afterwards that
he thinks that the move will strengthen the passage of the Safeguard
DRAFT OFFICIALS, anxious to avoid any doubts, plan to
use both man and the computor to make sure the new lottery on
July 1 is really random.
After the first lottery on December 1 of last year, some mathe-
maticiass said the election was not truly random, favoring men with
birthdays early in the year.
The new plan includes compilation of 50 random lists by a com-
puter, selection of one of the lists magician-fashion by putting all
into plain envelops and finally cutting of the list drawn for placing
in capsules and the final drawing.
* * *
HANOI ACCUSED the United States yesterday of invading
Laos and warned that the peoples of all Indochina will "resolutely
oppose the common enemy-the American aggressors-until they
achieve total victory."
Acting North Vietnamese delegate Nguyen Minh Vy told the 71st
session of the Vietnam peace talks in Paris that the "Nixon adminis-
tration's escalation of the war in Laos" disproved President Nixon's
avowed intention to withdraw from Indochina.
"In addition to the number of Thai mercenaries sent into Laos
early this year by the United States and the fierce bombardments
directly conducted by the U.S. Air Forces against the liberated areas
controlled by the Lao patriotic forces, tens of thousands of American
advisors and military personnel have been steadily introduced into
Laos by the Nixon administration to participate . . . in the ground
war there," Vy said.
* * *
PRESIDENT SUKARNO, the former president of Indonesia,
is reported near death.
Sukarno, the first president of Indomesia and also one of the
founders of the republican, is given a 25-75 chance of survival against
him. He was stricken by a heart attack.
His last wish was to see his recently divorced wife and their son
vhom he has never seen.

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Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
IT WAS fascinating to read
about the guerrilla theater per-
formance SDS put.on for the new
freshmen. In a typical University
scene, a professor calls in the cops
to savagely beat the idealistic
young protesters who accuse him
of complicity with the war.
Perhaps a special performance
could be staged for Prof. John
Young, who was attempting to
read a statement to idealistic
young SDS protesters during the
GE incident, when one of them
punched him in the face, sending
him to the hospital.
But, of course, SDS had a ready
explanation. As a famous political
philosopher once said, "Extremism

in the

defense of liberty is no
-Mary Kay Murray, '68
June 18

To the Editor:
Fleming has stalled on appointing
a new Vice President for Student
Affairs. All the candidates that
the search committee selected have
officially bowed out. Fleming has
succeeded in his goal of keeping
the office from falling into the
hands of a strong advocate for
students. For months he has in-
terfered in the internal affairs of
the office and of concerns of what
is the province of SGC. The latest

example is his denying the region-
al conference of Gay Liberation
Front. In 1965 the Regents gave
the power to recognize student
organizations and to schedule their
events. Fleming has overstepped
his authority.
Fleming could now rectify some
of what he has done by giving
Carol Lelandhthe assurances she
wants as to her role so that she
will consider and accept the posi-
tion as VP for OSA. Fleming could
yet prove that he is concerned
about students and accept stu-
dent-faculty policy boards to run
off and appoint Carole Leland
but judging from Fleming's past
actions, it is unlikely that he will.
-Jerry De Grieck, '72
June 19
rid well

Daily Official Bulletin

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Pi(We1IiC1t Servrice
General Division
Further info, available at Career
Planning Div., 3200 SA.B., or call 764-
6338. BRAKES 0 S
JWB Personnel Reporter, listing of cur-
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ity CenteIs and other personnel info. eavy Duty
Graduate Assistants w it h CMU's On $penS
Equality of Educ. Opportunity Prog.,
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sonnel work, teaching bekrnds or re- * TIE RODI
lated job exper., stipend and room and
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Harvard Div. of Med. Sci., Faculty of
Arts and Sci., undertaking special re-{
cruiting effort offering flexible pro-'
grams and finan. support to minority
teachers and researchers, for progs. at
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Sociocom, directory of positions in
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housing, internat'l service, legal ser-
vices, manpower and research in orgs.
involved in soc.-eco. development areas.

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junta alive a

HOW THE Nixon administration can
persist in delivering oratories on the
U.S. global crusade for democracy, while
openly backing a fascist junta in Greece"
would be beyond the comprehension of
Zeus himself.
Greek Premier Papadopoulos has made
it exceedingly clear that there will be no
return to parliamentary democracy in the
foreseeable future, saying there "can be
no time-limits for the fulfillment of the
goals of the Revolution."
The Greek colonels thus ignore their
pledge to "restore democracy and sus-
tain their rule by unabashedly repres-
sing individual rights, imprisoning and
torturing thousands and terrorizing and
harrassing countless more.
Although it has been thus far impos-
sible to get an official American policy
statement on the situation in Greece -
Nixon did not even mention Greece in.
his 40,000-word address on U.S. foreign
policy in the 70's - a hint at the obvious
came from the newly appointed Ameri-
can Ambassador to Greece, Henry= Tasca.
When asked point-blank if "the U.S.
government disapproves of the present
Greek regime, Mr. Henry Tasca replied:
"Well, I wouldn't put it that way; I

would say we would like to see the re-
gime evolve towards a more representa-
tive form of government. . . We hope it
would be towards a more representative
THE AMERICAN administrators, Nix-
on and Johnson before him, seems to be
unique in their patience and good faith.
The Council of Europe expelled Greece
from their organization The European
Common Market, of which Greece is an
associate member, and N.A.T.O. - both
of which have parliamentary democracy
inscribed in their charters -- have lev-
eled harsh objections at the junta.
T h e colonels, however, dauntlessly
maintain their dictatorship, h a v i n g on
their team an all essential player - the
U.S., which hasn't failed them yet.
recently that the Pentagon, despite the
U.S. limited arms embargo on Greece,
supplied the junta with over $45 million
worth of military aid and equipment dur-
ing fiscal year 1970. Congress authorized
only $25,498,000.
It was further made known that the
Pentagon secretly gave $26 million in

surplus equipment during fiscal 1969
above the authorized $37,551,000.
In 1966, military aid to Greece totaled
$90 million, although t h e government
said only spare parts, trucks and minor
items were being provided after the coup.
In 1967 the figure was $44 million and
in 1968, $55 million. Officials have been
hard put to explain such figures. They
say merely that the gift of surplus equip-
ment is consistent with military aid pol-
icy and that the fact that the U.S. de-
livers material no longer useful to it to
some of its allies,,-is not secret.
AMERICAN POLICY in the Mediter-
ranean, as just about everywhere else on
the globe, is rooted in its' paranoia of
Communist expansion.
U.S. foreign policy makers s e e the
Greek coasts and harbors as indispen-
sable to the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Med-
iterranean, which keeps the waters clear
of the Soviet Fleet.
The tremendous amount of arms giv-
en to the junta is justified by American
officials as being needed by the colonels
to keep the country under control, which
is readily understandable in the wide-
spread opposition it faces from the Greek

Besides, the State Department claims,
it has no other choice 'but to supply the
arms as Greece is a N.A.T.O. member
and ally.
Ironies abound in this utterly stupid
-Greece is a N.A.T.O. member in very
bad standing and that only through the
intercession of the U.S.;
-Our "ally," the Greek junta, is so
only because it is anti-communist. The
junta, however, is ircreasing its trade
with the Soviet Union and the eastern
bloc; and most tragically ironic of all;
--The Greek people, who as a nation
are relentlessly anti-communist, are de-
veloping an acute sense of betrayal by
their "friend," the U.S., and as resent-
ment against the U.S. grows, in South-
Eastern Europe, so grows Soviet influ-
The United States should know well,
by now, what can happen when a demo-
cratic people is supressed by a sham de-
If the Nixon administration does not.
make an immediate and honest evalua-
tion of its policy in Greece, the results
could be disasterous, not only for Greece,
'the birthplace of democracy, but for the
whole of South-Eastern Europe.

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