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September 30, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-30

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Tuesday, September 30, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Tuesday, September 30, 1975


Poge Three



have self-esteem


After sharing the dirty work of garbagemen for three years,
Edward Walsh has found "G-men" are happy enough with their
lot and often find their self-esteem increased because of their
Walsh, a University researcher who labored as a garbageman
in the city, Detroit, and Minneapolis, says his findings contrast
sharply with the common notion that garbagemen feel degraded
by collecting trash.

AP Photo
. ..to the sh rres of Tripoli
Carl Spencer, pedalling through a Chicago pnrk, is practicing for a cross-country bicycle jaunt
that will be held to commemorate the Mai ine Corps 200th anniversary. The 56-year-old
ex-Marine has logged 8,700 miles practicing :tor the forthcoming event, which requires riders
to carry a capsule of Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

Expert saysb
exams thw rt

Do college age women have
to worry about breast cancer?
After the discovery of breast
cancer in Betty Ford and Hap-
py Rockefeller, women all over
the country began to examine
themselves for cists or lumps.
While the disease is most preva-
lent in middle age women, can-
cer researchers agree that the
self-examination process should
start as early as possible.
"Despite the fact that they,
are not at a dangerous age, col-
lege age women should always
- every month-- do aself-
breast examination," asserts
Ruth Kummer, supervisor in
charge of work flow at the Uni-
versity Breast Cancer Detec-
tion Center.I
BREAST tissues undergo chan-
ges as the woman gets older,
Kummer feels there is a psy-
chological advantage to start-
ing early.
"Starting young develops a
good mental attitude," she says.
"Older women who have never
examined themselves until they
come to our center are very
reserved and inhibited. They
are completely unaware of
their own bodies."
Kummer cites the increasing
awareness of women as "en-

plains, it's a very simple and
painless process that takes on-
ly minutes. Doctors say the ex-
amination ;hould be performed
on the lar t day of the men-
strual peri d, or if a woman is
on birth control pills, during
one of the ;seven days when the
pill isn't ta ken.
The exa- m is performed as
-with b, tck straight and arms
relaxed at the sides, sit before
a mirror aid study your breasts
for change ,s in size or shape.
Look for puckering and dim-
pling of ti.e skin, or discharge,
or a chan ge in the nipple.
-with arms raised high ov-
erhead, Ic iok again for the same
signs or any change since the
last exan iination.
-sittint in the chair with
your hands at chin level, place
the heels; of the hands together
and pre ss to make the chest
muscles contract. Look for any
dimpling of the skin.
-Next , lie down on your back
on a be d and place a flat pil-
low or towel 13 inches under
your leoft shoulder. Raise the

left arm over your head and
rest it on the bed. Keep the
fingers of your right hand to-
gether and straight. Use a gen-
tle patting motion, feeling with
the flat part of your fingers
throughout the examinntion.
-Start at your ozeastoone
and press carefully on the in-
ner, upper quarter of your
breast, moving toward the nip-
ple. Still using the flat of your
fingers, feel the area around
the nipple.
-Next feel the lower, inner
part of the breast. In this low-
er, inner section, a ridge of
firm tissue or flesh is normal.
-Bring your left arm to your
side and with the right hand
feel under the armpit.
-With a gentle patting mo-
tion feel the upper quarter of
the breast
-Complete the examination
on your left breast by feeling
the lower, outer section of the
breast, moving from the outer
part to the nipple.
-Shift the pillow to the right
side and repeat the procedures
on your right breast.

I asques
protest oi
MADRID (Reuter) - A wave
of strikes swept through Spain'sI
northern Basque country yes-i
terday in protest of the week-
end executions of Basque sep-
Factories, schools, shops and
bars closed as more than 120,-1
000 people answered a clandes-
tine strike call issued over the
weekend by nationalists and op-
position groups, local sources
IN MADRID, the Cabinet heldI
an emergency meeting to dis-
cuss worldwide protests against
the executions of five urban
guerrillas, including the two
Basques. They were accused of3
killing policemen and were shot
at dawn on Saturday.
Legal sources in Madrid said
yesterday that up to 20 Basque
separatists arrested in a series
of gun battles earlier this month
would be court martialled this
week - and several could face
execution next weekend.
SLawyers for the Basque mili-
tants said they had been told to
appear before a military inves-
tigating judge, who will prepare;
the prosecution case, later to-,
day. They said this was the step1
immediately before a summary
A GOVERNMENT spokesman
said the trials would not be held
within the next few days, but
it nevertheless appeared to ob-
servers that the government
was determined to maintain a:
hard line and deal in its own
way with what it considers to
be an essentially domestic prob-
Local sources said the fiercely
independent Basque country,E
which has its own distinct lan-1
guage and cultural traditions,1
reacted massively to Saturday'sI
executions - the first of Basque i
separatist guerrillas.
More than 100,000 peoplet
struck in San Sebastian and its
industrial belt and 20,000 did not
turn up for work in the key in-
dustrial center of Bilbao, the t
sources said.
A GOVERNMENT spokesper-I
son said in Madrid that only 30,-
000 Basques responded to the
strike call.
Despite the Basques' show of
defiance, the government ap-
peared poised to try up to 201
separatists within the next few,

strike in
f killings
days under emergency court
procedures laid down by a re-
cent anti-terrorist law.
These procedures, which
speed up the hearing and elim-
inate appeals, were employed in
two of the four trials that led to
last weekend's executions.
THE Cabinet met yesterday
under Prime Minister Carlos
Arias Navarro to discuss reac-
tions to the executions which
have ranged from demands for
Spain's expulsion from the Unit-
ed Nations to condemnations
from Pope Paul.
Highly-placed sources said the
government was angered and
grieved but had no intention of
altering its policy.
LabornMinister Fernando
Suarez Gonzalez said before the
meeting that the government
remained absolutely calm.
THE MINISTER, speaking at
fan official ceremony, said:
"Facing terrorist crime the law
must be exercised. Even though
the carrying out of the law
sometimes produces sorrow, it
would be more sorrowful if the
law were not applied."

HIS REPORT concluded.that garbagemen are "well protected
against job related threats to their identity" and that "many of
the G-men used various facets of their jobs to enhance their
A survey of local garbagemen apparently confirms this view.
Asked about their work, many G-men responded, "I love it,"
while another remarked, "I feel I'm performing a community
The workers insist that they don't associate their job with
stigma or shame. An employe pointed out that "ninety per cent of
these guys wouldn't return if they were ashamed of their work."
City garbagemen claim there are positive aspects to col-
lecting trash ranging from "being my own boss with no fore-
man to hassle me" to "working out in the open air."
"COLLECTING GARBAGE is hard work," commented a five-
year employe. "I almost quit after the first two days." But he
says that the Sanitation Department provides an incentive plan
to make the job more attractive.
The plan allows workers to quit work early if they complete
their route ahead of schedule, with no loss of pay. Thus gar-
bagemen can be paid for a full eight hours of work after putting
rin only five.
Walsh says that a worker's conception of his social-occupa-
tional worth is influenced by "the amount of on-the-job support"
he gets.
CITY GARBAGEMEN admit that they are sensitive to public
feedback about their work. Most of them say they really appre-
ciate the periodic compliments they receive from residents.
The men also have strong opinions about people who look
down upon garbage collectors. "They don't realize that they're
the ones putting it out there," observed one worker with a ban-
daged hand. He had cut it badly and missed a week of work
after lifting an unmarked box filled with broken glass.
"PEOPLE ARE IGNORANT," he continued. "One lady even
chased me away from the faucet in her yard."
Walsh's report is critical of "work humanizers" who want
to see conditions changed, since he says workers have little de-
sire for change. In the city, the municipal employe's union has
t already secured garbagemen a number of privileges.
The biggest complaint that most local garbagemen express
concerns "Shupak," a garbage truck designed to be operated by
a single individual. Workers who drive the truck say they ex-
perience loneliness and alienation. They prefer to work in teams
on other trucks, even at reduced pay.
Walsh's study states that the garbagemen of the city, "al-
though aware -of the social fact of their job's stigma in main-
,streamsociety, seemed to ignore job status in evaluating them-

He added: "The times
which we are living are not
least bit easy."


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Legal problem stops
IRS's Bahama probe
WASHINGTON (A) - The In-f er "potential law violations" in-

Dr. Paul C. Uslan
Full Contact Lens Service
Visual Examinations

ternal Revenue Service suspend-
ed an investigation into money
flowing through banks in the Ba-
hamas because an informer pil-
fered documents from a Baham-
ian's briefcase during a tryst
the informer arranged for the
owner of the briefcase, an IRS
official said yesterday.
Deputy IRS Commissionerl
William Williams told a news
conference that officials discov-
ered that the paid IRS inform-
ant obtained the documents
from the unnamed Bahamian's
briefcase and furnished them to
IRS investigators for copying.
BECAUSE the Bahamian was
occupied at the time by a wo-
man with whom the informer
had arranged the tryst, Williams
said there were questions about
the legality of the information
obtained and used in establish-
ing cases growing out of the in-
Williams said there were oth-

volved in the investigation,
called "Operation Haven," but
he declined to provide details.
"Operation Haven" was an at-
tempt to determine whether
wealthy Americans were using
banks in the Bahamas to cover
up income and avoid paying
taxes. -
Alexander denied interfering in
any way with the investigation
in an attempt to sabotage it. He
also denied any improper ac-
tions in legal advice provided
Procter & Gamble before he be-
came commissioner.
Alexander told the news con-j
ference that news reports. re-
lating to the Bahamian banks
and Procter & Gamble incidentsj
are the products of attempts by
disgruntled law enforcement of-
ficials to harm him.
Alexander cvruirinea that ne
had advised Procter & Gamble
on an import duties case in 1972.

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Portuguese forces alerted in

ct no ol t fnr

media control

couraging," yet she maintains; 0Ll Ll I U L"I
that "we're just scratching the .U
surface. Every woman should L1SBON (Reuter) - Nearly all Portuguese
examine herself, yet every wo- army, navy and air force units went on strict
man doesn't." alert last night as troops occupying television
Last year 33,000 women died and radio stations wavered in ther loyalty to
from cancer of the breast. Ex- comraianders.
perts estimate that well over Pri me Minister Jose de Azevedo sent troops
half of these lives could haved into 1:he studios in a bid to reassert his author-
examined themselves and de- ity a ver leftist revolutionaries.
tected the cancer in its early TINE SOLDIERS handed announcers a state-
stages. menwt from Admiral Azevedo, accusing the radio
WHEN A SMALL malignant and television of "waging a provocative cam-
cist or lump, about the size of paig n encouraging seditious attitudes." But
a thumbnail, is detected and som e of the troops later refused to obey orders
removed, the chances for a - -
complete recovery are 90 per
But if that lump is allowed toM xed Bowling
enlarge to the size of a walnut
chances for recovery are only;gF-
45 per cent, Kummer says. And
she adds that once cancerI
spreads from the breast to the ABSOLUTELY LAST C
lymph glands under the arm,
it can flow rapidly through the; SIGN U P NOW
body's entire system.
But the question remains -
how and when should a woman Union Lanes
examine herself?
ACTUALLY, Kummer ex -


and sided with the broadcasters.
A spokesman for the Copcon Internal Secur-
ity Force, which organized the occupation, said
all units except those in the north were in strict
STRICT alert means that all leave is can-'
celled, guards are posted around barracks and
all civilians must leave military units.
The northern military commander, Brigadier
Pires Veloso, appealed over the radio for calm.
Several thousands demonstrators booed, jeered
and shouted "fascist" at General Otelo De Car-
valho, the Copcon commander

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ipe #111/.b


1. Find someone who has a freezer.
2. Put a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold in it.
3. Go away.
4. Come back later that same day.
5. Open the bottle and pour a shot of the
golden, viscous liquid.
6. Drink it with grace and dignity.
Or other people, if they're not around.



' i

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