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September 13, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-13

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 9

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 13, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Lottery numbers
If your lottery ticket says 049 and 770, you can
stop worrying about the worthlessness of your
college education and start planning your trip to
the Bahamas because you have just won the Michi-
gan lottery. If your number of 770269, you automa-
tically qualify for the next million dollar drawing.
If you win that, my telephone number is available
at the Michigan Daily office. The $1 triple play
number of 702887 and gold game number is 542
Friday's number is 542.
iHappenings . .
. . . today are not voluminous. The 3rd Annual
Ethnic Fair is now in full swing from 11 a.m. to
11 p.m. on the Main Street Promenade. It is spon-
sored by the Multi-Ethnic Alliance and the DBDA
in co-operation with the City of Ann Arbor. Enter-
tainment is from 5 p.m. until closing . . . There
will be an Asian-American Student orientation, dis-
cussion, and social sponsored by East Wind at the
University Ecumenical Center at 921 Church
Street . . . and presidential hopeful Senator Harris
will be buzzing through the Midwest today and to-
morrow. He will arrive at Metro Airport at 7:30
p.m., and speak at an organizational meeting for
the Southeast Michigan campaign at the Summit
Athletic Club on 321 W. Michigan Avenue in De-
A recent survey of 1,500 Stanford University stu-
dents revealed that "supermen and superwomen"
generally are less intelligent ,have lower creativ-
ity and more emotional problems than persons
who possess traits of both sexes. "High feminity in
females consistently correlates with high anxiety,
low esteem and low self-acceptance," Prof. Sandra
Bem wrote in Psychology Today. "And although
high masculinity in males has been related to bet-
ter psychological adjustment during adolescence,
it is, often accompanied during adulthood by high
anxiety, high neuroticism and low self-accept-
Stick it in your ear
Women, have you seen the movie Dumbo ten
times but just aren't sure why? Does a portrait of
Vincent Van Gogh leave you feeling half empty?
Are you whispering sweet nothings in your man's
ear just to get a closer look? Well, you men might
not believe your ears, but a drummed up study
by a British researcher revealed yesterday that
women like their men with well hung . . . ears.
Dr. Ivor "Flonny" Felstein of Manchester voiced
his earful in the medical weekly "Pulse." He said
the audio apparatii are "subconscious symbols of
male sexuality" which have been satisfying the
female lobeido for "thousands of years." But
Flonnv annarently didn't want women flinning
over him so he failed to mention the size of his
own in the study.
Deep Throat
Citizens who complain that vice squads only eat
up precious tax dollars probably never knew how
right they really were. Police in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, charged a 22-year-old woman with prosti-
tution, but don't have any evidence because she
swallowed it - $20 of the city's presumably hard-
earned tax money. Police said the hungry hooker
agreed to have sexual intercourse with a vice
soind detective for $20. But in a scuffle that oc-
clrred at her arrest, "she bolted down the bucks.
The woman was charged with battery, resisting
. arrest. nrostitution, and, or course, petty larceny
for the lost money.
Papal picklock
A man in Valetta, Malta said he tried to rob a
church to see if there was a God to stop him. The
doubting Thomas was convinced when he tried to

saw off a lock on the door of Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart in Sliema. He said the blade "sim-
ply wouldn't get in the gap between the glass door
and the side woodwork. Some force which appear-
ed to he coming from inside was pushing the blade
back towards me." The 37-year-old native of Ald-
ershot, England testified he was a Roman Catho-
lic who recently had some doubts about his faith.
He said he tried to nrove to himself there was a
Gd to ctnn him if he attempted to do anything
wrrn. -t ian taking anything from the
church, but the religious experience was also a
r;- a- th" man wns charged with trying to
-tenl -il-r ornaments and iPwels from the church.
Now he'll say if Cod is rallv on his side.
On the inside .. .
. . Snorts nage's Kathy Henneghan previews to-
day's MSJ vs. Ohio State game , . . Editorial page.
features Attica four years after the fall by Marc
Basson . . . and Arts Page offers a more intellect-
"al annronch to the game of bridge.
On the outside .. .
T~~~v--t~~~- 'T1.+.1 + -- in a c n h, rA h t f

One inmte dead in Nashville riot

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (/P) - One inmate is dead
of stab wounds and state officials yesterday said
10 other inmates were shot by guards during a
riot at the Tennessee State prison. Another 26
persons were injured, two of them guards.
The disturbance was sparked by the substitu-
tion of bologna for pork chops on the prison
ASKED IF guards shot the 10 inmates, Correc-
tions Department spokesman James Gilchrist
said, "I think unquestionablynthey did. Thecity
police were not armed, no firearms were found
among the inmates and I think all of those who
suffered gunshot wounds were shot by about a
dozen guards who had shotguns."
The dead man was identified by Gilchrist as
Anthony Satterfield, 25, of Chattanooga, who was
serving 20 years for armed robbery.
Satterfield's body was found on a cell floor by
a guard shortly after noon yesterday, he said.

GILCIIRIST said a preliminary report showed
Satterfield was stabbed eight or 10 times and
his throat was cut. He apparently bled to death,
Gilchrist said.
The disturbance, which resulted in an esti-
mated $60,000 in damages, began at dinner
Thursday night. It was the second disturbance
to hit the 75-year-old facility in five months, said
During those months three inmates have been
stabbed to death.
REPORTS on the number of injured fluctuated
during the day yesterday as officers regained
control of the facility.
The disturbance spread among about 350 of the
2,160 prisoners after an inmate complained when
bologna was offered to a large group of inmates
who were near the end of the line for the evening
meal. Pork chops were served to those who ate

Prison menu sparks skirmish

A guard on duty in the dining room answered
the inmate's complaint and a fight between the
two developed, said Acting Warden Robert Mor-
ford. He said the incident angered other inmates,
who began throwing trays.
THE INMATES then spread into the prison
yard and broke into the commissary, prison of-
ficials and inmates said. Other groups of priso-
ners were out of their cells but confined in cell-
block areas.
Inmates claimed Morford started firing an
hour later at a cellblock where prisoners were
standing, but Morford said he fired the four
shots into the air.
Morford, who was the object of inmate criti-

cism at a negotiating session between officials
and inmates during the disturbance, took con-
trol of the prison in July after Warden Jim Rose
resigned. Morford promised at the time to keep
tight control.
HOWEVER, the commander of the city police
department's patrol division, Glenn Bowers, said,
"Chief Joe Casey told us not to take weapons."
Bowers said city patrolmen took only riot sticks
and billy clubs with them when they entered the
"Forford has a get-tough policy," said inmate
Leroy Bracey, serving 20 years for armed rob-
berv. "He's got an enemies list."
"This demonstration was sparked by a pork
See ONE, Page 8




p eople'

d es pitl
ST. LOUIS UP) - President
Ford began a three-state cam-
paign sweep yesterday and said
it is his job to meet with the
American people. But, he de-
clined for security reasons to
say whether he wears a bullet-
proof vest while mingling with
Ford's comments came as St.
Louis police reported chasing a
man who was carrying a .45-
caliber pistol from a catwalk in
an auditorium where the Presi-
dent was to speak an hour later.
The man escaped and police im-
mediately launched a search.
There also were two bomb
threats at the auditorium. A


small box was removed from
the building, but it contained
no explosives.
FORD SAID he had "no in-
tention of allowing the govern-
ment of the people to be held
hostage at the point of a gun."
He made the statement in re-
marks prepared for a regional
White House conference on do-
mestic affairs.
It was Ford's second full day
before the public since 26-year-
old Lynette Frommd pointed a
gun at Ford one week ago in
Sacramento, Calif. She was sub-
dued by Secret Service agents.
Presidential security has been

heavy since the California
threat. In New Hampshire
Thursday, when Ford cam-
paigned for Republican Senate
candidate Louis Wyman, secret
service agents surrounded him
at all times and there was strict
police control of crowds. The
President appeared to be wear-
ing a protective vest as he
plunged repeatedly into the
crowd to shake the hands of
well-wishers along a motorcade
IN A QUESTION and answer
session at the conference, Ford
criticized Congress again for its
free spending policies.
"I hope Congress will realize
that it is the principal contribu-
tor to inflation in this country,"
the President said.
He vowed to continue vetoing
bills which he thinks are infla-
FORD SAID that the educa-
tion bill, which he vetoed re-
cently and was overridden this
week by Congress, will add $315
million to spending this year
and $800 million next year. He
added that proposed congres-
siopal programs could propel
this year's budget deficit about
$10 billion above the $60 billion
projected deficit.
Ford's prepared remarks list-
ed what he consider good news.
on the economic front, including
1.5 million more workers on the
job and a slight drop in unem-
ployment since March, a 5.6 per
cent annual rate rise in indus-
trial production in the last two
months, and recent rises in per-
sonal income and retail sales.
"I'm not saying all our trou-
bles are over," Ford said.
THIS WON'T happen, he said,
until every American who wants
to work has a job, until America
has an energy program to free
See FORD, Page 2

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Adventures in good eating
Ann Arbor's Ethnic Fair is for young and old alike. Food, folk dances, and ethnic bands are
among its many features. The traditions of 20 ethnic cultures can be discovered at the Main St.
promenade today until 11 p.m.
Demand spurs Michigan to
print more football tickets

Incensed freshmen marching on the ticket of-
fice and demanding justice. Hordes of frustrated
high school band members piling into Michigan
Stadium on top of student ticket holders. Anger-
ed alumni crashing the gates at the Ohio State
Oh, the nightmares of Michigan's ticket office.
VTSTONS of all this and more must have ap-
neared in the mind of ticket manager Al Refrew
when student tickets ran out at 2:30 on Wednes-
d "-r afternoon. 28.000 tickets had been sold.
However 2000 new sets of tickets are being
nrinted, so first year priority ticket holders who
s' ll lack the precious stubs need not panic.
These tickets will be available Tuesdy morn-

ing at 8:30 at the ticket office on the corner of
State and Hoover. Tickets should include both
the Baylor and Ohio State games.
IN ORDER to make room for the surplus num-
ber of students the ticket office will have to send
away some of the high school bands scheduled
to come to band day at the Baylor game. It also
will refund money " for requests for some tickets
to the Ohio State game.
So, you can rest assured. You will not have to
suffer through the Ohio State game in a warm
room in front of the tube with a beer in hand.
All students will be able to sit in the cold and
wet, behind a goal post or far up in a corner,
drinking from a paper bag, and clutching grate-
fully to the priceless ticket stub.

Mass exodus
More than 5,000 Chicago teachers are walking the line in front
of the Board of Education offices. The striking Chicago Teach-
ers Union heard their union president tell them that there is
money in the budget to meet their demands.


Registration was different this
The lines, instead of circling
Waterman Gym, stretched out-
side the old Architecture build-
ing. Inside, a computer and 30
terminal operators j u g g l e d
courses and hours. It all had a
funny name - CRISP - short
for Computerized Registration
Involving Student Participation.
And everybody said it would be
faster than Drano.
It wasn't.
STUDENTS stuck in five-hour
delays for registration and Drop-
Add complained about the long
wait as much as they have any
other year.

Deadly mushrooms
Experts warn of dlangers

The mushroom has always been con-
troversial. To some it's a delicacy well
worth its expensive price tag. But to
others it's a bad fungus that has spoil-
ed more than one perfectly good pizza.
And sometimes it can be poisonous
and even fatal. That was the case for
an expert mushroom picker from Oge-
maw County who died Thursday at the
University hospital from mushroom
poisoning. Charles Raslich, 75, was
stricken early Sunday in his home.
11OW COULD an expert mushroom
nicker make the fatal mistake? A hos-
pital sookesman said that Raslich's

ity there are about 1200 varieties. Of
these ,about 50 are known to be seri-
ously poisonous, Smith said. And he
warns that it is difficult to distinguish
between edible and poisonous varieties
and often possible only with a micro-
A hospital spokesman said doctors
are urging mushroom lovers to buy
their mushrooms from the store. And
Smith warns people not to eat any-
thing not identified by its correct Latin
FOR THOSE still determined to pick
and s-felv eat their own mushrooms,
a PonrqA entitled Mushroom Identifica-
t' n is hing offered through the Uni-

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