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September 13, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-13

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Saturday, September 13, 1975

Page Two
Ford promises to 'meet the
people' despite threats on. life

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 1 3, 1975

CRISP wilts
'under crush

(Continued from Page 1)
it from dangerous dependence
on foreign oil and until govern-
ment regulations on business
and people are overhauled.
Ford was asked during an in-
terview about bulletproof vests.
"I don't think I should dis-
cuss whether I do or do not
wear anything or whether I do
or do not do something that in-
volves my security,"' the Presi-
dent replied.
ON OTHER subjects, .,the
President told his interviewers:
-Nelson Rockefeller has "done
a far better job as Vice Presi-
dent than I could possibly have
expected." He said he assumed

the delegates at next year's Re- be better alternatives to court
publican national convention will ordered busing, including better
renominate him.! school facilities, lower teacher-
-Asked if former California pupil ratios and better neighbor-
Gov. Ronald Reagan would be Fhoods.
an acceptable running mate: Ford then addressed the 95th
"We're all in the Republican annual Nationalist Baptist Con-
party and that will be a decision vention in St. Louis.
made by the convention." The audience of more than
10,000 applauded when Ford
-All details of the U.S. com- called for a "communion of
mitments to Israel and Egypt Americans," of all races and
in the Middle East agreement creeds, to build a new and bet-
will be made public. ter America as the nation enters
-The United States and Soviet its third century.
Union have held some prelimin- "Equality . . . is not yet a full
ary discussions on the possible reality for every American, I
exchange of Russian oil for am sorry to say."
American wheat but he had no Ford said that minorities and
specifics at this time. women still do not participate.
-On busing, Ford said the court equally in employtient, nor do
has decided this is one way to they share many economic, so-
achieve quality education. "That cial and other resources of the
is the law of the land and my nation
administration will uphold that
BUT FORD felt there might

AP Photo
Presidential wave
President Ford waves to a crowd at the St. Louis airport yesterday as security officers sur-
round him. Later in the day a man with a gun was seen in the hall where the President was
to speak.


protest 'busing

a r Aigiouiar 5srie. of origAlAL cualurl cventi
c C
frot Vartio1 .5piritua comtnitc3-
A Musical Meditation
With Instruments from Around the
Earth. Seeking to Make a Fragment
of Christ's Love Visible Through
Music, Sounds, Silences, and Move-
ments Inscribed Upon the Air.
Michigan League Ballroom
Sunday, Sept. 14
8:00 p.m.
THE TREES GROUP is a Christian, monastic-styled
community based at the Cathedral of St. John the
Divine in New York. They compose original music
emploving over 50 instruments from around the world
to interpret musically the texts of Scripture and iov-
ously proclaim the Christian faith.
_ ri iid0
ike cplw 9 p 4-tdigent nounh6-Lo6
annarbr, dLci5Ln 1810$ "tctephorte 665-0606

By The Associated Press tests. and the courts," said Mrs.
Hundreds of women staged' President Ford, in an inter- Hicks, a staunch busing oppon-;
anti-busing marches in Boston view in St. Louis, urged Bos- ent. "Now we have gone to a!
yesterday - contrasting with a tonians to obey the law but re- much higher court."
quiet school integration scene in peated his opposition to busing.
Lo lles the first Meanwhile, most remaining IN HYDE Park, about 300 wo-:
ful eek of busing inboth areas restrictions on anti-busing pro- men wearing armbands with
ended tests in Louisville - Jefferson "U.S. Mothers" printed on them
! ,.of....,n;C.t ened we .An1AA :.f V e. L^ -^JUU^^-F ^'-^'Lri A ^

high schoo
both blackE
been suspi
South Bost
the mother
tributed to
restless da


County were lifted and 100 of the walkXE
M o t h e r s' organizations in 400 state police called in to help dozen
South Boston, Charlestown, stem disturbances last weekend ing"
Hyde Park and the North End were sent home. tione
staged prayer marches, recit- 3 Scho
ing the Rosary and praying be-' LARGE demonstrations were Ab
fore statues at churches and on allowed, but there still were re- Char
front lawns along their routes. strictions on gatherings along John
busing routes. The Kentucky an
PATRICK BRADY, a Boston National Guard remained on n
police department spokesman, duty and school buses still car- !bA
estimated that 1,300 to 1,400 wo- ried armed escorts. by
men pushed baby carriages or } End
me d b c e o About 700 South Boston wo- for a
carried infants in peaceful pro- men, led by City Councilor ingf
Louise Day Hicks holding silver busin
Rosary beads, recited prayers
and carried American and Irish SC
flags as they marched to a Ro some
man Catholic church near South Soutr
Boston High School. Mino
"We have pleaded our case on Wedr
_____ every level of the government f'Soutt

.ed to another cnurcn. H
n man with' armhandG read-

nis -WIk --- aur --i' said there
"U.S. Marshals" were sta- tween gro
d near Hyde Park High blacks, bu
ol. juries. On
out 250 to 300 protesters in suspended
lestown marched to St. { slur in the
's Church singing hymns Disturba
chanting the Lord's Prayer. out each n
nerican flags were carried gan - esp
nany of the 75 to 100 North town secti
women who blocked traffic day night,
bout 10 minutes while pray- youths set
for- peace and an end to and trash.
ng When p
reportedthe youth
HOOL officialsreported bottles, b
minor racial clashes at were repo
b Boston High yesterday. bombs we
r clashes were reported town this
.nesday and Thursday at Police Cd]
b Boston and Hyde Park diGrazia.

is. Twelve students-
s and whites - have}
ended for the racial
ster William Reid of
lon High School said
s' march Friday con-
o what he called "a
y" in his school. Reid
were two fights be-
oups of whites and
at there were no in-
e white student was
for making a racial
nces that have broken
night since school be-
ecially in the Charles-
on - continued Thurs-
as groups of white
fire to felled trees
olice were called in,
is threw rocks and
ut no serious injuries
rted. Twenty-two fire-
re found in Charles-
week, according to
mmissioner Robert J.

(Continued from Page 1) - MORRIS stressed that a ma-
CRISP's founders and imple- f or goal of CRISP was to allow
CeItors while not absolvine students to have greater control
thmse es fr m blm ao g of the classes in which they
nthmselvestfro blmetoy' were placed. If the system
point to a pattern of student pro-works as planned in the future,
crastination, departmental ir- he claims this goal will be ac-
responsibility,' and a lack ofcmpihd
knowledge of the registration Tcmplhe d.
process as being largely ac- "Tes ssa y "T er
countable for CRISP's long lines, success," Morris said. -"There
. were problems that could have
THEY ARE confident that the been headed off and some that
knots in the fledgling system couldn't have been. The facul-
can be untangled. But, they say ty has a responsibility to main-
that some lines, at least, are in- tain courses as they were of-
evitable. No system, they claim, fered. A number of students
can be expected to handle suchdidn't bother to advance clas-
an undertaking as the Univer- sify and under CRISP that be-
sity's registration without a de- comes a problem."
gree of delay and inconvenience. Wooley said that the crush
Administrators have high was due largely to the fact that
hopes for CRISP's future. students did not take advantage
Among the possible solutions for of the summer-long availability
the system's problems are: of CRISP. He blamed this on a
-Allowing students to drop- I lack of publicity and the com-
'add by mail;I mon practice of waiting for last
-Installing CRISP terminals minute course changes listed in
in cities such as Flint and De- the final time schedule.
troit for greater registration Many departments, Wooley
convenience during the summer; claimed, caused last-minute
-A program of publicity for foul-ups by making late changes
encouraging students to regis- in course times. He emphasized
ter ahead of the first-week rush. the future need for priority sys-
ASSOCIATE Registrar Doug- tems decided upon by individual
las Wooley, one of CRISP's departments in order to avoid
chiefs, assigns blame for last the problem of students from
week's lines to a range of par- every class and credit situation
ties. descending on CRISP all at
"CRISP is a University sys- once.
tem," he said last night. "In Wooley defended the system
order for it to work properly all on several grounds. He claimed
segments of the University com- it was an improvement over the
munity are going to have to co- old Waterman Gym system,
operate on this." which involved a mire of stu-
Assistant Academic Affairs dents consulting representatives
Dean of the College of Litera- from every department about
ture, Science, and the Arts the availability of courses.
(LSA) Charles Morris, who "I'M PLEASED," he said last
served as chairman of the night. "I think what you have
CRISP Implementation Group, to do is compare what we're
offered a slightly more skeptical doing now to what we had be-
appraisal of the system. . fore. What's going to help is
"I wasn't happy with what putting more through with thr
was going on," Morris said yes- equipment we have. When wd
terday. "I don't think the total can do that, we'll be able to
system (including students, move them through at a very
registrars, and departments) good clip. For . the purposes it
r worked well. If that's what it's was designed for, it worked
going to be like, I'd like to see well. The things we have to do
1us go back to the old system." f are outside CRISP."

A f i n e songwriter,
tasteful guitarist, and
a good banjo picker as
well, Charlie Chin is
deeply concerned with
the Amerasian move-
ment and reflects this
in his music.
1421 HILL

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Student ID.Card
and enjoyj
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Woman suffers stroke;
ends up in jai l despite pleas


Murnane, 54, was felled by a
stroke while waiting for a bus.
For the next 14 hours, she
languished in a city drunk tank
because no one would believe
she was sick instead of. intoxi-
SHE WAS still unconscious
when two patrolmen picked her
up and took her to the city jail
to "sleep it off."
She regained consciousness be-
hind the bars of the women's
cell block.
"I'm not drunk, I'm sick,"
she kept pleading as she re-
gained consciousness for fleet-
ing moments. She was told to
go back to sleep.
MS. RONALD Freund, her
daughter, b e c a m e concerned
when Murnane didn't come home
from work Wednesday night and
began calling the morgue, hos-
;.. -1. --A +1%.n m ii a n r n f

At the same time, Murnane intensive care unit of St. F
was being hauled before a city cis General Hospital. She
magistrate-at least 14 hours af, 1 reported in serious co;,
ter her stroke. yesterday.
She said she was sick but the
magistrate said police didn't
find any medication in her purse, Be*carefu with
so they assumed she was drunk.'U
"IF YOU can walk, you can There are babe
go," the magistrate said. "Call .
your people and have them pick inthe woods.
you up."
The intoxication charge was
dropped and Murnane was al-
lowed to call her daughter.
"Four of us went down to the
station together," Freund said.
"When we got there we couldn't
find her. The police said they
didn't know where she was.
"WE FINALLY found her I
about half an hour later sitting
on a bench in another part of
the building. She was conscious
but I don't know if she recog-
«.-..i ....,. ... «.a "



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to Hilton Hotels Fulfillment Dept., Suite 200, bureau As they were leaving the po-
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And the promise for the future is stag-
Wouldn't you feel good knowing you


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