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April 08, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-08

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~1ie Sfrftan Dait
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M( 48104

The war 's last

Thursday, April 8, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Close call calls for HHH?

RIS UDALL'S near miss to Jim-
my Carter in Tuesday's Wisconsin
presidential primary is disheartening,
for the most progressive voice at the
Democratic National Convention in
July is probably on his way out. But,
in the larger context of matters, the
loss indicates that Carter--a conser-
vative with a forked tongue - will
have to wage a battle against Hu-
bert Humphrey for the nomination.
Also on Tuesday, Senator Henry
Jackson scored a victory in New
York's primary, although Udall, Car-
ter and Humphrey fortunately kept
him from garnering the majority of
Jackson - whose foreign policy
hearkens back to the fifties - has
strong support from organized labor.
He won in New York with labor's
support and that of the state's Jew-
ish population, attracted by his stand
on Israel. But Jackson's appeal is
not broad.
The prospect of a Jackson-Ford
race is frightening, but not very like-
ly. The prospect of a Carter-Ford or
a Humphrey - Ford race is disap-
pointing. And if Udall doesn't win
big somewhere relatively soon, he
will probably follow in the footsteps


Thi Vo searched for months
through bureaucratic mazes be-
fore she learned that her three-
year-old son was in the care
of one of the "orphan Baby-
lift" agencies. But when at last
she found him, she was told
she could not have him: He
might be better off with his
new American "parents."
Vo is one of more than a
dozen refugees in this country
known to be seeking return of
children shipped here in the
panic of the last days of the
war. She is one of several who
must face court action if she
expects to be permitted a re-
Like many other Vietnamese
mothers with half - American
children, Vo feared for the lives
of her three sons when the Sai-
gon regime was collapsing and
sent them to the U.S. for their
safety. Through a friend, she
said, she met an American
named Dick who agreed to take
her oldest sons, Vo Huy Khanh,
7, and Vo Anh Tuan, 5, if she
signed a release for them. She
A neighbor bound for the U.S.
agreed to take Vo Huy Tung,
then 2, as her own son, under
an assumed name. For him Vo
signed nothing, she said.
fly out shortly thereafter. From
Travis Air Force Base she
called Bill Popp, a Flying Tiger
pilot she'd met in Saigon. He
had offered to help if she man-
aged to get to this country.
Popp decided to sponsor Vo, her
20-year-old sister, a cousin and
the cousin's six-year-old boy.
All came to live in his home
near Los Angeles, found jobs
and, together, put a down pay-
mnent on a house. (In Saigon,
Popp said, Vo had beenahead
of household for an extended
family of 13.)
With Popp's help, Vo sought
her sons. After many expensive
long distance phone calls, Popp
said, they learned through the
International Red Cross where
the two oldest boys were and
discovered that the youngest
was with Friends of Children
of Vietnam. The neighbor who
had brought him, Vo said, had
given him to the agency, ex-
pecting that he'd be cared for
until his mother could claim
him. But the agency, armed
with a release paper Vo never

signed, had placed the young-
ster in a home for adoption.
Through FCVN, a letter ar-
rived for Vo from "Bob and
Joan," who had had her child
for 10 months. It told Vo that
her son was not Vo Huy Tung
now but Bruce Donovan, that
he loved going fishing with his
"daddy," that his good behavior
"still gives us great pride," that
"he can count to nine, he knows
all the basic colors."
'To is one of more
than a dozen refugees
in this country known
to be seeking return of
children shipped here
in the panic of the last
days of the war. She
is one of several who
must face court action
if she expects to be
permitted a reunion.'
"WE THINK YOU should see
Bruce," the couple wrote. "That
way we both could see his feel-
ings. If by chance he does not
remember you, we think it
would do him great harm to
leave us. We can't help but feel
that he would think we had re-
jected him. Then, on the other
hand, if he did remember you,
we feel it would be wrong for
us to keep him from you even
though it would hurt greatly."
Vo flew to Denver and was
taken to a room where five
strasgetadults faced her, with
her child. After a few minutes
in a highly tense situation, the
authorities now in charge of the
boy decided he did not recog-
nize his mother.
"They don't give him to me,"
Vo said in an interview. "I ask,
give me a chance to see the
boy. A few minutes. To play
with him. They say, maybe the
kid get hurt. I say, I don't hurt
the boy."
She was not permitted to hold
him, she said. "They say, he
has good home now, good moth-
er, good father. I have good
home, good mother. Not father.

That I don't have," Vo said.
"They say, birthmother mean
"I ASK, 'WHEN they tell the
boy that he has a mother?' They
didn't answer."
Vo said she was shown a pa-
per saying the boy was declared
an orphan April 16. She said she
then showed the FCVN officials
a photograph of her holding her
son April 19.
Vo left alone, with the advice
that she seek a lawyer if she
wanted to fight for her son.
FCVN officials refused to com-
ment on Vo's case. In explain-
ing the agency's general policy,
case work supervisorMarcia
Schocket quoted from a book
she goes by, in which the au-
thors maintain that "It's the
psychological parent, not the
biological parent" who is im-
portant to the child.
"If there's no recollection,"
she said, "there can't be a con-
tinuance of the same relation-
ship. There could only be a new
relationship. It was obviousaft-
er 15 minutes to half an hour
in two cases that the biological
parent was just another person
in the room to the child."
Agency procedure requires,
she said, that when a biological
mother seeks a child's return,
a social worker be sent to "as-
sess her financial situation, liv-
ing situation." This information
is given to the adoptive family
who may then opt to return the
child. If not, a court may have
to settle the issue.
we're observing sound social
work practice," Schocket said.
Asked if the authors of the book
she goes by considered cross-cul-
tural adoption, she said "not
really," but indicated that was
not a currently relevant factor.
"There aren't many villains
in this story," commented Popp,
who was echoed by others rep-
resenting conflicting points of
view. It comes down to a choice
based on a value judgment:
Who is entitled to judge the
children's best interests?
As long as that question goes
unsettled, these children and
their families will remain vic-
tims in theslast battle of the
war that everyone wants to for-
Rasa Gustaitus is a free-
lance writer in San Francisco.

Homosexual health

QUESTION: When my room-
mates found out that I'm gay,
they freaked out. For awhile I
was afraid they were going to
beat me up. They said that
they didn't want me around and
that I should get another room
in the dorm, or get out of the
dorm altogether. Does their an-
ger mean that they are worried
about their own sexuality?
Wher'e can they can get some
help? Where can I get some
ANSWER: You're right -
your roommates might be wor-
ried about their own sexual or-
ientation. Their angry reaction
is characteristic of a Western
societal disorder termed "hom-
ophobia", a word coined by Dr.
George Weinberg and used in
his book Society and the Heal-
thy Homosexual. "Homophobia"
means the panic fear that many
people have of being near hom-
osexuals. It also refers to the
self-hate that many homosex-
ual persons feel because our
society has always told gay
people that they are sick, sinful
and criminal. Homophobia is
a part of our anti-homosexual
(one might even say anti-erotic)
Judaeo - Christian heritage. In
Western society homosexuals
have been persecuted for thou-
sands of years. Until recently,
homosexuality was little men-
tioned in "polite society" and in
courts of law ,for example,
homosexual matters were re-
ferred to in Latin. Homophobia
is expressed in our present leg-
al codes which define criminal
sexual behavior and the penal-
ties for it in terms that come
directly from European eccles-
iastical law.
bias suffer from them. Often
their negative feelings spread
to a whole circle of ideas and
acts that are not really the
thing they fear, but which re-
late to the feared-thing or ac-
tivity only symbolically. For ex-
ample, homonhobic peonle fear
and shun behavior that they
imagine to be conducive to
homosexual acts, or behavior
that might merelv elicit an
awareness of homosexual feel-
ings. In this country, men fear
gayness more than women do.

Men often refrain from embrac-
ing or kissing each other; men
are even reluctant to express
fondness or close feelings for
other males; men often will
not permit themselves to see
or enjoy beauty in the physi-
cal forms of other men. Look
at the parent-child relationships
- millions of fathers feel it
would not be "masculine" to
kiss their sons or embrace
them in any way, especially
after they reach uberty.
It may interest you to know
that many other cultures ac-
cept homosexual behavior as
one of the biological varieties of
sexual behavior. As a matter
of fact, a number of societies
give homosexual people a place
of honor.
response to your first question,
we'll try to answer the others.
It sounds as though your room-
mates need some education
about homosexuality to help
them work through their nega-
tive feelings about it. And you
yourself can get help from the
same people who can help your
roommates - the "Gay Advo-
cates" (Human Sexuality Ad-
vocates) and the people who
work with them at U-M. The Ad-
vocates (763-4186) help gay
students and other people who
are concerned about their sex-
ual. orientation or problems
that arise because of it. They
do peer counseling and refer-
ral, help people find support
groups, organize educational
presentations for University
classes and seminars, and aid
persons who are hassled by
practical problems about any
aspects of their sexual orienta-
tion. They will bring people to
rap in your room if you invite
them - so think about it. They
work closely with us at the
Dept. of Health Education (they
collaborated with us in the pre-
paration of this column for ex-
ample) and with people at
Counseling Services and the Of-
fice of Ethics and Religion, so
there really are some sources
of helo to go to. Good luck and
feel free!
Health Educators
U-M Health Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, Mich.

of candidate Fred Harris, expected to
drop from the presidential race to-
The situation gets increasingly dis-
mal by the week. Our state's voters
should begin to think seriously about
what levers they will pull on May
18, in the Michigan primary.

How will Callaghan do?

Prime Minister Harold Wilson's
surprise resignation from office,
members of the country's Labour
Party have selected ex-Chancellor of
the Exchequer James Callaghan to
assume the reigns of government.
Callaghan promises to pursue the
progressive policies of his predeces-
sor faithfully, while attempting to
keep the ideologically divided Labour
Party from splintering into a num-
ber of diverse, uncompromising fac-
Hopefully, Callaghan will remain
true to Wilson's visions of social re-
form, especially his commitment to
nationalization of industry.
Wilson pleased leftist members of
the Labour Party in 1974 when he
took a hard line in favor of nation-
alization, recognizing that the eco-
nomic power inherent in large indus-
try belongs in public, not private
WILSON WAS ALSO responsible for
eliminating much of the bureau-
cracy that normally accompanies na-

the competitive edge on
market that will accrue
sorely needed relief to
economic malaise.

the world
may bring

Of course, it remains to be seen
that Callaghan will capably dis-
charge his new responsibilities. But
the signs are encouraging. As the on-
ly Cabinet member to hold three key
posts, Callaghan certainly has broad
experience. Although critics dispar-
age of his lack of imagination, no
one denies that Callaghan hat innate
common sense. And Callaghan is de-
scribed as a leader who, while not
exciting his supporters, should man-
age to keep the Labour Party united
by treading in the footsteps of Har-
old Wilson.
Editorial Staff

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NMVAL A T Fa" AAEOftoc F~rAfflrf-

, Uk5(TLZ6PAME{R (CA "

.., awa,,wvvaa~iwaa{,1 GL JEFF RISTINE .......Managing Editor
tionalization. If Callaghan follows SCHCK .......e dr
the same path, centralizing decision STEPHEN HERSH.............Editorial Director
making power and cutting away the JEFF SORENSEN..................Arts Editor
red tape in nationalized businesses, CHERYL PILATE..............Magazine Editor
STAFF wRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen
Anlerhand, Marc Basson, Dana Bauman, David
Blomquist, James Burns, Kevin Counihan,
TODAY'S STAFF: Tom Godell, Kurt Harju, Charlotte Heeg,
Jodi Dimick. Mitch Dunitz, Elaine Fletcher,
News Ane Maie ipinkiStu c- Phil Foley, Mark Friedlander. David GarfInkel,
News: Anne Marie Lipinski, Stu Mc- Richard James. Lois Josimovich, Tom Kettier,
Connell, Rob Meachum, Mike Nor- Chris Kochmanski, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann
ton, Ken Parsigion Bill Tur ue Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lu-
grquebens, Teri Maneau, Angelique Matney, Jim
Editorial Page: Stephen Hersh, R o b Nicoll, Maureen Nolan, Mike Norton, Ken Par-
Meachum, Maureen Nolan, J o n sigian, Km Protter, Cathy Reutter, Anne
Marie Schiavi, Karen Schulkina, Jeff Selbet,
Pansius, Rick Sobel, Tom Stevens Rick Sobel, Tom Stevens, Steve Stojic, Cathl
Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen Suyak, Jim Tobin, Jim Valk, Margaret Tao,
Andrew Zerman, David Whiting, Michael Beck-
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens man, Jon Pansiusvand Stephen Kuriman.
4r.. t






The Daily


To The Daily:

IN THE STUDENT elections
which end today we have the
opportunity to vote on whether
or not the Central Intelligence
Agency and the National Securi-
ty Agency should be allowed to
recruit on campus. Many indi-
viduals may interpret this as
a referendum on the philoso-
phies and policies of these two
agencies, but it is not that sim-
ple. If the question on the bal-
lot this week were one of ap-
proval or disapproval of CIA/
NSA philosophies and policies
I, for one, would vote disap-
proval. Unfortunately, on the
ballot this question is inextric-
ably interwoven with a much
more fundamental issue: wheth-
er we, as a collective student
body, have the right to infringe
upon the rights of any individual
student by foreclosing certain
employment opportunities. The
importance of preserving indi-
vidual rights, I think, far out-

infringement on individual rights
would be small; it would affect
only a small segment of the
student population and any stu-
dents who were really interested
in working for the CIA or NSA
could contact these agencies off
campus on their own initiative.
This argument does not address
the basic issue; it is merely a
statement of the degree of in-
fringement involved. And if this
degree of infringement on indi-
vidual rights is, by some stand-
ards, acceptable, then the argu-
ment could be applied equally
well to the barring of any or-
ganization which recruits from
only a small segment of the
student population; interested
students could always contact
such organizations on their own
initiative. Clearly, we would not
wish to go this far. But where
do we draw the line? Nearly
all organizations which recruit
on this campus have some phil-
osophies or policies which would
offend some segment of the stu-
dent body. How large an offend-

to be told by other students,
individually or collectively,
which organizations I would be
prohibited from interviewing on
campus - even if I would have
chosen, of my own free will,
not to interview those very or-
ganizations. Similarly, I would
consider the imposition of my
values on another student, by
barring from campus those or-
ganizations which I find offen-
sive, an unacceptable infringe-
ment on the individual rights
of that student. If we really
beieve that all students here
are equal, that each is capable
of making his or her own de-
cisions and has certain inviol-
able individual rights, and that
no one group of students has
the right to violate the indi-
vidual rights of any other
group, then this fundamental
issue must take precedence
over our approval or disapproval
of the CIA and NSA in the cur-
rent elections.
It should be noted that there
is also a very pragmatic rea-

these organizations? It seems
relatively safe to assume that
the most likely type of student
to make that extra effort and
thus be hired and perpetuate
these agencies would be those
who already identify with the
philosophies and polices of the
CIA and NSA. Is that what we
want? At least if they are on
campus they are more likely
to interview, and therefore hire,
people who may initiate chang-
es, however small, and who are
less apt to perpetuate the cur-
rent philosophies and policies
of the CIA and NSA.
J. S. Stevenson
April 2, 1976
To The Daily:
PROPOSITION I in today's stu-
dent election will help insure
that you have someone to com-
plain to about an unfair grade,
and that your landlord's lease
is without oppressive clauses.
Tuahv night the Michiaan

per year for housing law re-
form and $7,000 for an attorney
to work solely for student griev-
ance procedures, a student
union, and litigation directly in-
volving M.S.A.
The contract is a bargain be.
cause of the low pay of the
three lawyers who still do the
work. It is the result of sev-
eral months of negotiation with
the housing law reform project
which, already has a proven
track record in work with Stu-
dent Legal Aid.
consultant to the Tenants Union
and has served on legislative
committees to prevent unauthor-
ized landlord entry in tenants'
homes, for example.
Passage of the continued auto-
matic funding is essential to
continuation of these projects
and an important step in im-
proving students control over
matters affecting your lives.
Jonathan I. Rose
Attorney at Law

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