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June 18, 1970 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-18
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Page Two


Thursday, June 18, 1970

Thursday, June 18, 1970


High school students:

Awareness grows

Summer is a time to shed routine and
get outdoors. And judging from the num-
bers congregating near Nichols Arcade it
is time for high school students to get out
of school and into the streets.
With finals over and books sold, some
3900 Ann Arbor high school students
have been released from the confines of
the classroom-free to meld into the city
job corps, or, as is too often the case. to
join the city's unemployed.
Jobless high school students are a
growing concern to city and school ad-
ministrators who know well the part idle-
ness plays in disruptions such as last
summer's South University incidents. Of
new interest and concern to community
leaders, is what they term students' "new-
ly found sense of self-awareness" which
makes them eager to participate in street
demonstrations- political or otherwise.
Some believe this new "awareness,"
coupled with a surplus of leisure time.
could make for a long hot summer.
"The scarcity of jobs is a crucial prob-
lem for students," says John Hubley, of-
ficer of community service, "especially if
they are putting themselves through
school." The efforts of both Huron and
Pioneer high schools' employment pro-
grams, coordinated with the Model Cities
program and the Chamber of Commerce,
have met with little success.
"It's a lesson in futility," says Al Gall-
up, assistant principal of Huron High.
Not all high school students are jobless,
however. Some have found jobs with the

University or with their parents. And
others have created jobs at home like
caring for the lawn and housekeeping.
But for the ones who have been unable
to or are uninterested in finding jobs,
there is little community leaders can do
but worry and speculate over the ever-
shifting mood of young people.
Both school and student}leaders sense
a change in the mood of high school stu-
dents over the past year. Gallup sees the
change as a result of maturing and at-
tributes much of it to the student killings
at Kent State.
Recent events have moved students to
make a sober evaluation of their involve-
ment in street activities such as protest
demonstrations, Gallup asserts.
"Protest is less of a carnival now," he
says. "It's no longer a matter of juit fun
and excitement."
Gallup maintains, however, that as a
result of Kent State students are more
willing to try and effect change within
the system.
Dr. Charles Eastwood, director of stu-
dent affairs at Pioneer High also rec-
ognizes a change in attitudes, much of
which he attributes to the school them-
"Senior high schools have worked to
get students to examine themselves and
issues and to make intellectual commit-
ments, he says.
Eastwood, who is considered by one
city administrator to have "the best rela-
tion with senior high students of any
member of Ann Arbor's administration

Daily ClassifiedsE


Linebacker turn,
~ -k-,

-Daily-Greg MacDonald

Will it happen this year?

team," feels the schools have been de-
ficient in channeling students' !ommit-
"After students make intellectual com-
mitments, they need to make these
stronger than just talking about it," he
says. "The question schools must ask now
is what they cap provide as outlets.
"Students have created their own out-
lets and it i§ disturbing to some,"'-hesays.
'But students joining University people
(in protests) is not an insult to schools.
They're involved in things in society and
they're just going about acting on them.
Pete Levine, president of the Student
Council at Huron High senses a different
type of student awareness which he says
is radicalizing students.
"The student realizes he doesn't have
rights he deserves in school," Levine says.
"He is subject to illegal searches by police
in the streets.- He doesn't have equal job
opportunities and he is told he can't con-
gregate in groups larger than three or he
can be arrested."
Because of these feelings. of injustice,
some students are bitter, and, according
to Levine, moderates are becoming rad-
icals and radicals are talking of taking
over South U. and perhaps blowing up
Douglas Wanty, a graduate of Huron
who will be a freshman at the University
in the fall, holds an opposing viewpoint.
Wanty thinks students are becoming less
radical-"not more conservative," he says,
"maybe more rational."

Wanty believes the school environment
has had a good deal to do with this trans-
"Last year high schools were on split
session," he explains. "This year we were
in our own -new school and school meant
more to students. Students were working
with teachers and getting more personal
"Toward the end of last year," Wanty
adds, "it seemed every third person wore
a White Panther button. This year, you
don't see five in a day.
Part of the reason behind this, how-
ever may be that radicals frequently drop
out of school.
One such dropout is Fuzzy Backus, a
member of the White Panthers. Backus
analyzes students' mood as a mixture of
rebelliousness and a simple desire to "be
"What high school kids want is to do
everything they shouldn't do," he says.
"They want to go to rallies, love each
other than smoke dope.
"A lot of them just want to get out
into the streets and hangout with the
street people."
Backus doesn't anticipate a repeat of
the South U. incidents but contends that
the possibility of such spontaneous hap-
pening is ever present.
"Kids don't want violence," Backus
says. "They just want to be free. But
then the pigs come in and cause ziots."
"As long as people can be free to de-
velop their own culture, there will be no

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-Daily-Richard Lee

Last year's activity .. .

Senate reject

to sell jets I
WASHINGTON (/P) - Amid signs of further
delay on a vote on legislation to restrict U.S. pol-
icy in Cambodia, the Senate yesterday rejected a
proposal to permit "Freedom Fighter" jet planes
to be sent to Thailand.
The 45-36 vote against the amendment by
Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), had both sub-
stantive and jurisdictional aspects.
It confirmed the action of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee inlimiting sales of the plane to
countries included in the Military Assistance Pro-
gram - such as South Korea, Formosa and South
But Thailand could still get the planes if the
U.S. aid program to that country were taken out
of the defense budget, where it was put several
years ago and restored to the Military Assistance
Such change would switch it from the juris-
diction of the Armed Services Committee, which
has generally supported administration policies in
Southeast Asia, to the Foreign Relations group,
considerably more hostile.
Most of the senators who voted against Thur-
mond's amendment are those who have supported
the move to restrict U.S. policy in Southeast Asia.
Meanwhile yesterday the Senate Armed Ser-
vices Committee approved an expansion of the
Safeguard antimissile defense system but called
for a slowdown on further development.
It voted to deny funds for four bases the Nix-
on administratio laidI, a geedeg o, efnden

to Thailand
against a possible Red Chinese nuclear attack.
The committee cut about $1 billion from the
$20.2-billion requested by the Pentagon for pro-
curement and research and development in the
year starting July 1. The House approved approx-
imately the same amount as the request.
The key test was a 12 to 6 vote against an
amendment by Sen. Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass.)
that would have stopped any ABM expansion be-
yond the two bases approved last year on a 50-50
tie Senate vote.
The committee then voted 11 to 6 for a move
by Sen. Howard W. Cannon (D-Nev.) to chop out
the four area defense sites.
The committee thus approved a full new Safe-
guard site at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., and
the initial funds for a fourth site at Warren Air
Force Base, Wyo. in addition to continuation and
expansion of the two initial sites - Grand Forks
Air Force Base, N.D., and Malmstrom Air Force
Base, Great Falls, Mont.
In other action, the committee approved a
proposal by Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash), to
authorize President Nixon to sell' $325 million
worth of U.S. planes to Israel; knocked out funds
for a third nuclear attack carrier; cut in half a
$100-million request for the B1 advanced bomber
- formerly the Advanced Manned Strategic Air-
craft; and approved the full $544 million request
for the C5 supertransport.
All four of the Safeguard sites approved by the
committee are so-called hard point sites, designed
to protect U.S. offensive Minuteman intercontin-
ental balistic missiles.












(Except "Mass Market" Paperbacks)






-Associated Press
From 'bang' to 'zap'
The newest in police equipment may be a non-lethal dart to
replace policemen's pistols. The dart, displayed by John Minarik
of West Mifflin, Pa., was developed at Carnegie-Mellon Univer-
sity in Pittsburgh by a group of mechanical engineers.

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