Tuesday, June 5, 197 3
THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesday, June 5 1973
new home
for draft'
(Contiiued fromi Pages 9
Canada. Grannemann blames it,
in large part, on the upheaval-
so fundamental he likens it to
getting religion, in the jarring
fundamentalist sense.
Be took lonely counsel with a
few professors and decided: 'In
all my conscience, I could not
Passing off the U-haul trailer
he loaded and hitched behind
his Volkswagen as preparation
for departure to Ft. Leonard
Wood, he struck out, instead,
with his wife and daughter for
Sault Ste Marie.
With a chuckle, he remembers
now, how frightened he was at
the border, how clean-shaven
and trimmed of hair-and how
he even wore white socks to look
as conservative as possible.
le told the border guard, none-
theless, as he rolled down his
window: "I'm a draft dodger."
"DAMN ridiculous war, isn't
it?" the Canadian replied.
But still . . -
Len Grannenani catches hin-
self defending the United States.
"Soneonelt say. 'Yoa don
have any sensitivity ts vour black
people down thesre. You've cas-
trated them, you've herded them
into ghettos, you've done all
kinds of crazy things to them.'
SAnd I'll sa, 'Well, let's not for-
getbtut the C anadian Indians.
HIE 1(11LPSno grtdgesHis
draft card, scorched, is displayed
in a frame on the wall. "But
thats kind of a joke, I suppose.
I didn t want to burn the whole
thing, you know I wanted tos
make sure my name was stsll on
it My wife and I lit it, and I
blew it out so I could put it on
the wall.It serses as kind of a
reminder . ."
And he declines to sit in judg-
ment, asking only that his con-
science be respected-as he re-
spects the consciences of those
who chose to go and fight.
"What I have given up, I think,
is a lot for what I've wanted and
what I've believed in."
Amnesty? No. Nt something
he particularly needs. "I would-
n't go back to stay.
"BUT I'D like to visit . .
To see for the first time in
four and a half years his mother,
who had said, "You're kidding,
of course," when he'd first called
home-with quarters and dimes
because he hadn't dared call col-
lect-and who had begged and
pleaded for busm to come back.
And his father, who'd told him
in a second phone call that he'd
gone to the members of his
draft board-"probably one of
the most difficult things he'd
ever had to do in his life"-and
gotten their assurance that if
Len would come back quickly all
would be forgiven . . .
AND HIS brothers, particularly
Virgil, whom he most painfully
remembers saying flatly: "Come
back. You're making a big mis-
take. You know you're destroy-
ing your father-our father- and
destroying your mother - our
mother - and destroying me.
Yo''e done a terrible thing'"-
and frosn swhoms he hasn't heard
a word since.
To turn Washington, Mo., from
a place in his nightmares where
he walks the streets as a criminal
back into the place where blue-
gray mountains mean hunting
and fishing and canoeing . . .
As You Like It!
D cola Barbers
Carnegie study OKs
American colleges
Wants gas shortage investigated
Sen. Jim Abourezk (D-S.D.) tells a Washington news conference
yesterday he's written a letter to President Nixon calling for an
immediate investigation by the Justice Department of "an ap-
parent anti-trust violation in connection with the present oil and
gas shortage and skyrocketing of prices and profits of the major
oil companies."
Cox urges delay in
t0evised ug probe
(Continue rin,,P ages2)
ports "partof a careful coordinated strategy . . to prosecute a case
against the President in the press using innuendo, distortion of fact
and outright falsehood."
YESTERDAY, Warren acknowledged the President had conferred
with Dean and said the topics included Nixon's own Watergate inves-
tigation, administration policy on citing executive privilege and hear-
ings on the unsuccessful nomination of L. Patrick Gray to be director
of the FBI.
Asked about Warren's comments on not supplying logs of the
conversations, Cox told newsmen lse has been assured of access to all
documents, files and other papers in the executive branch.
SHOULD THE SENATE continue its televised hearings, Cox said,
it will "make it impossible to get at the truth from bottom to top."
In his letters to Ervin and the other senators, the special pro-
secutor said "the continuation of hearings at this time create grave
danger that the full facts about the Watergate case and related mat-
ters will never come to light= and that many of those who are guilty
of serious wrongdoing will never be brought to justice."
Even before Cox's statement, committee member Herman Tal-
madge, D-Ga., had called suggestions of postponement "presump-
tious in the extreme."
COX SAID his office has expanded its investigation of all illegal
activities in the 1972 presidential campaign beyond the break-in at
the Watergate office building headquarters of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee.
Cox cited these reasons for his belief that public hearings will
" Witnesses often come forward because of fear of heavy prison
sentences, a fear that would be relieved by chances that pretrial pub-
licity at the hearings could forestall successful prosecution.
* Premature disclosure of testimony and investigating leads can
aid others in fabricating explanations, increasing the difficulty of get-
ting truthful information from potential witnesses.
* Witnesses tori between conscience and loyalty to superiors are
more likely to give information to the special prosecutor than in front
of television cameras,
March from Watergate
to Justice
Wasingo, D. C.-Sat., June 16
To Organize Buses and Send-Off Rally
WEl,UE 6-3540 SAB-SPM
Sponsored by The PCPJ-People's Coalition
for Peace and Justice
(Coatinued brm Page 3)
institutions got p o o r e r marks
from the commission.
The commission s a i d educa-
tional justice could be improved
by determined efforts to find
places in colleges for young peo-
ple from low-income and minor-
ity groups-with adequate finan-
cial assistance for their support.
IT ALSO recommended special
efforts be made to find qualified
members of minority groups and
women for consideration for fac-
ulty positions.
The commission viewed higher
education's role in the critical
evaluation of society as "quite
uneven in the past and uncertain
for the future."
It said individual members of
the campus community, but not
the institution or its corporate
bodies, should engage in such
activity. However, the commis-
sion cautioned such individuals
to keep in mind that "they are
not the only people in society
with a right to evaluate society."
THE COMMISSION noticed that
American higher eduscation had
become "heavily 1 o a d e d with
functions" over the years, rang-
ing from providing financial sup-
port for students to advising and
instructing persons and organiza-
tions outside the campus.
The commission said American
Dr. Spock will
speak at Med
School counter
Morens is convinced th iiSpok
was iumped for politicat reastis.
THE '0N1I11'.TTE, %sihich its-
cludes no students, maintained
that Yosing was picked because of
Spoclk's poor speilking abilities.
But conmsittee members refused
to relet se the minutes of the
controversial meeting.
It has since been suggested
that few, if any, of the commit-
tee members have ever heard
Beis Spock speak.
Spock's topic for the counter
commencement will be "society
and health care." Also speaking
will be Kay Weiss of Advocates
for Medical Information. The
sponsors say they aim tii keep
the event open to the public and
free of charge.
higher education had not reorder-
ed its purposes decisively since
the period around t870, when it
greatly expanded its functions to
include research and service to
society and opened its doors po-
tentially to the mass entry of
Tuesday, June 5
PROGRAM: A rep will be in office
June 57to interview candidates. Open
for grads. who majored in Eng. (B. A.
in Eg.n or Secondary Teacher w/major
in Eng.) Three yr. program leading to
M's degree ( yr. at Lackawanna Pub.
Schools. & 2 yrs. w/ Peace Carps, par-
ticipating in Afghanistan. Interns re-
ceive $90/wk & free tuition.
be in Rm. 3529 o the SAn, June 12.
13 & 14 to discuss opportunities with
interested students. Appts. not nee. but
do stop by to visit with the reps.
Applications avauable for candidates
interested inI positionss of Fligtht At-
tendant (Stewarsis t aewardesesss
Eastern Air Lines Inc. Ck in this office
for details,
Openings withs Jewish Cominunity
Centers Nation-wide uerasocist aWrt-
ers, Nursery School Directors, Phys
Ed Instructors, Cultural Arts Director,
Business Mgr., Public Relations. Con-
sit bootet"-aJW Personne Reporter~
ini this office
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