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June 10, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1970-06-10
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Wednesday, June 10, 1970 Wednesday, June 10, 1970


bree hurt sc sto
hits -NY polic tto


air force

NEW YORK AP-An explosion
ripped the second floor of police
headquarters last night, apparent-
ly the result of a bomb planted in
a restroom by someone who'
breached the building's strict se-
curity screen.
"It appeared to be a bomb," fire
officials reported.
At least three persons were in-
jured--police Lt. Charles Reuther,
Detective James Dempsey and a
woman elevator operator not im-
mediately identified by name. Four
ambulances had converged on the
scene in anticipation of heavier,
casualties. The trio reportedly
were not seriously hurt.
There were no top officials of
the department in the building at
the time.
VIanhattan has been plagued by
a series of bombings in recent




was "probably dyna-

Routine procedure at police
headquarters is for security forces
on duty around the clock to check
all persons entering the building
--including even police officers
and newsmen.
Store windows in the lower
East Side area were shattered by
the blast. Police headquarters is
at 240 Centre Street, north of the
Foley Squareucomplex of federal
and state courts.
Masonry surrounding windows
in headquarters was blown into
the street, damaging at least two
Inside the five-story building.
debris littered floors, as some'
walls were blasted out. Light fix-
tures were torn from ceilings.
The second floor houses the of-

PHNOM PHEN, Cambodia W)- -Thailand with
one of the best tactical air forces in non-com-
munist Southeast Asia, will soon send it to join
the South Vietnamese air units in supporting
Cambodian troops qualified diplomatic sources
said yesterday..
A Thai air force chief arrived in Phnom
Phen Tuesday to work out tactics for supporting
air strikes in the area of Siem Rep, near the
historic ruins of Angkor Wat, and other north-
west- points under communist pressure, one
source said.
Siem Rep is 80 miles east of the border of
Thailand. The Cambodian air force is woefully
short of planes, and battles now erupting across
the country have overextended its capabilities.
The Cambodian force consists of 28 U.S. Air
Force trainers converted into bombers and two
flyable MIGs built in the Soviet Union which
carry only two bombs each.
The South Vietnamese have on several oc-
casions provided close air support during major
battles in Cambodia, notably at Kompong Cham
and Pery Veng, both provincial capitals hit by
communist offensives.
The Thai air force. trained by U.S. pilots.
has six combat wings each consisting of one to
three squadrons of 16 planes and each including
a number of Saber-pet fighter bombers, and six
squadrons of piston-engine aircraft for security
duty. The total strength is about 250 aircraft
and 25,000 men.
Thai chief of staff, Air Marshal Dawee Chul-
lasapya, flew to Saigon yesterday amid specula-
tion that part of Thailand's 12,000 man Black
Panther division will be airlifted from Vietnam

to fight enem
northwest Cam
trol of Siem Re
ern fringe of
Military con
was not knowr
troops occupied
Khmer kingdor
The Cambo
said the gover
flights into Sien
from communis
In Saigon, vie
South Vietnan
from Cambodia
anywhere in th
for our securit3
Ky's annou
these other d
The capture
Saravane, a pr
Laotian panhar
communist sup
The capture
capital east of
cided with the
tons of commu
tions caches a
border far to th
The impact
tions upon long
into South Vie
capture of Sari

-Associated Pres
BROKEN GLASS and some brick litters a street alongside police headquarters in lower Manhatta
after a bomb went off there yesterday. At least three persons were injured in the blast.
Student group inestigates US
1)sness activities, interests

months, one of them in the Crim-, 1
Courts building a few blocks fices of high police officials. as-
well as a trial room and conference
from police headquarters. room.
in The latest blast occurred at 6:57
p.m. and within 20 minutes John
F. Malone, assistant director of 1
the FBI in charge of the New York ieeping
office, arrived at the scene. He
told a newsman:
"We came to see if any federal
assistance was needed and we arep
19 cooperating with the police.. ." s
Mayor John V. Lindsay arrived
a short time later and, after a tour
of the damaged area, called the
blast "the most dastardly possible Action on creating the con-
act one could imagine." troversial Sleeping Bear Dunes

-Associated Press
Protesting racisn
Demonstrators protesting South Africa's apartheid policy (the
separation of the races) clash with police in Melbourne, Australia
as they try to enter a stadium which was the site of a basketball
game between South Africa and the Australian state of Victoria.

(0C,1 ntied from PC 2) the programs looks like foreign and anyone interested in making "Such acts of violence cannot
Following the Dow forum, BMT aid." use of such facts. and will not be tolerated in thisz
dre xUp and distributed a six- The BMT emphasizes its point "We do the research," Larkin city," Lindsay went on. It's a!
dze u an ditriute a ix-very sad thing when people turn
page "Dow Chemical Fact Sheet," in the sheet by including state- said. "If someone wants to make on the police who have been so
listing information on the com- ments made by company officials use of it, they're welcome to," responsible for preventing violence
pany's products. defense contract- "We consider ourself a political in our city."
ing. "imperialist practices," and of Dow's board of directors who is group. If words like 'imperialism' The first deputy police commis-
government and labor relations, quoted a saying, ". . . as long as and phrases like 'industrial-cor- sioner, John F. Walsh, acting in,
One piece of information relates our democratically elected gov- porate democracy' mean anything, the absence of Police Commission-.
to a U.S. Agency for International e sends draftees o we ought to be able to investigate er Howard Leary. said the explo-
Development (AID) loan of $15 Vietnam, we'e going to support and find out." sion in a second-floor men's1
million granted to the Dominican
epbitodvlp2000ars The BMT has also gathered iz i ,
of government land. The money formation on companies' donmestic
tenaina "go-nusrilDc ee G' hghytoteixadon slicffers say
was then turned over to an in- practices. According to Larkin, ;s a f r a
velopment Company" made up of core" employment program ?s sus-
numerous ni em b e r s, including pect in that "it can be documented
Dow. "Thus.' explains the fact that those employed under the
sheet. "the U.S. directly subsidizer program were the first to g.: in
Dow and the consortium, although layoff periods."
And the worst part of all the se WASHINGTON Y)-President Nixon has direct reports
abuses, Larkin said, is that the from eight young White House staff members that the Cam-i
AIPORT stockholders and public in geneal bodian operation seriously weakened his support on the3
are completely unaware of their campuses and drove many moderate students into activist
LIMOUSINES existence. antiwar ranks.
The BMT, whose summeri mem- The youthu .m
bership numbers about ten, is con- The youthful aides all under 30met with the President
for information call tinuing its in-depth industrial in- Monday after submitting their written findings to senior
97- n vestigations. The number and se- presidential advisers,
lection of future firms to be stu- Chancellor Alexander Heard of Vanderbilt Universityf
Tickets are available died will depend on the number of the President's temporary advisfr on college activities, at-.!
at Travel Bureaus or interested researchers the group tended the session in the cabinet room with the task forcej
the Michigan Union gains in the fall, Larkin said. The Nixon dispatched last month to sample opinion on the,
32 Trips/Day BMT will make its findings known campuses.
to the campus, the community. They reportedly told the President that extreme oppo-


Full or part-time


sition to his Cambodian cam-
paign and the Vietnam war
was not confirmed to fringe
dissenters but was widespread
in university communities.
Monday night, on CBS network
news, commentator Walter Cron-
kite said, "The investigators were
surprised not so much by the lack
of trust for the administration as
by its depth."
One of the eight, Hugh Sloan,
29, was reported to have said after
visiting Columbia University that
the depth of antiwar feeling there
was considerably stronger than he
had imagined.
After Sloan's meeting with Co-
lumbia student and faculty groups,
Prof. Charles Frankel of the phi-
losophy department said the Cam-
borian operation was a blow to
moderates on campus. Dean Carl
Hovde of Columbia College, who,
also met with Sloan, told report-
ers that ''patience has snapped
over the war issue."
14-Pin Bowling
3 games $1
3 P.M.

National Lakeshore in northwest-
ern Michigan was taken on two
fronts early this week.
The Michigan Legislature is now
on record as being in favor of giv-
ing the federal government 8,553
acres of state-owned land for the
project. The Legislature is also
telling local units of government
in Benzie and Leelanau Counties.
where the proposad park will lie,
that they will not suffer any tax
loss through the turnover of the
The action came Monday as the
Senate passed two resolutions.
One, sponsored by Rep. Ray Smit
(R-Ann Arbor), advises Congress
that the Legislature will revise a
1966 law so that the land can be
donated by the state for the park.
The other, proposed by Sen.
John F. Toepp (R-Cadillac), seeks
to guarantee that local units of
government, including school dis-
tricts, will not suffer a tax loss.
Smit's resolution was cleared by
both houses of the Legislature and
copies will be sent to President
Nixon, Vice President Agnew.
Speaker John McCormack, the 19
members of the Michigan dele-
gation to Congi'ess and to Gov'.
William Milliken.
In Congress, House Interior sub-,
committee hearings indicated that
the legislation to create the park
will probably be approved by Con-
The bill, which has -been intro-
duedein each Congress since 1961,
has twice passed the Senate, but
died in the House.
This year the House is moving
first. M i chig an congressional
sources say that Rep. Wayne As-
pinall (D-Colo), chairman of the
House Interior Committee, will
support the creation of the lake-
shore area.
If it passes the House, it is ex-
pected to gain quick Senate ap-
proval where it is sponsored by
Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich).
Support for the bill came Mon-
day from George B. Herzog, di-
rector of the National Park &S'v-
ice and Rep. Guy Vander Jagt (R-
Traverse City), who represents the
district where the park will be
located. Vander Jagt, as a state
senator opposed the bill until this
year. His predecessor, Robe.t P.
Griffin, now U.S. Senator, also
opposed the park when he repre-
sented the district. Griffin now
supports it as well.
Herzog noted that the park is
located within a day's drive of
some 20 million people.
The park area includes 61,000
acres of which 41,000 acres en-
compass North and South Manitou
Islands in northern Lake Michi-
Herzog also estimated that five
years after the park is established
it will be drawing three million
visitors annually.,

as guerillas,
AMMAN, Jordan (AP- Open warfare cade wa
between Palestinian guerrillas and Jor- the king
danian troops erupted in the streets of Beirut, I
Amman yesterday and King Hussein was wou
escaped assassination in a town 12 miles Fighti
from this capital city. a cease-
The fighting broke out in the predawn leaders c
hours as Jordanian troops went on the Thes
offensive against the guerrillas, who days oft
have repeatedly flouted government at- About 5
tempts to restrain their operations or woun
against Israel. On M
A statement by the Ministry of In- Embassy
terior said "a large number of victims by guerr
have fallen" in the fighting but gave released
no figures. ment fri
The attempt on the life of Hussein Yester
came as he was riding in a motorcade out witl
through the crossroads town of Sweilah, guns an
northeast of the capital. sions, g
The ministry said Hussein's motor- could be

as subject to "heavy fire" but
g escaped. Guerrilla sources in
Lebanon, said the king's driver
ended in the attack.
ing raged in Amman despite
-fire arrangement reached by
of both sides.
street battles came after twtc
tension and violence in Amman.
0 persons were reported killed
.ded in fighting Sunday night.
onday, Morris Draper, the U.S.
's political officer, was kidnaped
illas and held overnight. He was
unharmed after the govern-
-ed 40 guerrilla prisoners.
day, the combatants fought it
h rockets, bazookas, machine
nd automatic weapons. Explo-
;unfire and ambulance sirens
heard throughout the city.


Attempt on king's life

Guests at the American-owned Inter-
continental Hotel threw themselves to
the floor as bullets tore through the
lobby, damaging lights and windows.
No casualties were reported.
The army troops were reported to be
setting up ambushes in various parts of
the city while the guerrillas were spray-
ing the commerical center with gunfire.
A French Embassy attache was wound-
ed in a crossfire at a roadblock.
The government reported tanks from
the Jordan River front shelled guerrilla
positions on the outskirts of the city.
After the cease-fire arrangement
was reached, joint army-guerilla patrols
were sent to the streets to restore order
but the fighting continued. Appeals for
calm also came from various leaders
in the Arab world.

Charges dropped in


f ails

saleswork available
7:45 P.M.
.-or call 769-1348

troops clash

case of accused
Song My murderer

WASHINGTON (/P) -- The Army yesterday
dismissed "for lack of evidence" all charges
against an officer accused in the alleged mas-
sacre of civilians in the My Lai area of South
Capt. Thomas K. Willingham, 25, was accused
of unpremeditated murder in the killing of 20
Vietnamese civilians with rifles and machine-
gun March 16, 1968, near My Khe 4, a hamlet
two miles east of My Lai 4 where 12 other
Americans are alleged to have killed civilians
on the 'same day.
The incident in which Willingham was
charged represented a second episode separate
from that alleged to have occurred at My Lai.
Lt. William L. Calley Jr. is to be court-
martialed on charges of premedit'ated murder in
connection with the deaths of 102 civilians at
My Lai.
Both Calley and Willingham commanded
platoons in different companies which were
operating jointly March 16, 1968 in Song My.
which encompasses several hamlets and sup-
posedly was the headquarters area for a Vit
Cong batallion.
Willingham was also accused of making false
official statements in violation of the Uniform
Code of Military Justice and of misprison of a
felony, This charge is lodged against those who

have knowledg
The charge
Feb. 20-were
West at Ft.
martial. West
available evide
taken in the r
Army said in a
notified of the
Ft. McPherson
duty as soon a,
Besides Ca
29, is to be co
the incident. Z
with intent to
Army sourc
500 civilians w
estimates by
(Viet Cong) w
ingly lower.
Not include
proceedings is
commander. O
support for th
Medina shoot a
tigations, howe
evidence to brir


i .....,

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