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June 25, 1974 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-06-25

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news this mor

CAIRO -- Another conflict between the
Arabs and Israel could escalate into nuclear
war, Egypt's semiofficial newspaper Al Ah-
ram said yesterday. The Egyptian paper said
Israel must agree now to a just and lasting
peace, "the only way" to avert a nuclear ca-
tastrophe. In Damascus, a spokesperson for
the United Nations observer force in the Go-
lan Heights, the last active Israeli-Arab battle
front, announced that the Israeli and Syrian
armies will complete their disengagement
process today, 24 hours ahead of schedule.
LONDON - Britain conducted an under-
ground nuclear test in Nevada several weeks
ago. It was the fourth test by a nuclear na-
tion this spring, and was immediately con-
demned by U. N. Secretary General Kurt
Waldheim and members of Prime Minister
Harold Wilson's own Labor party. Wilson said
it was carried out to maintain the effective-
ness of Britain's nuclear deterrent. The Atom-
ic Energy Commission in Washington said a
joint U.S.-British underground nuclear wea-
pons test was conducted several weeks ago at
the U. S. nuclear test site in Nevada.

WASHINGTON - Charles Colson, former
White House special counsel, has told a pri-
vate investigator that he thinks the CIA may
have been deeply involved in the Watergate
and Daniel Ellsberg break-in cases. But Colson
said in a statement that his conversation was
exploratory and largely conjectural. The in-
vestigator, Richard Bast, said that Colson
saw "a total conspiracy by not only the CIA
but the Pentagon as well to take over the
President by being able to exercise undue in-
Where is summer? Thanks to the upper
level winds that steer the surface weather, we
will have a first week of summer be more
like what you would expect in the middle of
spring. With winds from the northwest in the
middle and upper regions of the troposphere in
conjunction with a polar high at the surface
we will have fair skies and cool temperatures
in the morning. Afternoon heating will cause
mostly cloudy skies but continued cool weath-
er. At night skies will clear but it will be
chilly again. High 66 to 71, low 49 to 54.


30 as Csue or oe Universe
torsi 50 MervGriflun
ton9igit 009ew
30 56 The Trial of Henry
6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News Flipper-D ramatizatiun
9 Andy Griffith 9:30 9 V.I.P.-interview
20 Leave It To Beaver 20 Seven Hundred Club
20 ABC News-Smith/ 10:00 2 Hawaii Five-O
30 Zoom 7 24 Marcus welby, M.D.
50 Avengers S America-Documentary
56 International and 11 other People, Other Places
DomesticConit30 Roundtab
Do0me1 CS CNflict 50 Perry Mason#
6:30 2 ii cas News-- 56 Detroit Black Journal
Waiter Cronkite 10:30 11 Police Surgeon
4 13 NBC News -John 56 Our Street
Chancellor 11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 NeWs
7ABC News-Smith/ 9 CiC News--loyd Robertson
Reasoner 50 Sixth Sense
9 D Dream of Jeannie 11:30 2 11 Movie
20 Nanny and the Professor "Fever Heat" (1963)
24 Dick Van Dyke 4 13 Johnny Carson
30 Lilias, Yoga and You 7 24 Frankenstein
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 9 News
4 Newes 20 Manna
7 To Tel the Truth 5Movie
9 Beverly Hulbillies "The Great Garrick" (1937)
11 To Tell the Truth Olivia de Haviland
23 What's My Line? 12:09 Movie
20 Rifleman "The French Line." (1954)
24 Bowling for Dollars Jane Russell
30 Inpressions 1:00 4 Tomoreow-DiscussioN
50 Untouchables 7 13 News
56C hurch Alive 1:40 2 Movie
7:30 2 11 Basebal 'Kentucky Jubilee" (1951)
4 Audubon wudlife 11s News
Theatre 2:00 4 shadows on the Wal
7 New Price is Right
S Bewitched
13 Truth or Consequences Daily Official ulet
20 Denny McLain-Varietyiil ue n
24 wait Till Your Father -
Gets Home
30 Washington Straight Talk Tuesday, June 25
56 Hill Moyers' Journal- Day calendar
Report WtOM: noveliat, poet, and critic
0:00 4 13 Adams-12 Kenneth Burke speaks on "why
7 24 Happy Days Satire with a Pies for Writtng
S TheCandidates and the One," retorded 3 14, 51.7 Slt,
Issue 10:00 a.m.
30 Art Is ... -Documentary
50 McHale's Navy
56 Exploring Man's Past
Volume LXXXIV, No. 34-S
Tuesday, June 25, 1974
RENTALS is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
STEREOS TVs phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
AIR CONDITIONERS Published dai ly Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
esuoronteed repair sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
service done right rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
in our shop $11 local mal (Michigan and Ohio):
$12 non-local mail (other states and
' 1o foreign).
F Stud* summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
215 S. ASHLEY Subscription rates: S5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
668-7942 769-0342 (Michigan and Ohio); $6.56 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
603 s ry Note Special Show Times
1:30, 4:00, 6:30, aned 9 P.M.
Box Office open ot 1:1I5
eatre Poe 665es4290-
She'll coax the blues right out
Of your heart.

yePer TOrY JULY 16 -26
JULY 17w27
AUG -r 5-10
:.4 . g/i

All performances in the air-conditioned Power Center
Subscription (3 ploys) : Orch. Center--7.20; Orch. Side-$6.00
Single Tickets (per ploy) : Orch. Center-$3.00; Orch. Side-$2.50
Series A: Tues. Eves: July 16, July 23, Auq. 6
Series B: Wed. Eves: July 17, July 24, Auq. 7
Series C: Thurs. Eves: July 18, July 25, Aug. 8
Series D: Fri. Eves: July 19, July 26, Auq. 9
Series E: Sat. Eves: July 20, July 27, Auq. 10
Nome _____Phone
Street City Stote Zip
Please Make Checks Povoble to U of M Series Desired_
Moil to: Michion Rep '74 No. of subscriptions
Mendelssohn Theatre Price each
Ann Arbor, Michioon 41104 Total
Plovs, schedules subiect to change0 Stomped, self-enclosed envelope
Signoture _ Hold my tickets at the box office

Way This Evening
With the Zany MEL BROOKS?
Zero Mostel
Gene Wilder
THE S in
All Mel Brooks'
"The 12
United Artists
sta rr inq
Directed by
Ron Moody
Tues. at 7 & 9 P.M. Only DeLuise
Wed. at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. and t

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