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June 25, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-06-25

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Tuesday, June 25, 1974


Page Three

Kissinger daims Moscow
talks may mean future pact

Saxhe asks
harsh 'dirty
COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP - Atty.
Gen. William Saxbe said yesterday "the
message has got to go out all over the
country-there will be no more dirty
tricks for any reason'"
Saxbe, addressing a meeting of the
National Association of Attorneys Gen-
eral, also said, "It is hardly reassuring
when one ian goes to prison for years
for theft while another man involved in a
conspiracy to steal our freedom is in and
out of jail in the wink of an eye."
"NO ONE is suggesting that the thief
should not goato jail," Saxbe said "He
should. And so should the man who is
convicted of failing the public trust."
But Saxbe, questioned by a reporter,
said it was not his intent to suggest in
his speech disappointment with the sen-
tences handed to those convicted of Wat-
ergate-related crimes.
"I was talking about the whole con-
cept of the judicial process and some of
the problems that all attorneys general
have," Saxbe said. "I've been asked in
Washington many times what I think
about the sentences and I say every time
that I will not second guess these
SAXBE ALSO mentioned former Vice
President Spiro Agnew. He said "there
are people who say that prisons are out-
inoded, that no one should go to jail.
But, at the same time, with Agnew, they
say 'throw the book at him."'
"If prison 'is a correctional institution,
what can you expect to correct in an Ag-
new? What can prison do that has not
already been done to people like them
to humiliate them."
In commenting on "dirty tricks," Sax-
be warned that "criminal violations can-
not be tolerated on the part of anyone-
no matter what position of public trust
they may have held, no matter how glib
their attempt at justification may be,"
Saxbe told his state counterparts.

WASHINGTON W.-- President Nixon
and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev are
unlikely to complete agreement at the
Moscow summit on a comprehensive
treaty limiting nuclear weapons but may
make substantial progress toward a fu-
ture pact, Secretary of State Hlenry Kis-
singer said yesterdiy.
In any event, Kissinger told reporters
the third annual summit meeting begin-
ning Thursday could produce a partial
ban on underground weapons tests and
an agreement in principle to harness
fast-moving nuclear technology further.
"FOR THE United Sttes not to make
a major effort in this field is something
no future generation could possibly un-
derstand,' Kissinger said.
Kissinger said he expects and even
welcomes the "contentious debate' that
will follow in the wake of the summit.
Btit, he staid, tie administration will
not be deterred liy allegations of bad-
faith diplomacy designed to bluit the
congressioral inpeachment d r i v e
against Nixon.
NUCLEAR technology is 'i aaling so
rapidly, Kissinger said, "there is a very
definite time pressure"
At the sane timei. e denied negotiat-
ing a secret 'greement with the Soviets
in 1972 increasing their sea-based mis-
sites by 70 and reducing the American
total by 54.
"Those arguments are totaly false in
every detail and have no merit whatso-
ever," Kissinger said of newspaper re-
ports that circulated here over the past
three days
KISSINGER acknowledged that the
Russians were asked to sign an "inter-
pretive" statement after the trety was
negotiated to clarify how their sea-based
missiles would be counted. This state-
ment was not submitted to Congress but
the nature of the understanding was well
known, he added.
The secretary said he "had no reason
to doubt the sincerity of those who have
raised" the issue on the eve of the sum-
mit session.
After Kissinger's news conference, Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), renewed an
assertion that "a secret clarification" of
the 1972 SALT agreement gave Russia
more missiles than announced at the
BUT JACKSON said "there is specula-
tion" that in recent days the United
States made concessions in "a still fur-
ther secret agreement" to bring the
number of Soviet submarine missiles
down again."
Jackson's statement said the issue is
not "70 missiles more or less," but the
withholding from Congress of a secret
agreement which htd the effect of "al-
teritig the terms of the SAlT interins
He said the "secret clarification"
clearly required congressional approval
by law,
In virtually ruling out a comprehen-
sive nuclear weapons agreement, Kis-
singer indicated that the summit would
have set the stage for prolonged negotia-
tions. le said the specific calculations
given him by Brezhnev in the Kremlin
-last spring were unacceptable to the
United States.

With the greatest of ease .. .
A Big Wheel bicycle virtuoso shows her stuff Sunday at the Pioneer High
School carnival, where the Wheelnen demonstrated their antique bikes and
raced as part of the area's sesquicentennial celebration. To cavort in Ann
Arbor, the flashy cyclists rode 13 miles from Dexter.

Council debates budget cut
in wake of millae defeat

During a working session last night,
City Council discussed proposed budget
cuts necessitated by the defeat of the
1.7 mill emergency levy which appeared
on the June 10 ballot.
The millage, which voters turned down
by a 60-41 margin, was a one-time levy
that would have generated about $1 mil-
lion to help balance the fiscal 1975
Murray, who drew uap the proposed
budget cuts, .suggested reductions in
nearly all departmets-incltsding fire,
police and human rights.
If Murray's cutbacks are approved by
council, the area hardest hit by the mill-
age defeat will he social services.
Originally allocated $1,000, Conma-
alty Otrachs is now slated to receive
only $,A.
OTER PROPOSED reductions include
a freeze on all employe layoffs as weh
as extensive personnel cutbacks.
About 15 employes may be laid off,
including clerical workers, adninistra-
tive aids and police cadets.
Council vticed-few objections to Mar-
ray's prcposed outs, although seme con-

cern was voiced over the possible lay-
"I'D LIKE to make sure we're not
laying off people in departments that
are already hard-pressed," said Council-
woman Carol Jones (D-Second Ward).
In other business, Council:
-voted to convene a special session
at noon today to discuss and act upon
the possibility of placing a millage on
the Aug. 6 ballot to raise money for

road improvements;
-discussed amendments to the R2B
zoning district which would legalize the
presence of the rooming houses which
already exist in the Washtenaw - Hilt
area; and
-approved 6-4 a resolution ordering
the Police Department, in light of its
"alleged" harassment of the Argus pic-
keters, to "protect as required," the
strikers and all other parties.

'U' panel to rule on sex bias charge

A three-member University panel is
expected to rule this mosth on a com-
plaint filed by clerk Vicki Conoel charg-
ing sex discrimination in her job classi-
ficatios. with- the Plant Department,
which handles campus maintenance.
Testimony on the case at a May hear-
ing aheged that the Plant Department
hires women at lower wvage classifica-
tions and assigns them fewer nonclerical
duties than men.
HELENH UBSON, student ad hoc ad-

vocate representing Connel, reported
several other cases of alleged sex dis-
crimination in the Plant Department at
the hearing. Hudson contended that
these cases indicated a pattern of sexist
Hudson said the alleged discrimination
is in clear violation of an amendment to
the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Univer-
sity's Affirmative Action program which
dictate equal pay for equal work.
They also bar retaliation against em-
ployes filing sex discrimination com-

WHEN CONNEI was hired as a pre-
ventive maintenance scheduler in No-
vember, 1972, her job as assigned the
classification "C-3." The woman who
preceded her, however, was classified
Connel's job classification was lowered
because of an audit by University com-
pensation analyst John Forsyth, who sug-
gested the change. The audit was re-
quested by Plant manager Richard
Walter Brauninger, who has worked
See PANEL, Page 10

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