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May 30, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-30

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Thursday, May 30, 1974


Page Nine

Thursday, May 30, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Taylor to oppose
Bullard for rep.

HRP nominates Ferency

Editor's note: Washtenaw
County Commissioner Flia-
beth Taylor announced I a s t
week that she is seeking the
Democratic nomination for
state representative from the
53rd District in the August 6
primary. She will oppose state
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor). This is her position
"As a professional racial
worker with experience and ex-
pertise in the area of child wel-
fare, I am very concerned about
how the social service delivery
system affects people in o u r
community who are in need of
help. One of the major reasons
I ran for the County Board of
Commissioners was my belief
that I could have an effect on
the public social service syctem
in this area. I think that during
the past year and a half, my
presence on the Board has in
fact made some different-.
But rather early in my
'term, it became clear to me that
those social servi-e agencies
which we call county :,genie
are not county agencies at all.
The Department of Social Serv-
ices, Community Mental Iealth,
the Friend of the Court, the
juvenile court - to name a few
- are really agencies of the
state. State legislation brought
them into existence; state legis-
lation sets the guidelines for
their operations; and state .ax
money (not county tax money)
is their basic source of funds.
"YET ELECTED couu'y of-
ficials get blamed for all the
problems in virtuall al he
public social welfare agencies
in this community becau a local
officials are portrayed as hav-
ing the responsibility for these
agencies. In fact, county c.fic-
ials have only minima authority
in these matters.
"Any effect I or any county
commissioner have on these
agencies is far one a matter
of courtesy than of obligation.
I believe that responsibility and
authority for running these pro-
grams should not Le fragment-
ed. But division of these func-
tions is exactly what the public
social service syteur in ich-
igan is all about. This has re-
sulted in bu:k-passing, confu-
sion, inaction and tatl nimmun-
ity for ineptness .
"The 'systen,' as it now
works, is a despicable wham. 1t
is accountable to ino one - least
of all to the taxpayers like you
and me who are footing the bill.
Some very nasic changes aren
needed in the tegisation which
permits this kind of cruel joke to
be played on those who are least
able to defend themselves. Re-
cently, same bginng steps
have been taken, particularly
with reference to the juvenile
justice system. But real con-
structive change will come abruta
only through vigorous, constant,
and informed puruit of mean-
ingful legislation in this field.
I view this as a major priority.
"THE ACMeONS of the in-
cumbent representative from the
53rd District ruhnforce belief
in two myths: one, that a first
term legislator cannot be in-
fluential necasse 'that's t h e
way the system works," a n d
two, that a young representative
(particularly a female) from a
University community will be
written off m Lansing as an ir-
relevant ideologue
"Neither of thes propositiors
is necessarily true. Seniority is
not the determining fuacer in
the State Legislturn. What is
important is how an issue is
presented. It Is not necesary
to compromise priaciales in or-
der to be effective. Current fst
term legislators from districts
which are not very dissaoolar to
the 53rd have been accorded po-
sitions of respnsinility a n d
have won the resnect of tneir
colleagues - a position the in-
cumbent representative from

the 53rd District does nct oc-
"As a new member of the
Board of Commnisssioaern, I was
seen by some of my colleagues

on both sides if the ain'te as a
radical from tae studeit district
who - almost by demiiiion -
could be ignored. But my record
on the board is o herwise. 'tith
the agreement of the other
Democrats, I was appointed
chair of the Ways and Means
Committee during my first year.
year, the majority of Cie elect-
ed Democratic county officials
asked me to be caucus courdin-
ator. My positions on issues
have not always prevailed, out
my colleagues have give those
positions a fair and serious
hearing. I have found that it is
possible to maintain your inte-
grity and be effective at the
same time. My appriach is quit
different from that afte in-
cumbent representative f-om
the 53rd District. I do not grat-
uitously alienate people.
"t take the word "representa-
tive" literally. A goad repre-
sentative effectivetj presents
the views of her cons itents to
the legislative body. A goad re-
presentative does aot engage in
self-seving, headine-grabbing
exploitation of the points of view
of the voters."
win a free game!

The Human Rights Party
(HRP) has nominated Zolton
Ferency of East Lansing, one-
time Democratic gubernatorial
candidate, to run for governor
in the November S general elec-
HRP nominated a full slate
of candidates at a state con-
vention held over the Memorial
Day weekend in East Lansing.
FERENCY RAN for gover-
nor against George Romney in
1966 and was an HRP candidate
for the State Supreme Court in
Other nominees included
Karen. Baize of Ypsilanti for the
State Board of Education, and
Ellen t;offman and Diane Kohn
of Ann Arbor for the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents.
Also nominated were Phil
Carroll of Ann Arbor for the 2nd
U. S. Congressional District,

lisa North of Ann Arbor for
the 18th State Senatorial Dis-
trict and Bob Alexander of Ann
Arbor for the 53rd State House
F E R E N CY was one of a
group of left-leaning Demo-
crats who, along with Ann Ar-
bor's Radical Independent Par-
ty, founded HRP in 1971. He
won almost half a million votes
in his 1966 gubernatorial bid,
and could represent a serious
force in the coming race, espe-
cially in the case of a close
split between Democratic and
Republican candidates.
Two city residents were
nominated at the weekend con-
vention to run in races outside
Washtenaw County. They were
Betsy Bunn and Skip Steiger-
walt, nominated for Wayne
State University Board of Gov-

Daily Official Bulletin
- I
isay Caiendar
wuoM: Sen. 5o, s lo speak- on
Watergate Co1oiitt epont at
Natil Preen Club. recaruioeti ,59,/55.7
MHz, 10;05 a.m
Sositheat Asia StIuiies: Luis
raruc, "Coieration with a Pul
lipino Revolutionary. itIHeti." l2
Lane Hall. ... i.m
General Noties
U-M Dancers as part of iSth An-
nual Convention of the Anerica
Dance Gnild. in concert at Power
Center on June 14, 8:30 p.m. Tickets
available at door For further info
cal 764-1342.
Sunday, June 2
900am J300pm
c 9:00 a.m.-3:00 o m
201 Hill
9 Ann Arbor .
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