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May 30, 1974 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-05-30

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Thursday, May 30, 1974

; Democrat McClary declares candidacy

Editor's note: Catherine Mc-
Clary announced her hid fer
the Democratic noru'inatlon in
the 15th District's c o u n t y
commissioner race last week.
This is her statement:
"My commi'ment as county
commissioner would be to give
priority, parricularly financial,
to the needs of all the citizens
of Washtenaw County ral-ter
than to those of special interest
groups. I want to provide good
social services :nd health care.
Health delivery programs such
as the venereal disease testing
program enacted by the County
Board of Health need to be con-
tinued. But goad programs need
not also mean increased spend-
ing. Bureaucra'ic waste should
be cut.
"We need improv)d public
transportation. The estaulish-
ment of the Ann Arbor-Yp!ilanti
route in the part year is a great
improvement over what had
been available before. Under
the law, the Ann Arbor Trans-
portation Authority can provide
service to surroauding commun-
ities which are up to 10 miles
outside the city limits. The cur-
rent service should be expand-
ed and could include towns
north, south, and west of t h e
city, as well as that to the east.
"A PILOT project serving
senior citizens and handicapped
persons in the oulying a r e a s
a-ill help us learn what the Je-
mand is for public trsnsp irta-
tion outside the city. If the need
is there, the tounty should help
finance this service to all the
citizens in the 10-mnie limit. The
Road Commis-in cE1 spend up
to half of one per cent of its
weight and gas inoaoy to cci-

struct bicycle nat'ie. if an equi-
valent local costr'htian is :iv-il-
"I support the cctrc:nt pro,-s-
al to construct a bicycle route
between Ann Arbor and Ypsi-
lanti this year and : wo ,.d sup-
port expendi-ure o cutn'y
funds to constrcct add'tonal
routes, on the 11'A ig forumaa
basis, in coming years.
"Educational -nd rehabilita-
tional programs in our c Anty
jail are vital. The Jail Inmate
Rehabilitation pragran. started
in 1973, -is a go>d beginning.
This program :s designed to
help people a-quire and main-
tain self-confidence ann sclf-
respect and to be.tane conri-
buting members of our crornvin-
"THE INMATE REssiintial
Center, which will soan be oper-
ating, is an encouraging as t e p
in recognizing that manuns
security incarceration is not -he
most productive approach
towards 'rehabilitatin pr!sn-
ers. It is also a first step in
establishing a network of ecm-
munity-based corr ctioril facil-
ities (as opposed tc ine jail) as
recommended by the Blue Rib-
bons Corrections Committee. 1
support these efforts and w il1
work to expand them.
"The County eariomer Action
The annual Avery and Jule
Hopwood Contest at the Univer-
sity is among the largest c a sa
awards for creative writing in
the country. In 1973 some $24,-
000 were given to 36 University
students. The late Avery Hop-
wood, a University alumnus of
1905, left the University money
to recognize "the best creative

Center, established in 1973, is a
step in the right dire,:'ton b ti
needs to increase the scope of
its activities. Many rearients of
my district Have consmer
problems which ite center is
not equipped to deal with.
"Under the :ern-s of the grant
through which the certe- is
funded, prioritv m'st be ,gii'n
to those consamer prodt-tms
which are most likely to end up
in court if the- are :ot c or-
rected. But many conscimer
problems are not thir serious -
but they are pr.ablerns, never-
theless, and the people wno
have them need an informed,
concerned pe.sa ta turn to
with their questions. I will work
to expand the s.rvi.:es of this
agency. My basic goa is to
make all agencies o. c'nty
government mare re 3pip >si-e to
the average person's -eds "
McClary, 22, has bee-s a 'em-
dent of Washre-taw C:>uny for
nine years and is curreat em-
ployed at Planned Pareaithod
She will receive a degree in
political science from the L.-
versity in Deo mher 1974.
McClary has vorkA.t.i E,
Women's Criss Ce-ier since iL
opened two yea.s aqtai id te-
cently co-auhored s hani) :k
on rape and ie. lefetie fir t-e
center. She also s ies work-
shops for Couity Commissioer
Elizabeth Taytor is adiain:tra-
tive assistant.
Kate & Anna

Commemorates brother's birth
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) stands at the grave of his
brother, former President John F. Kennedy, in Arlington
Cemetery yesterday. From the photographer's vantage point,
Kennedy was framed by a wreath at the grave as he com-
memorated the 57th anniversary of his brother's birth.
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