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June 18, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-18

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Page Twelve




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Thursday, June 18. L970

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Vol. LXXX, No. 31-S -Ann Arbor Michigan-Thursday, June 18, 1970 Ten Cents



MEXICO CITY (A")--Italy de-
feated West Germany 4-3 in
overtime and Brazil downed
Uruguay 3-1 in yesterday's
World Cup soccer semifinals
and advanced into Sunday's
Italy's Gianni Rivera scored
the deciding goal in the 111th
minute to wind up a nerve-
tingling, see-saw match which
ended 1-1 in regulation time.
Both Brazil and Italy have
won the Jules Rimet Trophy
twice-Brazil in 1958 and 1962
and Italy in 1934 and 1938.
No matter who wins, it means
the end of the present trophy
as rules state that any team
winning the championship three
times has permanent possession
.of it.
Brazil's victory, after trailing
1-0 at Guadalajara, was com-
pletedly overshadowed by the
epic staged by Italy and West
Germany before a crowd of
90,000 at the Azteca Stadium
About 800 million people in
more than 50 countries watched
the contest on television-one
that will go into the record
books as probably the most ex-
citing match ever seen in World
Cup play.
Italy scored in the eighth
minute and maintained 'he lead
until only seconds were :emain-
ing. Then Karl-Heinz Schel-

linger evened it for the Ger-
The stadium erupted in a bed-
lam and the match went into
the 30-minute overtime. The
Germans went ahead 2-1 in the
95th minute when Gerhard Mul-
ler tallied and the noise was
Five minutes later it was 2-2
and the battle was on again.
This time it was Tarsisio Burhn-
ich who got the goal for Italy.
Then Italy shot ahead in the
104th minute on leftwinger Lui-
gi Riva's goal.
A minute later Muller got his
10th goal in the championship
to even it at 3-3.-
There were fears that this
great match, packed with in-
cidents, a feat of goals and hard
play, would end in a tie. If that
had happened the team to ad-
Florida State 11, Texas 2

vance would have been declded
by the drawing of lots.
But one minute later those
fears were dispersed as Luigi
Rivera, linkman with Riva came
throughh inthe 111th minute to
settle the issue.
He took a pass from Roberto
Boninsegna in the penalty area
and whipped the ball in for the
winning goal.
The Brazilians won after over-
coming a goal scored by Luis
Cubilla in 15th minute.
Clodoaldo tied it for Brazil
late in first half and goals by
Jairu.nho in the 75th minute
and Rivellino in the 89th min-
ute sent Brazil into the final at
Mexico City.
For most of the first half
Uruguay looked the far-better
team, swift in defensive inter-
ception, speedy on the wings
and more accurate in its pass-
But Clodoaldo's goal, a drive
from the inside left position
through one of the rare gaps
in the Uruguayans defense sent
Brazil into the. dressing - all
square and changed the whole
character of the game.
In the second half, in the last
20 minutes, Brazil's forward trio
of Pele, Tostao and Jair found
the precision and shooting pow-
er which has made them the
most feared attacking force in
this World Cup.

Swan Lake ? ? ?
Germany's brilliant forward Gerd Mueller (white shirt) heads the
ball towards the Italian goal in yesterday's 4-3 Italian win. Mueller
scored 10 goals in five World Cup games, but he missed here and
his team eventually lost an overtime thriller.

arrest 3
in Miami
Miami Metro Police, with shot
guns, arrest three men in the
Brownsville section of the city
last night. A curfew was en-
acted tonight making 'anyone
on the streets subject to arrest
unless they could give proper
reason for being there. (See
story, Page 3.)


ABA chie voids
Simpson signing
DENVER (/P)-Under pressure of an announced boycott by
college athletics, the American Basketball Association commissioner
said yesterday any contracts between the Denver Rockets and
Ralph Simpson, Michigan State star, would be rejected.
Commissioner Jack Dolph said in a statement "If such a
contract does in fact exist and is submitted to the commissioner,
the contract will be rejected" and the Denver club would be fined
Dong Ringsby, president and general manager of the Rockets,
announced Tuesday that Simpson had signed a contract with
Denver for next season as a "hardship case." In his sophomore
year last season Simpson averaged 29 points per game for Mich-
igan State and was named to the all-Big Ten team.

-Associated Press



righ ts


1 bias

youth-packed g
that would lowe
to 18 starting n
The bill, sen
of 272 to 132, a
years the 1965
one million-blac
southern states.
Climaxing a
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the bill take eff
said the voting
stitutional amer
Just before t
224 to 183, in a
to a House-Sena
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The outcome
leadership, pa
John W. McCor
announced his
"Nothing woi
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to see this resol
haired Speaker.
on the floor and
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The House a
last big expansi
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accomplished b
however, and m
year-old voting l
ment Congress
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The bill con
speedy considers
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Celler (D-N.Y.),
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If it becomes
President Nixon
bill would enfra
youths between
ment would be i
state, municipal
primaries as well
Speakers fav
hour debate wer
those whose firs
the Voting Rig
to lower the vot
Supporters o
afraid that ret
would permit its
ate to delay acti
1965 act is due t4
Celler, one c
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on constitutional
accept it in order
Rights Act. He h,
will hold the 18
Celler's wllii
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Majority Leader
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Rep. John B.
Republicans who
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punish a small i
responsible for v
by voting againsi



But after Dolph issued
he had no comment. "I am1
our meeting this morning,"
said anything about it."

his statement yesterday, Rinsby said
bound by the action of the league at
Ringsby said. "I could be fined if I

-Associated Press

Brazil's Clodoaldo-leaps to score tying goal

ia X i }s: . :+Y.} ¢} 's e ','S+?.k'3GCti" :+Sr 3s'd2 ¢ t" .N 1:'c Y . . '," 'r?:'.fi{.r;":{ :


Major League Standings

Hainline and


W L Pct.
Baltimore 39 23 .629
New York 37' 25 .597
Detroit 31 23 .525
Boston 29 29 .500
Washington 29 32 .475
Cleveland 26 32 .448
Minnesota 39 19 .667
California 35 26 .574
Oakland 34 29 .540
Chicago 23 39 .371
Kansas City 21 39 .350
Milwaukee 20 41 .328
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 9, Oakland 7
Milwaukee 5, Baltimore 1
Boston 3, Kansas City 1
Chicago 6, New York 3
Washington 3, Minnesota 1
California at Cleveland, ppd.
Today's Games
New York at Boston
Washington at Cleveland



W L Pct.
Chicago 33 24 .579
New York 31 30 .508
Pittsburgh 31 33 .484
St. Louis 28 31 .475
Philadelphia 27 33 .450
Montreal 22 38 .367
SCincinnati 45 18 .714
Atlanta 33 26 .559
Los Angeles 35 28 .555
San Francisco 29 33 .468
San Diego 29 39 .426
Houston 21 37 .422
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 6, San Francisco 1
Los Angeles 4, Pittsburgh 0
St. Louis 8, San Diego 0
Atlanta 6, Montreal 5
Cincinnati 7, New York 4
Philadelphia 4, Houston 2
Today's Games
Atlanta at Montreal
Chicago at San Francisco, day


Conti. ousted
Igan's last remaining contest-
ants in the Z CAA tennis cham-
pionships, doubles pair Jon
Hainline and Mark Conti, were
eliminated yesterday afternoon
by Rosco Tanner and Rob Ripp-
ner of Stanford, 6-4, 6-2.
The race for team title turned
into a real dogfight, as Trinity
of Texas and Rice moved up to
challenge leader UCLA. Going
into yesterday's final match,
UCLA led with 23 points, while
Trinity had 21 and Rice 20.

A league source that asked anonymity said it was believed cer-
tain that the Rockets would not submit any contract on Simpson
and risk the announced fine.
In urging member colleges and coaches earlier yesterday to
enact an immediate boycott of the pro league, the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association said the announced signing of Sinpson
"indicates that the ABA has no regard fot the welfare of college
In talking with newsmen, Dolph said, "If we should reach an
agreement on a single expanded league with the NBA, this kind
of mistake could not happen."
In his statement yesterday Dolph said ABA "bylaws prohibit
any member club from sibnlng players whose college eligibility
has not expired. The American Basketball Association intends to
abide by its bylaws."
Under terms of the boycott urged by the NCAA:
-ABA coaches and scouts would be barred from college
athletic .departments and practice sessions.
-NCAA coaches would decline to communicate with ABA
members or complete requested personnel forms.
At Atlanta, Walter Kennedy, commissioner of the NBA, said he
feels the ABA ,should adhere to a policy of not signing college
stars until their class has graduated. "Every college has the right
to reasonably expect a player will perform for their team for four
years," he said.
In referring Tuesday to Simpson's circumstances as a hard-
ship case, Ringsby said the player's "father has had a heart attack:
and is out of work. There are eight brothers and sisters, all under
16. Ralph's mother is on aid to ;dependent children. You can see
the family is in desperate condition."

The state Civil Rights Commissioxi
(CRC) has ruled that the University
discriminated against one of its em-
ployes because she is black.
At its monthly meeting Tuesday, the
commission voted 4-2 to uphold a com-
plaint filed by LaVerne Hill, a former
nurse at the University. Hospital, which
charged the University with racial dis-
crimination against her.
The commission's decision reversed
the findings of a CRC referee who con-
ducted a public hearing on the charge
last year and recommended that the
complaint be dismissed.
Mrs. Hill first filed the complaint in
1965, after the University H o s p i t a l
declined to allow her to withdraw her
Wresignation and assume her former
position. Since then, the CRC has con-
ducted a lengthy series-of investigations,
hearings, and deliberations which cul-'
culminated last month in a presenta-
tion of oral arguments before the com-
According to Martha Wylie, a mem-
ber of the commission, an order will be
issued within the next few days re-
quiring the. University to take several
steps to correct its action toward Mrs.
Mrs. Wylie said that the order will
probably require that Mrs. Hill be given
her former-position if she wishes, and

that the University must refrain from
racial discrimination against other em-
ployes. In addition, the University will
be required to.-make up any loss in
wages incurred by Mrs. Hill over the
five years since the hospital declined
to withdraw her resignation, , Mrs
Wylie added.
Under the procedures followed by
the CRC, the University may appeal the
commission's ruling to Washtenaw
County Circuit Court within 30 days
of the date the CRC order is issued.
If it fails to comply with the order,
the commission may also take the case
to circuit court.
President Robben Fleming and other
University officials said last night they
had not seen the commission's ruling
and declined to comment on how the
University will respond.
William Cash, assistant to the pres-
ident for human relations affairs, said
he will discuss the ruling with Univer-
sity Attorney's Office, which will then
maken arecommendation on whether
the University should appeal--the com-
mission's decision.
Mrs. Hill could not be reached for
comment last night on whether she
will request the hospital to reinstate
her in her former position.
Explaining the CRC ruling, Commis-
sioner Wylie said that the "operation
of the University's procedures were dif-
ferent in Mrs. Hill's case than they
-were for other employes."

pi a

"The testimony supported the con-
cept that this difference was based on
race," she added.
After Mrs. Hill filed her complaint in
1965, a CRC investigator found that
there was "probable cause" to believe
the complaint was valid, and the com-
mission suggested that the University
reinstate Mrs. Hill and provide her
with full back pay. The University de-
clined, electing to bring the case to a
public hearing before a referee ap-
pointed by the commission.
Following the hearing, which was
held during three days last May and
June, the referee, Louis Rosenzweig
concluded "that as a matter of fact
and law, the claimant (Mrs. Hill) has
not proven a case against the respond-
ent (the University)."
Rosenzweig's findings were presented
to the CRC in the form of a recommen-
dation, which can either be accepted or
rejected by the commission. On May 19,
the commission heard oral arguments
from both sides which, along with the
transcript from the public hearing,
formed the basis for Tuesday's decision.
According to Commissioner Wylie, the
CRC will, in the future, periodically in-
vestigate whether the University is com-
plying with its ruling in the LaVerne
Hill case.

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