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October 28, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-28

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Page Four


Thursday, October 28, 1976








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The following symbols will be used to indicate the party of the candidates: (D) Democratic; (R) Re-
rpublican; (HRP) Human Rights Party; (AlP) American Independent Party; (SWP) Socialist Worker
Pa rty; (SLP) Socia list La bo r Pa rt y; (USLP) U.S. La bo r Pa rty;' (L) Li Berta ria n

unemployment taxes abortion gun control defense spending B-1 bomber south korea
_Favors the main aim of Calls present tax structure opposes abortions personally.- Advocates limited registra- Advocates a cut In defense Proposes delaying production Says ground troops in
Humphrey-Hawkins bill, says "a disgrace to the human Does not seek a constitu- tion of handguns. Doesn't spending of $5 billion to $7 of B- bomber, should be withdrawn
i there could be nearly full race"; says he would redis- tional amendment to outlaw favor registration of "long billion, by cutting waste, 4 or 5 year period,
employment by end of his tribute part of the tax bur- abortions. guns of any kind." getting rid of surplus offi- with about 1,000 tactic
term, favors direct hiring in- den to benefit lower and cers, changing some troop clear weapons.
centives and more federally- middle income taxpayers but deployments.
funded job training. not reduce overall govern-
ment revenues.
Opposes government-financed Proposes a $10 billion tax cut F a v o r s a constitutional Opposes any restriction of Ford's defense secretary has Supports production of B-1. Opposes any pullback
jobs; proposes tax incentives to be combined with spend- amendment to allow each gun or gun owners; advo- indicated that present $111 S. Korea
for industry expansion in ing cuts; favors returning state to write its own abor- cates stricter punishment for billion defense budget would
h I g h uneniployment areas; any budget surplus to the tion law, gun-related crimes; proposes likely top $121 billion next
seald rdays unemplyment will still taxpayers; would raise indi- banning c h e a p handguns year under a Ford adminis-
be a serious problem by 1979. vidual exemptions from $750 (Saturday Night Specials). tration; Ford says Carter's
to $1,000. proposals would weaken the
There should be full employ- Steeply graduated income tax Every person's choice. Against. Drastically reduce. No bases Against. Withdraw troops wi
Margaret W right ment in the public sector. is needed. Against sales and on foreign soil. Spend only aid to that dictators
Some of the industries which property tax. enough to have a militia to with other dictatorshi
are closing or Shoving south defend our shores,
should be taken over by lo-
cal governments.______
Launch an e m e r g e n c y Stop the billions paid to the Supports. Opposes cuts in No response Eliminate $115 billion war No response End all U.S. aid to di
government - financed public rich in interest paymentson Medicaid funds which would budget and use funds for ships such as Suth K
Peter Ca eja p p)works program to end - the federal debt. Increase restrict the access o lower osadsca evcs
employment. Cut the work- corporate taxes. income women to abortions. mantle U.S. bases and with-
week to 30 hours with no re-or ces s
duction in pay to spread out abroad,
available jobs._ _
Favors a shortened work Allow more deductions for Considers it an Individual No response Favors cutting $25-30 million No response No response
week or work year, there- individuals. Federal govern- moral choice.m3s,
fore distributing more jobs to ment should take over the
more people. collection of individual and
. corporate t a x e s, refunding
(In titm ey to state and local gv
ernments to eliminate double
Other candidates appearing on the ballot are: Julius Levin (SLP), Lyndon LaRouche (USLP), Roger MacBride (L)
economy unemployment defense spending detente equal rights amendment abortion national health4
Advocates a balanced budget Strongly supports job-train- Has voted to cut the budget Supports continuing to im- Strongly supports. Would support a constitu- Any program "would h~
as a means of combatting in- ing bills to get people back five percent and to cut troop prove the relations between tional amendment to prohi- be based on the presei
flation, Less industries should to work. Opposes the Hum- levels overseas. Favors the B-1 the U.S. and the Soviet Un- bit abortion on demand. Ad- tem" of private doctor
be regulated by the govern- phrey-Hawkins bill because it bomber because he says it ion vocates better family plan-
"free market system" to op- planning. option to wage a "limited
erate unhindered. war."
Places emphasis on regional Thinks Humphrey - Hawkins' Says defense cuts are "essen- "Its better to talk than Strongly supports. Would oppose a constitution- Strongly favors the Ke
economic planning. Says that is a solution but that the tial" and would eliminate the fight." But adds that the U.S al amendment. Feels we Corman health ins
Dd g DMichigan pays out more taxes U.S. should target for less B-1 bomber to help pay for should watch out for its should abide by the Supreme bill.
than it gets back and that than three percent unem- increased social programs. strategic interests and try to Court decision.
this is the reason the state ployment. Would stop competing weap- protect the moral interests of
economy is in poor shape. ons systems people in other countries
Other candidates not listed above are Theodore Albert (HkP), Paula Reimers (SWP), Frank Girard (SLP), Peter Signorelli (USLP), and Bette Jane Erwin(W .
unemployment notional defense national health abortion environment energy educational funding gun control
IUnemployment Is number Supports substantial cuts in Strongly favors. Hopes to Favors Supreme Court deci- Supports plans to conserve Suppots increased federal Favors ban on $a
one problem. Prefers creating the military budget. Wants take major role in writing sion which respects women's energy. Wants to commit role-wants to get away from Night Specials and lic
jobs in private sector but our allies to contribute more bill. right to choose. Opposes con- more federal resources to ex- funding through property of all other handguns.
would use public service jobs to common defense. stitutional amendment. ploring alternate forms of en- taxes.
as last resort. Supports Hum- ergy such as solar energy
phrey-Hawkins concept.__
Favors stimulation of private Supports strong national de- Opposed to National Health Personally opposed to abor- Wants national priority to be Wants no strings attached S u p p o r t s constiti
sector jobs but would sup- fense at approximately pre- Insurance Plan. Instead calls tion and the Supreme Court the development of solar en- federal revenue-sharing. Sup- amendment for citiz
port emergency government sent levels but believes for clinics run and controlled decision but believes there ergy and other non-polluting ports absolute local control own arms for persona
jobs action. Does not support wasteful programs can be cut by people at local level, should be flexibility for cases energy sources. of education. tection and hunting.
Humphrey-Hawkins program without undermining nation- such as rape and incest, like to eliminate Sa
because it is inflationary. al security. Night Specials.
Other candidates not listed above are Philip Carroll (HRP), Ronald Ziegler (USLP), and Lawrence McKenna (L).I
IS S U E S legalization of legalization or raising drinking state appropriations Proposal A, banning, Proposal C, limiting seafarer proj
gambling decriminalization age to 21 for 'U throwaways - state spending
of marijuana
"I basically support most le- Supports.- "I obviously oppose raising "We have to work very hard "I'm a strong supporter of Against. "It will cripple state "I'm opposed on the II
galized gambling. Not dog the drinking age to 21." to avoid continued pressure A." He co-sponsored the bill, funding for the University that military necessity
-Don the U-M Budget. We need and other public needs." proved. Also the enviro
Perr Bullard c pressure to meet the need of tal dangers"
the students.
Opposes, but would support Supports decriminalization. "You can't raise the drinking Favors increase. Priorities Supports. S u p p o r t s. Governments No position yet.
- if it could be shown that age without raising the age should be re-ordered to ac- should be able to live writhii
C h D etih R}money gained would offset of majority." complish this, a budget."
Scost of dealing with problems a
associated with gambling.__
Against it. State should not against drugs of all In favor of raising drinking Would favor if extra money Supports. Supports. "The state is not Opposes.
be getting Into the act of kinds. In spite of what some age, would be used to benefit stu- spending money for constitu-
promoting gambling. people say, I think it leads dents instead of increasing tional purposes.
to hard drugs." professors' salaries.
Supports. Says it's a victim- Supports. "I'm against It. It's stupid "Basically I don't believe in Against It. "We don't believe "I'm thoroughly in sympathy Against it. "It hasn'
less crime, that an 18 year old can't buy state universitiest Vocational in prohibiting capitalistic acts because I don't believe in shown to be safe, an
GessdcrlmeLliquor, but a friend can buy training should ibe paid for between consenting adults, taxes. But that's the wrong potential violation of p
it for him." by the companies that use It's discriminatory, unjust, way to go about it. We property rights."
G rald W olKe L the skills." uneconomic, and an insult to should turn government over
people who don't litter." to private organizations.
Another candidate listed on the ballot is Carol Burke-Fonte (HRP).

over a
al nu-
hip as
ave to
nt sys-
ens to
l pro-
is not
t been
d is a

IS S U ESaffirative action minority enrollment top 'U' priority alternate funding, other optimization of teaching how to keep tuitio-
(hiring) programs than state talent in undergrad
- - - di F dera government. Jimmy Carter Proposes that the University com- Get more money from fe

dAown -
deral goi-

Gerald Dunn (D)
Earl Gabriel (R)
R. NdrarInder (Rl

We should assume leadership role
in setting standards for recruit-
ment of women and. minorities.
There should be careful review of
recruitment policies on a depart-
mental basis.
From all indications, a program I
would have no trouble with.

Pursue original commitment o f
Board, expand our efforts to reach
the minimal 10 percent factor.
'U' must provide financial and
scholarship asistance, opposes any
kind of quota system,
Part of our affirmative action pro-
gram, seek qualified students to at-

Adequate and equitan e unang,
tuition rates entirely too high, fed-
eral and state governments must
assume greater burden,
Better financing and better input
of dollars from state and federal
are s.
Financing and utilization of resour-
ces is our most critical priority.

reae goeiuirL , uiyut
administration should be conducive
to receiving more aid from the feds.
Have to evaluate sources, if you go
to the federal government, make
sure there are no strings attached.
I'd rely on the expertise of the staff
that feeds Regents funding infor-
In order for University to maintain
exxcellence, go to federal govern-
rnent for aid also, seek support

munity begin discussions as to is-
sue of teaching optimization,
Must have more full rank profes-
sore in frosh and sophomore class-
rooms; but when you do this, you
have to locate additional funding.
Re-evaluate tenure requirements,
but we should have more professors
in undergraduate classrooms; should

ti..ac:y ;S1 V1p iV 1 wv.aa.a. w 2q
ernment to keep tuition down.

Don't think there is a way to keep
tuition down -unless the U' gets
greater outside support; should seek
endowments, etc. to offset lack of

Continue to pursue affirmative ac-
tion programs at the'U', seek quai-

Maintain tight controls on the Uni-
versity's fiscal situation, seek Out-
side support so tuition will renmain

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