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September 27, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-27

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fU4 3 r14an Dait
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Interpol: A

Saturday, September 27, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
DEA: Medieval drug policy-

AT A TIME when most of the na-
tion Is beginning to come to its
senses on the marijuana issue, feder-
al agents have taken it upon them-
selves to send us back into the dark
ages. The recent federal crackdown
on a locally based drug ring brought
more than just the usual arrests.
The city, renowned for the most
realistic marijuana law in the coun-
try, has been slandered.
The Drug Enforcement Agency has
managed to drag out well-worn slo-
gans and scare tactics which were
laughed out of conversational use
many years ago. DEA Regional Direc-
tor James Vernier scolded the city,
"This is what can happen when a
city becomes permissive of nar-
cotics." He went on to pin the blame
for drug abuse on Ann Arbor's five
dollar fine.
Vernier dug out the overly used and
well discredited' domino theory of
drugs. "The record shows when some-
one starts on marijuana there is a
progression to other drugs," he
However the opinion of this federal
agent has never been backed up by
the facts. Every panel from the La
Guardia report to the Presidential
Commission on drug abuse has failed
to substantiate this theory.
While it is true that almost all
hard drug users started by using
marijuana, very few marijuana users
end up using heroin. In fact a simi-
lar analogy shows all heroin users
started on milk.
Pinning the blame for hard drug
traffic in the city on the five dollar
fine is like blaming litter on news-
paper vendors. While chief of police
Walter Krasney safely noted "We

knew this would happen," one should
also nute the city has no budget for
direct narcotics investigation.
The five dollar fine only covers
amounts up to two ounces. Most peo-
ple who have anything to do with the
sale of marijuana are in possession
of more than this amount. The fact
that the police department does not
wish to take the time or effort to in-
vesigate drug traffic should not be
covered up by blaming the five dol-
lar fine.
A review of the drugs confiscated
in the raids lists heroin, cocaine,
PCP, speed, and some hash. If the
five dollar fine is to blame, why is it
that it does not cover any of these
It is reassuring to know that some
agency is cracking down hard drug
traffic. Yet hard drug traffic should
not be blamed on marijuana use. The
only connection between marijuana
and hard drugs is that both are il-
legal. Since both are illegal, distribu-
tion systems are controlled by the
same people.
Instead of imposing stiffer laws
for substances which are of minimal
danger to the community, a reverse
anproach should be imposed. By leg-
alizin'; marijuana, not only would
sale and control of the substance be
rut in a socially accentable light, but
it would be removed from the control
of those who are involved in the sale
of more dangerous substances.
In the mean time federal agents
and nolice chiefs should stop shoot-
ing off their mouths and start enforc-
ir'r tha laws. If laws are being broken
they have only to look in the mirror
to see who is resnonsible for failing
to enforce the laws.

of the German Gestapo and
the Nazi SS, have held key jobs
in Interpol as recently as 1973.
Interpol, pictured as a master
sleuth of international organiz-
ed crime, is actually not a de-
tective agency but a kind of
super - sophisticated electronic
intelligence network linking
some 120 member nations -- in-
cluding the U.S. - that cooper-
ate in tracking down persons
wanted by police.
Interpol today regularly re-
ceives confidential information
on U. S. citizens from U. S. law
enforcement agencies.
U. S. State Department docu-
ments about Interpol (Interna-
tional Criminal Police Organiz-
ation) - declassified earlier
this year - reveal that:
Interpol's president from
1968 to 1971 (and German rep-
resentative until 1973) was Paul
Dickopf, who until he fled Ger-
many before the end of the war,
was SS officer 337259. Dickopf
died Sept. 19, 1973.
Contrary to Interpol testi-
mony before Congress that the
agency closed down during
World War II, Interpol -
founded in Vienna in 1923 -
was taken over by the Third
Reich in 1938, and functioned
throughout the war as part of
its intelligence and police ap-
paratus. Its presidents during
these years were Reinhard
Heydrich, head of the SS intel-
ligence service, and Dr. Ernst
Kaltenbrunner, a Gestapo chief
who was later hanged at Nuren-
burg for war crimes.
Interpol's war-time head-
quarters in Wannsee, just out-
side Berlin, hosted a confer-
ence, called by Heydrich in
June, 1942, for 15 top Nazis

where the "final solution to the
Jewish problem" - mass ex-
ecution - was worked out.
Interpol was reconstituted, af-
ter the war, by F. E. Louwage,
who served on the Nazi Inter-
pol staff under Kaltenbrunner
and headed Hitler's Belgium
political police. Louwage served
as Interpol president from 1946
to 1950 ,running the office on
funds left over from wartime
Interpol activities.
nized by the United Nations as
a legitimate, though private,
intergovernmental organization
- receives direct funding from
the U. S. Treasury Department
and has its U. S. offices in the
Treasury Building. Its present
director Louis Sims is on loan
to the agency from the Secret
T r e a s u r y Department
officials claim Interpol - with
its electronic communications
linkups to police agencies in
some 120 foreign nations - is
a valuable mechanism for
tracking down international
criminal suspects.
But members of Sen. Joseph
Montoya's Subcommittees on
Treasury Appropriations -
which funds Interpol - are
worried about the agency's Nazi
connections, revealed in hear-
ings last March when a private
citizens criminal justice investi-
gation group presented the de-
classified State Department doc-
The Subcommittee's other
major concern is Interpol's ap-
parently unlimited access to
top-secret files on American
citizens, which it then passes to
foreign agencies. -

taven j
PLANS new hearings on Inter-
pol within the next four weeks.
Since 1947 Interpol, either di-
rectly or through the Treasury
Department, has regularly re-
ceived information on U. S.
Citizens from federal, state and
local law enforcement agencies
- from the Secret Service, the
IRS, :Customs, Drug Enforce-
ment Agency and the FBI down
to local police departments.
Interpol also has access to
the FBI's vast National Crime
Information Center - the- big-
gest crime data bank in the
No guidelines exist limiting
the kind of information U. S.
agencies can pass on through
Interpol to the police and intel-
ligence agencies of foreign
Interpol itself stores copies
of all information it transmits
to and from member nations in
its world headquarters in Paris.
In 1972, these central records
contained over 1.5 million files
on individuals, according to In-
terpol chief Louis Sims. The
same records also contain Hit-
ler's Jewish files, housed at In-
terpol's Wannsee headquarters
and transferred to Paris after
the war.
connection to Interpol was made
by former FBI Director J. Ed-
gar Hoover in 1946, without the
knowledge of the U. S. govern-
The U. S. had been invited
by Louwage to send a delega-
tion to Internol's 1946 annual
convention. Declassified State
Department documents reveal
that then - Secretary of State
Dean Acheson and U.S. Attor-
ney General Tom Clark both
recommended against sending

the delegation. Acheson warned
in a memo to Clark of Inter-
pol's Nazi domination.
Hoover, nonetheless, attended
the convention secretly, and was
elected the agency's vice presi-
dent. Acheson learned of Hoov-
er's action the next year, when
Interpol renewed its invitation
to the U. S. and referred to
Hoover's role at the 1946 con-
vention and his status as vice
At this point, both Acheson
and Clark appear to have ac-
cepted the FBI membership in
Interpol as a fait accompli.
Hoover continued on as Inter-
pol's vice president until 1950,
when he angrily withdrew the
FBI from Interpol after learn-
ing that Czechoslovakia, one of
its member nations, was using
it to track down refugees who
had fled to West Germany.
THE FATE OF Interpol's po-
sition in the U. S. remained in
limbo for the next eight years
until it was transferred to the
Treasury Department at the
request of Myles Ambrose.
Since then, U. S. representa-
tives have included Treasury
Department officials Eugene
Rossides, who served as vice
president from 1969 to 1973, and
Edward Morgan, who served as
a member of Interpol's Execu-
tive Committee until he re-
signed in January 1974, facing
charges of backdating Nixon's
tax records.
For years, private groups like
the World Jewry Congress have
repeatedly accused Interpol of
refusing to cooperate in any ef-
fort to track down Nazi war
criminals. In response, the ag-
ency cites its charter which
prohibits it from pursuing "po-
litical prisoners." At the same

or ex-Nazis?

Nazi SS intelligence agent
Paul Dickopf, attired in SS
track suit, 1939. Dickopf was
President of Interpol from
1968 to 1972.
time, it has justified the pre-
ponderance of Jewish names
it has on file by the claim in
its official publication that
"Jewish offenders have a pre-
ference for offenses which re-
quire the use of craftiness."
Critics charges such statements
are symptomatic of Interpol's
strongly anti-Jewish bias, and
its long history as a haven for
Nazis and Nazi sympathizers.
Peter Holden, PNS editor,
researched the Interpol story in
part through files, provided by
the Church of Scientology's Na-
tional Commission on Law En-
forcement and Social Justice.
Copyright, PNS, 1975.




Washing, the dirty laundry

sure made by the Senate Intelli-
gence Committee, it is becoming in-
creasingly clear that the FBI and the
CIA have shown flagrant disregard
for the very laws they were designed
to uphold.
Frank Church (D-Idaho), chair-
man of the committee; said Wednes-
day that the CIA opened and read
for nearly 20 years the mail of well
known groups and individuals, in-
cluding Richard Nixon and Martin
Luther King. According to Church,
all the intercepted mail was either
sent to or from Communist countries.
While al lthis was going on, mem-
News: Gordon Atcheson, Pauline Lu-
bens, Rob Meachum, Jeff Ristine,
Stephen Selbst, Curt Smith
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Adrienne
Eaton, Paul Haskins, Debra Hurwitz,
Tom Kettler, Linda Kloote, Mark
Ortlieb, Tim Schick
Arts Page: James Valk
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

bers of the FBI certainly weren't
walking around with their hands in
their pockets. Church revealed yes-
terday that the FBI conducted hun-
dreds of illegal break-ins against
"domestic subversive targets" over a
26 year period ending in 1968.
OF COURSE, these two latest reve-
lations come as little surprise to
the American public. It has been
known for several months that the
CIA regularly conducted "plainly un-
lawful" domestic spying, according
to the Rockefeller Commission which
was appointed by Ford to probe the
CIA. '
We deplore the abuse of power and
urge that there be full disclosure of
illegal FBI and CIA activities in
hopes that a complete purge may be
a step toward restoring some credi-
bility in American government.
The Senate Intelligence Commit-
tee is planning to hold public hear-
ings next month on the CIA's mail
opening program. This is certainly a
step in the right direction.

CDU hbers went to the union hall to
turn them in, she was not al-
To The Daily: lowed into the office but had
T H E R E C E N T LET- to wait outside in the hallway
TER sent to members of local for Jean Jones to see her.
2001 from some of the members CDU HAS NOT yet decided
of the Bargaining Team (B who will run for office on a
Team) is rife with misstate- CDU slate, but when that de-
ments, innuendos, and blatant cision is made it will be at am
lies. Here are but a few: open meeting where any cler-
The highly praised Univer- ical who believes in local union
sity - wide seniority system of democracy can present them-
promotions effectively locks selves as a candidate. We make
clericals into their units for- our decisions at open meet-
ever. If you are applying for a ings, not behind locked doors.
job outside of your unit, you The B team, on the other hand,
have virtually no chance of has had visions of sugar offices
getting that job unless no one dancing in their heads (with
in the unit is applying. This is 13 & 14 thousand dollar salar-
true even if you have more ies) since November 1974 after
seniority than that person. This returning from the UAW Black
wouldn't be so bad if all of the Lake Resort (Education Cen-
units were the same size but ter) Area. One of the problems
that is not the case. Some cler- has been the year-long re-elec-
icals have a chance to move tion campaign by this commit-
inside their relatively large tee.
units while others are locked The B Team would have you
into small units forever believe that CDU does not
Clericals for a Democratic want this local to vote on by-
Union (CDU) has never sug- laws. If they had bothered to
gested to clericals that decer- read our leaflets of several
tification is a reasonable option. months ago they would have
In fact we have urged clericals seen that we called for an elec-
to disregard 'that notion and tion of a bylaws committee then
work within the local for the (a request that was ruled out
changes they want. We have of order). What we object to
asked clericals not to write to is the Bargaining Committee
the local for return of their writing those bylaws. You don't
membership cards as some ask the horse thief how to se-
wanted to do. We have also cure your barn against him af-
urged new clericals to sign ter he has stolen your horses.
membership cards and get in- Why on earth would you ask
volved in their union. Last the B Team to write bylaws to
weekend when one of our mem- insure democracy, when they
Food stamps:
Theedible aid
O RECEIVE FOOD STAMPS, you must be living in a
household (house, apartment, or room with cooking
facilities) and buying food. If you feel that you are not eat-
ing properly or adequately because of financial reasons, you
should consider applying for Food Stamps.
Students are eligible for Food Stamps if their income
is within the set limits and they are not claimed as depen-
dents by non-eligible parents. If your parents properly claim
you as a tax-dependent, which means that they are provid-
ing you with more tha nhlf of your support, forget it, unless
your parents themselves are receiving Food Stamps or some
other form of public assistance. Students living in dorms
and co-ops may be eligible if they are not on a meal plan.
FOOD STAMPS ARE coupons issued in booklet form up
to four times monthly. The U. S. Department of Agriculture
runs the program through each state's Department of Social
Services. After the DSS approves your application, you re-
ceive certification (which means that you are officially reg-
istered to receive Food Stamps). In Ann Arbor, Food Stamps
can be purchased at several different banks.
The Food Stamps are bought for a certain amount, de-
pending upon the terms set up in your certification, and are
then redeemable for a higher value in food. Hypothetically,
you might pay $35 for Food Stamps valued at $46. When
you spend them you will be getting $46 worth of food. The
discount you will be allotted depends chiefly on how much
income and savings you have and the number of people in
your household.
AT LEGAL AID, the Food Stamp Counselors are avail-
. . ___ .__ .; ... A L, , ... en... nn n a al

have shown time and time again
that they don't know what de-
mocracy is? Their idea of de-
mocracy is close to Indira
Ghandi's. Fortunately for us,
they don't have the jails she
has, unfortunately for us they
have given us a contract that
acts as one.
indeed, lately refused to par-
ticipate in the B Team's "Com-
munications System". We are
too busy communicating to
clericals that they have a right
to vote, make decisions for
themselves, and the right to
question the questionable activ-
ities of their local union. Why
should we help distribute the B
Teams party line - "Take
what we say or shut up, Yer
outta order Sister"? Why
should we encourage clericals
to come to Tuesday night
meetings where they could be
told that they couldn't be told
We are to believe that the
reason we cannot line up at the
.microphone is because we push
and shove each' other too much.
Either the B Team is subject to
hallucinations or they all need
glasses, because from where
I was sitting (S feet from the
microphone) I saw that cleri-
cals were lining up in a per-
fectly courteous, respectable
manner. The real reason they
don't want people lining up is so
that they can continue to call
on people they know will sup-
port them. It is so that they can
continue to rule clericals out of
order when they don't say what
the B Team wants to hear, as
they did during the ratification
meeting with anyone who
didn't agree that it was a good
contract offer. If you disagree,
"Yen outta order Sister"
the September 28 meeting I ask
all clericals to consider the dif-
ferences between the CDU
stand on how bylaws should be
written and the B Team's quick-
ie method. Ask yourself why all
of a sudden the tortoise wants
to run (for office) like a hare.
Why are they so interested in
pushing through their version
of the bylaws? If you happen
to be lucky enough to get a
copy of their proposed bylaws
look them over carefully. Ask
yourself, do we really need to
pay union officers 2 or 3 times
what most clericals make? Why
are they asking for another bu-
reaucracy between the clericals
and the union officials? Why do
they want infrequent meetings?
Do we really want the same
people who locked us into our
units with their POP system
to lock us out of our local with
their bylaws? Would you ask
the horse thief to secure your
barn against himself?
Dan Byrne
Rackham Graduate
Sept. 22
To The Daily:
rPJV AM u T r TI'_ n ;1 _1 .n

the right to strike over local
grievances primarily concern-
ing health and safety problems.
According to the contract nego-
tiated last winter, local prob-
lems were to be resolved
through a grievance procedure,
which, however, has remained
unenforced and dishonored by
the coal operators. Rather than
fairly implementing the con-
tract, operators have relied on
court imposed fines and in-
junctions to prevent the miners
from withholding labor in re-
sponse to operators' negligence.
For soft coal miners, such neg-
ligence is a life and death issue:
the mortality rate has increas-
ed 13 per cent since last year.
To deny the miners the legal
right to strike over local griev-
ances in this situation is to deny
them the right to strike to en-
sure safety in producinng the
energy sources we constantly
rely on.

not foreign to those of us who
work for the University. All of
the local unions have been forc-
ed to sign no-strike, non-inter-
ference clauses in our contracts
with the U., in order to nego-
tiate settlements. We, too, give
up the right to strike in ex-
change for a grievance proce-
dure whose fair implementation
is as much the responsibility of
the Administration as our own
and whose jurisdiction is lim-
ited to matters specified in the
contract. As a result, striking
over any unforeseen problem
which might arise between
contract bargaining, or over
the Administration's potential
failure to equitably implement
the grievance procedure, or
over issues legally prohibited
from inclusion in our contracts,
runs the same risks and costs
levied on the soft-coal miners.
These clauses constrain the
freedom of the various campus
unions to act collectively in op-
position to the Administration
when warranted by an unfore-
seen issue in which we all have
a stake, or when warranted by
the spirit of solidarity in facili-
tating just worker - manage-
ment settlements during con-
tract negotiations.
ALL OF US who have chafed
against these restrictions over
our control over our own labor
power should not hesitate to
notify Arnold Miller, president
of the UMW, of our support for
the wildcat strikers, our opin-
ion that the union should not
penalize the organizers and
participants in the strike, and
our position that Miller, in re-
cognition oftthe legitimate com-
plaints of the rank and file,
should 1) actively seek to ne-
gotiate a right to strike clause
over all grievances not resolv-
ed by the operators, 2) counter
sue the coal operators for fail-
ure to implement the griev-
ance procedure and to correct
serious safety and health haz-
ards in the mines, and 3) make
every effort to force operators
to honor the grievance proce-
dure a it now stnnds

To The Daily:
YOU KNOW, I'VE heard
about government agencies that
pay people for doing literally
nothing. It's something that can
well be imagined in these days
of bureaucratic wastes.
As Dorothy declared in The
Wizard of Oz that she need not
travel beyond her own back
yard to discover life, so too,
one need not travel far to find a
classic example of administra-
tive wastes at our own dear
University. Namely, the new
Temporary Employment Of-
fice at the SAB. I needed assist-
ance locating part-time em-
ployment so naturally that's
where I went for possible job
referrals. I had expected to be
interviewed, tested for typing,
etc. In short, tested for job
As it happened, th proce-
dure was a simple application
which did not seem proper, but
I was desperate enough to go
through with anything, even
nonsense applications. As I
filled out the form I heard a
woman ask the secretary when
she would be contacted about
a job. The secretary answered
that it was the woman's re-
sponsibility to watch the bul-
letin boards in the office and
find employment herself.
fused as she mumbled her
thanks and walked out the door.
I then asked the secretary,
"Can't a person just keep post-
ed about job openings on cam-
pus and not fool around with
these applications?" When her
answer wasaffirmative, I asked
her why the forms were neces-
sary. Her response was that a
student is not eligible for Uni-
versity employment without an
application on file withtheirsof-
fice. I informed her that she
must have her information
wrong because I know several
people who are now working for
the University and that not one
of has a file with Temporary
Employment. She snapped back,
"If you have a job already, why
are you making out an applica-
Isn't it nice to know that our
money is used in such a frugal,
intelligent manner? At a time
when vital, realistic programs
like Project Community face
cutbacks forcing them to utilize
one motor vehicle for 50 field
projects, it's a crime that
monies are channeled into a
new office which does nothing
but waste time, 'paper, money
and office space.
As we pay more to attend this
school, as the people-oriented
departments are altered due to
budget cuts, and as threats of
still more cuts loom ahead, it's
good to know that the Univer-
sity is busy thinking of all sorts
of delightful ways to bureau-
cratize our money.

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