.w 4s
Page Ten
Thursday, June 18, 1970
Thursday, June 18, 1970
For Direct Classified Ad Service. Phone- 764-0557
12 Noon Deadline Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 3:00 12 Noon Deadline
WANTED-Potter's wheel. 2117 Wash-;FOR SALE--A ticket. Londion-Detroit, HONDA 300Scrambler. 769-3952.323 LAKE CHARLEVOIX Frontage. 10 Acre PAPERS written and typed, cheap, very
te-awJ AA 48104J29K31 June 23, $70. 665-5653, 48B31 John St. Best offer.10235 parcels. $125 per ft. Restricted area. fast. Esp. Eng. 662-6485. 7F35
Excellent terms. Call or write for
MOTORCYCLE tune-ups. 1 day service.! ANDREW!
PHOTO SUPPLIES SONY T.V wcabinet, excellent condi- T Call 665-3114 for appointment. 935 COMPLETE DETAILS. NORTHERN and
CAMERA Kanon FX piu lens, must t.6B32 HONDA 15 Scr4aembr 3,500 mile4.v306S.C L ke St.. Boyne City. Michigan' 3 combination apricot and banana-
Oll, 483-3372 after D 2D31 Great shape. 1036 Oakland, No 2. 49712. Phone (616 582-7121 or (616) one with ketchup, and 37 blurbs
- ... 15-FT. TRAVEL TRAILER. couble di-4Z31 347-3943. Res. phone (616) 582-9549. which you can write in your time off.
PETS AND SUPPLIES ! nette, brakes, propane. Sleeps 7. Anti Ref. A-227. R33
Sway Bar. $1000 or best offer. 665-5017. DESPERATE-I want a small motor-
KrTENS $ e igt k d r41B29 cycle that's in good used condition. BY OWNER-4-ldrm.. 2 yr. old colonial, heoWSE in draft comfort-well kee
trained femai's mike 'ood pets, two ~----- - - Call Sara, 769-3215. DZ33 on acre, AA schools, low 40's. 663-7679, will now be open EVENINGS only-
grey tigers. one black and white. Call US A.EU-EL T n -u.e rn NW section 2R33 7:00 to 10:30. 38F33
971-4762 neh9ixT 2 MUIC LBUCO 8100HELMET and Bubble, brand - - .----
RADIOS, REPAIRS new, $25. 769-5232. 8Z32 PERSONAL 2, 3, N 4 FOOT black light wfi
FREE 2 friendly kittens Call 761-4914. RADiO TV Hi-F repair. H c - '68 BSA 250 Staifire, 2900 miles . -- _ture, under $16. 18. and $20. 769-2098
T2 Very Reasonable! Very Cheap!! 769- 662-8585 after 6 pm., 715 Church. No. MEET YOUR MATE at the Bach Club or 6626550. 8F35
6250. DX35 11. 6Z31 TONIGHT (Canterbury House. 8 P.M.)
Nixon ur~
on wages,
WASHINGTON (A)-President Nixon a
yesterday delivered a stern lecture to tr
business and labor, urging them to curb Si
price boosts and wage demands. To back
it up, he created two commissions and is
a new "inflation alert" system to spot- pr
light excessive increases. al
"The fight against inflation is every- 30
body's business." Nixon told the nation th
in a broadcast speech at noon.
"If you act against the national in--ea
terest; if you contribute to inflation in pr
your price and wage demands--then you us
are acting against your own best inter- C
ests and your customer's best interest." 7
Nixon's words were the strongest of m
his presidency and appeared to mark fe
another step away from his earlier policy in
of not seeking to influence industry's
prices or labor's wage settlements. is
It was the first time he had gone so p1
far as to set up an entirely new mechan- an
ism for helping control inflation, which a,
is emerging as a crucial issue of the
November congressional elections - in su
which the Republicans have hopes of u
capturing control of Congress. pe
The President's steps received a mixed st
reaction in Congress, and drew praise
from some Democrats. e
His tone was optimistic. He said the an
ying to
He nlo
11 U.S. t
0 and 15
he next y
At the s
arlier pie
Tices and
se such
ongress g
Nor will
nen or la
ederal ca
He urge
lative pr
rovide a
,nce syste
nd aid tc
He aske
seful tra
eople wI
ummer m
"All gov
d to deter
nd regula
ixon said
FOR SALE-Round trip ticket to Eur,.
Windsor to London, June 26-Aug. 6,
very inexpensive, avail, immediately.
Call anytime (preferably after 4), 761-
2240. 30035
RIDE WANTED to Vermont. Boston or
vicinity. Leave today. Call collect--
Det. 923-3303 or 874-2363, ask for Rob.
RIDER NEEDED to Calitornia, leaving
end of June. 663-7371. 28032.
LEAVING for San Francisco June 22,
share driving and expenses. 663-9785.
RIDER(S) WANTED for round trip
(anywhere). Dep, 6-27, Ret. 7-23.
663-0174. 29032
S.F. MAGIC BUS leaves when moon is
full (6-20). Need riders. Call Dr. Sun-
shine, 668-8052. 27031
Unavailable instruments, repairs and
instructions-=209 S. State. 665-8001. X
PR. SONY SS-23 speakers. 1 yr. old,
still in factory container-never used.
769-0894 after 6:30 p.m. 3X32
AM/FM STEREO 35 watt receiver. Best
offer. Must sell. 761-9593. 2X33
CHEA'P, CHEAPCheap- - or 2 girls
needed to help divide $90 mo. furn-
ished 2 bdrm. apt. close to campus.
Call Margi or Peggy at 483-4683. X33
ALTO SAX and CLARINET and trom,
and drum set. Must sell. Best offer.
Call 662-4058. 1X33
Wanted, responsible party to take over
low monthly payments on a spinet
piano. Can be seen locally. Write
Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby-
vilier. Indiana. 48X32
HONDA CB 160. 1966, Scrambler pipes,.{
with helmet, $200. 769-5232. 7Z32
1964 OLDS. Jetstar I, excellent condi-
tion. 49,000 miles. best offer. 769-
2396. 46N34-
1962 SUNBEAN Alpine. Ray Lewis, 761-
6867. Good trans., rebuilt eng. 47N33
'67 OLDS 442-New engine, almost en-
tirely rebuilt. Excellent condition.
769-4289. NDd
1969 KARMANN GHIA. In excellent
condition. Call 663-4821. 44N33
CHEVY IMPALA, 1967 4 door, auto-f
matic, power steering, V-8, radio,
good condition. 769-3341 after 5. 45N32
1964 VALIANT Convertible. Ugly but
runs well. Call 769-1147 or 663-9785
after 5:00 p.m. 43N31
We've been discounting diamonds
Ann Arbor for years.
Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University
Student Book Service will now be ope
EVENINGS from 7:00 to 10:30 an
we promise not to replace the burr
ed out bulb in the Romance langv
gaes room. 32F;
SUMMER HEBREW classes organizin
beginners, intermediates. 761-678
Artists-sell your handicrafts--
JULY 17-18, DIAG
(concurrent with South U. Street fai
open to everyone). Please regist4
how: 763-2130 or 663-2709. 3F:
Women s
Mass Meeting
8 P.M.
Newman Center
TO AVOID the blistered noonday tripes
-Student Book Service will now be
open EVENINGS from 7:00 to 10:30.
ONCE AGAIN! Light or heavy house-
keeping: rates depend on what you
have me do. 764-7622. DFtc
DON'T THROW away money And time
on an amateur when you can have
your thing photographed by a pro-
fessional at a reasonable price. Call
Richard Lee at 761-9452 before noon.
PAINTING -- Student desires painting
jobs,rinside and outside. Four years
experience. Call 662-4736. FD
U-M MALE professional student. emo-
tionally stable, rationally liberal, in-
terested in many things and life in
general-wants to meet mature stable
girl. This ad is placed in order to
meet new faces, not because I am
hurting! Reply to Mich. Daily, Box
50. 5F33
ING! and fun to boot-Call 665-3369
early morning and eve. to sign up
for cooking lessons. DF35
Creative Wedding and Portrait Photog-
raphy by a top professional need not
be expensive. if done by RICHARD
LEE. Call 761-9452 before noon. DJtc
Keith Jarret's first Jazz album, Dion's
Sit Down old friend, and Biff Rose's
Thorn album. All only played once:
I've overspent this month. $2.50 each
or if your tastes are this desperate,
$7.00 for all (big deal). 764-7622. DFtc
Sam's Store
Super Slims ...... 6.50
Button-Fly ...... 6.50
Traditional... ..6-98
Belts ....... 7.50
"White" Levi's .. 5.50
14 Colors)
Sta-Prest "White"
Levi's ..........6.98
Nuvo's ...........8.50
Over 7000 Pairs in Stock!
Sa1mEs "Store
122 E. Washington,
New CO guidelines
-Associated Press
The President after his noon speech
nation is succeeding in converti
ng from N
reaction- on campus
Campus reaction to the recent Supreme Court ruling
broadening the conscientious objector classification ranges
from neutral to favorable, with most people taking a wait-
and-see attitude.
"It's opening the door to a whole lot of legal problems,"
says Henry Barget, '70P. "Someone has to decide who qual-
ifies for the CO status."
Barget says he views the rulings as principally a "polit-
ical gesture."
On Tusday, Draft Director Curtis Tarr outlined a def-
inition of conscientious objector, based on the Supreme
Court ruling.
Tarr's definition contained the following four condi-
--The man's belief must be sincere.
-The man must be opposed to war in all forms. No one
can be granted exemption for opposition to a particular war.
-The man must have taken into account the thoughts
of other wise men; he must have consulted some system
of belief.
-The man's belief needs to be the result of some relig-
ious kind of training.
Tarr said he will send d-aft boards a set of guidelines
in the next few days.
John Rieley, a visiting student from Wayne, maintains
that the change was a move to "appease liberals."
"These are just tokenisms," he says. "What is needed
is a total revision of the system, in fact, the draft should
be abolished altogether."
A business administration graduate student however,
calls the ruling an "enlightened step."
"The government has to respect a person s conscience.
It can't expect you to obey laws, but still go out and kill
if its against your moral principles."
The ruling was a "recognition of people's moral and
ethical values, even if these values do not fit into a tradi-
tional religious doctrine," says one graduate student in
natural resources.
"Of course, its going to be awfully hard to determine
who qualifies as a CO," he admits.
Gary Gerbstadt, '72, agrees that someone would have
to define more strictly who qualifies as a CO, "And I think
the Selective Service is going to fight it."
An engineering student says it probably will be as hard
to get a CO deferment now as it was prior to the new
ruling. "I find it hard to believe that a large number of
people have evolved personal pacifict beliefs stemming from
extensive reading or training outside of religion," ibe says.
"Nonetheless, the ruling is still progressive since there
is no reason why organized religion should have any mo-
nopoly on pacifism."
Col. W. J. Meyers, deputy director of the Michigan
Selective Service System says he anticipated "very little
change" due to the new ruling.
Meyers says his office has not received the official guide-
lines and he is therefore unwilling to make any further
comments on the rules.
'*U' g4
The state Hc
day approved ar
building constru
the 1970-71 fisca
the University h
The $3.5 mill
--$100,000 for
of the East Medi
$80,000 for t:
North Campus I
$150,000 for
modernization a
-$826,000 fo:
-$175,000 fc
room and office
Flint campus;
-$1.7 millioi
of the new Mode
--$500,000 'f
sity Hospital.
M1o K
'Ile -
Police-sniper clashes continue in
Burly to look at, breezy to wear, and a cinch to
take care of. These Wintuck Orlon" string-knit
shirts have a ring neck, come in celery, star
blue, umber, maize, grey or sandstone, with
contrasting trim. Sizes S,M,LXL at $9
MIAMI M-i-Snipers and police officers yes-
terday exchanged, gunfire and at least four build-
ings were set ablaze in two black sections as
Miami was thrown into its third night of racial
Five persons were wounded in the exchanges.
Bullets struck a young man and woman as
they stood on a balcony watching firemen battle
a blaze at a firebombed convenience store. Offi-
cials said neither was wounded seriously and it
was not clear who fired the shots.
Another youth was wounded by snipers in
the Brownsville district, police said, and a third
man and a 60-year-old women were also shot.
Officials said it had not been determined if the
shots were fired by snipers concealed in darkened
buildings or by policemen.
Firebombs were hurled at a half dozen build-
ings including a school and a soft drink bottling
plant where thousands of 'wooden cases sent
flames 50 feet in the air.
Shotgun-carrying policemen were assigned to
guard the fire fighters after the firemen were
bombarded with bottles and stones.
Heavily armed squads of helmeted police offi-
cers swept through the troubled areas continually.
through the night. Some 51 persons were arrested
during the night on various charges.
Police said they were returning fire from
snipers at two points in the Brownsville district
where the trouble first began Monday.
The violence flared despite a strict curfew
being clamped on nearly half of Miami and ad-
joining black areas of Dade County.
Five persons were shot, two critically, and 25
others injured Tuesday night and yesterday
morning before CityeManagar Melvin Reese de-
clared a state of emergency and imposed an
indefinite 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew.
The order banned vehicular or pedestrian
traffic, sale of liquor, and sale or purchase of
firearms or ammunition in a huge area em-
bracing the Brownsville, Liberty City and Coco-
nut Grove black communities.
Ignited by reports that a black housewife had
been insulted in the Pic N Pay supermarket in
the Brownsville section, the rioting began Tues-
clay and grew more furious yesterday.
Many automobiles were overturned and set
ablaze. Dozens of stores were fire-bombed and
looted. Jackson Memorial Hospital brought in 10
extra surgeons to deal with emergency cases.
Two white men, L. C. Morris, a 42-year-old
cement contractor, and Douglas Leach, 57, were
mistaken as snipers and shot by police as they
stood guard on the roof of Morris's Plant.
Arborland Store open: Monday thru Friday 10-9, Saturday 9:30-9
that was set on fire during the s
turbanees in the Brownsville section