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June 19, 1970 - Image 3

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Friday, June 19, 1970 Friday, June 19, 19713


Labor-backed anti-war groups
sponsor meeting in Cleveland

Friday, June 19, 1970 Friday, June 19, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY



-Associated Press
You. can't get ever ything you want .
Alice Brock chats with a neighborhood child in the yard of her
home in Lenox, Mass. where she disclosed she is scrapping her
plans to open a second "Alice's Restaurant." She says she can't
live down her reputation as a dope-taking, free-loving woman as
portrayed in the movie. "Alice's Restaurant," a highly successful
Arthur Pen movie starring folk singer Arlo Guthrie. Local
citizens had expressed the rear that the restaurant would become
a hang-out for "hippy" types. Mrs. Brock said she has no plans
for ever going into the restaurant business again.

An "emergency" national anti-
war conference called for this
weekend by a Cleveland peace
group has been backed by a num-
ber of labor leaders, among them
Gus Scholle, president of the
Michigan AFL-CIO.
The "National Emergency Con-
ference Against the Cambodia-
Laos-Vietnam War" will open to-
day at Cuyahoga Community Col-
lege in Cleveland and will last
through Sunday. The purpose of
the conference is to. organize sum-I
mer and fall offensives for the
anti-war movement.
Scholle and 12 other area lead-
ers, including Tom Tunner, presi-
dent of the Metropolitan Detroit
AFL-CIO and Grady Glenn, pres-
ident of the UAWs Ford Local
600 in Dearborn have written a*
letter endorsing the conference
and encouraging the labor move-
ment to become involved in pro-
tests of the Vietnam War.
"The American l a b o r move-
ment," the statement from the
union officials reads, "can no
longer avoid comning to grips with
the unconstitutional, undeclared
war in Southeast Asia, except at
its own peril and at the peril of
the United States . . . the time
has come for responsible union
leaders not only to speak out but
to act."
The Cleveland conference or-
ganizers have said the number of
laborrunion officials endorsing the
conference has risen to 22.
Scholle spoke at a press confer-
ence held by the Detroit Coalition
to End the War last month to an-
nounce the conference. He de-
clared at that time that labor
leaders have a "moral responsibil-
ity" to help organize protesters.
Vice President Spiro Agnew will
be speaking Saturday night at a
$250-a-plate R e p u b 1 i c a n fund
raising dinner, and will be met by
a demonstration organized by
planners of the conference. I
The emergency conference is
sponsored by the Cleveland Area
Peace Action Council, organizers
of past national planning confer-
ences, and one last spring which
eventually gave birth to Novem-
ber's massive demonstration in
Ann Arbor-East Lansinq
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"Quality Sound Throuqh
Quality Euipment"

Washington drawing an estimated purported. Many came away feel-
200.000-500.000 protesters. ing that the organizers of that
Organizers h a v e stressed that conference railroaded proposals
this weekend's conference, is to be through without really involving
an entirely "open" one, each in- those who attended it.
dividual attending the conference Ann Arbor Student Mobilization
being entitled to a vote on pro- Committee organizer D a v e Ruh-
posals. A conference organized by land estimates 50-100 people from
the same group held this spring Ann Arbor will be attending the
has been criticized by some pro- conference. People interested in
test leaders as having only a sem-: going should contact the organi-
blance of the democratic structure zation.
ources hit Nixon's
f ires on troops



WASHINGTON (R ')- Although
President Nixon has said "the
great majority" of U.S. forces
would be out of Cambodia by now'
authoritative sources say half the
number of American troops sent
into that nation is still there.
The President also has promised
to have all American troops out
by June 30. He repeated the pledge
Wednesday in his televised report
to the nation on economic condi-
As of Wednesday, however, the
Heath scores
surprise win
in UK voting
(Continued from Page 3)
to see more results." Shortly after
that his party was showing a net
gain of 40 Commons seats and;
Labor a net loss of 36.

sources said about 10,000 American
troops remain in Cambodia "still
searching, still sweeping and still
removing enemy supplies" from
the jungle sanctuaries along the
South Vietnamese border.
In his May 8 news conference,
Nixon said: "The great majority
of all American units will be out
by the second week of June."
The Defense Department has
said the U.S. troop level in Cam-
bodia reached 20,000 men soon
after the incursion started April
The White House denied this
week the President's words about
the mid-June target constituted a
pledge. A spokesman contended
the President had merely voiced
an expectation based on field re-
ports from Saigon.
Since the Cambodian operation
began with the announced purpose
of cleaning out communist sanc-
tuaries, the White House and
Pentagon have used different fig-
ures on the number of troops in-

LONDON (PA--Edward Heath will become prime minister
at the head of a new Conservative government, on the basis
of incomplete but indicative election returns available at
dawn today.
It was evident that the Conservatives had made a stun-
ning comeback in yesterday's election, with Heath setting
the pace in much the way that Harry S. Truman pulled suc-
cess out of predicted defeat in the 1948 U.S. election.
The outcome was one of the greatest electoral surprises
in many years, and the pollsters who had Harold Wilson going
back to No. 10 Downing St. were hiding their heads.
As prime minister, Wilson had a 65-seat majority in the
House of Commons when he called this election in an effort
to give Labor a total of 10
years in power.
But on the basis of results de-
clared early today Wilson had lost
his majority. Computer projections
't ( k) by the British Press Association

-Associated Press
THE WINNER IN Britain's general election yesterday, Con-
servative Party leader Edward Heath, smiles broadly as he is
escorted from Conservative Party headquarters in London around.
3 a.m. this morning, London time.
Miami racialviolenc
on a police rel ax cL


/U/ 6X.7 q,
irf ew

MIAMI (-Miami entered its day night as blacks in all troubled tempting to break into the school.
fourth straight day of racial vio- areas defied a city and county He was reported to have been shot
lence yesterday as a school secur- dawn-to-dusk curfew. Nearly 60 in the leg.

ity guard shot and slightly wound-
ed an alleged intruder. a truck
driver was beaten and roving mobs'
bombarded police with rocks and.

persons were arrested but the ma-j Officers said the driver was
jority. charged with curfew vio- dragged out of a soft drink de-
lations, were released without bond livery truck. beaten and his ve-
after early morning court sessions. hicle taken. It was found later,
None of the six wounded Wed- I abandoned and emptied of its!

and others predicted a majority of
20-30 in the 630-seat House to
back Heath, a 53-year-old bache-.
lor who was a top official in the
Conservative government t h a t
Wilson ousted in 1964.
The figures available at that
time did not prove this, but
Heath's party could rely on a
stream of victories to be declared
later in the day in traditionally i
Conservative strongholds.
With more than 400 of the 630
districts reporting, the Conserva-
tives had won 183 seats for a net
gain of 48. Labor with 224 seats
showed a net loss of 42. The
Liberal party had won only one
seat for a loss of three.
Wilson, however, refused to ty
concede defeat, saying at 2 a.m. bi

i tcangeverin government, In his June 3 report to the na-
if final results decree it, will take In oh Je roress o the Ca-
plae wthi 24hous. her istion on the progress of the Cam-
place within 24 houis. There is bodian operation, Nixon had said
nogwatin2"mnt31,000 troops tooks part and 17,000
inauguration, y'had been pulled back across the
It seemed generally agreed that border into South Vietnam. The
Powell, a maverick on the Con-' Pentagon at th~e time was using a
servative right wing, had made afge ofa20,000.
significant impact in the areas figure of 20,000.
where nonwhite immigrants have Pentagon spokesman Jerry W.
concentrated. Powell first injected Friedheim sought to clear up this
the race issue into British politics apparent discrepency by explain-
in 1968, and this year he pressed ing the following day that the
the view that immigration must 31,000 figure used by the President
be stopped and the nonwhites al- represented the total number of
ready here subsidized to return U.S. troops who had been in Cam-
home to the West Indies or else- bodia since the start of the Cam-
where. bodian incursion.

Police agreed to relax a curfew nesday were reported to be in ser
that covered nearly half of Miami ous condition. Two of the fiv
last night in an effort to restore wounded Tuesday night, howeve
peace in black neighborhoods after were critically injured.
four nights of shooting, looting The sheriff's department said
and firebombing. private detective agency guard a
As the announcement was made signed to the now-closed all-blac
by Mrs. Athalee Range, a black school shot an armed youth a
city commissioner, reports of gun-
fire, rock throwing and vandalism
continued to flow into police head-!ps
quarters. R
Scattered sniping was reported
in Miami's Brownsville and Liber-
ty City areas and the sheriff's of- efo
fice said police were being pelted ,r ; 0
with rocks and bottles by roving:
gangs "all over the area." WASHINGTON P> - A sweepin
A meeting of black community overhaul of the mails designedt
leaders and adults was broken up put them on a self-paying bas
last night by youths demanding by 1978--plus a retroactive 8 p
an end to the curfew, which police cent pay raise for mailmen--pas
said "we'll use only if we have to." ed the House yesterday and we
One of the disrupters said to the Senate. Passage came on
through a bullhorn "Liberty City roll call vote of 359 to 24.
belongs to blacks and no racist The historic reform-pay bill wa
pigs are going to come and set up passed after resounding defeato
roadblocks or curfews. If they're a second attempt to scrap the r
going to impose a curfew here it form plan and give mailmen t
has to be extended to the whole pay raise.
country." Opponents claimed the b:
The iolece tartd Modaywould turn Congiress' controlo
The violence started Monday thedails over togapolitically-a
after reports that a white grocert
had insulted a black housewife. pointed board not answerable
Six persons were shot Wednes- n p .a o ny.

i- cargo.
ve The ft
E!", outbreak
a section,
;s- partment
ck yesterday
A- meat con
a to

ocal point of the violentI
the Pic-N-Pay super-1
in Miami's Brownsville
was entered by state De-
t of Agriculture agents
y and 3,000 pounds of.
ndemned and seized. r

London time, "It could
narrow thing." He had;
ed that his deputy in

be a very ac
just learn- as
leadership la


of the Labor party, George Brown,
was a loser.
) U RL I The racist views of Enoch Po-
well, a Conservative firebrand, ap-
peared to be a factor in the party's
showing in some areas.
The election was for 630 seats
in the House of Commons. Wil-
son's nnrty held a 65-seat maior-


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g ture the mail system, not reform ! b'Ju
to "aeigity when he called the e e
is "Labeling something r e f o r m sengowae ofago
er does not make it reform," said fseeming wave of good
s- Rep. Wayne L. Hays (D-Ohio). dieting
nt "You can label a garbage can re- Pollsters, most of wh
a form and what's inside is still forecast a big Labor vista
garbage." I red-faced. For the first t
as But the motion by Rep. H. R. national electorate includ
of Gross (R-Iowa, to scrap reform, of 18,.19 and 20, but theE
e- which would give mailmen an 8 this was yet to be analyzed
he per cent pay raise, and let them About three hours after
reach top pay in 8 years instead of sults started coming in
ill the present 21, was defeated 306 said he was much enci
to 77. then added: "I am ready
Then--with scores of blue-gray over the government-bu
uniformed mailmen watching from talking about that I wou
the galleries-the House went on See HEATH, Page 1
to pass the reform-pay bill. - ---
An expected fight over making u s
the pay boost retroactive to April1e.
Cost of the raise is estimated at
$538.2 million for the full fiscal:
year starting July 1 plus $107 mil- lstrhnauiy
lion fox' the retroactivity. -
re iet Nixon and Postm ase7
said the system is needed to wipeg w
out deficits now running more MOSCOW {k' - The
than $1.2 billion a year. }Soyuz 9 spaceship comp]
In other related action yester- days in space yesterday a
day, the House turned aside a seemed to be going strong.
Southern-rural effort to block There has been no hin
higher pay for mailmen in New the ship will be brought
York City and other high cost-of- Official reports describe
living areas. thing working well on bot
The House then approved 120 to say cosmonauts Andrian N
59 a provision that area wage and Vitaly Sevastyanov fe
negotiation be flexible for the Meanwhile, it was an
areas that need it, and not man- that the Cosmos 348 un
} datory for all areas of the coun- earth satellite, launched S2
try. was another in a cooperati
Rejected, 124 to 67, was an being carried out by Eas
amendment by Rep. Sam Gibbons pean Communist countries
(D-Fla), to prohibit postal unions The series started in D
and the new postal service fromr 1968. It is aimed at study
negotiating any higher wages for upper layers of the earl
the same work in one section of mosphere, polar lights an
the country than in another. netic storms.

LL, 111UJ..L -
ction in
age of a
will re- li.
mic con- w
om hadT
Dry, were gt
time the of
ed voters fe
effect of: o
the re-
, eath ac
to take
t before
ld want at
10 th
- a<




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-Associated Press
TWO YOUNG GIRLS throw a fire bomb into a grocery store in
the Brownsville section of Miami, setting a small fire, which fire-
men soon extinguished. The extent of the damage was unknown.

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