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May 30, 1974 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1974-05-30

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Page Ten


Thursday, May 30, 1974

Page Ten THE MICHiGAN DAILY Thursday, May 30, 1974

Council considers budget cuts Editor talks on kidnaping

(Conttnued trom Pasge 1
Among the methods of reach-
ing voters considered were a
direct mailing, speaking en-
gagements by the council mem-
bers, and door-to-door canvass-
But Councilwoman (a r o 1
Jones (D-Second Ward) con-
cluded "this may prove to be
more difficult than any other
campaign the city or its officials
have ever waged before."
PUBLIC FUNDS cannot he
used to advocate a specific po-
sition on any political issue.
However by directing the thrust
of its campaign toward the det-
rimental effects of the proposed
budget reductions, the c i t y
hopes to skirt the law.
The area hardest hit tinder

the proposed cuts will be the
Community Outreach activities
which encompass drug help pro-
grams, child and health csre,
and similar social servces,
These services would suffzr a
50 per cent slash in Iteir cur-
rent $160,000 budget.
Councilwoman K a t h v Koza-
chenko (HRP-Second Ward) cri-
ticized this particular recim-
mendation and suggestcd that
cuts in other departments be
considered instead.
on details of the proposed re-
ductions, particularly in the
area of lay-offs. He said that
the actual decisions on who
should be eliminated would rest
w i t h individual department
heads and would not be formally

made until after the June 10
It appears, however, th.it the
areas most drastically hit by
personnel reductions-if they be-
come necessary - will be the
Human Rights Department, rec-
reational programs provided by
the city, and the public works
Clerical support staff in near-
ly all departments will also be
pink slipped, leading to less ef-
ficient service and response to
citizen requests.
EARLIER THIS year, the city
temporarily laid off some 160
municipal employes for periods
ranging from several days to
three months in an effort to
balance the fiscal 1974 budget.
At the root of the city's finan-
ciat problems is a commitment
to reduce the municipal deficit
by $600,000 in the upcoming fi-
nancial year. Last winter, the
state government,tconcerned
about the critical state of Ann
Arbors fiscal status, ordered
the city to adopt a three-year
program eliminating the $1.2
million debt.
Fiscal 1975 marks the second
year of the program and car-
ries the single largest deficit
reduction commitment, t h u s
straining the c i t y' s revenue
sources and in turn requiring
the emergency property tax in-
crease on the June 10 ballot.

(Continued from Page 3)
LABELING kidnaping a "de-
plorable crime," Murphy char-
acterized political terrorists as
"nervous, tense people with
half-baked political ideas.
"My 10-year-old kid knows
more about politics than my
kidnapers," he said.
Murray said that although kid-
naping has not "reached epi-
demic proportions," the "poli-
tics of terrorism are escalating
and may someday jeopardize
the institutions that are the
foundations of this country."
a gray pin-striped suit, the 40-
year-old editor charmed his
audience with his chatty, in-

formal style.
"Ladies, I'm delighted- to be
here," he drawled. "Hell, I'm
delighted to be anywhere."
Although Murray laments the
fact that his effectiveness as
a political reporter has been
damaged by the undue atten-
tion he receives while out on
assignment, he nevertheless
cheerfully signs autographs and
accepts numerous public speak-
ing engagements.
"I'm catching a lot more
planes these days," he notes.
"And I'm spending too much
time answering questions-but
it's important that I do so be-
cause- educating the public may
have some impact on curbing
terrorist politics."

Rebel leader speaks at 'U'
(Cou d ii ifrom Pre) M3 plained his-understanding of the
colaborator Rochas." T a r u c present situation in the Philip-
said. "le ignored Marcos (now pines and discussed possibilities
Philippines president), and I for politics there in the future.
went to jail. "When Marcos declared mar-
"All our plains for agrarian re- tial law, our country was on
form failed, and imperialism the brink of anarchy," he said.
and feudalism g r e w strong "There was fighting on every
again. We were the victims of street corner where there wasn't
fraud and terrorism during the a policeman. I do not approve
election. Anybody who spoke of the suspension of the free-
against the rich and powerful doms of speech, press, and
was outlawed." peaceable assembly. M a r c o s
DURING HIS TALK, Taruc has called this a transition per-
reminisced about the war and iod. I give him the benefit of
his years in and out of jail, ex- the doubt for now."

School bd. race set

(Continued from Page 3)
cial obligations" by paying city
property taxes, which are the
school system's main source of
Liberals are stressing repeal
of Plan F, higher wages for
teachers and an expanded role
for students in school board de-
cision - making.
that schools have discriminated
against women and blacks in
athletics, curricula and staffing.
Conservatives have main-
tained tight control over the
board for the past three years
by uniting behind three candi-
dates in each of the elections.
However, the three members
of the board whose terms end
this year - Duane Renken,
Theodore Heusel and Ralph
Bolhouse - are all conserva-
tives. Theoretically, a liberal-
radical sweep could put the lib-
erals into power by a 5-4 ma-
BUT THIS is unlikely, ac-
cording to liberal board mem-
her Henry Johnson. "A fantas-
tic number of excellent candi-
dates have been competing over
the liberal vote - and they've
tended to negate one another,"
le says.
Johnson, who is the Univer-
at the UNION
open 8:30 a.m.
PHOTO r51 v
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un to Wate, and un to receve
1 sheetf E Nwelopes (High Quatin C.S .
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sity's vice president for stu-
dent services, says that the
board would be better balanced
if members were chosen on a
ward-by-ward basis rather than
Outgoing, conservative board
member Theodore Heusel con-
tends that students, especially
those with families, "really pre-
fer the conservative candidates.
The so-called limousine liberals
are much more conservative
when it comes to their own kids
than when it cones to politics."
"PARENTS WANT discipline
for their children and want to
see their kids go to schools free
from fear and violence," Heusel
Liberal board member Pat
Pooley charges that "some of
members of the board carefully
select and endorse their own
replacements - it's a tightly-
knit group and it is very hard
for liberals to get in."
Last June, only 15,000 peo-
ple voted in the school board
elections, while more than 30-
000 voted in this April's City
Council race. Voting has tra-
ditionally b e e n especially
sparse in student precincts.
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