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February 17, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-17

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 118

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 17, 1976

10 Cents

Ten Pages

Clf . /,I
Avon calling
The next time your doorbell rings, chances are
that it won't be Avon calling. A group of 12 local
kids, ranging in age from 14 to 17, are going
door-to-door selling all occasion cards and other
household trinkets in an effort to raise money for
a youth program. that will include a summer
baseball team and other events.
Happenings ...
...today include a lecture by David Brower as
part of the Future Worlds lecture series; he will
speak on "Environmental Imperatives for the Fu-
ture" at 3:00 in Hill Aud. Admission is free.. .
a special showing of "Diet for a Small Planet"
will be held today at 12:00 and 7:30 in Room G
378, Dental School . . . and 331 Thompson, re-
spectively . . . the Center for Continuing Educa-
tion of Women will host a program starting at
noon at the Center with Prudence Brown discuss-
ing her research about women coping with di-
vorce . .. Judith Minty will read poetry beginning
a 4:10 in the Pendleton Room of the Union . . .
and broadcast journalist Sander Vanocur will
speak today at 1:30 at Mendelssohn Theatre; ad-
mission is $5 by reservation.
Kissy face
Paul Trevillion and Sadie Nine claim to have
kept their world kissing record in Seaford, Eng-
land after the last of their challengers were dis-
qualified for cuddling. "They got too passionate,"
said Paul, 29, who with 19-year-old Sadie claimed
a world record for kissing 25,000 times in two
hours in Cleveland last May. The smooching duo,
both British professional entertainers, put their re-
cord on the line, but only three couples got as
far as 6,000 kisses. "One ma retired after 22
minutes with a stiff neck, the next passed out after
28 minutes, and the runners-up lasted 35 minutes
and 6,702 kisses and then got carried away," said
club owner Roger Lewendon. Sadie and Paul
claimed they kissed over 7,000 times in four min-
utes and will be in New York in June to wel-
come-any new challengers. But they don't think
they can be beaten. "We can now kiss 300 times
a minute." Paul claimed. All power to him.
Press note
A congressman who is a former broadcast com-
mentator says he is going to move to cite CBS
Correspondent Daniel Schorr for contempt of Con-
gress for releasing a secret House intelligence
committee report. Rep. Samuel Strattan (D-N.Y.)
said Saturday that he will act today after Con-
gress returns from a holiday recess. "This is not
a case of freedom of the press. It is one thing for
Mr. Schorr to comment on the committee report
on his own news program. That action is apparent-
ly protected by the latest Supreme Court deci-
sions," Stratton said. "It is quite another thing
for him to pass along the complete text of that
report to someone else for publication in clear de-
fiance of the mandate of the House of Representa-
tives." Schorr confirmed his role in the publica-
tion of the secret report in the New York week-
ly, The Village Voice, and said that it was his
duty as a reporter to arrange the publication. He
said he acted when he learned he might be the
only person outside the government with a copy
of the report. If cited for contempt and convicted
in court, Schorr faces a maximum penalty of a
year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
The stork
Where do babies come from? Would you be-
lieve "from God's place," a "baby store" or even
"a duck?" Those were some of the answers glean-
ed from 60 youngsters by clinical psychologist
Anne Bernstein who says those cute analogies

dreamed up by parents to satisfy inquisitive chil-
dren have only confused them about where peo-
ple really come from. In her doctoral dissertation
at the University of California, Bernstein tried to
find out exactly what children, aged 3 to 12, know
about babies. Her findings, published recently in
Psychology Today, show that most children have
a vague and incorrect understanding of renroduc-
tion, most often mixed with ideas that babies are
"just made" or come from animals. She blamed
parents and their "birds and bees" annroach. "As
a result," she said, "rarental description of sex
and birth often sound like morning roll-call on
Noah's ark."
On the inside...
. . . Arts Page presents a review of the Keith
Jarret concert by Stenhen Hersh .. . Snorts Page
has complete coverage of the basketball game by
Tom Cameron . . . and the Editorial Page high-
lights a Pacific News Service story on insurgents
in Thailand.
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AP Photo
SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger waves from the
,ramp of his jet prior to leaving Andrews Air Force Base yes-
terday on a nine-day trip to Latin America.
U.N . rouprep ots
" e
oii tortu re in C11 e
GENEVA (Reuter) -- A United Nations working group said
yesterday torture is being widely used by the present government
in Chile.
Recounting tales of alleged mistreatment of prisoners in
Chile, the group described interrogation methods characterized
by extreme ruthlessness ranging from cold methodical application
of torture to "frequent manifestations of barbaric sadism by in-
dividual operators."
IN A 103-page retort to the U. N. Human Rights Commission,
the group said a Chilean known as Oswaldo Romo should be
brought to trial for crimes ag'ainst humanity.
The man, also known as "Guaton" or "The Fat Stomach" was
the master torturer of Chile whose name evoked terror and
memories of torture in thous-
ands of Chileans, the report
said. A tia A ld
The report was presented to A 1jjj z ' )O
the Commission yesterday by
the chairman of the five-mem -
ber working group, Ghulam Alie b ars s
refused entry into Chile, heard
testimony from expatriate
Chileans and other witnesses, By LAURIE FINN
and studied written evidence. Every student likes to unwind
and the most popular spot is a loca
ALLANA said the Commission who unwind a little too much r
should urge the Chilean gov- ejection at the hands of the1
ernment to release Luis Corva- hulking figu'res who stand read
lan. leader of the Chilean Com- of rickus.
munist Party and 10 other pro- Although there is a sense of
minent Chileansheld for more bouncer's work, life is not all1
than two years without trial.
The U. N. Group expressed far Eric Whittler, who works att
deep concern over reports that "
the prisoners were to be put on "WE ARE hERE basically to p
military trial next month. If whO come here," he said. "We'
they did stand trial they should to get the point across to the
be allowed to choose their own come in that we will use forc
lawyers, the group said. but we will only knock the daylig
See CHILEAN, Page 2 as a last resort. We will be ef

From Wire Service Reports
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger landed yesterday
on the first stop of an oft-
delayed six-nation Latin
American t o u r, during
which he is expected to
concentrate on Cuba, the
Panama Canal and oil in
his talks with leaders.
Twenty thousand police
have been assigned to pro-
tect him - and some of
them battled for three
hours with hundreds of
students demonstrating
against Kissinger's trip in
front of the Caracas Uni-
versity City.
POLICE used tear gas to
break up the demonstration as
students hurled rocks at them.
The Secretary of State will
meet with leaders of Venezuela,
Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Costa
Rica and Guatamala during the
nine-day trip and is expected
to pursue the divisive Cuba and
Panama canal issues quietly
and with no public pronounce-
A senior official on Kissing-
er's plane said enroute to
Venezuela that the secretary
has made Latin American re-
lations a prime policy objective
since his first month in office.
K I S S I N G E R had been
planning the tour since late
1974, but it was repeatedly de-
layed because of developments
in the Middle East, the com-
munist victory in Vietnam and
a congressional restriction on
trade with Venezuela and Ecu-

THE TRADE restriction is ex-
pected to be the focus of Kis-
singer's two day conference
with Perez. The problem arose
in 1974 when Congress denied
preferences to all members of
the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC),
which was an outgrowth of
the 1973 Arab oil boycott.
Kissinger will tell Venezuelan
leaders he will try hard upon

his return to remove the re-
striction, the senior official
said, but added he couldn't
give any odds on the chances
of success.
Kissinger hopes to reassure
Latin - American nations of
their importance to Washington
and build a better image for
the United States. Much of the
Southern Hemisphere has be-
come increasingly skeptical of
the United States- in recent

Hearst jurors take tour of
alleged scenes of captivhy

From Wire Service Reports
Patricia Hearst yesterday led
the jury in her bank robbery
trial on a tour of the hideouts
where she was allegedly held in
closets following her kidnapping
by the SLA two years ago.
The entourage of defendant,
judge and jury arrived first at
the apartment building on Gold-
en Gate Avenue where the news-
paper heiress says she was im-
prisoned in a cell-like closet and
forced to take part in a bank
SEVENTEEN federal mar-
shals-on hand along with city
police-had to force a way for
her to the building through a
pushing, shouting crowd of 150
.photographers, television cam-
era crews and reporters.
It was the first stop on the
rainy-day tour that also was to
include the house in suburban
Daly City where Hearst was
allegedly first taken after being

AMERICAN sources said the
secretary is expected to explain
that any foreseeable improve-
ments in U.S. - Cuba relations
was destroyed by Cuban inter-
vention in Angola.
In Costa Rica, Kissinger will
meet with leaders of Panama
and the five Central-American
nations on the complex negotia-
tions leading toward a new
treaty recognizing Panamanian
sovereignty over the U. S.-
controlled canal.

At 1837 Golden State Ave., the
jury of seven women and five
men were shown Apt. 6, a third-
floor studio that has been o-
cupied by two tenants since the
SLA left but which is empty
IT WAS there, Hearst said,
that she was removed from a
dark 19 inch by five foot closet
only long enough to be briefed
on SLA plans to rob the Sunset

Br-anch of the Hibernia Bank on
..ril 15 19'4, and to be in-
trndced to the world via tape
,s th SLA's gun - slinging
The closet is of the walk-in
tyje, with double doors that had
silver dollar-sized holes drilled
in them as apparent air vents.
The building manager, who
would not identify himself, said
the anartment was being re-
See HEARST, Page 2

is bouncers: Making
afe for debauchery

now and then,
al bar. But those
isk ignominious
bouncers, those
y for any kind
glamour in a
fun and games
the Village Bell.
rotect the people
're at the door
people as they
e if necessary,
hts out of them
fficient but not

In Ann Arbor most bouncers are either students
or recent University graduates.
Whittler, for instance, graduated from the Uni-
versity two years ago with a degree in both his-
tory and physiology. He took the bouncer job
because he needed the money.
"WELL," HE explained, "I went through a
depression. I lost my job, my girl and my money.
I went to New York to publish a novel that wasn't
accepted and I just couldn't make it."
"Actually we all love it here," added co-worker
Elaine Witt who was waiting tables at the time.
"We are all here for the money, but we get along
really well."
See BOUNCERS, Page 2

Daily Photo by STEVE'KAGAN
BUNKY REED checks ID at Dooley's, a much-frequented
local drinking establishment.

'U' given $4.6 million for
genetic mutation study

The federal government has granted the Uni-
versity's H u m a n Genetics Department $4.6
million for mutation research which may lead
to massive monitoring of the effects of pollution
and radiation on Americans.
The major grant was announced at a press
conference yesterday by an official of the Energy
R e s e a r c h and Development Administration
(ERDA), the agency created in 1974 to consoli-
date energy planning and research in the U.S.
GENETICS Chairman James Neel turned the
project the "hardest and deepest" effort to moni-
tor the effects of pollutants on genes currently
underway in the country.
Said Medical School Dean John Gronvall at the
conference, "The job to be done is to unravel the
interactions between the environment and our
genetic makeup. The Department of Genetics
brings honor not only to itself but to the medical
school and the whole University."
ERDA's goal is to discover which agents, such
as radiation and chemical pollutants, cause
mutations in humans. But to do so requires much
more data on the growing trend of mutations
than geneticists have so far provided, and Neel's

highly automated blood analysis equipment to
study subtle changes in blood proteins controlled
by genes. Out of 1,000 newborn babies tested
every year, it is expected that 50 abnormalities
will be found. Blood samples will be taken from
babies born at the University's Women's Hospital.
"This is all new ground," Neel declared. But
he went on to claim "it's not a strike in the blue.
We've got a lot of experience."
NEEL, WHO was awarded the National Medal
of Science for 1974 for his discoveries of genetic
causes for several diseases, has studied the
effects of radiation on the survivors of the Hiro-
shima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, as well as
genetic trend in South American people unex-
posed to modern pollutants.
He explained that while most mutations are
unhealthy, science has kept mutants alive and
thus the genetic defects are passed from genera-
tion to generation.
"Modern society has blunted the edge of na-
tural selection," he said, pointing out that soci-
ties whose doctors have curtailed natural selec-
tion should deal with the cause of mutations.
SAID UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming
at the conference, "This is really a reminder to

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