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November 13, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-13

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* mtr 3rti n Dai
Eighty.Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Thursday, November 13, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi, 48104
Ru lig needed to define life

January: Do


housing shuffle

Judge has decided that Karen
Quinlan has no constitutional "righ
to die." As a result, this 21-year-old
woman, who has been in a coma since
last April, will continue her twilight
existence - her breathing maintain-
ed only by a respirator.'
Doctors have described the condi-
tion of her 60-pound body as "gro-
tesque" and have flatly stated there
is no hope for recovery due to se-
vere brain damage. After Quinlan
slipped into a coma - apparently
induced by the combined intake o
alcohol and tranquilizers - ther
were at least two 15-minute period
when she ceased breathing complete-
ly. As a result, one physician has lik-
ened her damaged brain to that o
"an anencephalic monster. If you
put a flashlight in the back of th
head the light comes out of the pu-
pils. They have no brains."
recovery, should this life b
maintained? The question is a diffi
cult one, and we feel Superior Court
Judge Robert Muir dealt with it a
best he could, given the restraints o
the current law. Muir stated in hi
44-page decision: "Karen Quinlan i
by legal and medical definition aliv
This court will not authorize tha
life to be taken from her."
He later said that to remove he:
respirator "would be homicide."
Despite his opirion however, Mui
expressed the deepest sympathy fo
Quinlan's parents, who had fileda
suit asking that the young 'woman'
Editorial Staff
DAVID BLOMQUIST.....:........ Arts Edito
BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Edito
PAUL HASKINS....... ...... Editorial Drecte
DEBRA HRWITZ. At. Editorial Direct
MARY LONG.........Sunday Magazine Edito
SARA RIMER .............. .Executive Edit
STEPHEN SELBST.......... . . ity Edit'
JEFF SORENSON..............Managing Edito
STAFF wRITERS: Tom Allen. Glen Alerhan
Marc Basson, Dana Baumann, Michael Bek
man, Ellen Breslow, Mitch Dunitz, Ted E
anoff, Jim Finkelstein, Elaine Fletcher, Davi
Garfinkel, Tom Godell, Charlotte Hee
Stephen Hersh, Lois Josimovich, Tom Ket
ler Linda Kloote, Chris Kochmanski, Do
Kralik, Jay Levin, Ady Lilly, Ann Mar
Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Luben
Teri Mageau, Angelique Matney, Rob Me
chum, Robert Miller, Jim Nicoll, Mauree
Nolan, Ken Parsigian, Cathy Reutter, Je
Ristine, Anmarie Schiavi, Tim Schick, Ka
en Schulkins, Rick Soble, Tom Stevens, Stev
Stojic, Cathi Suyak, Jim Tobin, Bill Turqu
Jim Valk, David Weinberg, Margaret Yao.
News: Barb Cornell, Jodi Dimic
David Garfinkel, Sara Rimer, An
Marie Schiavi, Tim Schick,' A
Tobin, Bill Turque, Margaret Ya.
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Debr
Hurwitz, Annette Higby, Jon Pan
sius, Tom Stevens.
Arts Page: James Valk
Photo Technician: Scott Eccker

(C~S R14J
r0cr SQN,

t life support systems be removed. He
agreed that because of Quinlan's de-
t teriorated, pitiable condition his de-
cision "is not in her best interests,"
but said his decision was based on
judicial conscience.
IF HE RULED TO his own con-
science, he said,. "the compas-
sion, empathy and sympathy I feel
for Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan would play
a very significant part in the deci-.
1 It is unfortunate that the law pre-
y vented the judge from acting in be-
f half of what he saw Quinlan's best
e interests. The question of what con-
stitutes life is a difficult one and
Muir felt he was in no position to
answer it.
But the dilemma cannot be left
unresolved. Hopefully, Mr. and Ms.
Quinlan will take their case to a
higher court where a more definitive
decision can be rendered.
f Ultimately, we feel this question
e should go before the Supreme Court
- in the hopes that it will delineate
tmore exact boundaries of life and
s death.
f It is unfortunate that Karen Quin-
s lan could not die a quiet death. Her
s case has become the focus of nation-
e wide debate, and brought into the
t public spotlight an issue which has
been controversy in the medical pro-
fession for quite some time.
HOPEFULLY, THIS dilemma will be
r resolved with the Quinlan appeal
r - before another tragic medical
a case becomes the subject of public
s debate.
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
STEVE KAGAN............Staff Photographer
PAULINE LUBENS.......Staff Photographer
sports Staff
7 Sports Editor
MARCIA MERKUR ... ... ".....Executive Editor
LBA HERTZ.................Managing Editor
r JEFF SCHILLER . .............Associate Editor
orLiebster, Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson
NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, TomnCameron,
or Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer, Kathy Henne-
r ghan, Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill
r Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer, Dave Wihak
d, DESK ASSISTANTS: Paul Campbell, Marybeth
- Dillon, Larry Engle, Aaron Gerstman, Jerome
- Gilbert, Andy Lebet, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller,
Id Joyce Moy, Patrick Rode, Arthur Wightman
t- Business Staff
s Business Manager
m Rob Cerra................Operations Manager
r- Peter Caplan...............Finance Manager
we Beth Friedman... . ......Sales Manager
C Dave Pontkowsky..............Display Manager
e' Pete Petersen,.............Sales Coordinator
MANAGERS: Dan Brinsa, Kathy Muhein, Cassie
St. Clair
k ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Dave Schwartz, Bob
Df STAFF: John Benbow, Debbie Dreyfuss, Jan
3Uehinger, Denise Gilardone, Dede Goldman,
Amy Hartman, Beth Kirchner, Cathy Lasky
'a Nancy Lombardi, Katheen Matthews, Vicki
May, Judi Miller, Dennis O'Malley, Candy
Perry, Patti Persico, Debbie Pikus, Louis Sch-
wartz, Ann Marie Villeneune, Ruth Woiman
SALESMAN: Dan Blugerman, Francie Leader,
Cher Bledsoe, Joseph Kaufman, Sue Marsh,
Ollie Kesel, Jeff Goldsmith, Colleen Hogan
J /J/ Tied nrwpaper 6ybeae, 19i5

RETURNED TO town several months
back, after an extended vacation
camping out West. The thought never
occurred to me back then, while I was
sleeping out under the stars, breathing
the mountain air and sipping the crystal
clean Rocky Mountain spring water, that
once I was back I could no longer roll
out my sleeping bag in the nearest hot
spring, no longer pull out my two burner
Coleman to cook some breakfast or
make some coffee. Things don't work
that way in cities.
In other words. I came back to town
and needed a place to live, a task that
is routine in any other city in Ann Ar-
bor, where (get this) the vacancy rate in
the central campus area is 0.46 per cent,
it is a feat of almost herculean propor-
I never realized it before. I never
understood why sometime around Jan-
uary people start walking house to
house knocking on doors, asking if this
or that place is going to be vacant
come fall. In January - that's what
always killed me. They had just moved
in and now they were already planning
to move out. I always thought them
fools. But back a few months, /when I
was pounding the pavement for a place
to live, looking at the darkest basement
apartments, and small rooms in private
houses, (no pets, no guests, no alcohol,
no this, no that. no nothing), I finally
realized why.
Arbor is a crisis real to all of us itiner-
ant vagabonds who .somehow and for

some reason move year in year out,
from one hovel to the next, hoping to
find the perfect dwelling, the perfect
place for peace, contentment and medi-
tation. Instead. inevitably we find some
place with peeling walls, too little heat,
rats, cockroaches, and rents, oh my God
the rents, that force us to scrape the
very bottom of our already dwindling
accounts at Huron Valley or Ann Arbor
Bank and Trust, and are forced to move
once again the next year, hoping to find
the perfect place, knowing damn well
that such a place does not exist, at least
in this town, at least at a price we can
I was finally forced to settle, for the
basement of a friends apartment.
Now, I had been told that somebody
had lived down in this basement all last
year. When it go too cold in the winter
he used three quilts and a spot heater
to keep himself warm. To keep the
plaster from chipping all over he had
fastened some plastic over the walls. To
get some fresh air down there, he had
jammed open the one basement window.
It was dusty and damp. On my first
night down there I nearly choked to
MAYBE I WAS spoiled. The place was
only to cost me 65 dollars a month. May-
be I was used to the easy-going, fresh
air of the out of doors and had forgot-
ten what it was like to live inside. At
lease that was what I thought. But that
night I nearly died. My lungs were chok-
ed with plaster and dust. My eyes were
red and itching the next morning. I slept
late because no natural light would en-

ter my tomb. I was sick. I flipped
through my pictures of my trip out west
just to remind myself that life hadn't
always been this way. Maybe I was
spoiled, but dammit I wasn't going to
live in a basement another night.
But somebody had done it for an entire
year, the year before. People are liv-
ing in basements, attics, closets, and
dresser drawers in this town all because
there isn't a decent place where some-
one with a little bit of money, and no
time to spend searching, can afford to
In Ann Arbor, a city where over 50
per cent of the population are tenants,
people pay 33 per cent of their incomes
for rent. This is 43 per cent higher
than the expected national average. Va-
cancy rates, here, have plunged over the
past few years to where they are now
anroaching zero. Yet all this exists
while the construction of housing units
in the central 8 census tracts has vir-
tilally come to a standstill since 1969:
while the University expansion is ex-
pected by some to increase to 40,000 by
I MOVED OUT of the basement the
next day and found a spot in a crammed
two and a half bedroom anartment that
rnIX Thoend five neople. Everyone was
glad to have me. My addition cut down
their rent to a more reasonable amount.
And I was glad to be there. There were
real windows. natural light. There was a
ro^ 1 r4 -hP, stove and a bathroom. The
fact that the paint was peeling, the heat
i-q"t vet on, and that many of the
F b, f'"res didn't work, didn't bother
me. It was heaven compared to sleeping

in a basement. That's when I remember-
,ed what I hated most about living in
Ann Arbor. It's the kind of place where
not only do people consider living in
basements, but where those who don't,
regardless of where they live and what
rents they pay, think that they're lucky.
Martin Porter is a former Daily Sun-
day Magazine editor.

three independents have b
busy publicizing issues overt
last two weeks, and deba
have been held in six dormit
ies, many students are unawa
that a campus-wide election

for the polls: It's time


going on. This is too bad be-
cause the outcome of this elec-
tion will definitely have an ef-
fect on every student on this
The vote on next Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday will
place seven new full-year mem-

Weighty problems
devastate bodies
Question: I have a few clusters of very painful blisters on
my penis. What could this be?
Answer: It could be a virus infection of the genitals called
Herpes genitalis which has become a rather common occurrence
recently. This virus is a variation of Herpes simplex that causes
cold sores or fever blisters. It is not totally understood how
this virus reaches the genital organs, but the current thought
is that it is transmitted by vaginal, anal or oral-genital sex.
However there are cases of Herpes genitalis in people whose
partners show no evidence of this infection (and it has even
been suggested that it could be transmitted to one's own genitals
through nose picking when the other Herpes virus' is prevalent
in the nasal passages). At any rate, you ought to come in and
have it checked. It could be Herpes or it could be some other
type of infection.
Question: Why must a woman pay $6.00 or more to have
a 5-minute check and lab test for a vaginal infection, after
having to wait several days for an appointment, instead of
being allowed free and immediate treatment in the regular
Answer: With our hand ever on the pulse and our ear ever
on the heartbeat of student opinion, the medical and admin-
istrative staff here at Health Service have bben deliberating
on this important question. As a result, a change has just been
instituted. Vaginitis examinations will now be free of charge
in the gynecology clinic. The only charge will be for a lab test
fee. Since gynecology is a specialty clinic with a huge patient
load, there is still a day or two wait. Incidentally, males who
have urethral infections also have to pay a lab fee for a smear
(lest we be accused of sexism).
Question: How do you catch infectious hepatitis:
Answer: On the assumption that you're not going to use,
the information to run out and catch some, here's the scoop.
The most common form, Hepatitis A, is spread from person
to person through close contact with someone who has it since
this virus takes the oral-fecal route in its travels (from mouth
to anus). Persons sharing food, and kitchen or bathroom facilities
with others may occasionally become infected if a member of
their household is infected. It is now also thought that in-
fection can occur through intercourse since the virus has been
found in the vagina. Shellfish, such as oysters and clams, may
become contaminated in coastal regions with inadequate sew-
age treatment facilities and when such fish are eaten raw, the
virus may be introduced. Sometimes epidemics of infectious
hepatitis occur from accidental contamination of water supplies
with sewage. Hepatitis B is usually spread by use of needles
contaminated by an infected person when another is injected
with the same needle. The blood of an infected person is ex-
tremely infectious. Hepatitis B tends to be a more serious in-
fection than Hepatitis A and the symptoms tend to last longer.
Drug users who share a needle with others are particularly
prone to infection.
Question: Everytime I go off my diet I gain weight. This
is very discouraging. I wonder if this is peculiar to my own
body or true for everyone.
Answer: First of all, food, being a four-letter word, involves
problems like other four-letter words. Secondly, bodies are fascin-
ating machines. Each person's is unique and processes food in its
own unique fashion. However, here are some general facts: Most
people are not aware that when one goes off any diet designed
to reduce weight and resumes an increased calorie intake, the
body will tend to hold a little more water. It is therefore
realistic to expect an immediate weight gain of 2 to 5 pounds
to allow for this fluid shift. Moreover, if a person had been
on an improperly balanced reduction diet (eg., high protein and
low carbohydrate), an even greated increase of 5 to 10 pounds
can be expected afterwards. Weight loss via starvation diets
results in even more weight gain upon resuming greater food
nirnta A baanred nutritional diet rcn be desiuned to fit one's

hers on the fifteen - member
I know it is hard to vote when
one has had heard little about
the candidates or the issues.
For this reason, council mem-
bers urge everyone to attend de-
bates and to keep your ears and
eyes open to gather information
about this upcoming election.
Perhaps the most controversial
of the three ballot questions in
this election is the one which
deals with voluntary funding for
the Student Government Coun-
cil. This question was placed on
the ballot after an initiation pe-
tition was certified by the Cen-
tral Student Judiciary, despite
a suit charging fraud pending
against the group which circu-
lated the petition. Although
passage of this motion would
certainly require council to
spend a great deal of time prov-
ing its validity to the students,
its net result would be two-fold.
virtually impossible for the coun-
cil to offer the services of co-
ordinating student organizations,
offering a student information
center, a legal advocate, insur-
ance, voter registration, free

use of mimeo machine and
meeting space, and running an
election in the spring. Secondly,
the constituency of the council
under voluntary funding would
be limited to just those stu-
dents who supported it, destroy-
ing the concept of a representa-
tive student government. Fur-
ther, the membership fees of
the council would have to be at
least double.
Another ballot question pro-
vides for the adoption of sev-
eral amendments to the consti-
tution. Following the initiative
of the CSSG report, the presi-
dents of nine school and college
governments met for several
months to develop amendments
which they felt 'would make
SGC hmore representative.
These change the name of the
central student body to Michi-
gan Student Assembly, and pro.
vide a government which in-
cludes at-large members plus
a representative from each
school and college government.
The inner workings of the as-
sembly would be coordinated by
a steering committee consisting
of the officers and committee
heads of the government.

to vote
week's ballot would provide for
the establishment of a Constitu-
tional Convention, comprised of
representatives elected during
the upcoming election, repre-
sentatives appointed from SGC,
the school and college govern-
ments, the minority advocates,
as well as student members by
petition. The convention would
have as its purpose considering
"proposals for restructuring the
central student government, es-
pecially including the proposals
of the CSSG."
Complete copies of the pro-
posals will be available at the
polls and are now available in
the SGC offices on the third
floor of the Union.
This year all the members of
SGC are making a serious, hard
working effort to actively sup-
port the interests of-all students.
We are always eager to have
input and suggestions. The elec-
tion is an important,' first-hand
opportunity for each student to
have direct input on the future
of student government at Michi-
Debra Good m~n is SGC? Presi-


Letters, to The Daily

To The Daily:
thought, letters and a recent
article complain about the Esa-
len primer held two Thursdays
ago. Personally I'm troubled
that people who didn't attend
will have a negative picture of
the event beyond individual
likes and dislikes expressed.
Specifically the word "rip-off"
connotes that.
I'd like to say that it's curi-
ous to me how a free event that
anyone could have left at any
time can be called a rip-off.
I remember being grouchy at
the outset of the evening be-
cause I had found a good seat
and was in top intellectually-
detached form, and the first
thing the directors did was take
them away from me. My feel-
ing of being unfairly treated
intensified when I was asked
to take off my glasses and
touch complete strangers seated
on the floor around me. I al-
most left. What stopped me was
the realization I was afraid: of
somehow making a fool of my-
self, of the strangers I was
asked to touch.
When the sensory session was
over I felt better than I re-
membered feeling in a long
while. The reasons were simple
but very powerful: I had touch-
ed and been touched by com-
plete strangers ... and I was
all right! The fear and uneasi-
ness I always feel was gone.
I was unhurt; in fact, I was
ers. I continue to have a very
warm feeling for the men and
women I had encountered even
though I never said more than
a few words to any of them and
though I'll probably never see
any of them again.
By the time the auestion and

anld educational experiences yet.
Dan Madaj
November 12
To The Daily:
IT IS A frightening fact that
medieval despotism, repulsive
contempt for human rights, life,
and dignity, and neurotic hatred
between people still control the
fate of much of our human race.
The absurdity and utter child-
ishness of the actions recently
taken at the UN, within our
midst, make this abominably
It is a fact that many of the
countries which were flying the
banner of anti-racism were the
cruel oppressors of national and
religious minorities. Their vic-
tims include the Jews of Syria,
the Kurds of Iraq, the Christians
in Lebanon, the Christians in
South Sudan, the Biharis in
Bangladesh, the Asians in Ugan-
da, the Thus (today's BMafrans)
in Nigeria, the Bahais in Iran,
the Jews, Ukrainians, Estonians,
Azerbaijans, etc.-in the U.S.S.R.,
and many more. Yet, Israeli
Arabs hold seats in the Knesset,
Israel's national parliament.
The UN vote to call Zionism a
form of racism desecrated the
memory of millions of Jews who
were slaughtered as victims of
racism. It was a Halloween
show staged by the Arab states
and theamany despotic govern-
ments such as that of Fascist
Spain, Chile, Cuba and Portugal
juntas, and "presidents" who
acquire power through coup

was Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko's wholehearted
support of the anti-Zionist reso-
lution. It was the same Gromy-
ko who made the famous "Zion-
ist" speech in the same UN in
1947 in support of the renais-
sance of Jewish nationhood in
Western Asia. Then he declared:
"It is well known that the deep-
est feelings of a large part of
the Jewish people are connected
with Palestine. In the last war
which have a natural kinship
with Arab monarchial leaders,
the Jewish people suffered un-
paralleled torture and torments
... I do not exaggerate when
I say that these tortures and
torments are indescribable ...
Hundreds of thousands of Jews
are wandering through various
European countries seeking sub-
sistence and refuge ... The
United Nations Organization
cannot regard withequanimity
such a state of affairs, which
is incompatible with the lofty
principles of its Charter, prin-
ciples meant to protect the
rights of man irrespective of
race, opinion, religion, or sex
.. No nation in Western Europe
was able to extend the required
help to Jewish people in defend-
ing its rights and physical sur-
vival against the violent deeds
of the Hitlerites and their al-
lies. This explains the aspira-
tions of the Jews to create their
own State. It will be unjust if
we ignore this aspiration and
deny the Jewish people the right
to realize it."
better definition of Zionism.
Mitchell W. Krakauer
November 12, 1975

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Ph.r: D2F.Yu...;. ."B:d..... :s..'4... r.;... C. a ..
Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Bart (Deni), 2S3 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,

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