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February 17, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-17

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P'age= Two


GAN DAILY Tuesday,.February 7,.1976
Hearst, judge, jury Bouncers: Keeping

r ,

A tea $wvko d rbNswmp~s& The AeflebMiQT~M

take tour of hideout;

(Continued from Page 1)
painted. He added that when3
the SLA departed after the bank
robbery, they left behind "a
big snake head painted cn the
wall"--a reference to the SLA's.
seven-headed cobra symbol.
THE JURY was inside the
apartment for nearly 15 minutes
and then departed in a bus for
the 20-minute drive to Daly
City, with Hearst travelling sep-
arately in an unmarked late-
model sedan.

Defense attorney Albert John-
son said she had been held in a!
two foot by five and a half foot
closet there for four and a halfI
weeks before the SLA abandon-
ed the house and took their cap-
tive concealed in a refuse can'
to Golden Gate Avenue, which
is not far from the court room.
According to Johnson, Hearst
spent a total of nine weeks shut
up in the two cupboards-the
longest period yet given for her
confinement after the kidnap-

the local bars safe
(Continued from Page 1) Carver, "but we haven't had
"The real reason I'm here," any fights at all in here for over
Whittler said jokingly, "is be- a month."
cause of April, our cook. Man, Carver said that one incident
she makes the best sandwiches early in Chances Are's history
in Ann Arbor!" wds responsible for the bad
seputation. "Things have sim-
THE CIRCUS atmosphere of mered down since then," he
Dooley's, another local estab- said. "People .lon't want to be
lishment, made the Village Bell barred from here. And the cover
look like Sunday morning mass, charge helps keep the bas people
Craig Wolfsfeld, a law student out."
from Shaker Heights, Ohio, ad- Wolfsfeld defended Dooley's,
mitted he didn't work there for insisting its bouncers were not
money, but for fun. gluttons for violence. "When it
"This is the nicest place in gets rowdy in here, it gets
Ann Arbor," he said with some rowdy," he said. '""We're not
bias. "I used to come here a lot hardasses, but if it's necessary
even before I started working." people will be thrown out."
The best part of working at HIS PARTNER Ricei agreed.
Dooley's, said Wolfsfeld, has I don't believe in the sadistic
been. meeting and becoming image the mention of Dooley's
friendly with street people whom imaie ee nt as phsi
he would have "shut the door iaspCrhaes. re not as physical
on" before. Chances Are-we'll give-a

Chilean gov't uses

Probably not. All things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken your job. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around. Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves it's costing us now for repairs and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strength in the competitive world trade arena. When
the balance of.payments swings our way again we'll
all be better off economically.
So you see-the only person who can really
do what you doany better is you.
tb . caCo~mmaon on t, Washngto. .C.

terror tactics--U.N.
(Continued from Page 1) The U. N. Group listed 12
different forms of torture which
Chilean delegate Sergio Diez witnesses said were frequently
said he would reserve the right used. It declared that in Chile
of reply to the allegations until "torture is 'indeed institutional-
the end of the debate in the 32- ized and has become part of
nation Human Rights Commis- the present government."
lion. REGARDING Oswaldo Romo,
U R U G U A Y A N repre- who is said to have worked for
sentative Carlos Giambruno the Chilean Secret Police,
criticized the report for lack known as DINA, Allana said'
of objectivity and impartiality witnesses had provided a list of
and said it contained many his "sadistic demonic activi-
prejudgments. ties."
An Evening of Masks
Feb. 19, 20, 21, 22
At The
Residential College Theatre
East Quad Building
At Hill & E. University
8:30 p.m.
Faculty, Staff & Students-$1.75
Non-Students--$2.50, Children-$ .00
Tickets on Sole at UAC Ticket Central
Hill Box Off ice and at Door

WITH THE philosophy of "if
you're going to do it, do it
right," two more of Dooley's
bouncers, Rhys Moore and Mike
Ricelli, introduced themselves
in a song-and-dance of their ownE
creation called "It's Blackjack
Time"-a combination of some
softshoe and a shot of Jack
Daniels. (Who needs a live band
or a dance floor?)
Moore also considers Dooley's
"the best of all Ann Arbor
bars," though he'added joshing-
ly that he couldn't say the same
for his boss.
"Besides," added Ken Marg,
another bouncer who happened
to be drifting by, "you can't
beat it for $2.30 an hour."
CHANCES ARE, another of
Ann Arbor's infamous bars,
noted for its overly aggressive
bouncers, is managed by John
Carver, a University business
school grad, who is also part-
owner. As the man who wields
the power when itcomes to
hiring bouncers, he looks for
size, intelligence and ?prawn.
Most of his bouncers have been
employed for over a year and
are primarily students.
Like employes of the Village
Bell and Dooley's, the people at
Chances Are seemed to be one
big happy family.
Larry Meyers, the man at the
door, said he did it for fun and
money. "It's enjoyable work,"
he said. "I.don't dread coming'
into work every night."
BOTH DOOLEY'S and Chances
Are are noted for their violence,
and their bouncers are very
sensitive about the matter.
"We've had a lot of bad press
from the beginning," argued

guv a chance to walk >ut."
Thoigh the Village Bell lacks
a reputation for skull-cracking,
it, too, has had its share of in-
cidents. ""We've only. had: 17
combat incidents since I've
worked here," reported Whit-
tier. He insists 'that he wants
to annear friendly and quiet-
"strictly an ID enforcer," as
he calls it.
The wide variety of people
found throughout the University
is reflected in local bars, ac-
cording to the bouncers.
"WE HAVEf. a 'mixed bag
here," said Whittler. "We get
frat- guys, sorority girls, for-
mer a l u m n i, a professional
crowd-and our token five per
cent blacks."
Dooley's and Chances Are also
get a varied clientele, though
at Chances Are bad elements in
the crowd almost brought the
bar to an early ruin.
"We used to have a lot of
troible with motorcycle gang
type people and preople. who
were into a olt of drugs," Car-
ver explained. "We also draw a
lot of people from Eastern
Michigan University."
According to Carver, Eastern
stldents are more interested in
nartying than University stu-
dents, who seemled more con-
cerned- with studying.A
(M - Birdwatchers who visit
Jamaica never want to miss a
visit to the Rocklands Feeding
Station at Anchovy. It is $ pri-
vately owned compound where
hundreds of birds may be
found, especially at feeding
time - around 4:30-6:0 m,


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