Arts En te rta in m ent Saturday, October 25, 1975 Page Five
(Mon6 thru Thurs. 9:00-5:00,
7:00- 10.00 P.M.)
1429 HILL ST.
RC plays melodrama
for laughs
By JEFFREY SELBST Clearly, that last remark (Act clear, in showing how, why and The only point here is that the to make sardonic comment. As
I) is meant to be Portentous. what they enjoyed as entertain- play itself provides other possi- Ferran points out, the technique-
Unmistakably, The Poor of But it was played to be, and ment. bilities; whether from deliberate is a throwback to fifty years
New York is a bad play. But Bloodgoods' aid, she realizes The other approach, taken by ambiguity or bad craftsman- earlier (than the play), but dra-
it is the kind of bad that makes that Alida means business and director Matthew Wikander was ship, we can't really know. matically effective.
marvelous entertainment. The sacrifices herself. She tells that of playing it strictly for The play was puctuated by Other items worth a note or
Residential College Players Mark that she has never loved laughs. Each is valuable in its choral interludes, performed by two: the improvisatory piano of At
know it and the audience knows him. 1 own way, and the approach' men and women costumed in Andrew Zerman, the sets of
it, and the whole thing makes I h taken here provides endless the stage garb of the day, un- Mark Zadrozny (very functional
fo ra elo u n In the instant that he realizes tesaegr ftedyu vr
for a great deal of fun i (or so he thinks) that Luc has amusement. der the direction of Peter Fer- and adaptable), and particular-
ybeen ying to him, there is in- Consider the playing up of ran. ly, the costumes of Alice Tay- Shows Today & Su"ynto13579 Oen
m . herent all the pathos such a situ- such lines as, "How can an of- The songs included "New or.
The play is a melodrama, atron a e Is ia wonder fer of money insult anyone?" York, or, What a Charming The play is to be performed
written i 1857 by Dion Bouci- that the melodrama was a popu- (Alida) or "Children! They are City," "Home Sweet Home," tonight at East Quad, 8 p.m.
spGault. In his own words, I can lar entertainment? And this is the devil in disguise" (Badger). and "Hard Times, Come Again Go.
spin out these rough and tum- h reateso it was, funny. No More," each from the time
ble dramas as a hen lays eggs. not the only scene of greater In other words, the approach period of the play and each Jeffrey Selbst writes regular-
1 "K r x~ ~ ~ ~~Itsadgrdn ocptin u complexity than would be ex-Inohrwrsthaprah(eidofhe lynd acj'
oIts a degrading occupation, but ected taken was superbly successful. inserted at appropriate points ly for The Daily
of guano than poetry." The The acting was wonderful. {p~-_ _ _
cynicism of this attitude is evi- Charles Bright was by turns
dent in the play, however, and ferocious and pathetic as the
it comes across rather as a wicked Bloodgood, and Diane 6ysr
terribly literate writer who I Dowling a joy as his imperious ,y
grinds out True Confessions to daughter. Other notable per-
make a living.' formances include Paul Wales
Ms. Morris and Mr. Bolcom In the 118 years since the as Badger, Candace Saymour Thea rmoPhone 6
Joan Morris and William Bolcom, Music School professors, play was written, many things as Lucy, and probably best of
have changed. Social Security, all, Tony Burdick as Mark Liv- Shows Today & Su
lassi prSng"d the oweg C r The welfare, and other social reme- ingstone. 1-3-5-7-9 Open
Classic Popular Song," at the Power Center. The show was dies have wiped out the middle- As the given example in Act REDFORD! DUN
a joyous recreation of the last century's classical and popu- class poverty depicted herein. III shows, there are two direc- RD
lar composers' best-known works. Coupled with the elements toral concepts that could haveL
a twirling - mustachioed villain, shaped the play. One was to
____a tender-hearted ingenue, and play it as an historical curio
a clucking Irish mother, the - period piece. This approach THE CON
(Hdplay ought to have been sim- would have made an understand- TECHNIcOLOR./A PARAMO
Im tricks,w hether you it wasn't. There was more.i-g--o--- - -s- 17 STUDENTS & FACULTY ONLY
ent them to or not Thestory is of virtubery, I* a 0 LIQUID SILVER (SHIMMERING WATERS) strung with your choice
blackmail, sacrifice, and gene- ' of turquoise, corral, heshi or mother of pearl.
B1 MARK FRIEDLANDER == rosity. Bo cicalt draws his incom e (ropped REGULAR $12.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1
characters - Bloodgood the
North As the hand above illustrates, banker; Alida, his scheming 5% last year * SILVER & TURQUOISE RiNGS
V A 9 3 this may require a spectacular daughter; Mark Livingstone, the' asa REGULAR $29.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1
KQ 0play to get rid of the pesky riches-to-rags playboy - in such-s The above is genuine INDIAN JEWELRY not a cheap imitation. I Theatre hone 6
K Q 10 honor, broad strokes that we can't WASHINGTON WP) - The YES, aenuine silver (not plated) with authentic stones.
* 6 3 ' r. r.aestre an e Census Bureau reported that LIMIT TOTAL OF 1 SPECIAL PER CUSTOMER SAT. and SU
.t,5S2 Against South's contract of ssby felpity. eca nY, . hh d e41TH at 1r ~:00-305-5:1-
six notrumpgWest led thetlaugh. But has he done a com- median household income, a key OPNTHE PUKA A1H2ESHI LOOK :
East West sxntupWs e h jack
of spade. Hoping that the plete job? Are these people indicator of Americans' stand- REGULAR $295 SPECIAL 2 for 1ft
SK 8 6 4 2 V J 10 opening leader had the king, on ytypes? adf living, dropped by nearly LOCATIONS-OPEN 7 DAYS
* 52 A 9 8 6 3 Ade laer d w frm d - n evidence of the play's emo..five per cent last year after ad-C
my. ast hoever plyedthetional dishonesty is seen in Act, justmentfoinatn.'
my. Jasthowve playedtei d Gift Shop in Marriott Inn and Win Schuler's Restaurant, Plymouth Rd. at
eeQ 10 93 4 J8 king, anIouhhaIo e (there are five). Alida Blood- The bureau said half of the 23 E
South thik his s good has persuaded her father: nation's households earned moreE
tikhspans. to restore the fortunes of the ,
V Q 7 Declarer knew he had two rtr tneso than $11,101 per year in 1974 I Downtown location. Gift shop in Ann Arbor Inn, corner of Huron and S "
4 A eclrerkne he ad wo ankuptMarkLivngsone sowhile half earned less. The me- 4th Ave. Hours 9 a.m. to 6pm
A A tricks in each minor suit, two that he'll be rich enough to wia eamnted ts Th me- tE..
4AK76 4 in spades, and six in hearts, for marry her t crease from 1973's $10,512. But 20% OFF ENTIRE JEWELRY LINE. Come in and see the latest New York 41 HUI EE
the necessary total of 12.There But Mark fortune restored, after adjusting the figures forG & Paris Fashions. 4U (FOR EVERYU
South West North East were two problems though. uses the opportunity to propose rdu t0oU
14 ass 19 pas Th sadetrikswer tag-to his true love, Lucy Fair- decrasedheuyng powe r epro Marriott 769-9800 and Ann Arbor Inn (downtown) 769-9500 (MCE O
ps 1V pass !w Thetw spade tricks were tang- -t istuelv, LuyFar inflation, the 1974 figure repre- Phon MIdCakEfo Gif
34. pass 3V pass led; to get to use the ace of weather. Alida overhears the sented a 4.8 per cent decline. Phone and ask for Gift Shop t
44. pass 4V pass spades, South would have to proposal, and after Mark leaves, IF WE RUN OUT OF A CERTAIN STYLE YOU RECEIVE A RAIN CHECK
All4 overtakesthequeen, collapsing | tells Lucy to renouncehMark or The family statistics have tra-S"
4 Notrump pass 6 Notrump passl two tricks into one. The heart ; her father will ruin him once I diionally served as barometer __________
Opening lead: Jack of A suit was no kinder, for declar- i more. I of Americans' economic wel- - - --- - ---- - - -
The bridge player's lament is er's singleton ace blocked the Lucy refuses at first, but after fare, but its coverage is limited__
"I never hold any high cards!" suit, keeping it from running. I hearing Mark say that he'd have to two or more related people
This is a logical if mostly Un- Not one to give up, South hit killed himself if not for the living in the same quarters.
founded complaint because upon a spectacular solution. Un-
high cards tend to take tricks, i der East's king of spades he
and all bridge players want to played his queen! The contract
win tricks. Honors, the highestc' could no longer be beaten. -
cards, tend to win tricks whe- East shifted to a club, but de-
Cher you want them to or not. j clarer won and led a spade- THE ATHLETE'S SHOP
It may be hard to imagine a West's opening lead of the
situation where you would not jack of spades had marked him -featuring--
want an honor of yours or part- with the ten, so South finessed Complete Line of ADIDAS
ner's to win a trick, but hands I the nine. Then he cashed the
of this sort are not uncommon. ace of spades, discarding the WHITE STAG FOOTWEAR
An unwanted honor may ace of hearts! The six top SPEEDO SWIMSUITS SPORTSWEAR
force the lead from the wrong hearts and three remaining mi- and and 0
hand, prevent the run of a suit, nor suit tricks completed the' Wan
or make it impossible to gain hand. WARMUPS ACCESSORIES
entry to your hand or dummy. When declarer's tricks areN 309 S STATE
messed up and difficult to cash, s hr BANKAMERICAR PHON AB
MARCONI GOT it often pays to throw some !B"IIII" p H
PATENT AT 24 away to save the others. The' 995-1717H95-N7E
same applies to defenders; they i
aW21-yaH o -Italia189tp too must indulge in unusual HOURS: 9:30-5 30 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY
a 21-year-old Italian set up an ply nodrt nageter9 30-9 00 FRIDAY
apparatus in a vineyard near plays in order to untangle their
B na and using grase poles tricks.?t,
inday At
at 12:45
7:15 9 20
! 45
SE in
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led to radio communications. In
the hands of the young Gugliel-
mo Marconi it progressed rap-
In 1896 the inventor secured
his first patent in Britain, and
on July 13, 1897, he received an
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been named inventor of the
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ening the patent system as a
part of free enterprise.
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