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October 25, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-25

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43 9t Sir $kan Dai1
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited ond.managed by students at the University of Michigan

Behavior control: Tyranny of the mind

Saturday, October 25, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Cause of death: Neglect

riculum Committees, collectively
charged with the task of deciding
the fate of the Teach-In mini-course
plan submitted to them five weeks
ago, have to date been negligent in
not granting approval of the one-
hour course.
Much of the prolonged bureaucra-
tic inaction on the mini-course has
hinged on debate over whether a
highly political event would provide
a suitable forum for a valid academic
exercise. In their initial objections
to the mini-course plan, (objections
forwarded to Philosophy Professor
William Rosenberg, planner of the
course) several Curriculum Commit-
tee members voiced reservations as to
whether students would be able to
take an objective and analytical ap-
proach to the highly subjective con-
tent of the Teach-in.
These reservations took the form
of a number of conditions for course
approval, including unspecified re-
vision of the reading list and special
sections to be held before Teach-In
wherein faculty members would pro-
vide students with guidelines for ap-
proaching the lectures "analytically".
berg views this attitude as un-
founded and degrading. In a recent
letter to the Curriculum Committee
Rosenberg countered, "Our assump-
tion is that Michigan students are
sufficiently intelligent and have.
enough intellectual discipline to deal
with what they find analytically,
emotionally, intellectually, political-
ly or otherwise objectionable.
"I find it disturbing," he continued,
"that the Curriculum Committee has
such a low opinion of those it osten-
sibly represents and officially serves."
The proposed mini-course has
been likened to a social science appli-
cation of the Outreach model. Isn't
attendance of the Teach-In and rig-
orous evaluation of its proceedings
at least as valid an educational ex-
perience as working at a day care
center for credit?
It would be ridiculous to suggest
that the LS&A bureaucracy should
have blindly approved the teach-in
mini-course without looking to en-
sure its organizational integrity and
intellectual value.
*RUT THE REAL tragedy here is that
the mini-course will probably
fall through on a question of bureau-
cratic logistics rather than of merit.
One of the Curriculum Commit-
tee's objections to the course dealt
with whether the involved faculty
members would have enough time to
News: Jay Levin, Ann Marie Lipinski
Cheryl Pilate, Cathy Reutter, Sara
Rimer, Jeff Ristine' Rick Soble,
Margaret Yao
Editorial Page: Bruce Braverman, Paul
Haskins, Debra Hurwitz, Linda
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

make the course work. Subsequently,
the committee moved to make unrea-
sonable and exceptional demands on
faculty resources in establishing con-
ditions for evaluating the course.
One condition would require facul-
ty members to, read, comment on,
and grade all papers submitted to by
mini - course students. This action
was supposedly prompted by com-
mittee members fears that the
course's teaching assistants would be
biased against those students whose
politics they found objectionable.
This notion is an insult to the
teaching assistants, both of whom
are Phi Beta Kappa and Angell schol-
ars, and an unnecessary burden on
course planners.
the teach-in issue effectively if
not maliciously has worked to stifle
just the sort of educational alterna-
tive that the mini-course concept
was designed to accommodate. When
initiated the mini-course plan was
defined in broad terms and intended
to encourage supplemental educa-
tion, not inhibit it.
The Teach-In people were given
the impression, though unofficial,
that pro-forma approval of the mini-
course proposal would be forthcom-
ing when they presented it to the
Curriculum Committee five weeks
ago. That proposal has been kicking
around ever since. And with the
Teach-In less than a week away, its
chances for approval and implemen-
tation now are practically zero.
It may not be the case that politi-
cal motives underscore the LS&A
bureaucracy's procrastination on this
issue. However, for whatever reason,
it is they who have likely killed the
Teach-In mini-course by tabling it
into oblivion.
WE HOPE THE Curriculum Com-
mittee, and its parent, the Exec-
utive Committee, will quickly redis-
cover the meaning of alternative ed-
ucation and the original intent of
the mini-course concept and grant
approval to the Teach-In mini-
course by this coming Tuesday, the
day after the next Curriculum Com-
mittee meeting.
It is a shame that we may merely
be left with the choice between too
little or too late.
S>orts Staff
Sports Editor
MARCIA MERKER.......Executive Editor
LEBA HERTZ ... .Managing Editor
JEFF SCHILLER . . . ...... Associate Editor
Liebster, Ra O'Hara, Michael Wilson
NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron.
Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer, Kathy Henne-
ghan, Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill
Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer, Dave Wihak
DESK ASSISTANTS: Paul Campbell, Marybeth
Dillon, Larry Engle, Aaron Gerstman, Jerome
Gilbert, Andy Lebet, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller,
Joyce My, Patrick Rode, Arthur Wightman

(Editor's Note: Blanche Wies-
sen Cook teaches at John Jay
College of the City University
of New York. She is a military
historian concentrating on peace
research, and will be speaking,
along with others, at the Ann
Arbor Teach-in, November 2
through 4.)
bicentennial with new knowl-
edge. Our government tells us
we cannot afford to safeguard
the health and well-being of our
citizens. We cannot secure em-
ployment, guaranteepensions,
provide small classrooms, insure
comfort for the aged or rebuild
our ruined public transit sys-
Yet the United States has a
gross national product of more
than one trillion dollars.
On what then do we invest
more money than ever before
minted, in figures most of us
cannot even calculate?
The money we refuse to spend
on social services, we are will-
ing to spend on the greatest
variety of experiments leading
toward total social control.
During the 1960's the govern-
ment hired experts to study peo-
ple who demonstrated for social
change. Although many theories
were offered, the government
favored those experts who con-
cluded that "people riot because
they are undisciplined and sick."
ON BEHALF OF that inter-
pretation, money was poured
into the old Safe Streets Act
to modify the behavior of "sick"
people. Law and order would
prevail - as would hunger, un-,
employment and garbage.
Experts continue to think in
terms of funding a multi-billion

dollar "crime deterrance trans-
ponder surveillance system:
"problem - Americans," subver-
sives and unemployed malcon-
tents. It can monitor their loca-
tions, register their blood and
adrenalin flow, and control their
behavior by computerized elec-
trical shock apparatus.
In the 1960's the Law Enforce-
ment Administrative Agency,
the National Institute of Mental
Health, the National Institute
for Neurological Disease and
Stroke and the National Insti-
tute of Health spent millions of
our tax dollars to control vio-
lent behavior surgically.
This work has been discredited

And in the long run, we are
told, the money we spend on
chemical and surgical brain
modification may prove superb-
ly beneficial.
As Professor James McCon-
nell of the University of Michi-
gan's Department of Mental
Health Research. explained in
the popular magazine Psycholo-
gy Today:
"We want to reshape our so-
ciety drastically, so that all of
us will be trained from birth
to want to do what society
wants us to do. We have the
techniques now to do it ... The
techniques of behavioral control
make even the hydrogen bomb

.:"|iW 7| .. ..A . *A:'.
s 'ac' .o4 t o -
"We want to reshape our society drastically,
so that all of will be trained from birth to do
what society wants us to do ... The techniques
of behavioral control make even the hydrogen
bomb look like a child's toy '. ."
+.. h~ ..,.:3: ~.... f v.., t ' .ct. ..:.. n. -a^n1:".:...:.i .'............ ........ . ..

toward behavior can be replaced
by "positive pleasure feelings"
t h r o u g h psychosurgery. To
prove his case, he has gene-
rously wired his patients up for
sensations that he describes as
"better than sex."
FOR HEATH, drug addicts
are not victims of poverty,
alienation, or criminal pushers.
They "have a neurological de-
fect in their pleasures centers."
Heath believes that untoward
behavior can be replaced by
"positive pleasure that can be
cured by ESB. He notes that
his patients are not troublesome
once they can "indulge them-
selves at the rate of 1,000
stimulations an hour."
Dr. Jose Delgado, the most
prominent ESB researcher, is
very specific about its potential
for social control. During the
1960's his projects were pgrtly
funded by the Air Force and
Navy. Our tax dollars enabled
him and his associates to ex-
plore such questions as:
"Could drives, d e s i r e s,
thoughts be placed under the
artificial command of electron-
With a careless disregard for,
individual freedom, personal in-
tegrity, and the fact that the
effects of brain surgery are
permanent," "sedative neuro-
surgery" has been employed to
quiet hyperactive or trouble-
some children as young as five.
IN THE United States, Dr.
O.J. Andy, director of neurosur-
gery at the University, operates
on children to reduce hyper-
activity to "levels manageable
by parents."
These operations free parents
and society from the respon-
sibility of their children's prob-

by many scientists. Follow up,
investigations by Drs. Peter
Breggin, Stephen Chorover, and
Ernest Rudin, for example, have
proved the work of one of the
government's favorite teams,
Drs. Vernon Mark and Frank
Ervin, authors of "Violence and
the Brain," to be insignificant.
Nevertheless, public funding has
continued to support the work
of behavior controllers and psy-
IT IS CHEAPER, we are told,
to, burn out brains than it is
to restore dilapidated cities and
fund total health care programs.

look like a child's toy..."
Electrical Stimulation of the
Brain (ESB) represents one of
the most sophisticated advances
in medical technology.
According to Medical World
News, Dr. Robert Heath of Tu-
lane University and former
president of the Society for Bio-
logical Psychiatry, has implant-
ed more electrodes into the hu-
man brain than anyone else.
With 125 implantations, he has
been able to turn his patients
into puppets. They carry around
"electrical self-stimulators" con-
nected to their brain's "pleasure
centers." Heath believes that un-

lems. Once lobotomized, nobody
has to consider the fact that
children reflect the environment
in which they find themselves.
Psychosurgery reinforces a so-
ciety's escape mechanism. It is
the victim's fault. In such a
society neither the family nor
violent institutions such as pov-
erty, forced unemployment or
racism are to blame.
If this trend continues, some
form of brain control may be
offered as a solution for your
adolescent daughter's or son's
growing pains, or for the un-
employed miners demonstrating
in the valley. Eventually, it -will
become as routine as a prescrip-
tion for aspirin; and just as
serviceable. In a society mov-
ing toward its own death by
economic neglect, dehumaniza-
tion is inevitable.
ing can be dismissed as science

To Ths Daily:
lates album which was review-
ed in the Daily yesterday; ad-
mittedly, it is not up to par
with his previous efforts, but it
is still a fine record and many
of the criticisms in the review
were way off blase. In nearly
every other song, Simon alludes
to his recent divorce in one
way or another (I met my old
lover/Onsthe street last night,"
"There must be fifty ways to
leave your lover," "Yesterday
it was my birthday . . . My
life's a mess") so how can the
reviewer imply that the al-
bums lyrics are impersonal
and vapidly pleasant? The
lyric passage quoted from one
song - "God bless the U.S. of
A., And God bless our standard
of living. Let's keep it that
way" - is obviously meant sa-
tirically rather straightforward-
ly, as the reviewer discerned
There are some excellent
songs on the album, notably,
the title track, "50 Ways to
leave your Lover" and "Night
Game", and, although Simon is
capable of doing better, "Still
Crazy after all these Years"
is a strong album and easily
better than 95 per cent of the
records coming out these days.
Tom Field
October 22, 1975
STo The Daily:
doning of corporal punishment
for children in public schools
(against the wishes of parents),
the Neanderthal minds com-
prising the Supreme Court have
succeeded in dragging child
healthdand welfare back to at
least the Middle Ages, if not to
their own level.
At a time when medical re-
search indicates that child bat-
tering is a leading cause of
serious injury and death for
children (if not the leading
cause), the support of this ac-
tivity in the "public's" schools
by members of "Nixon's"
court is nothing short of crimi-
nal behavior on their part.
They are materially aiding and
abetting the assaulting of chil-
dren by all frustrated adults,
hereby entitled to act out their
legal limit of displaced aggres-
In short, by this action, the
court is putting public school
teachers and principals in an
untenable position. The court is
saying that public schools are
staffed by highly trained, pro-
fessional teachers who require
4 to 10 years of University
training in order to demonstrate
to nonprofessional parents
how to teach children resect
for rules and respect for adults
who enforce these rules . . . by
beating their asses!!

girls ... and of course not just
any lad - spch as the son of
your principal or a school board
member, etc., etc.
Corporal punishment in the
public schools most certainly
does teach children a lesson in
how law and order works in
Stan Flory
School of Public Health
To The Daily:
noon when I walk through the
fishbowl on my way to class I
pass a crowd of students ser-
ried around a video-tape of the
Zapruder film capturing the
assassination of John Kenne-
dy. And always there is some-
one explaining how the se-
quence of events portrayed in
the film, viz. the violent snap-
ping back of Kennedy's head,
demonstrates beyond any rea-
sonable doubt that JFK had to
have been shot by more than
one sniper; and thus his assas-
sination was a conspiracy and
not the work of one lone gun-
man, namely Lee Harvey Os-
Now, given that this Univer-
sity is often a big, mean, and
ugly place, I've always been
glad for one thing - that ev-
eryone, as well as I can tell,
has an opportunity to evpress
their opinions; which often, giv-
en a small-town, more conser-
vative college, would never be
allowed. Yet, recently I, have
been bothered to see how edu-
cated students here at the uni-
versity can be so easily sway-
ed by the sensationalism of the
Kennedy assassination, without
really doing any reasonably in-
telligent thinking on the sub-
ject. Sometimes I think we
will go out of our way to be
independent and different as
the young liberal college stu-
dent of the seventies. So when
something controversial such as
this comes along, it is all to
easy to jump up on the band-
wagon and to hollar along with
the rest.
ANYWAY, I DON'T deny that
the course of events in Kenne-
dy's assassination are, in many
instances, extremely strange
and perhaps suspicious; and I
would agree for a new investi-
gation, hopefully headed by
someone other than Rockefel-
ler. I do not agree, though,
that any reasonable person
should be nearly one-hundred
percent convinced of a conspir-
acy by the Zapruder film or
any other evidence given to
this date.
I have the advantage of an
uncle who served on the War-
iren Commission, and who also
wrote speeches for John Ken-
nedy while he was running for
the Presidency. My uncle has
written various articles and
has sxonken to me, especially


time lag between the impact
of the bullet, seen by the spray
of flesh forward together with a
slight slumping forward of the
body, and the consequent head-
jerk backwards. But so quick-
ly afterwards that in a normal
viewing it is almost impossible
to distinguish the two events.
This phenomenon has been
theorized as a neuromuscular
reaction by some; but more
plausibly for me as a physical
reaction to the exit of the bul-

The Daily

let from Kennedy's head in
front, concomitant with the
propulsion of a mass of flesh
and bone forwards (in the well-
known jet effect of physics).
Also possibly coupled with the
car accelerating forwards.
THE POINT IS, that things
are not so clear cut as they
seem in the film. And there are
many other allegations too
which can be answered if peo-
ple would just take the time to
investigate all the facts, which

can be found.
Again, I stress my position
that I do not accept the War-
ren Report in its entirety. I
am far from satisfied with the
results. But I am not so utter-
ly convinced there was a con-
spiracy either. I'm only sad-
dened to see how many other
students are so easily taken in
by the sensationalism of this
liberal college atmosphere.
David C. Slawson

McDonald's latest adventure:
Sweet and sour hamburgers


THE EXPRESSION "as American as apple
pie" may soon become "as Chinese as apple
pie, "thanks to McDonald's hamburgers' latest
foray into global franchising.
Ignoring warnings that its food would not
agree with Chinese palates, the hamburger em-
pire has now established a foothold in this
British colony where 98 per cent of the 4.3 mil-
lion residents are Chinese.
The first store was opened this January-com-
plete with a Chinese Ronnie McDonald promot-
ing Big Macs, french fries and tea - and two
more will open by the end of this year. It is ex-
pected there will eventually be about 20 here.
Each month, the store has sold more apple
pies (about 10,000) than any other of the chain's
3,300 stores across the world. Hamburger sales
are totalling about 7,000 a day.
"We're doing better business over-all than 90
per cent of the McDonald's in America," said
managing director Daniel Ng, whom friends
now call the "Hamburger King of Hong Kong."
ald's is proving successful here while other
American fast-food imports have failed. The lat-
est and largest flop was Kentucky Fried Chicken,
which last year had to close down the 11 stores
it had opened in 1973.
Food industry experts have suggested various
theories on why Kentucky Fried failed while
McDonald's is making it big. One is poor man-
agement, including the precipitous 11-store leap
into the market.
Another is that Colonel Sanders didn't under-
stand local customs. According to this theory, the
slogan "finger-lickin' good" was a hindrance
when translated into Chinese, because the Chi-
nese don't lick their fingers during or after eat-
ing. In fact, they usually don't eat chicken with
fingers at all, preferring skillful maneuvering of
A third theory is that something in the batter
was foreign and didn't go down well with local
BUT IT SEEMS that all McDonald's products
are going down well. The taste is identical to
McDonald's in America, as is the prepar ton-
right down to the amount of grease in the french
The menu is identical, too, except for the addi-
tion of tea as a concession to Chinese eating
habits. Each item has been given an equivalent
Chinese name. McDonald's itself comes out as
"Mak Don Now" in Chinese, loosely (and promo-
tionally) translated as "to make at your serv-

pie sales aren't so high because everyone's mom
makes better ones at home. "Chinese mothers
don't know how to make apple pie, least not yet,"
he noted.
BUT HONG KONG PEOPLE don't know how
to make hamburgers either, though they've been
trying for a number of years.
That's what makes McDonald's hamburgers
seem so good here. The others, one .English-
language newspaper wrote in praising the arrival
of the golden arches, are a "stringy, rubbery
ball of hash capped by a slab of bullet-hard bun
that restaurants have the audacity to call a
Another ingredient in McDonald's success has
been the chain's cautious approach to expansion,
unlike that of Kentucky Fried.
The official campaign to introduce the Mc-
Donald's name - practically unknown to every-
one except the 7,000-member American commun-
ity - soon ended when the public relations firm
handling the account was dropped as unneces-
sary. Hong Kong is a city where word of mouth
travels faster than the speed of light, carrying
oft-heard rumors like Mao is dead.
before Ng dropped his PR firm was directed at
teenagers and children, not at the general pub-
About one-half of Hong King's population is 21
years of age or younger, and McDonald's long-
range success hinges on this group. "We ignore
the older Chinese population as we can't expect
them to eat this," Ng says.
The strategy has so far proved sound. Large
numbers of young people, who have adopted
many American tastes in fashion and music,
have flocked to the stores.
Ng, who is a 50-50 partner in the $1-million
venture with McDonald's Corp., says he will con-
tinue to expand at a slow pace. But he seems
increasingly confident McDonald's will become
a fixture in Hong Kong.
"Up until now, we've been so successful and
busy here that we've had no time to consolidate
and expand our basic operation," he said. "Now
we're getting ready to move on."
eventually move on to Singapore and the Philip-
Hong Kong was the third Asian location for
McDonald's, the first two being Tokyo (now
with 60 stores) and Guam (where what is adver-
tised as the world's largest McDonald's partici-
pated i nthe American "Oneration New Life"
for Vietnamese refugees by donating tens of




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